Dear, My Teacher...Fuck you

By Kyo_j_readz

11.1K 371 450

When I was a kid...I believed that there is no such thing as a perfect role model...until...Mr.Uchiha came in... More

My Life...
School years...
Mr.Uchiha and his student
The mission
Kiba's match
Unexpected Vacation
The Deer
Honesty isn't a crime
Christmas Special <3
Naruto the student and Sasuke the teacher
Sex Education Isnt sexual
Kiba lies
We were never a real Family...
Honesty isn's a crime...right?
The Gang is Family...But I need both
Lets quit...
Good Days
trouble is at every corner
Rain under the umbrella
Revenge isnt the way!
My Father Figure
My Perfect Role Model
Judgment Day
Not like me...
A true friend...
Dear My Teacher....Fuck You. a closet?

297 12 5
By Kyo_j_readz

3rd pov

"Hahahaha! You idiot!" Shikadai threw a mud ball at Naruto. The blond sat in the mud puddle with mud all over making a new mud ball.

"Wow...I haven't seen Shikadai play outside in so long...Now that he has someone to play with...then just had to be Naruto..." shikamaru sighed. Kiba looked outside and smiled at Naruto.

"I'm glad he is making a friend...even though it us my best friend..." kiba laughed.

"Heh well you know what they say...Friendships last for eternity...even through your kids..." shikamaru smirked.

"Yeah...and I'm glad I could see Naruto be himself again..." Kiba looked outside to see the two all dirty.

"You should go and get them back in here...they shouldn't be in the rain. They'll become sick." Shikamaru sat at the table.

Kiba nodded and headed outside.

"Oi! You guys should come inside now! AH!" Kiba was hit by a mudball. He looked up to see Naruto flip him off.

"Naruto! What are a child?" Kiba scraped the mud off.

"Heh just showing Shikadai what we use to do in highschool." Naruto explained.

"Yeah, brother Naruto is way more fun than some stupid video game." Shikadai smirked.

"At least your not lazy....and when did you call him your brother?" Kiba asked.

"Since yesterday." Shikadai helped Naruto up.

"Huh...well you two have to take your dirty clothes off and enter through the back door now...take a warm shower and long sleeved pj''ll be sick if you don't." Kiba sighed.

"What a drag...since when did you turn into Father?" Shikadai and Naruto walked over to the back gate.

Kiba took offense e to be compared to Shikamaru.

Time skip

"Ow! Father stop!!!" Shikadai pushed away from shikamaru.

"I know you won't wash yourself properly! So I'm just going to wash your face!" Shikamaru nagged.

"Wow...since when did Shikamaru get so...motherly..." Naruto stepped back.

"Since we had Shikadai...he always said he would never have a kid because he's too he reminds me of his own mother..." kiba laughed.

Naruto smiled at the two fighting.

"I never knew you two would still be together...I guess you can't break a bond that fast..."

Kiba looked at him and waked over to the kitchen to grab a coffee. Naruto followed him to grab one as well.

" you...blame me? know...for...what I did..." kiba looked at the blond seriously. Naruto only looked at the man and then down to his mug.

"I don't know...I...I dont know who to blame was nobody's fault...I guess.." Naruto took a sip of his coffee.

Kiba only frowned and placed his mig down.

"I...I guess I'll go and see if Shikadai's pj's are warm enough..." kiba walked away while Naruto nodded.

Kiba walked into Shikadai's room and placed better pj's. He then went over to his room and shut the door. He opened his wardrobe to see his cop uniform. He then moved it to see an old box. The man opened it and looked at his old things.

He then came across his old notebook and pen. Kiba grabbed it and read the first page.

Tears came rolling down on the man. He squeezed the pen and crumbled the page. Kiba held his stuff close to him as he face was soaked with his own tears. He sat down on his knees and cried.

"I'm so sorry Naruto...."

3rd pov-

Lunch time

Kiba closed and locked the door behind him as he entered an old classroom. He opened his notebook and wrote on the pages.

"I have his usual boring life....nothing suspicious about him...but I know he's up to something...I just know it!" Kiba ranted to himself as he wrote on his notebook.

Suddenly the door was unlocked and opened. Kiba flinched and was ready to grab his blade.

"Woah calm down my puppy it's just me..."

Kiba sighed as he saw that it was Shikamaru.

"Tch, have you heard about knocking?" Kiba sat back down.

"What are you doing in here?" Shikamaru dragged a chair over and sat next to Kiba.

"Mr.Uchiha....or should I say Sasuke Uchiha has nothing suspicious on far..." Kiba explained.

"Yeah because he's an innocent guy...and you still never told me in particular why you needed this information..." Shikamaru stated.

"...That's none of your business...look I am going to just say that our business is done here...I thought you would he useful...but I was can leave me alone now." Kiba huffed.

"Huh? Aw so you didn't catch feelings for me after what we sad." Shikamaru teased.

"No I don''re a perverted nerd...I dont need your help anymore..." Kiba shook him off.

"Really...what if I said I might have some dirt on Mr.Uchiha..." Shikamaru smirked. Kiba flinched and turned to him.

"What!? Tell me!"

" know the drill..." Shikamaru held onto the man's chin.

Kiba blushed as they leaned in closer. He licked Shikamaru's lips and bit them softly. Shikamaru touched the other man's chest and squeezed them.

"Heh...are you sure you're a man...with these plumped tits of yours?" Shikamaru teased.

"Fuck you...I work that such a crime..." Kiba got on top of the man and started to kiss him on the neck.

Kiba knew the man was turned on when he felt it poking at him. The dog lover took his shirt off and pushed his hair back. Shikamaru felt around Kiba's body. The two started to kiss without realizing one thing. Shikamaru flinched when he heard the door being unlocked.

Kiba also flinched but was suddenly grabbed and pulled. Shikamaru grabbed Kiba's shirt and notebook before running into a small supply closet. Shikamaru peaked out to see the janitor getting ready to clean all of the desks and floor. Kiba sighed heavily as he felt a wave of relief.

Shikamaru walked up to the man and whispered.

"Do you really think we're done here?"

Kiba gasped when Shikamaru rubbed his member against his. Kiba bluhsed as he felt himself getting hard. Shikamaru licked and pinched Kiba's nipples.

"Heh...nice inverted" Shikamaru held onto the man's face before kissing him again. Kiba's mind went blank and unzipped his pants. He pulled them down, leaving his underwear. Shikamaru took his belt off and held it to the man's face.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Kiba asked.

"...This is going to help you shut up..." Shikamaru wrapped it around Kiba's mouth and unzipped his pants and pulled down his underwear. He finally pulled Kiba's underwear down. Shikamaru licked his fingers and started to play around with Kibas entrance.

"Mhp! Mmmm!!! Mhp!!!" Kiba muffled his moans as he felt like he was about to come.

"Shhh....let me help so it won't hurt as much..." Shikamaru started to jerk his member.

"Mmmm!!! Mphhh!" Kiba was breathing heavily before being lifted up by the man.

"I'm going to put it in feel ready." Shikamru kissed Kiba's neck as he slowly lowered the man onto his member.

"MPH! MMMMM!!!" Kiba's eyes teared up.

With that Shikamaru started to move Kiba up and down.

"Mmmmm....maaahh!!!" Kiba felt like he wanted to scream out with pleasure but was prevented by the belt. Saliva started to leak down Kiba's chin from all the limited moaning.

"Shhh...the janitor is still in here..." Shikamaru smirked as he went faster.

"MPH! mmmm!!! Mphmm!!!" Kiba held onto the belt. He could take it anymore and started to scratch at the belt. He then ripped the belt off and pulled Shikamaru's hair.

"Oi what are mph!" Shikamaru was then kissed by the dog lover. Shikamaru smiled as he kept going.

Once Kiba heard the janitor leave he started to moan and breath normal.

"Ah! Mr...Nara! I'm close...." Kiba held into the man.

" too..."

And with that...the two finished up.

Not long after, the two came out and fixed themselves.

"I didn't know you were that ripped my belt into are my pants gonna stay up now?.." Shikamaru sighed. Kiba looked and smirked.

"Thats a sign not to fuck with me..." Kiba scoffed.

"I would never...besides...fucking you is way better..." Shikamaru kissed Kiba on the cheek.

Kiba bluhsed as he bent down to his shoe.

"What are you doing?" Shikamaru asked.

"Take my lace...use it as a belt for now." Kiba took off his shoe laced and started to attach it to Shikamaru's pants.

"Wow...gangster style much...hah!" Shikamaru looked at his pants.

Kiba frowned as he grabbed his stuff.

" know the deal."

"Right...well...I've known Mr.Uchiha for a long time...and there's this one thing that I'm the only one that knows. You see...Sasuke was married once...but he was divorced when his lover found out about drug activity..."

Kiba's eyes went wide as he grabbed his notebook.

"He did drugs!" Kiba wrote that down.

" was more like...selling it then doing it...but that's all I know...the pills were named Down pills...when you get hooked on them you get sleepier until you walk with your head down even when your the point where you can overdose." Shikamaru explained.

Kiba wrote everything down.

"Down pills...wait a minute! I heard about this a long time ago! There were lots of down pill victims! After they died...there was..." Kiba stopped his sentence and froze in fear.

"What?" Shikamaru asked.

"Oh no...I know were innocent this whole time..."

"Who?" Shikamaru asked



And here is the cute picture after the dramatic chapter!

Thanks so much for reading this story

Later (^∇^)ノ♪

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