The Princess And The Jerk: Th...

By loveAnonymousGirl

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One princess and one jerk. That doesn't make a great combination. Her story isn't like Cinderella. She is wel... More

Dear Diary....The Beginning
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 57

15 0 0
By loveAnonymousGirl

Anna POV
Around 1am ,Some how or someway I found a way to escape the house. Of course I went through My window but I was worried about the cameras. Lucky I disconnected them. Basically sneaking out again had me wondering what happened to Me and reminded me of bella. I haven't heard from Bella since school which was almost two weeks ago or so.

I wore all black which made it seem like I was going to rob someone or some place. I left every tracker I could possibly have on me from earrings to any other jewelry . I climbed down the vines and ran to the side walk expecting to wait for Devin but I saw his car. Almost approaching his car The driver seat door opened.

"Your here early" I whispered to him.

"There's was no way I was letting you wait for me to get here in the dark" he claimed he then had a questionable look

"....and are we gunna Rob a bank or something because you should have told Me ahead of time " he whispered followed by laughter.

I smiled rolling my eyes and ran to the passenger seat. Devin opens the door and closed it quietly after I got In. He quickly got in on the drivers seat.

"Are you sure you wanna risk getting caught" he asked me before starting the car.

"Devin I'm already here" I told him sarcastically.

He nodded and began driving.

"Wow Anna since when did you turn bad...I kinda like it"he teased me. I rolled my eyes with a geeky smile.

"Where we going?" I asked him. He looked at me with a grin.

"You said I didn't know you but I know you love looking at the stars" he said with a chuckled taking a turn off my street.

"So the alburuum again?" I asked unsure if I wanted to go again. He shook his head.

"Somewhere better"
Devin and I had stopped at a "open 24/7" store. We got ice cream and more snacks. Many of the workers looked tired and annoyed at the sight of new costumers entering. I always have a thought on the back of my head that my personal Chief would murder me for eating ice cream and chips with other fast food.

I jumped Inside the shopping cart and we began dumping any snacks we wanted.

Soon we finished our shopping. Devin pushed the cart outside as we went to the car. We approached his car and he let go of the cart to grab his car keys.  I was inside the cart still and felt movement. I then looked behind and noticed Devin barely finding his keys while I rolled away.

"Uhhh Devin!" I screeched. He quickly looked to me and panicked as he saw the cart rolling down . Lucky there weren't many cars around.

Looking forward I saw the cart riding toward the curve. I prepared myself for the impact as I saw Devin still far behind. Unluckily for me the cart tilted almost causing me to eat dirt.

"This is what I get for hanging out with mr jerk face!

I heard Devin laugh from afar and I quickly glanced at him. He continued to laugh which made me.

He's clumsy

"Not funny" I told him while laughing.

"You should have seen your face!" Hs pointed. He helped me off the cart and we grabbed the bags filled with snacks.

"Never going shopping with you again" I jokingly scold him.

Devin had brought me up to a spot where it had a bench under a beautiful tree near by the allbarium.
We were laying under the bright stars but something about them today made them seemed to shine brighter.

We were munching on our snack while Devin put the next episode of gossips girl.

"Do you think Blair and chuck like each other?" I asked him curious of his thoughts. He shrugged.

"Blair is to cocky and chuck is to toxic" he said laying on the grass staring at the stars.

"Well your just pointing out the bad...what about the good...there always something good about someone?" I asked while munching on the chips we bought. He thought about it for a moment.

"I'm not sure" he sat back up facing me.

"We're on season two so maybe they'll change" I tried to make a point. I staired at the phone screen. Taking a peek at Devin who stared up at the sky. Following devins gaze I stared up.

"I like to think...that stars are full of magic you know or that when I die...I'll be One to" I said. he raised a brow.

"I knew you were weird" he joked.  I slightly pushed his shoulder while we chuckled.

"It just helped me feel better....about my moms passing" I tried to avoid teary eyes.

I looked back up then felt warmth on my hand. Looking down Devin has held my hand as a way of comfort. He brought my hand up to his lips leaving a warm kiss on the back of my hand.

Laying down beside him I looked up at the bright night sky. Peeking at him with a small smile. He looked very handsome with his sharp jawline and His hazel eyes sparkled brightly. I began to wonder what was brighter the stars or his eyes.

It was silent after I turned the phone off. I heard the crickets all around to the point where I could maybe tell how many where around. Call me crazy but I could even hear my own heart beat.

"Do you think it's we got here?" I lowly whispered to him. He shot me a glance and smiled. Still looking at the stars he spoke.

"Do you mean how we began as frienemies to not boyfriend and girlfriend?"he asked to make sure we were speaking about the same thing. I shook my head with a grin.

"No how we went from enemies to frienemies to.... whatever this is" I began to play around with the grass beside us waiting for a reply. He nodded.

"I do find it weird...but what I find weird is how this all started...when I first saw you....was when your cousin threw paint all over you.....then we argued in the halls and I thought you were gunna be someone I wasn't going to like, I had already found you annoying " he grinned.

"I still honestly can't believe you threw orange juice over me-" we both laughed.

I groaned and flipped over to my stomach. Embarrassed I covered my face. I remember that moment exactly.

"You remember?..when you had all the paint on you" he laughed which caused me to giggle.

"Ohhhh Then I thought you were James girlfriend so we had that little snarky talk in English" I shook my head at the memories. Then I spoke.

"Or the day I threw a slushy but instead it got the person behind you" I giggled. He signed .

"When we got casted as Romeo and Juliet"  he added.

"Let's not forget that you stole my diary" I rolled my eyes at him. He laughed nodded.

"San Fransisco"he added.

"Let's see....the party, the carnival, ohh locked out the house so we slept in a car" i gushed. We both smiled and continued to add many more things that seemed to bring us unexpectedly close.

"What do you think it all means?" He asked with a low tone. He seemed to actually want to know the answer as he sat up. Seeing him sit up I followed and did the same.

"Not sure" I replied.

"You came to me at a very dark time" he bit his lip and scooted closer to me. "Believe it or not but it's still a dark time for me but you made it one hundred times better" he leaned close making my heart beat faster than it was.

"I say I'm not a believer but I prayed once and the next day...I met you" with his word which my heart seemed to enjoy and the butterfly's in my stomach flapped around. I didn't realize at the moment what it would have done to me in long term. I started to feel at home.

"Somehow I knew you were gunna be important to me we got casted" he smiled.

Feeling his touch on my cheek pulling my face closer to his before we touched lips. At the moment I was ready to let everything go. I didn't want to go anywhere else. I wanted to stay there in this exact moment. I was ready to let go of my father my bother, the palace everything just to stay here.

I thought I knew what love was or rather first love because of prince Jake but being with Devin felt completely different. I didn't want to fall in love since I heard it was a very emotionally dangerous thing but I felt something spark. A spark I never felt with anyone else. If only I knew what it meant I would have ran for the hill and not have turned back. But I didn't and before I knew it.....I fell in love with him under the stars.

To be in love🥲
Don't forget to star and I love others thoughts
Xoxo 💜💙💜💙
-Anonymous girl 💜💜

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