Dear, My Teacher...Fuck you

By Kyo_j_readz

10.5K 360 448

When I was a kid...I believed that there is no such thing as a perfect role model...until...Mr.Uchiha came in... More

My Life...
School years...
Mr.Uchiha and his student
The mission
Kiba's match
Unexpected Vacation
The Deer
Honesty isn't a crime a closet?
Christmas Special <3
Naruto the student and Sasuke the teacher
Sex Education Isnt sexual
Kiba lies
We were never a real Family...
Honesty isn's a crime...right?
The Gang is Family...But I need both
Lets quit...
Good Days
trouble is at every corner
Rain under the umbrella
Revenge isnt the way!
My Father Figure
My Perfect Role Model
Judgment Day
Not like me...
A true friend...
Dear My Teacher....Fuck You.


409 16 9
By Kyo_j_readz

3rd pov

Naruto walked down to see that it was morning.

"Oh your finally awake." Shikamaru sighed as he read his newspaper.

"Shika you promised not to be moody towards him." Kiba frowned at his husband.

"Dad is my friend here yet?" Shikadai turned to Shikamaru.

"He should be here soon...remember that I'll be right behind you guys in the car. You can't trust the neighborhood too much." The man glared at Naruto who took offense.

"Shikamaru!" Kiba stood in while shikamaru just sighed.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Naruto turned around to answer.

"Hello-" Naruto froze in place once he saw Rock Lee at the door.


"Naruto!" Lee smiled as he hugged his old friend. Naruto hugged back and looked down to see a little boy hiding behind a pair of legs. The blonde looked up to see a much older Gaara with a small smile on his face.


"Long time no see Naruto." Gaara waved.

"No way...I can't believe you guys are married....with a kid." Naruto sat at the table while the family walked in.

"Yo Metal you ready?" Shikadai walked up to his friend.

"U-um yeah...cya dad...cya father." Metal hugged his parents before walking out the door with Shikadai. Shikamaru sighed as he grabbed his keys and followed them.

"So Naruto...can't believe you survived all these years." Lee sat down.

"Me too..." Naruto stated. Lee and Gaara could instantly tell Naruto had changed. 

"Well for what it's worth...we're glad you're out of there...that's no place for a person like you..." Gaara reassured. Naruto said nothing which then turned into an awkward silence.

"Anyways, we should he was nice seeing you again Naruto...we should catch up soon..." Lee waved at the blonde. Naruto nodded and waved back.

"Anyways since I'll be gone as you want to clean up the backyard and around the house for us? Since this is your living condition?" Kiba asked.

"Yeah dude of course..."

"Great...well I'll be late...cya!"


With that, Naruto was alone with his thoughts...


3rd pov


"Okay that's enough for today class, make sure to finish the notes for tomorrow's lesson." Mr.Uchiha announced to the students. Naruto only stared at the Uchiha instead of getting up.

"Oi Naruto do you wanna go....."

Naruto didnt hear what the others were talking about. Suddenly Mr.Uchiha stared back at him. His eyes locked with with blondes made Naruto blush but didn't look away.

"BROOOO!!!!" Choji yelled in Naruto's ear.

"GAH!? tch YOU FUCKER! Why did you do that!?" Naruto punched Choji in the shoulder while he laughed.

"Because you weren't listening you dumbass. We were asking if you wanted to go on a joyride with us and Hidan tonight?" Kiba stated. Naruto looked at them then at Mr.Uchiha who was grading papers.

"Um...not tonight...I got a lot of homework you know." Naruto excused himself from the others. Kiba glared him down and then at Mr.Uchiha. Kiba frowned and turned away towards the exit.

"Huh? What's up his ass?" Choji asked while Sai shook his head.

"Hey for the lesson today...this might sound weird but...cause of you I actually get what you're trying to teach!" Naruto smiled. Sasuke looked at him and smirked.

"Please me Sasuke...that's my name after all..." Sasuke got up and went towards the doors.

"W-well...I'm flattered that you trust me to use your real name...but isn't it weird when a student does that?" Naruto asked.

Suddenly, Naruto felt two hand wrap around his waist. The blonde flinched when he noticed the doors were closed and locked.

"Um...Mr...Uchiha...the doors."

"Naruto....tell me....where did you go with the boys last night?"

Naruto froze and thought of what he did last night.

"Um...we just...walked around the skate park....then went over to Sai's house...nothing special..." Naruto lied.

" wouldn't lie to a teacher now would you?" Sasuke lifted up Naruto's chin.

"N-no sir...I would never... " Naruto fell into a trance again. Sasuke got closer to Naruto's lips, almost touching-

"Mr.Uchiha! Mr.Uchiha!"

Naruto opened his eyes to see Sasuke at the door with another teacher.

"Yes Miss Anko?" Sasuke opened the door.

"Why on earth was your door closed? And why is Mister Uzumaki still here?" Anko investigated the room.

"Oh nothing I just caught this guy sleeping in my classroom so I had a little chat with him is all." Sasuke winked at Naruto who only blushed.

"Oh I see! Anyways have you got those documents? I need them for tomorrow's class!" Anko asked.

"Yes ma'am I'll email them to you as soon as I'm done with Naruto." Sasuke explained. Anko nodded and made her way out. Naruto let out a big sigh.

"Heh what were you scared that she might of caught us?" Sasuke smirked.

"C-caught us!? We weren't doing anything!" Naruto blushed a deep red.

"Well...if you didn't do anything...want me to drive you home?"

Naruto smiled and nodded at the Uchiha.


"So what is your favorite thing to do Naruto?" Sasuke asked as he turned the signal.

"Hm...I liked rough housing...eating ramen...and...eating more ramen!" Naruto smiled.

"Heh...your the silly idiot type of student...I see..."

"Oi! Who you calling stupid! Bastard!" Naruto stuck out his tongue. Sasuke looked at him and sighed.

"You got guts for swearing in front of your teacher Mister Uzumaki...unless that is...I'm more than just your teacher." Sasuke leaned closer.

Naruto blushed and pushed him away.

"Eyes on the road or else we won't be anything!"

"Nothing? You believe that...when we die...there won't be anything?" Sasuke asked.

" dont believe in nothing..." Naruto frowned.

"Huh? What about when you were a must've believed in"

Naruto looked at the side of the window.

"Not even them...ever since I was a kid...I never believed in such a perfect role model...its all a joke..."

Sasuke looked at the kid and smirked.

"You're a good kid...Naruto..."

Uzumaki house-

"Thanks for the ride Mr.Uchiha..." Naruto opened the door.

"Naruto wait..."

Naruto looked at the man in confusion.

"Wanna ride from me in the morning? I always see you late. Tardiness isnt well-rounded." Sasuke explained.

"Really! ain't gonna do anything sketchy are you?" Naruto squinted his eyes.

"Of course not...I really relate to you sometimes kid...we're not that far in age you know...I just turned 25 you know."

"Wow...your a young teacher!" Naruto smiled.

"Not as young as Mr.Nara...but anyways I'll pick you up at 7:30"

"Why so early?"

"I'm a teacher....I have to be punctual...goodnight Naruto..."

Naruto nodded and closed the door. The car drove off leaving Naruto a warm feeling inside.

"Somethimg about him...seems oddly-"


Naruto looked to see Kiba phoning.

Naruto: yo dude I just got home, did you enjoy your joyride?

Kiba: Naruto...we're in big trouble....

Naruto: with who?

Kiba:...with the boss....


And here is the cute picture after the dramatic chapter!

Thanks so much for reading this story

Later (^∇^)ノ♪

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