Sexy Summer Spirit Part 14

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The kiss was almost too good and both knew it and pulled apart, though a firing look between them said - later - God yes, later.  For now, they were content to walk from the water, re-fasten their shoes and stroll a little further. They passed the quaint gazebo in Townsend Park, wedged like a pretty ornament between the historic buildings housing the post office and the town hall.  They heard sounds of amplified rock music and followed the crowds to the main street where on the back of an open-sided truck, a full band, with female lead vocalist, were in full flight, with a large crowd of swaying, clapping, dancing holiday-makers and locals obviously enjoying this summer fun.  Signage advertised the weekly summer event - billed as Dancing in the Streets - and its popularity was obvious from the numbers of people congregating.  Many were drinking beers that they had bought from the Oyster Bay Brewing Company truck pulled up alongside the stage and with a why not? look between them, they bought 2 ice-cold, barley-coloured American lagers to sip, as they enjoyed the music.

The pair joined the rapidly expanding audience and loved the buzz of the outdoor setting, balmy weather and especially, the up-tempo band. The drummer pushed a strong, rhythmical pulse through each tune, while layering showy fills on top, as the bassist popped funky grooves, in partnership with the lead guitarist, who could make the strings squeal and cry at will. But by far the most magnetic and charismatic of the 4 was the lead singer - long, loose blonde hair flying everywhere - as she poured power and sex appeal into every word and movement. Some in the audience seemed to be die-hard fans of the group - and especially her - and as 1 rocking tune followed another, her interaction with the fans increased. If she told them to call out - make some noise - they bellowed and whistled, if she asked for hush for a quieter tune - take it down - they acquiesced and shushed those who didn't. Overall, the vibe was just like an impromptu street party and Seon-jae and Hye-won felt the sense of freedom take them over - just as it had with everyone else - and they called, clapped and whistled, with laughing glances to each other.


The gig was well under-way when a strong, 4-beat, drum intro started and the fans all seemed to know that this was the highlight of the night and calls and shouts of appreciation rang around the crowd. With increasing power in each phrase, the singer declared - I don't need a whole lot of money, I don't need a big fine car 'cause I got me a sweet-loving man and he knows just how to treat me right. The mix of guitar, bass and drums pulsed, as the vocalist powered through the chorus, repeating over and over - don't you know he is? - some kinda wonderful - the crowd responding playfully - some kinda wonderful.  Hye-won was singing and swaying to the beat, as she laughingly pointed to Seon-jae, declaring to anyone who cared to know but most especially to him, that he was her own, true sweetheart, her some kinda wonderful and Seon-jae laughed along with her, storing the memory of his beautiful woman - looking so sexy and laughing so freely - for later.

Now the singer called to the audience, almost like the start of a gospel call and answer session - is there anybody out there with a sweet-loving man like mine? - which drew loud shouts and claps. She sang on - can I get a witness? - which drew a loud - yeyy - and then again louder - can I get a witness? - and a louder - yeyy - with various calls and shouts, screaming yells and hands in the air.  With each sequence ending on a higher note in the arpeggio and ending an octave higher than where she started, the singer provoked a frenzy of responses and Hye-won was as involved as any - singing, calling, raising her hand - while laughing to see Seon-jae do the same, regardless of the gender being sung about. She really felt the release of screaming to the world that her man was the most sweet-loving and with each repeated declaration - some kinda wonderful - she jumped up and threw her hands in the air.  Seon-jae was as carried away and he matched her jump for jump, gesture for gesture, feeling the joy and power of the night, as keenly as she did. When the singer finished with a soulful - I'm talking about my baby, yeah - many of the couples in the crowd took it as a sign that this was their moment to seal the deal and tight clinches and hot kisses were taking place all around them. The couple didn't wait a moment and fell upon each other passionately, all restraint erased in their joyful, lustful kiss and the sexy summer spirit surrounded and sealed them both, in their hot world of 2.

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