Ben10 human girls x male read...

By gentelmanbeast

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Series of oneshots including human females from Ben 10 series. More

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Female Ben 10000 x Male reader
Nega Bene x male reader
Nega Bene x male reader part 2
Helen Wheels x male reader
Bad Gwen x shy male reader
Eunice(Unitrix x male reader)
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Valentine day
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Trina x Male Reader
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Female Circus freaks x Male Reader
Female Bird vilians x Male Reader
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Female Forever knights x Male Reader
Female sumo x Male Reader
Female Sublimino x Male Reader
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Anniversary #1
UpGwen x Male Reader
Female Dr.Animo x Male Reader
Gwen harem x Male Reader
Perfect day pizzza workers x Male Reader
Tigris (Nyancy) Chan x Male Reader
Female Ben x Shy Male Reader
All That Glitters victims x Male Reader
Female Cops x Male Reader
Hoverboard girl x Male Reader
A change of face Prison harem x Male Reader
Ben's female classmates x Male Omnitrix Wearer Reader
Possesed Kai Green x Male Reader
Merry Christmass
Black knight x Male Reader
Elena Valadis x Male Reader
Mad Ben's female slaves x Male Reader
Female Sumo x Male Reader Part 2
Monster weather girl x Male Reader
Vigilante Lucky girl x Male Reader
Ben 10000 Policewoman x Male Reader
Hot stretch lady x Male Reader
Natalie Alvarez x Male Reader
Anniversary #2
Mrs.Jones x Male Reader
Ben's UAF classmates x Male Reader
Possessed Gwen and Charmcaster x Male Reader
Rook's fan girls x Male Reader

Ben's fouth grade teacher x Male Reader

1.6K 11 0
By gentelmanbeast

Author:(You are brother of Joel Tennyson who is the son of Gordon Tennyons who is brother of Max Tennyson.That all makes you great-unckle son or a second cousin to Ben and Gwen.The idea for this story came to me after I was thinking of ideas for comedy movies.The title would've been:I'm dating my cousin's teacher.Also I hope you dont mind,but I removed the wrinkles from under her eyes and added pink cheeks for a healthier and more youthfull apearance.)

Ben was walking across his front yard with clear dislike of the day hes been having.Boring and hard schoolwork,bothersome bullies and a distinct lack of Galvan grade alien watch.Since he was still in the fourth grade he didnt yet get answer to most of his problems.He opened the doors and went to his room where he could drop his school bag on the floor and lay down on his bed.His moment of rest was short lived when he heard a knock.

Ben:What is it?

Knock knock knock

Ben was now frustrated.He got of his bed and stomped of to his doors in anger.He swung the doors open and his anger melted away to be replaced with joy.


Ben jumped in a hug of his older cousin.

Y/N:Hey sport,how are you doing?

Ben:Where were you?

Y/N:Oh here and there.Ive been so busy lately that I wanted to relax for a while and spend some time with my favourite cousin.

Y/N set Ben down on the floor before they moved to his bed and took a seat.

Y/N:So how has it been lately?

Ben:Well,the PE teacher says Im going great on the soccer field.But Im having problem with my math teacher.

Y/N:How so?

Ben:Im sure she has it in for me.Always giving me hard tasks,giving me detentions for small pranks.Shes out of control.

Y/N:(Forgot how imaginative he is.)

Y/N:Hey,I have an idea.Maybe I could go on your next parent teacher meeting.Settle some things down with her.

Y/N:(And when it turns out shes not doing anything bad,maybe hell start to study harder.)

Ben:You could do that?
Y/N:Theres only one way to find out.Besides looking it up on the internet.

Timeskip parent teacher meeting

Y/N entered the elementary school with both visible enthusiasm and worry.He was immesurebly glad the schooldays were behind him.He found his young cousins classroom and knocked on the doors.

???:Come in.

Y/N hesitantly turned the knob and opened the classroom doors.It was a classic classroom.A bunch of desks and chairs,chalkboard,kids drawing and at the teachers desk sat a beautyfull woman with shorth brown hair.

???:Exuse me sir,do you need anything.

Y/N:Yes,Im here on behalf of Benjamin Tennysons parents.Im his cousin,Y/N Tennyson.

???:Is that so?Then please take a seat please.Your cousin talks about you constantly.Im Miss Zoey Anderson.

Y/N:Miss?So there isnt a Mister Anderson?

Ms.Anderson:At least not in Bellwood.Now,concerning Bens behaviour in class.He doesnt pay attention and is constantly entertaining himself and the rest of the class. Drawing while Im showing the class how to solve an equation on the board,throwing paper planes,need I go on?

Y/N:Please do.You have a great voice.

Ms.Anderson:Please focus.

Y/N:But Im not a student here so its not unorthodox.

Ms.Anderson:How old are you?



She gave it some tought and rubbed her chin in silence.Y/N on the other hand felt as if he was being tickled from the inside.He was never so impulsive in his entire life but seeing her just simply awoke something in him.

When Ms.Anderson finished her thinking,she gave a smirk.

Mr.Anderson:I think we can come to an agreement.

Y/N:Im all ears.

Ms.Anderson:We can go on a date once...


Ms.Anderson:Once Bens behaviour or grades improve.

Y/N:That...does actually seem fair and reasonable.

Ms.Anderson:Glad you see it that way.You can help him but you cant give him the answers.

Y/N:Of course.

Ms.Anderson:He mostly has trouble with the multiplication tables.Theres a five minute test in two days.We have about two of them before the real one and his last one wasnt praiseworthy.So if he gets an A on this one we can set up a date.

Y/N:Then its a deal.

Y/N got out of his seat and returned the chair to its previous place.

Y/N:Well,until out day,goodbye.But dont worry,itll be soon.

Ms.Anderson:I hope so.I cant remember the last time I gave Ben an A.

Y/Ns smile dropped a little since he wasnt expecting her enthusiasm to be directed as such.He closed the doors and left for the Tennyson residence since he was sleeping in their guestroom.And to tell Ben how did it went.Once he got to the house Bens parents,Carl and Sandra,asked him how his walk was since they didnt know.

He answered that he enjoyed it more than he tought he would and after a while they began eating dinner.After the dinner,Ben took Y/N to his room.

Ben:So how did it go?Did you fix the problem?

Y/N:Im afraid not little buddy.The only thing I could do is let her agree I help you out at home.I think that is you get an A soon she might go easy on you.

Ben:Thats all?

Y/N:Yeah,and you should pay more attention at the school.The books rarely help and since it was so long I dont know how to explain it to you without doing it for you.So you have to be able to tell me everything that the teacher says.

Timeskip tommorow afternoon after school

Ben came back from another backbreaking day at school and just wanted to relax.He opened the doors of his room without closing them and layed on his bed.

???:Ready to train for math?

Ben sat up from his bed and looked around for the source of the voice but saw nobody.He then saw doors move to reveal Y/N was behind them.

Ben:Don't do that.

Y/N:Sorry,I couldnt resist.So what do you say?
Ben:I just got home,I need a break.

Y/N:OK,just tell me what you did today during the math class.Then Ill take your book and notebook,prepare some tasks and you relax for about half an hour.


Timskip 36 minutes later

Y/N came back to Bens room with notebook,Math book and some papers.Ben was already sitting at his desk so they could start immedietly.

Y/N:Lets start shall we?OK,first solve 24÷-6(-3+1).

Ben:So 24 devided by minus 6-

Y/N:Actually you have to solve the parentheses.And since there is minus in front of it,the negative and positive symbols switch.So start with minus six times three minus one.That equals?

Ben:Minus nineteen.

Y/N:Correct.Now devide twenty-four with that.You can use the calculator here.

Y/N handed Ben the calculator.He typed the numbers in but he made a mistake and typed in again.

Ben:Is it 1.2631?
Y/N:Well that depends on how many decimal spaces you count in school but yeah.You got it right and it wasnt so hard.

Ben:Yes!I did it.

Y/N:Now we just have twenty or so more of them to go through.

Ben:Oh man.

And so Y/N spent his day helping his cousin,which it also meant helping himself.When Ben came back home from school the next day it was simmilar procedure.The only difference were the tasks.Soon came the day that will test wheter their efforts were in vain or not.Y/N was driving Ben to the school and gave him his phone to look at the different equasions that might be on the test.

When they stopped in front of the school Y/N turned to Ben.

Y/N:Now remember.I you dont know how to solve something take deep breaths and calm yourself down and dont rush.Or move on and come back for it later.

Ben:Thanks.Well,here it goes.

Ben exited the car and waved to Y/N who began driving away.

Y/N:I still have few hours before picking him up.I could take that time to prepare for the date.

Y/N was one of those people who are sure of their succes.Only time will tell if such attitude is justified.When several hours passed Y/N could be seen in front of the school again.After the ringing had subsided kids got out and Ben ran out smiling before entering the car.

Y/N:So how did it went?

Ben:I dont know yet but Im sure I got it right.

Y/N:Well then lets go home and celebrate with some videogames.

Ben:Yes!Oh,before I forget,she told me to give you this paper.I didnt understand it because it just numbers.

Ben gave Y/N the piece of paper and he took a look at it.There were enough digits for a phone number and beside it 2000h.She was telling him to call her when its 20:00 hours.Y/N happily folded the paper,put it in his pocket and started driving home.

Timeskip 20:00

Y/N had dialed in the phone number in his phone and waited for and answer in near silence acompanied by the sound of ringing.

Ms.Anderson:Who is it?

Y/N:Its me,Y/N.I heard that Ben got an A.

Ms.Anderson:He didnt.

Y/N:What do you mean?

Ms.Anderson:I finished grading the papers not too long ago.I wanted you to call me when Im done so I could tell you that he got an A.Im so proud of him.And you too.


Ms.Anderson:Of course.You got Benjamin Kirby Tennyson to get an A in Math.When I tell the other teacher youre gonna be the talk of the teachers lounge for years.

Y/N:Im glad to hear it,I think.

Ms.Anderson:Im free this weekend,do you know the caffe past the town square?

Y/N:I think I do.Its been a long time since I was here but I can ask my family.

Ms.Anderson:Good,Ill meet you there at 14:00 Saturday.Bye Y/N.

Y/N:Goodbye Ms.Anderson.

Ms.Anderson:Please,outside the school and studentss earshots call me Zoey.

Y/N:Will do.

Timeskip Saturday 13:59

Zoey was sitting at of the tables outside the caffe waiting of Y/N to show up but he seemed to be nowhere in sight.She looked at her watch and saw how much time eventually passed and sighed in frustration.

Zoey:And he is officially late.Maybe I shouldnt have got my hopes up.

Just then a person pulled out a chair and sat across her.She looked up to see it was Y/N.

Y/N:Sorry Im late,I had a trouble with parking.

Zoey:Whats important is that youre here no.So tell me Y/N,do you always ask the teachers of your family members out?
Y/N:No,I swear this a first for me too.I was never so impulsive about something.But when I got to that classroom and saw you it just...came out.

Zoey:Is that so?So tell me a little about yourself.

Y/N:Well I graduated with flying colors in a scools I went,elementary,high,college.Then I went my fathers footsteps and became a Plumber.

Zoey:After all that you became a plumber?Why?

Y/N:Oh it's nothing like that.Its a lot more coplicated.Theres all sorts of machinery I work with that cant be found almost anywhere else and there are plenty of job that require me to travel around the world.

Zoey:So youre the most succesfull student and a plumber?Youre about the most interesting man I ever dated.So you already know what I do for a living.I was inspired by my elementary school teacher. She was always so nice and helpfull.Now,you didnt tell me how youre related to Ben.I know he has two cousins Ken and Gwen.

Y/N:I'm his second cousin,long story.But he always considered me his favourite cousin.I always loved kids and they love me back.Much like animals.

Zoey:Hahahaha!Oh,I haven't laughed like that since I learnt that Phytagoras died because of his fear of beans.

Y/N:I forgot about that.Just goes to show that mathematicians should not start their own religions.So what do you do outside of work?
Zoey:I dont really have much time.The school,grading papers and such.But I like to binge watch criminal comedy-dramas.

Y/N:Me too.My favourite would definetly be (Favourite show),you?

Zoey:Same.I just like to get a nice cup of coffie,curl up on my bed under the covers and watch for hours.

Y/N:Gives you that nice warm feeling like when youre ill and too comfortable to move.

Zoey:Exactly.So far I only talked with other teachers and my parents over the phone.Its nice to relax a little.You have no idea how kids are this days.

Y/N:I think I do.Theyre nothing like the kids in our days.But what can you do?Times are changing.

Zoey:Tell me about it.Every so often there is a new curriculum and a new way to do math.Why do they change it?Parents then blame the teachers but we have to follow the current curriculum.

Y/N:Really a shame.Any plans for some other activities?

Zoey:Not really.Honestly I wasnt sure this date would last this long.I asumed you were trying to get higher grades for your cousin.

Y/N:And now its obvious I can do that at home with him,so no reason for doubt.

Zoey:I see that now.Not quite sure what to do now...Maybe we can go to my place and watch replays of yesterdays episodes of crime series.

Y/N:I actually missed them yesterday so please no spoilers.

Zoey:Hehe,no promises.

Y/N:You are one evil teacher.

Timeskip next week Saturday afternoon

Y/N was getting ready for another date with his new girfriend and was about to get out of the house when Ben interupted him.

Ben:Hey Y/N,where are you going?

Y/N:Oh,just paying Ms.Anderson a little visit.

Ben:Why?She already stopped being a bad teacher.You dont have to go there anymore.

Y/N:Its not like that.

Y/N got on his knee and put a hand on Bens shoulder.

Y/N:What do you think about girls?
Ben:Whats to think about them?Theyre boring.

Y/N:And do you like talking to someone for hours and hours at a time?
Ben:No of course.What does this have to do with anything?

Y/N stood up and opened the doors but turned to Ben one more time.

Y/N:You wouldnt get it.Well,at least for few more years.See you later.

With that he closed the doors,leaving Ben comfused and starting his car to go to Zoeys place.

Author:(Another one done.Now I have to say that I really like the idea of there being a movie where a older family member dates the younger family members teacher in a healty relationship.Next girl is going to be younger.Or should I say,girls.)

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