Dear, My Teacher...Fuck you

By Kyo_j_readz

11.1K 371 450

When I was a kid...I believed that there is no such thing as a perfect role model...until...Mr.Uchiha came in... More

My Life...
School years...
Mr.Uchiha and his student
The mission
Kiba's match
The Deer
Honesty isn't a crime a closet?
Christmas Special <3
Naruto the student and Sasuke the teacher
Sex Education Isnt sexual
Kiba lies
We were never a real Family...
Honesty isn's a crime...right?
The Gang is Family...But I need both
Lets quit...
Good Days
trouble is at every corner
Rain under the umbrella
Revenge isnt the way!
My Father Figure
My Perfect Role Model
Judgment Day
Not like me...
A true friend...
Dear My Teacher....Fuck You.

Unexpected Vacation

370 15 4
By Kyo_j_readz

3rd pov

"What? Where the hell am I?" Naruto looked to see a building.

"...At the ice-skating center...I'm taking you there to skate..." Sasuke pointed at his back seat. Naruto walked over and saw the bags filled with skates and warm clothing.


Sasuke smirked and got closer to Naruto.

"Did you think I was going to do something else?"

Naruto felt Sasuke get closer and shivered.

"S-stop that...look Mr.Uchiha...I don't know how to skate...lets just go for a walk or...bring me back home..." Naruto mumbled. Sasuke looked at him and grabbed the bag.

"Cmon lets go."

"Mr.Uchiha! Did you here what I just said!? Hello!? Hellloooooo????"

Naruto ended up following him inside to the change rooms. Sasuke sat Naruto down and opened the bag. Naruto sighed and looked down to see something quite unusual.

"I don't think my size will fit try these on..." Sasuke grabbed a pair that was exactly Naruto's size. The blonde blushed as Sasuke helped him out with the skates.

Naruto looked at the bag to see the other sizes and frowned.

Once Mr.Uchiha finished he put on his and helped Naruto up.

"Mr.Uchiha...I can't get up!" Naruto wobbled as Sasuke helped him stand.

"I told me Sasuke."

Naruto looked away knowing he was very pink. Sasuke helped Naruto out on the ice. Naruto refused to hop on.

"Naruto...I won't let you fall now cmon." Sasuke reached his hand out.

"B-but if I fall...people will laugh!"

"Tch, dobe...there's not a lot of people's mostly families and couples." Sasuke grabbed Naruto's hand.

Naruto tried to pull away from him but was met with softened eyes.

"Trust in me...I won't let you fall..."

Naruto blushed as his cheeks were pink from the cold temperature. Naruto slowly reached out for Sasuke. The man then pulled Naruto onto the ice. The blonde held onto the man in fear.

"I...Im on the ice!" Naruto smiled.

Sasuke smiled as he held Naruto's hands. The blonde wobbled and shook trying to follow Sasuke.

After a few tries, Naruto started to have fun with Sasuke. He still couldn't skate that very well but he held onto Mr.Uchiha throughout the whole time.

"Hahaha!!!" Naruto laughed out loud as they went faster. Sasuke was caught off gaurd at the blondes big smile and deep blue eyes. Mr.Uchiha blushed and softly smiled.

Suddenly the lights got dark and different colors were lightened. Naruto looked around to see the families getting off, leaving only married people and couples on the ice."

"Oh Sasuke it's couples skating now...lets get off."

Sasuke held onto Naruto's waist and pulled him closer.

"Gah!? Mr.Uchiha! This is couples-"

"Follow my lead..."

The soft music started to play around the dark room. Different colors moved around with the skaters.

(I suggest to read with music lol)

Sasuke held one of Naruto's hands and pulled him around. Naruto wobbled as Sasuke skated gracefully around the ice.

Sasuke lifted Naruto's chin up and smirked.

"Look at me not at your feet...I'll be your guide."

Naruto nodded and did exactly that. They danced across the rink having a blast. Naruto realized how much trust he put in for Sasuke.

"This...This is...the very first time...I trust someone like this..." Naruto thought to himself. The blonde smiled and held Sasuke's hand tight.

Time skip-

" feet hurt!" Naruto frowned.

"Sorry, I should have warned you." Sasuke got into his vehicle.

"Where are we going now?"

"To dinner..." Sasuke started the car.

Naruto was relieved that he finally got to eat. 


"WOAH!" Naruto looked out to see a fancy restaurant.

"Do you like it?" Sasuke asked.

"Yeah but...looks too expensive..." Naruto stated.

"Not to worry...I'll pay since you did come along with me." Sasuke smirked.

"Came along? More like forcefully bringing me here!" Naruto frowned.

"Whats the difference?" Sasuke parked the car and got out.

They both walked in and sat at a table the lady leaded them to. The blonde looked around to see everyone in fancy attire then looked at himself.

"I feel...underdressed..." Naruto thought to himself.

"Please call us over when you're ready to order." The waitress smiled. Naruto could tell that the waitress was into Sasuke.

"Oi, you should get her number she looks hot!" Naruto smiled like an idiot. Sasuke looked at him then at the girl who was just at their table.

"Why? I'm with you." Sasuke stated.

"Not like that! More so you can get laid, looks like you need it haha!" Naruto teased.

"No thanks, I have a set of rules as a young teacher...and that is to not date anyone that works in a place like this and acts like a girl like her." Sasuke explained as he looked at the menu. Naruto sighed and shrugged it off.

"Fine, I'll try and get a date while I'm here then..." Naruto looked at the menu.

"Heh, they'll think you look cute...but not look twice at some kid..." Sasuke looked at Naruto who blushed from embarrassment.

"Tch whatever Uchiha!" Naruto rolled his eyes.

"Dont are really cute Naruto." Sasuke smirked.

"L-lets just order..." Naruto blushed with a small smile.

They ordered and ate as much as they could. Naruto was too busy to notice Sasuke looking at him with enjoyment.

"You look like you're having a blast." Sasuke pointed out.

"Yep! It's so good! I never had this kind of meal in my life! Believe it or not but I never had...whats this called again?" Naruto asked.

"American stake and asparagus with fried potatoes." Sasuke answered.

"Yeah! So good! And these steamed vegetables on the side! Wow I'm eating like a king!" Naruto smiled.

"Hm? You don't cook stuff like this at home?"

"Nope!" Naruto answered.

Sasuke looked at him and frowned.

"Excuse me, may we get the check? We'll take the rest to go." Sasuke waved at the waitress.

Naruto looked at him confused but didn't question him. Not long after the waitress came back with the bill...with a blushing face.

"Here you go sir."

Sasuke grabbed the bill but was also walked up by the waitress.

"Call me handsome..." The waitress whisper seductively in Sasuke's ear. Naruto looked at her and glared which caught Sasuke's attention.

"Thank you...but my lover won't like that. Goodbye." Sasuke walked away with his stuff and Naruto. The waitress glared at Naruto who was confused.

"Hey um...Mr.Uchiha...what did you say to her?" Naruto asked.

"Nothing...I just declined her offer. Go and wait in the car I'll go pay." Sasuke explained. Naruto nodded and went to the car.

Time skip-

"Sooooo....where are we going now? Home? School ended almost an hour ago." Naruto looked at the Uchiha who was deep in thought.

"Mr.Uchiha?" Naruto noticed that Mr.Uchiha was distracted so he shrugged it off.

They parked beside a building that was closed for the day. Sasuke got out and so did Naruto.

"Uhhh...Mr.Uchiha? What are we doing?" Naruto asked.

"Oh sorry...this is my friend's building so it's okay for me to go in there." Sasuke explained as he used a key.

They went straight to the roof of the building and looked at the large city.

"Woah..." Naruto smiled.

"You like the view?" Sasuke lit up his cigarette.

"Yep! Amazing...back where I live I dont see stuff like this! Heh...I mean why would I since...I can barley have a decent meal at home..." Naruto sighed as he stared at the city. Sasuke looked at him and got closer.

" you live alone?" Sasuke asked which made Naruto flinch.

"...I...Yes I do...I've been living like this for as long as I can remember...I have people watching over me obviously...but they're not always with me so..."

Sasuke looked at him and frowned.

"As your teacher, I don't think it's appropriate for you to be living alone as a minor." Sasuke claimed.

"Heh...why not? I've been living like this ever since my parents died to...some...bad monsters." Naruto clenched his fists and looked at the area where it happened. Sasuke examined the boys reaction before unlighting his smoke.

"Anyways...its my turn to ask a question...Mr.Uchiha..." Naruto scanned the man and stared at a particular place....his finger.

"Are you a divorced father? The imprint on your ring finger...the multiple skate sizes you had...a little kid skate pair...and a size that fitted me so well...tell me...was I wearing your ex-lovers skates?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke looked at him with no reaction that Naruto wanted. The man only flicked his bud away and nodded. Naruto sighed and reached into Sasuke's pocket.

"What are you doing? Minors can't smoke." Sasuke stated.

"I've been a smoker ever since I was 14...nothing new..." Naruto lit the cigarette and inhaled.

Sasuke frowned and got closer to Naruto. The blonde was then face to face with his teacher. Sasuke had a smoke in his mouth. Both cigarettes touched each Other, making one light up the other.

"Naruto...who is watching over you really?"

Naruto blushed and exhaled His smoke. He looked at the area of the abandoned amusement park from a very far distance.

" my king..."


And here is the cute picture after the dramatic chapter!

Thanks so much for reading this story

Later (^∇^)ノ♪

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