Akutagawa x Reader [Nakahara...

By my_ff_r_cringe

87.4K 3.1K 1.7K

A story where Nakahara Chuuya has a younger sister, y/n. Y/n and Akutagawa have met each other when they were... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Another non chapter sorryyyy
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 19

1.6K 65 42
By my_ff_r_cringe

A douse of water was thrown onto me making me gasp, coughing as water dripped from my hair and into my eyes.

"Wake up, you bitch." Someone said as I breathed heavily, blinking away the water running down my face, looking up and stared at Yutaka.

"Not this again..." I mumbled as I sighed, trying to remember how I got here.

After, Akutagawa...


He had confessed.

So I had knocked him out, again, and ran away.

I didn't know whether to be glad or not that I wasn't near Akutagawa.

Probably the latter in this case.

"What do you want?" I asked as Yutaka scowled at me.

"You are going to pay. Years of work and information were in that building." Yutaka said as I grinned a little, remembering how I had indeed blown the place up after Akutagawa and I left.

"You had already set it on self-destruct." I pointed out as his green snake-like eyes narrowed.

"Because you were meant to die with them." Yutaka hissed out.

"Sorry that you didn't get that." I muttered, already knowing what would be coming.

"Oh, but I will. Right here." Yutaka said as I winced internally.

My arms were chained behind my back, which were also chained to the wall.

The chains must be the same ones from last time, the weird, deadly chains that can nullify abilities.

I didn't like the feel of it.

To feel so powerless and weak.

If only I could get free of the chains, I could take them down.

I surveyed the room quickly.

It was the opposite of the room I was held hostage in before.

This room was old and rusty, and it was stained with blood.

I grinned, not showing him the fear he wanted to see, despite my heart lodging up in my throat.

"Give it your best shot." I said as Yutaka smirked, sending shivers down my spine.

"Oh, we will." Yutaka said, moving to the tray of equipment laid out on top.

I winced, trying to ready myself for the torture he was sure to bring.

"You see, we've already started on someone else." Yutaka said, my blood running cold as the the cell door was opened, showing the two thugs that had beat me up earlier.

But my eyes weren't on them.

It wasn't them that made my blood run cold.

No, it was Akutagawa that was held in their grasps, blood running down from the wounds all over him.

He slowly lifted his head up, pained grey eyes searching around the room before landing on me, eyes widening in shock.

"Y...Y/n..." Akutagawa rasped out, just the way he said my name told me how much pain he was in.

"Akutagawa..." I whispered out.

- - -

Apologies for such the short chapter :))

Sike, you thought that was really the end? NEVER!!!!
(Haha, I feel cruel, sorry but carrying on)

- - -

"Akutagawa..." I whispered out, still trying to process the reality of him being here.

I had said how I should be worried that I wasn't near Akutagawa.

But right now, I was praying to whatever god there was, that this was all a sick joke.

Akutagawa was shoved into the room, forced onto his knees, coughing up blood as I stared at him.

His back was on full display to me, and it made me wince.

Blood caked his skin and there were so bruises all over him, cuts adorning his chest and back too.

"Why are you here?" I whispered out, eyes wide in fear as he breathed heavily, each intake of breathe had to be painful.

"We were able to find him. He was out looking for you, and he did put up quite a fight but we eventually got him." Yutaka said as he kicked Akutagawa in the ribs, making him fall to the ground.

"Leave him alone." I said, voice shaking as I drew my eyes away from Akutagawa.

"Do whatever the hell you want to do to me, just leave him out of this! He didn't know!" I said in panic, not quite sure why I was protecting him.

"Don't... touch her." Akutagawa rasped out, my eyes widening in shock.

"No. Stop. Don't protect me." I said to Akutagawa who grit his teeth, staring up at Yutaka with anger, hate and defiance reflecting in his eyes.

"If you lay one finger on her... I will kill you." Akutagawa said, completely ignoring me.

"No stop it! Don't try and protect me! I said leave him out of this, okay?" I asked, panic building up in my chest as Yutaka stared at me, a faint smile on his lips.

"What's wrong, y/n? I thought you didn't care about Akutagawa?" Yutaka taunted, grabbing a knife, walking towards Akutagawa as my stomach plummeted to the floor.

"I-I..." I didn't know what to say.

I thought I had never cared for him.

We had always hated each other but...

When Yutaka burrowed that fucking knife inside Akutagawa's back, I snapped.

"STOP IT!" I shouted, pulling on the chains so hard that it made a loud noise.

Yutaka's eyes widened in shock as I was on my feet, glaring at him with fire in my eyes.

"Touch him, and I promise that your death will be the most painful you have endured." I said, watching as Akutagawa panted heavily in pain.

None of us moved, the only sound was Akutagawa's painful rasps before Yutaka started chuckling like a maniac.

I only continued to glare at him as he continued to laugh before smiling at me with such malice, I couldn't help but tremble a little under the psychopathic glare.

Maintaining eye contact, I watched as he raised the knife and slammed it into Akutagawa's shoulder, making him shout in pain.

"Fucking leave him alone!" I shouted, trying to get the chains off my wrists.

I felt fucking helpless.

Yutaka grinned, pulling the small blade out and sauntered to me.

"My, my, Y/n. Who would've thought?" Yutaka asked as he grabbed my chin in between hands splattered with Akutagawa's blood.

I shot him a glare and just bit his hand as hard as I could.

My teeth pierced through skin, canines digging even deeper.

I had canines that were longer than average humans, which had been awful when I accidentally bit my tongue a few times but right now I was pretty damn grateful they were long as I bit down even harder on his hand.

Yutaka screamed in pain, slapping me across the face as I let him go.

I spat the blood out, watching as Yutaka cradled his hand close to his chest in rage.


I quickly swiped the knife he had dropped closer to me and continued to glare at him as he glared back with equal fire in his eyes.

"You bitch!" Yutaka shouted as he winced in pain, blood running down his hand.

He punched me with his other hand, making me fall on my ass as my finger wrapped around the knife as I fell.

Quickly, I played with the cuffs around my wrists, determined to get them off as soon as possible.

Grabbing another knife, completely forgetting the one he had dropped, he stalked towards me and slammed the knife into my thigh.

I refused to scream in pain, biting down on my tongue hard enough to draw blood.

"I will kill you first. So slowly. And I'll be sure to make your boyfriend watch every step." Yutaka seethed out, turning the knife in my leg, burrowing it even further, making blood leak out.

The chains slipped off my wrists and I moved immediately.

Grabbing his hand, I wrenched the knife out my leg, wincing in pain slightly but ignored it.

Yutaka's eyes were wide with shock as he didn't have time to move as I flipped him over my shoulder, slamming him into the ground.

The air left his lungs, rendering him speechless as I twisted his arm around so that his face was now on the ground, hands pinned behind his back.

Flipping the blade in my hand, I slammed it into his back around his shoulder, deep enough that the tip of the blade poked out from the front.

Yutaka screamed in pain as I pulled it back out, leaning close to him.

"I will kill you. I'll make you suffer so much, you wish you had never met me." I growled as Yutaka's eyes widened in fear.

I ignored his pleas and slammed the blade into his right hand, pinning it to the ground.

A scream echoed through the cellars.

I used my wind manipulation, glad that my ability was working as I kept him pinned down.

I grabbed three more knifes.

Another through his left hand.

Another scream.

"P-Please!" Yutaka screamed in pain as I ignored him.

I slammed the last two into his ankles, making sure to use the extra force to slam them into the ground.

From all this, he wouldn't be able to walk.

I wanted to do more, make him bleed until the room was bathed in his blood but right now, Akutagawa was in dire need of help.

I glanced at Yutaka for another second.

"I'll be back." I promised before rushing towards Akutagawa.

"Akutagawa..." I breathed out, kneeling down in front of him.

Panic bloomed in my chest as I didn't get a reply, not even a twitch of pain as he continued to kneel on the ground.

However, the tightness in my chest disappeared as I saw his eyes flutter open.

"Shit, Akutagawa." I said as he slowly gained consciousness again.

His eyes focused onto me as I nodded.

"Hey, do you see me?" I asked as Akutagawa nodded slightly before eyes widening in shock.

"Who's blood is that?" Akutagawa asked as I raised my hand to my cheek, seeing it smudged with blood.

"It's yours, dumbass." I said as Akutagawa looked around the room, eyes falling on Yutaka who was still groaning in pain.

"Did you-" He started as I interrupted.

"I did. But that doesn't matter, we're taking you to the hospital." I said as I walked behind him, using my wind manipulation to carefully snap the chains off his wrists.

His hands fell to his side as he slumped forward.

I caught him before he could fall down.

"No, no, no. You're not dying on me now." I said as I made sure not to touch his wounds.

Akutagawa mumbled something under his breath as I leaned in close.

"You're bleeding." Akutagawa mumbled again as I frowned.

"Wait, Y/n. You're bleeding!" Akutagawa said after processing those words as I looked down at the nasty stab wound in my thigh.

"Akutagawa, have you seen yourself?" I asked as Akutagawa stared at me with angry yet concerned eyes, it made my heart skip a beat.

Shut up, Y/n.

"No, no arguing." I said as Akutagawa glared at me but I poked him in his ribs lightly, yet he still winced in pain.

"Okay, come on." I said as I slung his arm over my shoulder.

I used my wind manipulation to help distribute the weight, suppressing the pain it caused my leg to be in.

Honestly, I felt bad to be in pain after what shape Akutagawa was in.

"Hey, you stop right there!" Someone shouted as I turned around to see at least a dozen guns behind us, pointing their guns towards us.

"I'll spare you all if you leave." I said in a deadly voice as they didn't listen.

They opened fire as I used my ability to stop the bullets before they could even get close to us, the clink of bullets falling to the ground and the gasps were heard before I turned my rage towards them.

I slammed all of them against the walls with a sweep of my arm, before swiftly snapping their heads or crushing their wind pipes.

Not a single one was spared as I glared at them with fire in my eyes.

I moved as quickly as I could, destroying anyone who came across my path.

I was exhausted by the time we made it outside.

"Shit." I mumbled, knees trembling.

"Leave me." Akutagawa rasped out as I closed my eyes.

"No." I said sternly.

I used my ability to wrench one of the doors open.

"Get in." I ordered as Akutagawa winced before moving into the car.

I ran to the other side, opening the door and clawed the control panel open, trying to be as gentle as possible but I doubt it would take long for the Black Ravens to find us soon.

I had barricaded the front door, but it wouldn't last long.

"Damnit." I hissed as I grabbed the battery and starter wires, connecting them to get the power running.

"Come on!" I said, and cut the other starter wires.

"Shit!" I said as I accidentally touched the ends of the wires, shocking me.

"Slow down!" Akutagawa said in a pained voice.

"We don't have the time!" I said as Akutagawa rolled his eyes.

"No, Y/n. We have all the time in the world." Akutagawa said sarcastically.

Akutagawa said sarcastically.

"My god, you've lost too much blood." I said as Akutagawa scowled.

However, the car finally started as I exclaimed in triumph.

The sound of the door being broken down made me look up as many members poured outside with guns.

"Shit!" I shouted as I put the car on reverse.

"Gun them down!" Someone shouted as they opened fire.

Using my wind manipulation, I stopped all the bullets before they could hit the car as I turned around.

Driving in reverse, I wove around trees.

I had absolutely no clue where I was going but it didn't matter, as long as we got away.

Bullets struck the car, breaking through my shield as I growled in frustration.

Taking my foot off the gas, I spun the wheel around, the entire car spinning as well.

I applied some force to the break, making the car rotate even faster and we were facing forward.

Immediately, I put the gear to second and slammed my foot on the acceleration pedal.

The sound of the bullets faded as I sighed in relief, glancing up at the rear view mirror.

"Where are we going?" Akutagawa asked, forcing the words out as I glanced at him.

His chest was caked in dry blood and his skin was purple from the beating.

"Hospital." I said as Akutagawa leaned his head back against the head rest.

I kept my eyes on the path before I saw a road up ahead.

I turned the car, skidding onto the concrete and drove off.

Could this day get any worse? 

- - -

Haha I love writing this story so much.

Apologies for what I did but it was worth it :))

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