Hye-jae: Book 4

By Penshim

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The love story of Lee Seon-jae and Oh Hye-won of the top Korean drama series 'Secret Love Affair' continues... More

New Lives Part 1
New Lives Part 2
New Lives Part 3
Painful Pleasures Part 4
Painful Pleasures Part 5
Painful Pleasures Part 6
Painful Pleasures Part 7
Painful Pleasures Part 8
Bay Days Part 9
Bay Days Part 10
Bay Days Part 11
Bay Days Part 12
Sexy Summer Spirit Part 13
Sexy Summer Spirit Part 14
Sexy Summer Spirit Part 15
Sexy Summer Spirit Part 16
Sexy Summer Spirit Part 17
Sexy Summer Spirit Part 18
Manhattan Memories Part 19
Manhattan Memories Part 20
Glen of the Faeries Part 21
New Orleans Adventures Part 22
New Orleans Adventures Part 23
New Orleans Adventures Part 24
New Orleans Adventures Part 25
New Orleans Adventures Part 26
New Orleans Adventures Part 27
Seoul Vibe Part 28
Seoul Vibe Part 29
Seoul Vibe Part 30
Seoul Vibe Part 31
Seoul Vibe Part 32
Seoul Vibe Part 33
Seoul Vibe Part 34
Seoul Vibe Part 35
Hannam-dong House Part 36
Hannam-dong House Part 37
Seoul Vibe Part 38
Waking Love Part 39
Waking Love Part 40
Delicious Kiss Part 41
Cuties with Cuties Part 42
Musical Moments Part 43
Musical Moments Part 44
West Coast Wonders Part 45
West Coast Wonders Part 46
West Coast Wonders Part 47
West Coast Wonders Part 48
West Coast Wonders Part 49
West Coast Wonders Part 50
West Coast Wonders Part 51
West Coast Wonders Part 52
West Coast Wonders Part 53
Bittersweet Memory Part 54
Bittersweet Memory Part 55
Bittersweet Memory Part 56
East Coast Joy Part 57
East Coast Joy Part 58
East Coast Joy Part 59
Double Date Part 60
Sweet Reunion Part 61
Sweet Reunion Part 62
City of Love and Light Part 63
City of Love and Light Part 64
City of Love and Light Part 65
Birthday Bliss Part 66
Birthday Beauty Part 67
Birthday Beauty Part 68
Birthday Beauty Part 69
Birthday Bliss Part 70
City of Love and Light Part 71
City of Love and Light Part 72
City of Love and Light Part 74
City of Love and Light Part 75
City of Love and Light Part 76
Dream Date Part 77
Bad Boy Part 78
Special Day Part 79
Special Day Part 80
Special Night Part 81
Special Night Part 82
Healing Joy Part 83

City of Love and Light Part 73

143 5 0
By Penshim

On the morning of the first concert - leaving Ciara and Julie to care for the cuties - the couple left early for a visit to the venue and on their return - on Seon-jae's request - Hye-won made her omelette special and everyone enjoyed a chatty, relaxed brunch.  As Seon-jae stirred to leave for a final rehearsal and sound-check, Hye-jae - as pre-arranged - lifted a wrapped parcel that she had been hiding on her lap under the table and handed it, a little shyly, to her dad: 'it's from Seon-won and Mommy too, Daddy - we all picked it out for you yesterday.'

Seon-jae seemed genuinely taken aback and looked to Hye-won, who nodded that he should open it, so he did.  When he saw what was inside, he stopped, stared, then raised his head, tears springing at such a thoughtful gift: 'Hye-jaea, Seon-wona, my love, I...I don't know what to say...but I love it...thank you.'

Seon-won added, after a reminding look from his big sister: 'it's to bring on stage with you, Daddy.  Mommy said, that way, you might feel like you have us there with you and that will help you play even better.'

Seon-jae looked melted by these words and nodded slowly, as he carefully lifted the luxurious, linen handkerchief and, with a laugh at himself, used 1 corner to dab away his tears, which made both kids jump from their seats - as if by prior agreement - and rush to his sides to give him the squeezy hugs he always told them made him feel better, while he looked to his darling over their heads - you know, you always know - I know because I love you.  

A few minutes later, after more squeezy hugs for luck from the kiddies and a wave from Ciara and Julie, he and Hye-won walked to the door of the apartment for a private goodbye.  Their hug was slow and heart-felt and when Seon-jae lifted his head - keeping his arms low around Hye-won's back - she could see the familiar focus in his eyes that she knew always preceded a performance.  She knew that this forward vision was as much a part of his process as his rehearsals or his quiet visualisation of the full score before going on stage and this convinced her that Seon-jae's head was in the right place on this momentous day, as she reassured him gently: 'you are ready for this, my sweet - sindong - genius.  Just relax and be yourself - they will love you.'

'Thank you, my sweet one...and the same goes for you too, ok?'

They both nodded, then Seon-jae's look softened, as his grip tightened: 'and thank you for the gift - I love that you picked it for me with the kids - and it really will feel like I have my beauties with me on stage.  And it's just...perfect to have you and the kids with me.'

He didn't add that that had been the missing ingredient most of the previous summer, as he played his first solo tour of the United States but they could both read between the lines.  She felt a rush of tender love for his sensitive soul: 'I'm delighted you like the gift...and it's always perfect when we are together - on the big occasions -  and all the small ones too.'

His smile was heart-breaking and he folded her in closer to his chest for a last embrace, a laughing groan rumbling through him: 'with you, my gorgeous Goddess, there are no small occasions - this hug, here - it's perfect too,' and she didn't argue.


The run around the playground was as much fun as ever, the kids having endless energy and sparking off each other, Seon-won taking off for a dash to the swings, followed by a laughing Hye-jae, then the big sister taking a turn for the slides, with her little brother in mad pursuit.  The 3 friends sat watching the high jinks, from a conveniently close bench, enjoying an aromatic coffee they had purchased from a coffee stand at the park entrance.  The happy squeals of their little ones - as well as the other children enjoying the park on this brilliantly bright-blue, spring morning - brought a palpable sense of contentment, which the cheery bluebells - nestling among the roots of the mature trees, still sparse in leaf - seemed happy to witness too.

As they walked back towards the apartment, Ciara noticed Hye-won take a more than passing glance, as they passed a hair and beauty salon.  A thought occurred to the Irish girl and she had a quick, whispered chat - with some giggling - with Julie, then spoke aloud: 'Julie, weren't you hoping for a bit of pampering today?' and when Julie smiled and nodded, Hye-won looked in surprise to her friend.

'Really?  I don't have much time for such places these days though God knows, they were once where I did my hardest work but I just had a thought that it might be nice today.  On this big occasion.  But the kids...'

That was all Ciara needed to hear and she brushed off her friend's mention of the kids: 'oh, we will definitely find something cool to do, won't we, kids?' with a big wink to the children, which they both tried variously to ape, with hilarious results.  Leaving the group for a moment, Ciara walked into the large, modern salon to have a chat with the - femme propriétaire - female owner - before returning with a triumphant grin.

'So, if you 2 gorgeous ladies can bear to sit and relax over a coffee as you wait...,' and Hye-won and Julie met eyes at her super cuteness, '...Madame - Madam - can accommodate you both.'

When Hye-won was about to protest, Ciara added emotional blackmail to her argument: 'you need to look your best tonight and now you can have a companion along for the fun,' and her eyes met Julie's with laughing intent.

Hye-won rose her brows and nodded slightly she's not wrong - I do need courage for tonight and looking good will help that.  Julie put forward no counter argument and the 2 women were summarily packed off to have coffee, with Ciara's last instructions - go get beautiful, both of you.


Strolling through the overwhelmingly opulent - Opéra de Paris - Paris Opera - that evening, Hye-won felt the sense of history keenly.   Located in the Palais Garnier - Garnier Palace - built by the last monarch of France, Emperor Napoleon III - the nephew of the infamous Napoléon Bonaparte - whose motto was - no space without decoration - everywhere was a visual feast of baroque sumptuousness - marble statues of angelic cherubim in every corner, every surface adorned in gold leaf, stippled with stucco, enlivened with frescos, or draped in berry-shaded velvets, the whole lot lit by a multitude of shimmering lights.  

They had met with In-seo, Ji-soo and their 2 youngest as agreed but Hye-won was also amazed to see Dieter approach them shyly, his slightly crumpled appearance belied by the widest smile of recognition.  Hugs of affectionate happiness and friendly introductions to Julie followed, while Ciara grinned smugly to In-seo that their machinations to effect a full reunion of the troupe from their first summer concert series together had worked so well.  Soon though, they made their way through the world-famous Grand Foyer of this incredible space, the 2 smaller children looking completely awe-struck, their necks stretched upwards and their mouths open in amazement, while the older 2 were also amazed but trying to be a little less obvious.  The cuties look completely adorable in their little matching outfits.  Ciara was almost as awestruck and her voice was breathily quiet now, her head swivelling from one fabulous artefact to the next: 'I expected to be struck with the incredible history of music in this building, not to mention the...you-know-what story...but even compared to Versailles, this is...gob-smacking.'

Hye-won nodded, thinking that setting the doomed Phantom of the Opera in such an outrageously over-the-top location was a stroke of genius and maybe one of the reasons why the novel, and the musical of course, captured the imagination of so many over the years.  They had decided not to mention the scary story to the children - in the worry that it might be too much to think about, when they were already over-stimulated to see their Daddy play in this amazing place - so she placed her hands on the shoulders of the 2 children and steered them in the general direction of the moving crowds, all buzzing to hear the hot, new talent audiences couldn't get enough of.


The management company representative - a pleasant, young, French woman called Marie - walked towards them as soon as they came within her sights and directed them to a side-stairs leading to a private viewing box.  She had a quiet word with Hye-won and then left them with a gentle smile.  Elevated like this, so close to the stage, it made clear the massive privilege that being a member of the aristocracy would have conferred in times past.  For the children, this was the apex of their every desire and their little heads hardly stopped moving over and back to try to take it all in.  Hye-won felt huge anticipation but also a dollop of anxiety.  It will all be fine - this is Seon-jae's destiny - I knew that from the first note of Schubert's Fantasy in f minor that I heard him play - and maybe mine too.

'Everything ok, Hye-wona?'

In-seo's quiet query lifted Hye-won from her reverie and she turned to meet the concerned eyes of her dear friend: 'yes...I think.'

'This is going to be a wonderful night for Seon-jae...and you...I just know it.  So try to relax and enjoy it.'

She gave a little laugh, as she took in Dieter and Julie smiling easily, as they watched the kids whispering and giggling, as they peeped at the audience, Ciara obviously making up funny stories about certain individuals they could see: 'these 3 kiddies are certainly going to,' and she felt her anxiety lift a little.  Moments later, the house lights dimmed, the noise stemmed as if by the flick of a switch and Seon-jae stepped onto the historic stage and every other thought was banished from Hye-won's mind.


What followed was an interesting programming choice which Seon-jae carried off astoundingly well.  The shorter first half was Schumann's Fantasie in C major which Hye-won knew Seon-jae had, in part, been drawn to learn, through his admiration for the brilliant Korean pianist Son Yeol-eum.  Like the hugely popular recording of the work by that wonderful talent, Seon-jae's performance perfectly balanced the enormous drama of the piece with its lyrical delights and the audience were well and truly won-over after such an accomplished first half.  

During the interval, the group stretched their legs once again, descending and ascending the monumental, white marble staircase for the sheer sense of grandeur it gave to re-trace the steps of the elite of Paris for so many years, before settling again in their exclusive perch.  Soon, Seon-jae returned to the stage and now, the excitable crowd were very partisan in their loud welcome, before quickly settling with a hum of excitement for a highly-anticipated second half.


If anything, Seon-jae's playing in the second half was even more spirited and exciting and the conclusion of each piece was now acknowledged with rapturous applause.  Felix and Fanny Mendelssohn - those geniuses of the piano -  were the focus now, with Seon-jae delivering a selection of the exquisite - Lieder ohne Worte - Songs without Words.  As Hye-won had explained to the children earlier that evening as they were all getting ready, the Mendelssohn family were extremely musical and none more so than Felix and his adored and adoring big sister, Fanny.  Knowing that not only were they both prodigies on piano - taught initially by their mother and later, taking lessons from the same teacher - but also marvellous composers, who together invented this particular art-form of short song-like pieces for piano - had given the children a keen interest in the story of the devoted siblings and they seemed spellbound from the first note, all skittishness from the interval now forgotten.

Seon-jae married drama and passion with heart-aching lyricism, the short song-form allowing for swift changes of mood - from mellow and meditative to restless and agitated, from melancholic to euphoric - though the highlight for Hye-won was definitely - Frühlingslied - Spring Song - dedicated to Clara Schumann - which had always marked this work as the most special for Hye-won.  As she listened, she imagined herself again, relaxing with friends in the park, to the lilt of the children's laughter in the warming sunlight and the happiness she had felt then suffused through her again.  

However, to judge by the volume of applause, the audience were obviously most enthralled by perhaps the most famous of all the pieces - Duetto - Duet - in which 2 distinct melodies entwined beautifully with each other.  Felix had written the piece after he had fallen compellingly in love with a young singer in a choir he was conducting in Frankfurt, whom he described as - a beautiful girl - with whom he was - dreadfully in love.  Having set himself to persuade both her and her family to accept him, when the delightful Cécile did accept his proposal, he had written to his mother - my head is quite giddy from the events of the day; it is already late at night; but I must write to you, I feel so rich and happy.  After a grand wedding and month-long honeymoon, the couple had settled in a large and comfortable house in the countryside near Leipzig and enjoyed deep contentment with their 5 children.  Hye-won was perhaps most interested to read that though completely settled in their bucolic bliss - Felix writing that the best part of every pleasure is gone if Cécile is not there - he still worked tirelessly and travelled extensively, sometimes with the beloved Cécile but sometimes without. So it can work, of course it can.


Though Hye-won was loving every moment, she was also aware that the second half was drawing to a close and she gestured to the adults - behind the children's heads - and her friends gave her looks of conspiratorial encouragement.  A quick pat on the back from In-seo, as she slipped from her seat and she was quietly exiting the box, where Marie was waiting for her, as agreed earlier.  

Following the young woman - obviously well-used to making her way around music venues utterly noiselessly during performances - Hye-won felt the nerves build in the pit of her stomach and she had that awful moment when she realised the magnitude of what she was about to do.  Then Seon-jae's voice sounded in her ears, as he had spoken to her at the front door that morning - with you, my gorgeous Goddess, there are no small occasions - because with you - it's perfect.  Well, this is certainly a big occasion, my love, and, right now, I will settle for not ruining your brilliant concert.  She also thought again of In-seo's encouragement - this is going to be a wonderful night...I just know it - and with a wry smile at herself, she squared her shoulders and pushed forward after the rapidly receding back of Marie.


From the second that she stood in the wings, hearing the thunderous applause that greeted the ending of the concert, she couldn't hold back her smiles glorious, just glorious, my darling - you deserve every call, every whistle, every cheer, and this audience knows that.  Seeing Seon-jae smilingly accepting this adulation, before turning to walk off-stage, she moved back 2 more steps into the darker shadows, so it was only when he was completely out of the bright stage-lights that his eyes picked her out and then his lively smile broadened into a look of such complete happiness to see her waiting for him that she couldn't help but respond with an equally ecstatic grin.  Then he didn't even pretend to care if anyone was watching in the darkened space but swept her into his arms and kissed her with every pent-up part of himself,  thrilled and delighted to have played so well in such a venue and have his beautiful girl waiting for him off-stage.  Hye-won kissed him right back, with all the passion his wonderful artistry had risen in her - and every member of the audience - that night. 

Eventually, he raised his head and his huge smirk returned.  With a cheeky eye-brow flick, he feasted his eyes on the gorgeous, monochrome dress she was wearing - clinging to her slender form like a seductive sheath - then lifted her hand ceremoniously high in his to press his lips to her skin.  He looked towards the stage - as the audience called and clapped for his return - then returned his gaze to his love: 'you look amazing, my super sexy sweetheart, so let's give them hell,' and with a deep breath, they stepped together onto the stage.

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