Waiting For You (WWE FanFic)

By holl-ade

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"No matter where you are. No matter where you go. I'll be right here waiting for you." °°°°° Ava Lee is WWE's... More

(Prolouge) Chapter 1• Debut
Chapter 2• Debut Part 2
Chapter 3• The Shield
Chapter 4• Encounter
Chapter 5• Kyles and I love you's
Chapter 6• Another 'I Love You' and 1 Gts
Chapter 7• GTS
Chapter 8•Another Save
Chapter 9• 2 Month Anniversary
Chapter 10• Hometown Love
Chapter 11• Family Reunion
Chapter 12• A Deal
Chapter 13• Silent Treatment
Chapter 14• Breakups & Heartbreaks
Chapter 15• Apologies
Chapter 16• Couples and Bray Wyatts
Chapter 17• Secret Revealed
Chapter 18• Introducing Reby Sky & Leighla Schultz
Chapter 19• Do You Wanna Start a War?
Chapter 20• Ongoing Fued
Chapter 21• A Match for TLC
Chapter 22• The Incident
Chapter 23• TLC
Chapter 24• TLC Part 2
Chapter 25• Surprises
Chapter 26• Memory Loss
Chapter 27• The Engagment & Good News
Chapter 28•Never Giving Up On You
Chapter 29• Payback and The Return
Chapter 30: Explanations
Chapter 31: Game Plan
Chapter 32: Oppurtunities
Chapter 33: Strike 1
Author's Note (PLZ READ)
Chapter 34: Wedding Arrangements
Chapter 35: Rack Attack
Chapter 36: Strike 2
Chapter 37: Without You
Chapter 38: The Gift
Chapter 39: Rehearsal
Chapter 40: Wedding Bells
Chapter 41: Strike Three
Chapter 42: Final Decision
Chapter 43: Alone
Chapter 44: A New Me
Chapter 45: Getting Along
Chapter 46: Me and My Broken Heart
Chapter 47: Missing Him....
Chapter 48: Regrets...
Chapter 49: One Last Time
Chapter 50: Thinking About You
Chapter 51::Tensions Rising.
Chapter 52:: Consequences
Chapter 54:: Trust Is A Bitch
Chapter 55:: Stipulations
Chapter 56:: Mother Knows Best
Chapter 57:: The Unexpected
Chapter 58:: Don't Fight This Alone
Chapter 59:: The Final Battle (Pt.1)
Chapter 60: The Final Battle(Pt.2)
(Epilogue) Ch.62: Waiting For You
×Author's Note×
I'm With You
thank you

Chapter 53:: Mind Games

3.7K 90 53
By holl-ade

Randy's POV

"Stephanie, we need to end this. I can't do this anymore!" Reby shouted.

"Reby, I understand what you're coming from, but you need to be patient. " Stephanie said calmingly.

She threw her arms up in frustration."I can't keep pretending to be her friend. You have no idea how hard this is!"

Yep, that's right. She was never Ava's 'friend'. But Ava seems pretty nice.... Snap out if it Randall! She's your enemy.

"The plan was to get Ava to join the Authority. That's done. Now what?" I spat.

"She's already pissed off at us. It won't be much of a surprise if she finds out." Reby said crossing her arms.

"You two need to gain her trust back. If you guys can do that, the plan will work out just fine." Steph stated pointing at me and Reby.

"Why us? Why not you and Hunter?" I glared. Reby nodded her head in agreement.

"I don't think she trusts us at the moment. Any of us." She spoke looking around.

"Dean's getting closer to Ava. Doesn't that bother you?" Stephanie asked looking directly at me.

"Why are you looking at me?" I frowned.

Stephanie rolled her eyes. "Give it up already, Orton! It's obvious that you have a thing for Ava."

My eyes popped out."What the hell are you talking about?!"

"You are currently getting close to her Randy. On Monday, when she found out that the Championship match wasn't for her, you immediately came right over to comfort her." Triple H stated.

"That doesn't mean anything. Besides, she wasn't too fond about me comforting her." I muttered.

"Wait. Hold on." Reby all of a sudden spoke up. All eyes were now on her.

"We could really just use Randy for this. He's the only one who Ava isn't too mad at as of now." She finished.

I groaned. "Why me? Why does it always have to be me? And how do you even know that? For all we know, she might hate me the most."

"It's called instinct. Look it up." She said dramatically. I rolled my eyes and was about to talk back but Hunter interrupted me.

"Reby has a point, Randall." Triple H agreed. "I've noticed that Ava has a soft spot for you. She doesn't always look like she wants to kill you."

"Like when she looks at me." Reby added.

I sighed. "What do you want me to do then? Be her best friend? Take her out on a date? Be her boyfriend only to break her heart?"

"I don't think we can earn Ava's trust anymore." Stephanie said pointing to Reby , Hunter, and herself. "But with you, Randy. I think there's still a little bit of more hope."

"Now since you brought up the boyfriend issue, I think that's a terrific idea." Hunter said pleasingly.

"I was being sarcastic! I didn't mean anything I said!" I said raising my voice.

"Come on Randy." Stephanie said with a hint of desperate in her tone.

I wasn't too sure about this. Ava is pretty innocent. I don't think she deserves any of this.

"Come on, Orton." Reby said. "You want to get rid of her too. So, just hang on for a few more days or weeks and it will be all over."

What if I don't want to get rid of her?.....

"Okay fine!" I said. "I'll try to gain her trust back."



I walked around the crowded arena, as crew members rushed to get this place ready. I watched people run around, hauling big crates and other equipment.

"Randy!" I heard Reby's voice call.

I never liked that girl. She was too annoying and clingy. No wonder Ava hates her.

"What." I snapped turning around.

"Remember, you have to get close to Ava. It's the only way to get rid of her once and for all." She reminded me with a smirk.

"Yeah, I know. I don't need someone like you chasing me around and telling me what do to." I spat and continued on my way.

I found Ava sitting at an empty table in catering. I sighed deeply and walked over to her. She looked up and gave me an eye roll.

"Well hello to you too, Princess." I exaggerated and sat down in the seat in front of her.

"First of all, don't call me that. Second, what the hell do you want?" Ava spat.

"Fiesty. I like it." I commented with a smirk.

"You're such a d*ck." she glared. I chuckled and grinned.

"So how have you been?" I asked nicely.

"Why do you want to know?"

"You are a part of the Authority." I said with a nod. "And we are supposed to have each other's backs."

"It didn't look like you had my back on Monday." She pointed out.

"Hey I'm not the one who sprayed your eyes with hair spray." I defended. "Plus, I did have your back. When you found out that the Championship match wasn't for you, I ran right over to comfort you. Does that ring a bell?"

Ava sighed and crossed her arms. "Well since you put it like that. I guess you did have my back."

I chuckled and smiled at her. Ava looked up at me and gave me a weird stare.

"What?" I questioned with a chuckle.

"You're smiling at me and it is sort of creeping the sh*t out of me."

"Why is it creeping you out?" I asked nicely.

"Because you never smiled before. I'm pretty sure that this is the first smile that is actually genuine. You should wear it more often."

We shared a nice laugh. "So do you have a match scheduled tonight?" I asked.

"No. Not that I am aware of at least." Ava replied.

I nodded. "Okay, then since you have nothing to do tonight, I was wondering if you could accompany me to my match."

Ava gave me look."It depends. Who are going up against?"

"Reigns." I replied with a shrug.

"Forget it. I'm out."

"How come? Why not? "

She sighed. "You're probably going to make me do all your dirty work. I'm not doing that to Roman."

"Im not going to make you do anything. I just want you to come with me."

"And you think that I'm just going to believe you?"

"I was hoping you would.. " I muttered.

Ava scoffed."Sorry, Randy. I'm not coming with you to the match."

She stood up to leave. I quickly reached over to grab her arm. Ava turned around to look at me. She gave me a frown.

"Please? I promise I won't make you do anything." I said desperately.

She bit down on her lip. Damn that's hot.

Wait what?

Ava sighed and looked around. "Fine. I'll come with you."

I breathed out in relief."Oh thank goodness. Thanks."

She smiled."No stunts?"

I smiled back at her and stuck out my pinky. "Pinky promise."

Ava hesistated at first but she slowly wrapped her pinky finger around mine. She smiled.

"Deal. I'll see you later, Orton." she said and left.

I smiled to myself. My smile went away almost immediately when Reby sat down in front of me, holding the Divas Championship.

"Good work, Orton. Not bad." she commented with a pleased look.

I rolled my eyes and grunted. "Were you watching us?"

"Maybe. Maybe not." Reby replied with a shrug.

"I can handle things by myself, Sky. I don't need you to look after me, breathing down my neck." I spat.

I stood up and left her in catering.


Ava's POV

I sat in the Divas locker room, waiting for Randy's match. I was just minding my own business, until I was rudely interrupted.

Nikki strolled into the room with a scowl on her face.

"Hey Coco Bella!" I said waving at her.

"I'm not in the mood for your games, Avalon." Nikki said with an eye roll.

"Ooh, so we're going into full names now. I see. " I said. "Well, Nicole, how is your shin feeling?"

Nikki scoffed. "And you would like to know."

"Actually," I replied standing up, "I do want to know. I mean we are all a part of The Authority, right? And we are supposed to have each other's back."

"It didn't seem like you had my back two Mondays ago." She said crossing her arms.

"You didn't have mine either. So we're even now." I said rolling my eyes and sitting back down.

"I will get you back for this." Nikki warned me, gesturing to her shin.

"And do what? Injure my 'hurt' shin. Last time I checked, I never had a shin injury. " I informed with a shrug.

"One day, Ava. You will regret ever doing this to me."

I stood up the leave."And until that day comes, I'll be waiting patiently."

I walked out the door and made my way to the Gorilla Position. Once I arrived, I sat on a crate, waiting for Randy to show up. I found it really weird that Randy had asked me to accompany him. I mean, on Monday he looked like he wanted to kill me. Now he's being friendly and asking me to a be valet. Something is up...... Time for some mind games...

Also for some reason, I couldn't get that moment I shared with Dean out of my head. We kissed. That doesn't mean anything right? I mean it was just a small kiss. Well, a small passionate kiss... Okay I guess we made out.

"Hey. I'm glad you made it."

I looked up and smiled. Randy was walking toward me with his ring attire on and a smile on his face.

"I said I would come, didn't I?" I clarified with a grin.

Let the mind games begin..

"Yes you did. And I'm glad that you lived up to that promise." Randy said smiling.

"Hey can you promise me something?" I asked.

"I already promised that you're not going do any of my dirty work. What else do you want me to promise? "

I signed and bit my lip."Don't hurt Roman that bad, please? He still one of my closest friends."

Randy stared at me for a few seconds. I really hoped he would agree on this. He hesitated for a second then finally nodded his head in agreement. I flung my arms around him.


"Thank you so much!" I thanked him.

"You're welcome. Now no more promises. If I make any more, I might as well not wrestle him at all."

I nodded. "Well, that sounds like a better idea."

Randy gave me dirty look. I raised my hands up in defense.

"Relax, Orton. I was just joking." I said with a chuckle.




I hear voices in my head. They Council me, they understand. They talk to me.

Randy appeared at the top of the ramp and the crowd instantly boo'ed him. Once I appeared with him, they boos instantly turned into cheers.

'This match is scheduled for one fall!' Eden announced.

'Introducing first, being accompanied by Ava Lee. From St. Louis, Missouri. Weighing in at 245 pounds, Randy Orton!' Eden finished.

"It looks like Ava and Randy are getting along pretty well tonight." Michael pointed out.

"I think that's pretty odd, considering that on Monday," Jerry said. "Randy Orton looked like he wanted to hurt Ava. As well as Kane and Big Show."

"I agree with you, King." Byron Saxton said with a nod.

I allowed Randy to go down the ramp first, and I followed close behind. Once we got to the ring, Randy separated the middle and bottom ropes, making it easier for me to slip through. I smiled lightly at him and stepped into the ring. I sat up on the top turnbuckle as I watched Randy go up and do his signature pose. He jumped down and joined me in the corner. Randy's entrance died down and the cheers erupted violently as The Shield's music came on in replacement.








"Here we go." Jerry commented enthusiastically.

'And his opponent, being accompanied by Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins, The Shield. From Pensacola, Florida. Weighing in at 265 pounds, Roman Reigns!' Eden announced with a small smile.

I watched as the three men hopped, flipped, and climbed over the barricade with ease. I caught Dean looking at me, forcing me to look back. He smirked and gave me a quick wink, then looked away. I blushed lightly. Randy glanced over at me, so I rolled my eyes, trying to hide the bright pink blush on my cheeks. Roman entered the ring with a scowl on his face. He and Randy stared off for a moment.

"Ava," The ref said. "Please step out of the ring."

I nodded my head and hopped off of the turnbuckle, landing on the apron.

"Break a leg." I muttered to Randy before jumping off of the apron.

Seth and Dean did the same and they stood in Roman's corner. The bell rung, signaling for the match to begin.

"Randy Orton and Roman Reigns. What a great matchup for Smackdown!" Michael Cole commented.

I leaned against the apron, and propped my head up with my elbows. I sighed in boredom.

I need more excitement. I thought. I looked over at Roman's corner and Dean and Seth were watching the match. I shrugged and skipped over to them. I sat on the steel steps and waved.

Dean and Seth looked at me with amused faces. They walked over to me and leaned against the apron, on either sides of me.

"What's up, Princess?" Dean asked with a grin.

"I'm bored." I sighed. "I need people to talk to."

"Then you have come to the right people to talk to. " Seth said. I smiled.

"Is Ava talking to Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose?" Byron pondered.

"It looks like their having some sort of conversation. A friendly one, may I add." Cole said.

"So how's life going?" I asked them, loud enough so that the camera can catch our conversation.

"It's okay." Seth replied. I looked over at Dean.

"Great, now that you're here." Dean said with a smirk. I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Avean! Avean!" The crowd cheered.

I smiled and looked down trying to hide my blush.


I jumped almost falling off of the steel steps. I looked into the ring and Randy was storming over to the corner.

"What the hell?!" He yelled gesturing to Dean and Seth.

"I'm bored!" I yelled back at him. "Pay attention to your match!"

I turned around to face Seth and Dean again. I smiled sweetly at them.

"Don't mine him. He's a pain in the ass. " I assured.

"And Ava is still going to continue to talk to Ambrose and Rollins." Jerry said amusingly.

After a few more moments of talking to Seth and Dean, I heard the bell ring. The Shield's music hit and I saw Randy laying on the canvas clutching his stomach.

"Congratulations!" I said to them. "I should go check on Randy."

I hopped up onto the apron and sliced through the ropes. I hovered over Randy and bent over.

"Are you dead?" I asked with a smirk.

I opened my mouth to say something else but I didn't get the chance to because I was suddenly tackled to the ground.

"It's Nikki! It's Nikki Bella! She's back!" Michael Cole exclaimed.

I tried to cover my face from Nikki's punches but it didn't help. I kicked Nikki off of me and scrambled to my feet but yanked me back down.

Fine. Have it your way.

Once again, I kicked Nikki off of me, but this time I didn't run. I jumped to my feet and Nikki got to her feet as well. Once she was standing I gave her quick kick to the stomach, making her fall to her knees. I bounced against the ropes to deliver the Shining Wizard, but Nikki ducked out of the way and attacked me from behind. I fell out of the ring and landed hard on my shoulder. I winced in pain as I held it.

"Ava's hurt. She fell pretty hard on her shoulder." Jerry pointed out.

Nikki picked me up by the hair and rammed me, shoulder first, into the steel post. I cried out in pain and fell to the floor.

"How does that feel? Huh, Ava!" Nikki yelled in my face.

I tried getting to my feet, but it was pretty much useless. Nikki pulled me up to my feet, giving me some advantage. Once I felt my feet touch the ground I roughly pushed Nikki making her hit the barricade spine first. I walked over to her but Nikki lifted me up, throwing me into the Time keeper's area. I landed hard on a steel chair.

"What a rough landing!" Byron Saxton said.

"I think Ava's seriously hurt." Michael Cole mentioned.

A couple of officials and doctors had made their way to where I was laying. All I could hear was a few muffled, inaudible voices. My vision was starting to fade. The last thing I saw was Dean hovering over my face.

Then darkness came over me.




I woke up in a room. A room that wasn't the trainer's room though. I felt a cold, wet cloth on my forehead and and ice pack on my shoulder.

"You're awake."

I looked over and saw AJ sitting on the bench with me near my feet. She gave me a smile and I gladly returned one back.

"How's you're shoulder?" AJ asked.

"It's sort of sore, but I'm okay." I replied sitting up. "How did I get here?"

"Dean carried you in. He was pretty scared." She responded with a slight chuckle.

"Where is he?"

"He, Roman, and Seth went to get you food and water once you woke up. And Isa and Leighla went to get your stuff. We sorta of figured that you didn't want to stay with Reby, none the less Nikki, after what happened a few minutes ago."

I nodded my head and looked up when I heard the door open. Isa and Leighla walked in, with my things gathered in their hands.

Isa looked up at me. "You are so lucky that we love you."

"If we didn't, we would just kicked you out of here to fend for yourself." Leighla added.

I gave them a small smile and a chuckle. "Well thanks for not throwing me out into the streets."

"What are friends for right?" Isa said.

"Well friends are supposed to have each other's backs." AJ said.

"And their supposed to catch them when they fall." Leighla stated.

"Yeah, I'll pick up guys up. After I have a good laugh." Isa said

"Sounds like a bitchy friend to me.."I muttered.

"Love you too, Ava." Isa replied opening my suitcase.

"What the hell are you doing to my suitcase?" I questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Just looking for money." Isa replied casually.

"Why?" Leighla asked.

Isa paused and stopped. "I really don't know."

"You're a goof." AJ pointed out. I nodded in agreement.

The door then opened and Dean, Seth, and Roman strolled in carrying plates of food.

"Is that all for Ava?" Leighla questioned.
"We didn't know what to get her." Seth said stealing a French fry from Dean's plate.

"You mean you guys didn't know what to get her?" Dean stated giving him a slight glare from stealing the fry.

"Did you know they had cake?" Roman suddenly asked. I shook my head at him in amusement.

"You guys didn't have to get me food." I mentioned.

"Are you sure?" Seth asked.

"Yep. I'm fine." I replied.

"Yes! I'm digging in!" He said and he and Roman sat down and instaneously started eating the food. Dean just stood there giving them weird looks.

He turned to look at me. "I'm not eating this alone."

I laughed and patted the spot next to me. Dean smiled and sat down, sharing the plate of food with me.

"Thanks for bringing me back here." I said eating a French fry.

"It wasn't a big deal." Seth said continuing to eat his food.

"Yeah that's because you didn't have to carry her!" Dean shot with a slight chuckle.

"Too much hard work though!" Roman said stuffing his mouth with food.

Dean rolled his eyes and ate a carrot.

"Aren't you going to share with your girlfriend?" Leighla asked Seth.

Just as she said this, Seth's plate was clean of food. He looked up at her.

"Oh you wanted some?" He said guiltily.

"You're so selfish." AJ said.

"I like food, okay." Seth defended.

"Here Leigh," I said grabbing a few French fries. "Have some fries."

"Thanks." She said and ate them. I looked at Isa for a second then turned to AJ.

"Want some AJ?" I offered.

She shook her head. "I'm good. Thanks."

I glanced at Isa once again. I shrugged and continued eating..

"What the hell? Really, Ava? You aren't gonna offer me some?" She hollered.

I shrugged. "You didn't ask."

"Neither did AJ or Leighla!" She said throwing her hands up.

I laughed and grabbed a fry. "Bitch, calm down. Here have a fry." I threw the fry at her and it landed in her mouth.

"Like a BOSS!" Isa cheered.

I smiled and laughed. I caught Dean looking down at me. He smiled and I gladly returned one back to him. I linked my arm around his and laid my head on his shoulder.

Moments like this, with my friends and family, are the ones I miss the most. They're always seem to be there for me, even through the sh!t I've put them through. Even if they might laugh in my face when I fall, their still there to pick my right back up.




Only a couple of more chapter until the end!

Stay tuned!

Stay weird,

Jade ×_×

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