Dear, My Teacher...Fuck you

By Kyo_j_readz

11.1K 371 450

When I was a kid...I believed that there is no such thing as a perfect role model...until...Mr.Uchiha came in... More

My Life...
School years...
Mr.Uchiha and his student
The mission
Kiba's match
Unexpected Vacation
The Deer
Honesty isn't a crime a closet?
Naruto the student and Sasuke the teacher
Sex Education Isnt sexual
Kiba lies
We were never a real Family...
Honesty isn's a crime...right?
The Gang is Family...But I need both
Lets quit...
Good Days
trouble is at every corner
Rain under the umbrella
Revenge isnt the way!
My Father Figure
My Perfect Role Model
Judgment Day
Not like me...
A true friend...
Dear My Teacher....Fuck You.

Christmas Special <3

272 8 15
By Kyo_j_readz

(This has no part of the real story! Just for fun! Enjoy!)

❄Christmas for the Akatsuki gang❄

3rd pov

"DECK THE HALLS WITH BOUGHS OF HOLLY! FA LA LA LAA LA LA....Um...Whats the next part?" Hidan looked at everyone as he danced around with his Santa hat.

"Tch you idiot! The next part is Tis the season to be jolly fa la la la la laa blah blah blah blaaaah!" Deidara mocked Hidan.

"Ohhh right! Ahem...TIS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY! FA LA LA LA LAA LAA OUCH! OI WHAT THE FUCK!" Hidan looked around to see a chock of coal on the ground.

"Who the fuck threw a chock of coal at me! While I was getting into the Christmas SPIRIT!?" Hidan took out his blade.

"I did...because you won't shut the fuck up!" Sasori yelled.

"Oh it's going to be like that huh? WELL  STICK EM UP RED! COME AT ME!" Hidan took off his Santa gloves off and lifted his sleeves.

"Tch like you'll win! Alright fine! You and your spirit can die!" Sasori grabbed his gun.

The two went at it while Deidara and Kakuzu tried to stop them. Meanwhile Kisame and Konan looked at them as they kept putting decorations up.

"OI PASS ME THE TREE!" Hidan yelled.

"Hah?! Are you insane? We're decorating it!" Konan pointed. Hidan didn't care as he grabbed it and charged for Sasori.

"CHARGEEE!!!!" Hidan yelled while Sasori shot at him.

Suddenly the door slammed open to reveal the boss and his assistants.

"Oh no! BOSS!" Everyone looked at him as they knew what was about to happen. The Boss smirked as he snapped his fingers....

Time skip

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!...Uhhhh what happen to you guys? Did we miss the Christmas dinner?" Kiba and the others walked in and looked around to see all the gang members on the ground with a bunch of broken decorations.

"Um...did we at least make it to the party or...did we miss that too?" Choji smiled.

Hidan looked up and said in a weak voice.

"F...Fuck...Christmas dude..."

The end!

☃️Christmas for the Deer and Wolf☃️

3rd pov

"Alright my tutor class...that's it for today...Make sure you review the questions during the weekend...and Merry Christmas..." Mr.Nara closed his books and got ready to leave.

"Yo Mr.Tutor! What are doing after school?" Kiba walked up to the man.

"Huh? I'm going home....wanna come and hang?" Shikamaru smirked as he looked at Kiba's chest. Kiba blushed as he covered his body.

"Only if I can you know....take lead tonight..." Kiba smirked.

Shikamaru looked at him and shook his head.

" displease me...have a good night..." Shikamaru walked away.


Time skip

Shikamaru parked his car and got out. He looked at the store and walked in.

"Welcome to The Kitty Cave! What can I help you with today?" A lady smiled.

"Huh? you have any pj's or clothes that resemble these two thing's?" Shikamaru showed the lady his phone.

"Hehe! Yes in fact we have stuff like that! Come with me!"


"Tch how dare he refuse me! I CANT believe him! After what I did for him! He's a slimy little Sl-"


Kiba looked over and went to the door. He opened it to find Shikamaru with some bags.

"Mr.Nara! I thought you were gonna go home?"

"I changed my mind..."

Kiba blushed as he smirked.

"Then...does that mean you'll let me take lead?" Kiba asked.

"Hell no..but I went Christmas...go put it on.." Shikamaru smirked.

And so...

"You fucker! This is a Lingerie! AND ITS DOG THEME!" Kiba blushed as he tried to hide his exposed chest. The man then blushed when he saw Shikamaru in a reindeer onesie with an antler headband.

"Wha!" Kiba blushed.

"I got these at the kitty cave...the Sex store...and I also bought some other a muzzle...and this...dildo? I don't know but it vibrates..." Shikamaru digged around in the bags.

"I can't believe this...I'm the predator...yet the prey is the one leading..." Kiba pouted.

"Wanna try these?" Shikamaru waved around the bag.

Kiba was hesitant but gave in anyways.

"Heh...Im only letting you do this is because it's your Christmas gift...after this...the predator takes charge!"

"Heh...Merry Christmas to me..."

The End!

💙Christmas for The Blonde and Raven🧡

3rd pov

"Ugh...Christmas...I got nothing to celebrate since I have nobody to celebrate with tonight..." Naruto pouted as he walked out of the school. He looked up and  noticed it was snowing.

"Shit...I dont have proper attire...oh well it's okay....I guess..."

Naruto made his way home as others were sledding and doing things with family.

"Tch....who needs all that...not me...Just the gang. Naruto turned the corner.


Naruto sighed as he looked at the street performers.

Without even listening; the blonde grabbed his wallet and gave the man a 20 dollar bill and walked away.

"Thank you kindly!" The fake Santa smiled while Naruto ignored him.


"In the end nobody will celebrate with me..."

Uzumaki home

Naruto looked at his lonely neighborhood and walked inside. He noticed someone's shoes. He crept around and grabbed the nearest breakable thing.

He suddenly dropped it when he saw a big feast on his table and a present.

"Wha!" Naruto blushed.

"Ah welcome home...Naruto..."  Sasuke looked at him.

"Mr.Uchiha!" Naruto stood in shock.

"Sit must be Christmas..." Sasuke gave him a present.

Naruto looked at him and then opened the gift.

"Woah! Instant ramen! And not the bad kind I get!? Thanks!" Naruto smiled.  Sasuke smiled as he walked up to him.

"Here sit down...and I'll sit with you..." Sasuke pulled the blonde and made him sit on his laps.

" sure?" Naruto blushed.


With that Naruto made himself a dish and ate up while Sasuke Kissed his Neck.

"Merry Christmas!!!!"

The End!


Sorry for the late posts!

I'm very busy this month! But I promise that I'll get a chapter up soon!

Anyways this was a special I whipped up last second!

Hope you enjoyed it!

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah<3


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