Dear, My Teacher...Fuck you

By Kyo_j_readz

11.1K 371 450

When I was a kid...I believed that there is no such thing as a perfect role model...until...Mr.Uchiha came in... More

My Life...
School years...
Mr.Uchiha and his student
The mission
Kiba's match
Unexpected Vacation
The Deer
Tutoring a closet?
Christmas Special <3
Naruto the student and Sasuke the teacher
Sex Education Isnt sexual
Kiba lies
We were never a real Family...
Honesty isn's a crime...right?
The Gang is Family...But I need both
Lets quit...
Good Days
trouble is at every corner
Rain under the umbrella
Revenge isnt the way!
My Father Figure
My Perfect Role Model
Judgment Day
Not like me...
A true friend...
Dear My Teacher....Fuck You.

Honesty isn't a crime

280 11 4
By Kyo_j_readz

3rd pov

"Naruto?" Sasuke leaned closer. Naruto was shaking to the core.

"H-How...How did you...find out..." Naruto teared up as he back away.

"...That night when I assigned you in tutoring...You left the review I gave you. So I decided to go over and give it to you...then...I saw you at the store...with...those thugs. I saw Kiba as well...he spraypainted that symbol on the wall. When you guys left I took a picture and left." Sasuke explained.

Naruto didnt know what to do but the only option he had.

"...Yeah...what you saw...was me...but you can't judge me for it! They took me in parents...they..." Naruto started to tear up and held himself. Sasuke went over to the blonde and hugged him.

"I am not going to judge you...I love you Naruto...ever since...I left you..." Sasuke looked at the blonde. Naruto froze when he heard the last sentence.

"You...left me?" Naruto looked up.

Sasuke frowned and sighed. He held Naruto close and ruffled his hair.

"Your parents....Kushina and Minato...they use to take care of me when I was very little. My parents had passed away when I was 3. My mother knew yours very well so she was kind enough to take care of me. My brother went to jail for his carelessness and they were my only option. I had a normal childhood with them. And when Kushina told me you were going to be born...I was so thrilled to have someone else. I swore that I would always protect you and that's what I did. You were too young to remember but...everyday I would help change your diapers, feed you, clean you, and even sometimes sleep with you. I was never going to let anything bad happen to you." Sasuke smiled at the shocked blonde.

Naruto held onto the man and had a shaky voice.

"Then why did you leave?"

"I had no choice the time I was brother was out of prison...he took full custody of me...I didn't have a say so the Uzumaki's packed up my stuff. I didn't wanna leave...but if I didn'" Sasuke looked to see Naruto crying. Sasuke stopped and held the blonde close. Naruto held onto the man and kept crying.

"Whats wrong...I'm sorry I left you." Sasuke sighed.

"You idiot! You should have said something! Even better you should have came to see me!" Naruto whined. Sasuke looked at the blondes puffy eyes and laughed.

"Whats so funny! I'm mad at you!" Naruto wiped his tears.

"I'm sorry for laughing...but If I could...I would have done that years ago..." Sasuke held Naruto's face.

The blonde looked at Sasuke and smiled. He went closer to the raven and gave him one last hug.

"Please...don't leave me...stay here tonight..." Naruto squeezed the man.

"Isn't that too fishy?" Sasuke asked.

"I don't care! Plus I don't want nobody to see you leave my house...because know who..." Naruto frowned.

"I see...then I'll stay with you for tonight..." Sasuke stated.

"Dont worry, I got extra toothbrushes and stuff...heh I don't like going to public stores..." Naruto explained. Sasuke nodded and looked at the couch.

"You got a blanket and pillow?" Sasuke asked.

Naruto looked at him and then at the couch. He then blushed and held onto the man.

"Can you sleep with me? I just...don't wanna be alone right now..."

Sasuke was hesitant but slowly nodded.

After washing up and getting ready for bed Naruto gave Sasuke some pj's.

"Naruto...these look too small..." Sasuke explained.

"Right can wear my baggy sweats." Naruto grabbed his sweats. Sasuke took his shirt off and put the sweats on. Naruto looked at Sasuke's back.

"Those scars...who did that..." Naruto frowned. Sasuke looked at him and remembered.

"Oh those...don't worry about I said...My brother was careless..." Sasuke smiled as he walked up to Naruto.

Naruto felt the scars and frowned. He then pulled Sasuke into bed with him. The blonde got on top of the man and layed on his chest.

"This feels should do this with me more often..." Naruto smiled.

"Now now your teacher and role model, I can't have you be distracted from your education." Sasuke stated.

"'re more than just a teacher to me..." Naruto looked up at the man. Sasuke flinched when he felt Naruto's lips brush against his.

"'re my perfect role mean a lot to me..." Naruto kissed Sasuke. The raven held Naruto by the waist and kissed him back.

"We can ditch school tomorrow..." Naruto kissed the man more. Sasuke pulled away and lifted Naruto. The blonde was suddenly under the man. Sasuke got closer to the boy who's heart was ready to pounce. Sasuke just stopped at Narutos lips and smirked.

"Heh...You can't miss school tomorrow...I have prepared a pop quiz in math...that's why we focused on that earlier..." Sasuke got off of the blonde and laid next to him. Naruto pouted and hit the man.

"Idiot! Fine then..." Naruto stuck his tongue out before wrapping himself in his blankets. Sasuke went over and kissed Naruto's head before cuddling close to him.

3rd pov

"Naruto...Naruto!...OI! WAKE UP!" Shikadai shook the blonde up.

"Huh? What do you need?" Naruto asked.

"My dad said that you have to walk me to school today..." Shikadai rolled his eyes.

Naruto looked at the time and sighed.

"Alright lemme just grab a Hoodie..." Naruto got up and went to the bathroom. Naruto looked at the mirror to see that he was crying. He sighed and splashed his face. Naruto looked at his body and touched his scars.

"We match..."


"If I can trust you with this...Ill allow you to do this regularly." Shikamaru stated. Naruto only nodded and walked away with Shikadai.

After a few blocks, Naruto pulled out a cigarette.

"Oi, if you get that on me my dad will kill you." Shikadai explained.

"Right sorry..Lucky that it's not Marijuana..." Naruto put his lighter and the cigarette away.

"So you and my father were bestfriends?" Shikadai asked.

"Yeah...he always looked out for me...heh beleive it or not...but your dad use to be a real dumbass." Naruto stated.

"I could dad still has to remind him what a certain thing is..." Shikadai explained.

"Really? Wow..."

"Yeah wow...welp we take a turn here." Shikadai pointed.

Naruto nodded but instantly stopped.

"Wait...which school do you go to?" Naruto asked.

"Konoha...why?" Shikadai asked.

Naruto grabbed the boys hand and leaded him into a tree path.

"Where are we going?" Shikadai asked.

"Trust me, it's faster!" Naruto started to run faster. Shikadai noticed that there was a trench.

"Woah! No no no! I'll fall! I can't jump that far!" Shikadai explained. Naruto smirked and lifted Shikadai onto his back.

"GAH!? OI!" Shikadai hit the blondes head. Naruto didnt stop and kept running. At the very last second Naruto jumped the trench. Shikadai looked to see the sun above the trees. He smiled and then looked down.

"AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Shikadai held onto dear life while Naruto landed.

"You're okay! See? Heh Kiba use to carry me over like that...until...I one day did it by myself..." Naruto let the boy down. Shikadai looked at him and smirked.

"You may be Strange...but you're cool Naruto..."

"Heh you're a strange yet cool kid too...cmon..."

Naruto held Shikadai's hand and headed towards where it all started for the"


And here is the cute picture after the dramatic chapter!

Thanks so much for reading this story

Later (^∇^)ノ♪

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