Tahani's Reality (Urban)

By UrbanDynasty089

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Tahani Lowars is a seventeen year old innocent teenager grown up in a conservative religious household. Bouje... More

|Look Out|
|Run Ya Mouth|
|Fighting For Your Life|
|How TF|
|Gotten Worse|
|Sand Castles|
|Home Is The Same But I'm Not|
|Drinks & Molly|
|Stuck On My Mind|
|Love The Way You Lie|
|Remember Me|
|Fill In The Blanks|
|Mama Hates For Things To Change|
|Distance Is Better For the Heart|
|New Lives|
|There's Always A Tahani|
|Holla If You Need Me|
|A Real Friend Would Never|
|Dead In An Instant|
|In Denial|
|The Night We Met|
|Regret Is A New Thing|
|Dinner Table Talk|
|I Wish We Never|
|Imported Pt1|
|Imported Pt2|
|Honesty Set Me Free|
|Introducing Suhdel|
|Revenge For Who I Love|
|Missing My Family Like Crazy|
|Hiding Secrets|
|You Blessed Me|
|All Your Fault|
|Broken Up|
|Baby Momma Favoritsm|
|Jealousy Looks Bad On You|

|Marry Me|

487 32 0
By UrbanDynasty089

•Tahani Lowars•

"You gone be a crybaby just like ya mama, you hear me? Just like ya mama." Taj talks softly in a hushed tone into Poseidon's ear as he holds him. Pose sleeping softly against his chest. Small tears from him just crying seconds ago still on his chubby cheeks. "I know it's all her fault though. Mama did it."

I frown. "No mama didn't," I argue jokingly. "I just wanted to change and feed him."

"He probably would've liked the outfit I wanted him to wear better." He says.

I fight the urge not to laugh. "He's a newborn Taj he doesn't care what outfit it is he just didn't want to be changed."

Pose is currently wearing a baby blue onesie, with mittens on his hands so he won't scratch his face, wrapped in his blue baby blanket and he did have on a hat but when he started crying it came off so now his head full of hair is exposed.

I watched Taj be in daddy mode and couldn't help but smile at that. I've been around people with kids and I'd see how quick they are to pass the baby back to the other parent. But Taj loves holding Pose, shit most of the time I have to ask for him back. He stay spoiling him and picking him up. I keep trynna tell him that the more he picks him up like that the harder it'll be to get him to sleep by himself but he doesn't wanna listen.

"I can't believe he came outta you, shit I can't believe he came outta my balls." He speaks aloud.

I shake my head at him smirking. "Yeah you can tell he got ya whole face." I mention sounding kind of butthurt.

Taj comes over gently sitting down on the couch beside me. He leans over pecking me on the lips. "Aww you jealous? Don't worry, with our next baby he or she might have ya face."

My eyes damn near pop out of my head. "Next baby?"

"Yes next baby," he repeats. He placed one of his hands over Pose's exposed ear so he won't hear him speak nasty. "You packin' too much inna cat for me to not put another baby in you. Besides you know your who I wanna have all my kids with."

I smile for a second. "I want Pose to experience what it's like to have the benefits of being an only child for a while though. Besides I don't want no more kids till...you know."

Taj nods. "Yeah I do know. I brought it up yesterday and you went hush mode remember?"

I repeat what he did earlier placing my hand over my baby's ear. "Because you said it while we were in the middle of sex, remember?"

He chuckles at that removing my hand. "So if I brung it up another time you would've had a different reaction?" He questions.

I sigh trying to gather my words so that they come out right. "We're parents now Taj..."

"I know Hani."

"I'm just saying we spent years not being able to get it right, and now? We have a baby together. I don't want to be one of those parents who force a relationship for a kid. I actually love you and I know you love me, I want us to be a family like we are now. I just don't want things to be messed up again, I wanna do it the right way."

Instead of responding with something brushing off what I said or being upset he just nodded completely agreeing with me. "I understand baby, I wanna do it the right way too," he pauses. "Issac and Naomi been trynna see Pose. I know you have mommy jitters but they done raised two kids already and they family, you know he safe with them. How about we have this weekend all to ourselves? Just me and you?"

I glance down at Poseidon who moves a little in his sleep. His tiny hand squeezing tighter around Taj's finger I never knew he was holding till now.

"I don't know...." I trail.

"Com'on baby you need a break. I can spend the whole weekend spoiling you," he leans in kissing me on my forehead. "Giving you massages, movie night, cookin' for you. Lemme show you how much you mean to me."

My heart warms at that and before I know it I'm agreeing.

"Okay okay. Let's do it."

Torin Truman•

We watched as Naomi drove away with Poseidon safely in the backseat. I can tell Tahani is nervous so I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her closely towards me I kiss her on her neck. "Calm down everything gone be good."

"I know," she lets out a deep breath before turning around smiling at me. "So what do you have planned?"

I smiled lifting her up I carried her inside closing the door behind us. I laid us both down on the couch with her ontop of me. "Let's talk."

"Talk?" Tahani raises a eyebrow. "Boy I know you ain't just send Pose with my auntie to just talk."

"I'm for real," I laugh. "Com'on talk to me. About anything."

She smiles adjusting herself on my lap so that she's straddling me but sitting up. Her palms pressed down against my chest. "So when Pose starts school do you want him to go to public or private? I know how I felt at private. I don't want him to lose touch of himself there."

"If he does go to public he'll be fine. He'll have Aze there with him," I remind her. "The way their birthdays fall they'll start the same year."

She nods. "You can tell Jesse she can bring him over sometime. She gotta stay in the car though, you know I ain't never got my lick back after she jumped me."

I rub up and down her back licking my lips as I stare up at her. "I know. I just want y'all to get along though somewhat. I know she did a whole bunch of shit that's unforgivable but Aze changes most of that now."

"Yeah she did a lot," Tahani agrees. "And other baby momma or not she gone get hers. Regardless."

"I did a lot too though," I somewhat defend. "Yeah I ain't deserve to be set up and you ain't deserve to be jumped but I did cheat on her a lot, led her on, was in love with you that whole time. As a man I gotta admit my wrongs too."

"I get that." She mumbles.

I admire her seeing how her brown skin glows in the light of the room. Her curly hair placed in a high poof ball, she's currently wearing one of my t-shirts that slightly big on her and some boy shorts that hug her ass. And some socks that go up to her ankles. I lean in placing a kiss on her collar bone. "I'm sorry for how I did you too. Regardless of you not telling me about Jesse having my baby I shouldn't of left. You needed me and I wasn't there and I should've been," I cup her face so we're looking eachother in the eyes. "I was hurt but that doesn't excuse me not being around or there for you physically and emotionally. I'm sorry."

She nods her body relaxing against mine, placing her face in the crook of my neck. "I'm just happy you're here now. I love you."

She places a kiss on my lips. I reply back to her without hesitation.

"I love you more baby."

Tahani Lowars•

I stared at myself in the mirror doing small turns in the dress. This is my first time wearing a dress dress since I've had Poseidon. Me having a baby left me slightly thicker but not much, and luckily for me buying all the oils, wearing the body wraps and what not my stomach bounced back. Only thing I couldn't get rid of was the c-section scar. Either way I stared at myself feeling slightly insecure.

"You good? You taking forever." Taj whines jokingly as he walks into the room. Wearing a dark blue suit that matches my dress, a gold chain descending down his neck, his singles neatly braided coming down his forehead and his bottom row holding grills, a little small bit of hairs growing on his chin making him look even more fine.

I'm currently wearing a silk dark blue dress that hugs my body and reaches mid thigh, I'm also wearing those crystal bedazzled heels that twirl up going around my ankles and up my leg stopping right on my knees. My hair having curly products in it and moisture so it hangs tamed down my head. "Ion know if I like this dress." I mumble.

"Stoppp," he drags out walking over he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me close. "You look so good baby." I close my eyes feeling better as he places a kiss on my neck.

"I don't feel good." I watch as he drops to his knees his arms still wrapped around my waist. He places soft kisses on thighs.

Rubbing his hand up and down the side of them his grey eyes stare into mine. "You had our son, I love and appreciate every part of your body. And it's beautiful baby, nothing is wrong with your body or the dress. I love you."

I lean down pecking him on the lips. "I love you more baby."

"Com'on then," he stands up. "Let's go make niggas mad when they see how fine you lookin' wimme."

A smile fills my face as he leads me out of our bedroom and down the steps. Something telling me tonight would be one of the best nights I've had.

• • • •

He took me to an expensive restaurant where we sat talking, laughing and enjoying ourselves. I didn't drink at all. At times I be wanting to but I know that all it could take is for one drink and then as soon as I'm upset I'll want one again. So I try to stay clear of it. But that's the thing about Taj I didn't need a drink to make me have fun when I was around him. I did that anyways.

I looked around the restaurant after the lady brung us the check. I knew better than to touch it since Taj would most likely get mad and tell me to leave it alone. So I just stared at him watching as nervousness fills his face. "You okay?" I ask with worry in my tone.

"Tahani I....I got something I wanna ask you."

I smile. "What is it?"

He stands up reaching his hand out for me to take and I place my hand in his standing up. Soon as I stand up he kneels down on one knee. I look around feeling my eyes start to water as ou's and awe's erupt from people inside the restaurant.

I watch as he reaches inside his pocket his eyes never leaving mine. I can't help but look away as tears fall down my cheeks. "T-Taj....oh my god." I whisper.

"Baby stop crying." He says softly reaching his hands up he wipes my tears. "You gone make me forget my whole speech."

The both of us share a laugh and I listen as he continues. "I didn't know that I would ever fall in love like this. I met you when I was immature as fuck, only seventeen, barely figured life out. Now a whole lot of drama, years passed and a baby later here we are. And I wouldn't trade it for the world. Ain't nobody on this Earth could ever come close to making me feel for them what I feel for you. You the love of my life, the breath in my lungs, the heart that keeps mine beating. We do young and we got the rest of our lives ahead of us but still I can't wait to grow old with you. I know I fucked up showing it sometimes but you mean everything to me. I love you Tahani. And I don't wanna argue no more, don't wanna fight ever again, but if someday we do fight I want you to know that it won't be the end of us it'll just be an obstacle I'll fight hard to overcome. I mentioned it a couple days ago and you laughed it off like I was joking. But now baby I want you to know and see I'm a man of my words," he opens the box exposing the huge diamond ring.

"I'm not joking now."

I fanned my face damn near choking on my tears. "Oh my god oh my god! He just- you just-.....baby." I break down crying causing everybody in the restaurant to stand up awwing and clapping.

He holds my hand staring up at me with hopeful eyes. "Is that a yes?"

"Yes yes." I say quickly letting him slide the ring on my ring finger.

After that he stands up pulling me in and I cup the back of his head kissing him deeply before moving into a hug. I say softly into his ear. "I can't wait till we get home."

I'm about to have the most passionate intimate sex with my fiancé.

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