Birthday Bliss Part 66

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'Good morning, my birthday beauty.'

Hye-won woke to a susurrating whisper across her ear, followed by a gentle kiss in the hollow below it and she made an instinctive purr in the back of her throat.

'Good morning to you too.  Are you up already, sweetheart?'

With his solid warmth pushing against her and his arms enfolding her, she realised that her waking body was already responding to his tantalising attentions, though her brain was still surfacing from the fog of sleep.

'I'm always up for you, my sexy woman.'

She gave the tiniest moan and a little laugh and reached a hand up to cradle the precious head close to her.

'Mm...lucky me.'  You gorgeous brat.

Seon-jae lifted his head to meet her sleepy eyes.  Whatever teasing rejoinder had been on the tip of his tongue floated away, as the love he saw simmering in those barely-awakened orbs seemed to connect directly to his soul.  He felt his heart hop in his chest and he moaned dramatically, which brought his love's sweet smiles.  He sank his forehead to settle with a sigh on Hye-won's shoulder.

'Ok, I'm dead now.'

She smiled wider, as she spoke.

'You are?  Because of me?'

Head still buried in the indescribably stirring scent of his love, he imagined the curving beauty of the smile he could hear in her words and it only increased his agonies.

'Yes.  Of course because of you.'  Who else?

She stroked the back of his head, loving the soft intimacy of this touch.  His hair is as soft as Seon-won's.

'But I didn't do anything to you.'

His voice against her shoulder was muffled.

'It wasn't what you did to me but how you looked at me.  Especially on this special day.'  No-one could withstand those gorgeous eyes.

She knew perfectly well what he meant it happens to me all the time too and she gave a low titter, knowing that he would recover his senses quickly enough, especially if she gave him a helping hand.

'Aw, I'm sorry about that...babyboy.'

And just as she had known they would, Seon-jae's agonies were transformed with groans of a different tenor, as he ran his mouth across the smooth, curving surface of her shoulder and her giggles faded to sighs of pleasure.  Once again, her eyes closed in enjoyment of the bliss of this first touch of lip to skin.  The thin strap of the light slip she wore was gripped between bared teeth and slipped sideways over the top of her shoulder to lie seductively at half-mast along her upper arm.  Hye-won's mewls of pleasure were sending Seon-jae's erotic desire rocketing and he whispered hotly, against her intoxicating skin.

'I dreamed this birthday morning.'

A little huff of laughter.

'And was I in this birthday dream?'

An answering huff.

'Who else?'  You are the Goddess who rules my days and nights after all.

His mouth sucked exquisite trails of stimulation down her arm.

'And what were we doing in this dream?'

A curling tongue in the inside crease of her elbow was rising goose-bumps all along her arm and up into her shoulder.

'In the dream, I woke and you were curled into me, like now.' 

His mouth moved further down her arm to place tiny, sucking kisses all around her slender wrist.

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