Sorrow | Dune | Gurney Halleck

By victoriat90

67.1K 2.3K 101

Soft downy feathers against my filthy, sinning scales your beak against my ear breathing desperation and desi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five

Chapter Forty Six

937 23 0
By victoriat90

When Gurney discovered his wife she was standing over the table in the dining hall. One hand held a cracker while the other ran along a piece of fabric laying on the table. She was still dressed in one of her nightgowns with a robe pulled over it. Her hair fell in its natural soft waves around her face and the tiny beginning of a bump holding their child was starting to show. He observed her in silence at first, but curiosity got the best of him.

He wanted to know what she was looking at. On the table laid a flag. It was green on top, black on the bottom and in the middle of it was a red harp. Next to it laid the banner version of it. Two rings made from silver were on a smaller pillow. Gurney instantly recognized the rings to be his ducal ring. It would be how he signed official papers.

"What do you think?" Mildred asked when she noticed Gurney standing next to her. "I designed it all myself."

"I like it. I suppose it's partially an ode to your father and House Atreides?" He asked.

She nodded her head. "Yes. The green and black represents me, obviously. I picked the harp because of your love for music. Halleck and harp start with the same letter too. It's all about symbolism."

He picked the bigger of the two rings up, but didn't put it on. That would happen at the official ceremony. It was a simple ring with an 'H' written in cursive. Next to the rings were two pins that would be worn on labels of military uniforms. The pins were silver in color and shaped like the harp on the flag.

"This is my last day to submit the designs to the artist. I just want it to be...perfect and have your approval." Mildred said.

"It has my approval." He assured her and kissed her temple. "I see it's crackers for breakfast again."

"Yes, your child is making me sick. Again." She hadn't minded being pregnant thus far aside from the horrible morning sickness she had.

He chuckled and knelt down in front of her. He brought his hand up to her stomach. "Be nice to your mother. She gets angry when she doesn't eat."

"Gurney..." she trailed off with amusement.

He pressed a kiss against her growing stomach and stood up. "Perhaps I have something that would make you feel slightly better."

From behind his back he pulled out something bound in a thin fabric. He placed it in her hands and she slowly unwrapped it revealing a worn, blue book.

"Nursery rhymes?" She asked reading the title.

"Evidently people used to read these books to children. I thought we could start reading to our child."

She reached up and kissed him. "Thank you, Gurney. It's perfect. I'll add it to my collection. They'll be as scholarly as their father."

"And as canny as their mother." He spoke. "Your family will be here soon."

"Which means I need to make sure all the preparations have been made. Well, first I need to put on something more suitable. Are we doing the full military greeting?" She asked.

"Your brother requested that we didn't. He just wishes to see us." He said.

She gave one him one last kiss before disappearing to their room to get ready. Her mother and brother had not been back to Caladan since before they left for Arrakis and she knew it was going to be an emotional return. It would be her sister's and Chani's first time though seeing the beautiful planet. She slipped on a simple gray dress and pinned her hair back. Her brother, the now Emperor would not care about formalities. Her mother would probably scold her for not dressing up.

She stood with Gurney outside the landing platform. A soft rain was falling, but Mildred didn't mind. She had come to enjoy it more. Her family would only be staying for a few days; long enough for the official ceremony making Gurney and Mildred Duke and Duchess. Like them, her brother was quite busy. She stood with anticipation as their modest sized transport landed. She expected a larger one due to her brother's new title, but she had been wrong.

The door opened and Paul was first to step down with Chani by his side. He wore a dark colored uniform with green and gold stitching. It encompassed both House Atreides and the Imperium. Chani wore an elegant gold dress, much different from the stillsuit she always wore. Behind her brother was Princess Irulan with a scowl on her face. Mildred had secretly hoped that Paul would not bring her, but that was not her decision. Her mother and Alia walked side by side, but when Alia saw her older sister, she ran to her.

Mildred knelt down and let the wise beyond her years toddler attack her with a hug. Over her sister's shoulder she could see her mother fighting back tears. Even her brother seemed slightly emotional from seeing his birthplace. Chani seemed to marvel at the night of so much water. Mildred stood up straight again and nodded her head respectively at her brother.

"Emperor." Mildred said with a teasing tone. Paul cracked a smile and drew his sister in for a hug.

"Welcome home." She added.

"You look well," Paul noted. "You both do."

Gurney placed a hand on Mildred's lower back. "We are well. I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for me."

"Nonsense. I would like to see our father's burial site. Could you have a servant take Chani and Irulan to their rooms?" Paul asked.

"Of course." Mildred said.

Jessica stepped forward. "I would like to join Paul."

"You don't need our permission. This land was yours before it was mine." Gurney spoke.

The day of the ceremony Mildred felt similar to the way she did when she married Gurney. Nervous yet excited. There was also a sense of sadness. She always knew the day she became Duchess would be because her father had passed away. It still did not make it any easier. She wished her father could be there, watching her. Watching everything Paul had done as well. At the end of the day, she just wanted to make him proud.

This was the day she had been dreaming of since she was a little girl. It was better than she expected. Not only was she becoming a Duchess, her husband, her Gurney was going to be given a title as well. She figured she would have bestowed a title on him regardless. She watched Gurney button up his military jacket while she sat at her vanity trying to do something with her hair. He appeared almost nervous as he attempted to pin the House Halleck pin to his collar.

Mildred stood up and walked over to him to assist. She smiled up at him while reaching up to adjust the pin. "It was crooked."

"What would I do without you?" He asked, looking down at her with his brown eyes.

"Well, you managed to survive without me before. I think you could manage just fine." She said while running her hand along the buttons. "Do you have a quote for me today?"

Gurney thought for a moment. "Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. It is precisely that simple and it is also that difficult."

"I like that one. Gurney?"

"Yes?" He could see her struggle. He knew today would be a particularly emotional day for her, but he also knew how strong she was. Her eyebrows knitted together as she fought to find the right words.

"All those years ago, when we first met, I would never imagined it would end this way. I probably would have laughed in the face of the person who told me that I would fall in love with you, but I am damn glad I did. I don't regret any of it. Not one bit." She took his hand. "And I'm elated to be sharing this journey with you."

"You always saw, see, the best in people, Mildred. It is a quality I admire about you. You make everyone feel important. You are selfless and kind. It has been an honor being your husband. I promised I would stand by your side and I intend to keep that promise." His voice was soft.

He drew her in for another kiss, knowing at any moment they would be ripped apart until the ceremony. Mildred rested both of her hands on his chest while his wrapped around her waist. The door opened of their room without warning and they both broke away from the kiss. 

Sara stood there. Her cheeks turning bright red. "My apologies. I-I'll just wait outside."

"No, it's alright. Mildred needs to get ready I suppose." Gurney said before turning back to his wife. "I'll see you in a few hours."

"You will." She said with a smile and watched him leave.

After he left, Sara brought in the dress she had chosen for the occasion. It was red in color. The sleeves were long and made of intricate lace. It had a deep v-neck with scalloped edging. The skirt of the dress was made of a beautiful satin and started at her waist, flowing out which gave her room for her growing stomach. Some of the dresses she wore were becoming uncomfortably tight. Sara took her time to pin Mildred's hair up showing off her face and neck.

Both Gurney and Mildred would wear a gold, woven headpiece, similar to a crown for the ceremony. They needed a hairstyle that would not take away from the beauty of the headpiece. Finally after hours of meticulous work, she was ready. Just as she stood up to leave her room to join Gurney, Sara returned with a worn envelope in her hand.

"This came for you." Sara said.

"Who is it from?" Mildred asked curiously.

"It doesn't say. I'll wait for outside." Sara excused herself.

Mildred ran her finger along the sticky part of the envelope and tore it open carefully. When she unfolded it, her heart stopped. She instantly recognized her father's handwriting. She swallowed thickly, trying to compose herself so she could read the letter.

My Millie,
As I sit here writing this letter, you're twelve years old. You're a wild, spirted young woman with the biggest heart. This is a good thing, most of the time. You've just left my office after telling me you almost beat Gurney Halleck in a fight. You had the widest, most proud grin on your face. I'm sure you'll remember. At least, I hope you do. I could go on and on about my favorite memories of you, but that isn't what this letter is about.

If you've received this letter it means I have passed away and you are about to become Duchess. I know you may be sad or scared or nervous, but don't be. I have always believed in you. I always will. Over the years many people asked me if I was concerned that the next leader of House Atreides was a girl and I always said 'no.' I know you will be a good leader. You love the people just as much as I do.

Mostly, I hope you're happy. I hope you found someone who loves you. I hope you have many children who are just as free spirited as you are. I hope you know that you are never alone. I will always be with you, watching over you. I love you, my Millie.

Love, Your Father

Mildred felt fresh, hot tears falling down her face. They were happy ones of course and slightly mournful. She cherished seeing her father's handwriting again. She could hear his voice in the back of her head as she read. She folded the letter up and left it sitting on her side table before wiping the tears away. Sara was going to kill her for ruining the make up she spent time on. She walked out of the room and started heading for the Great Hall.

Outside of it stood Gurney with one of the Heralds who would be conducting the ceremony. Next to the Herald was a younger man with a pillow holding the headpieces and rings. Two guards also stood outside the doors holding the banners that Mildred had designed. Gurney looked up and had his breath taken away at the sight of his wife. She always looked beautiful to him, but she was even more beautiful in circumstances such as this.

He gently kissed her cheek as she approached him and he could feel a bit of wetness on them. "You've been crying."

"Don't worry. They're happy tears I assure you. I'll show you later." She assured him. "Are you ready?"

"I am. You?" he asked.

"Yes." And Gurney nodded at the guards to open the doors.

He offered her his hand to take and she did so. The sound of trumpets sounded as the doors opened noting the arrival of the Duke and Duchess. The room was packed full of people. Hundreds and hundreds of people. She didn't even think the Great Hall could hold so many people. As she walked, she made the effort to look at as many people as she could, but her eyes always went back to Gurney.

At the end of the carpet sat her family. Paul. Her mother. Chani. Alia. They all beamed at the two of them. She caught her brother's eye and he shot her a playful wink. For a second, she pictured the two of them playing as children. Then she remembered where she actually was as she descended the stairs where two seats sat.

The Herald stood in front of Gurney and Mildred and addressed the crowd. "Emperor Paul Muad'Dib Atreides, Lady Chani Kynes, Lady Jessica, people of Caladan, esteemed guests, we are here to witness the crowning of Gurney Halleck and Mildred Atreides-Halleck on this most Holy day. Please be seated."

Mildred and Gurney both sat down in their respective seats. The young man holding the crowns and rings stepped forward. The Herald leaned over to pick the headpiece up before stepping in front of Gurney.

"Do you, Duke Gurney Halleck, accept this crown as a symbol that you carry the decisions of House Halleck in your head?" The Herald asked.

"I accept." Gurney's voice sounded through the hall.

The Herald placed the headpiece upon his head and Mildred fought back a small smile. She had never seen her husband wear anything so ornate. The Herald picked the ring up and turned back to Gurney. "Do you accept this ring on behalf of House Halleck, pledging your life to it?"

"I accept." Gurney said and the ring was slipped onto his finger.

"Do you swear to uphold the laws and constitution created by the Imperium? Do you swear to govern, protect and love House Halleck to the best of your ability?" The Herald asked.

"I, Duke Gurney Halleck, solemnly swear to do so."

The Herald then turned to Mildred with the crown meant for her. "Do you, Duchess Mildred Atreides-Halleck, accept this crown as a symbol that you carry the decisions of House Halleck in your head?"

"I accept." Mildred felt the light weight of the headpiece placed upon her head.

"Do you accept this ring on behalf of House Halleck, pledging your life to it?" The Herald asked.

"I accept." Mildred said and the ring was slipped onto her right hand where she once wore her father's ring.

"Do you swear to uphold the laws and constitution created by the Imperium? Do you swear to govern, protect and love House Halleck to the best of your ability?"

Mildred felt her heart rate increase slightly. This was it. This was the moment she had been waiting her entire life for. She had trained. She had learned. She had done everything she could to be ready for this day. Her eyes found her brother, who stared proudly at her. Then her mother, who had tears in her eyes. Her sister, her mischievous little sister who appeared bored. The empty spot where she imagined her father to be seating. Somewhere in the back she could imagine Duncan Idaho making faces at her, trying to make her crack a smile.

Finally, her eyes landed on her husband. Gurney Halleck. The man she fell in love with years ago. Her rock. The person she loved more than anything and anyone. This was her moment. She straightened up in her seat. Drew her shoulders back and spoke in a commanding, sincere voice.

"I, Duchess Mildred Atreides-Halleck, solemnly swear to do so."

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