Birthday Beauty Part 68

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'What an astonishing view.  Can you imagine living in such a place?'

The 3 women were wending their way through the precisely defined walk-ways of the perfectly symmetrical, formal gardens that faced the frontage of the incredible - Château de Versailles - Palace of Versailles.  Seon-jae had taken the 2 children by the hand and disappeared running in the opposite direction, the sounds of their infectious laughter trailing behind them, like colourful ribbons streaming from runaway balloons.  

'It is astonishing, I'll admit.  But by all accounts, if Marie Antoinette wanted to walk in the gardens, she would have to wear full, elaborate, court dress - with wigs, jewellery, make-up - and all her ladies would have to accompany her, all in full regalia too, so I suppose that might have put her off a quick wander among the flower-beds.'

Ciara laughed wryly and Julie added: 'didn't she write to her brother something like - I put on my rouge and wash my hands in front of the whole world - so I imagine that she was very conscious of always being watched?'

The 3 women definitely felt some sympathy for the last Queen of France, married off very young, crowned by the age of 18 and beheaded some 20 years later.  As they continued their relaxed stroll, Hye-won thought back to the unbelievably ornate, private rooms of the infamous royal suite - gold cornicing, silk wall-hangings, precious furniture - and her thought centred on the railing that divided the 4-poster bed from the rest of the room: 'I think the fact that even her most intimate moments - like childbirth - were watched by so many courtiers that they had to cordon them off with railings speaks a lot about the sort of life that she endured.'

Ciara huffed with laughter: 'yes, can you imagine that - never being entitled to privacy?'

Hye-won laughed wryly: 'no wonder she loved masked balls, opera and theatre - at least then, someone else was the star of the show.'

As usual, Ciara's quick wit brought everyone's laughs: 'well, I suppose it also gave her the opportunity to wear some of the 300 gowns she ordered every year.'

Julie tittered, even as she added her more serious take: 'yes, true, though she also wrote once that she was - terrified of being bored - so those extravagances would have helped enliven the tedium too.'

Hye-won thought back to the exquisite golden harp that they had seen in the queen's suite of rooms: 'so, maybe that's why she also worked on her skills on that gorgeous harp we saw.'

Ciara nodded: 'but don't you think it is kind of amazing that she played well enough to accompany Antonio Salieri - Mozart's rival - who was a great favourite of hers?  She even gifted him a fortune in florins when his opera - Les Danaïdes - The Danaids - was premiered in Paris.'

She thought for a moment, then continued with a cheeky grin to Hye-won: 'so it is obviously a good career choice to get friendly with a queen - maybe Seon-jae should consider it,' and the trio made their way back towards the palace, giggling at Ciara's suggestion, though Hye-won was keeping an eye out for Seon-jae and the kiddies.  Where could they have disappeared to?  Ciara didn't seem to notice her distraction and continued with their chat.

'But imagine living in this enormous place and at the same time, your husband gifts you your own house, so you can live in privacy with your close circle of friends.'

The Irish girl was, of course, speaking of - Le Petit Trianon - The Little Villa - the not-so-little, separate dwelling on the grounds of Versailles, gifted by Louis to Marie Antoinette, which, though also ornate - with numerous porcelain dinner services, specially crafted furniture bearing her stamp and flower patterns everywhere, especially in the favoured corn-flower blue - was relatively modest, compared to the main palace.  

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