I'm No Werewolf (The Rewrite)...

By Fanficanatic-tw

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2021 Rewrite. Kayla Hale. The name rung bells in Beacon Hills but, unlike her cousin, Derek Hale, she wasn't... More

You can call me Stiles
Failing to play it cool
Let's get this party started
Found a purpose
Try and not die
More enemies than friends
Brian, thongs and perfect killing
Crushing hard
Bedroom Shenanigans
Friends with benefits
Mission accomplished
Drowning in red
Hatred of hospitals
The spark
Murderous rage
Sheriff - AKA, Mr Cockblock
Movie Day
Crossing the line
Pool Party
Drunken truths
Big enough bed for us both
Sexual desire
The full moon curse
Long last
Together, together?
The Lost Bet
Cut deep
Friendship Tensions
One time offer
Ice cold
Admissions of guilt

Guess who's back, back again

1K 24 23
By Fanficanatic-tw

Disclaimer: Teen wolf is not mine in any way, shape or form :(
Anyways, this is officially the rewrite of I'm no werewolf, first published January 13th, 2014 on fanfiction under the pen name TW-addict (7 1/2 years ago omg) and I was only like 16/17 at the time and I feel my writing has (hopefully) come a long way since then so I have decided to rewrite the book and then maybe the others so there's less typos and cringey ness and hopefully a better build up (and overall flow) :) the story will mainly remain the same, but there will be more expansion and development and maybe small changes in characters/character interactions/relationships etc... (and probably a more snarky Kayla- haha) I sure hope you all enjoy this new rewrite.

Here she sat, idly twidling her thumbs as she rolled her head back to stare at the ceiling above her head, letting out another frustrated sigh. She had been sitting here in this rather confining, dull looking office for the past half hour and no one had bothered to turn up to give her the schedule or even tell her anything about what she was doing, hence, the frustrated boredom.

'Typical half assed, under funded school' she thought bitterly, the sound of her teeth continually sinking into a piece of bubble gum filling the room, occasionally blowing a blue bubble from her lips and watching it pop in amusement.

She was glad to be away from Louisiana, having gone through hell and back this last year, but she did wonder why her mom had chosen to return to Beacon Hills of all places. It was nothing but a curse for their family... a curse that had followed them to Louisiana and torn away her dad and brother from her too. Beacon Hills, on the outside, a quiet and unsuspecting town but, in reality, a place filled with nothing but death and disaster for anyone even slightly supernaturally inclined.

She snorted to herself... maybe that's why her mom chose it. She was human, she was safe, her only 'crime' was marrying a werewolf. If any hunters came after her, she was fine. Maybe that's why her mom didn't see Beacon Hills as a threat, but Kayla did. How could she not? The people - the family - she had lost, all because they were supernatural, was sickening.

So here she was, unable to argue. Her mom had basically ordered her to get her shit together, pack her bags and get going. Their house sold quick. Of course it did. A beautiful five bedroom house with balconies and a pool, the most beautiful winding staircase you ever did see and a grandesque feeling vibrating from the walls. She was sad to see it go, but maybe it was for the best. Her dad had spent countless hours redecorating each corner of the house, knocking walls down and building new ones, creating the perfect home for their family... but ever since he died, her brother along with him, it never did feel like home again.

In the space of twenty four hours she was forced to say goodbye to her friends, pack what she needed on the back of a loading truck, throw away what she didn't want to keep and catch a long draining flight with her mom across country to a town she hadn't been back to in, what, six years?

Yeah, no wonder she was bitter.

But, as her mom had oh so kindly reminded her, several times in fact, she wasn't in a position to argue. Not after her behaviour for the last year.

Yeah, because acting out was totally unexpected. What a god damn shocker. But, whatever.

"Sorry to keep you waiting miss... Hale" The principle greeted, slipping into the office and taking a seat opposite her on the desk, glancing down at his paperwork and seeming a little shocked at her name. After all, the Hales did have a bit of a reputation and she was sure she would too, soon enough. In fact, it would be an honour.

"It's no problem" She said blandly, her voice void of any emotion as she sat up a little straighter, extending her hand to him because, as her mom had drilled into her, 'first impressions matter' - pffft, yeah, whatever.

The principle shook her hand, appearing a tad nervous, glancing at her like he thought she should be burnt to a crisp. Oh for god sake, that fire was so y2k, wasn't everyone over it already? Or did a dull, nosey little town not have any other tragedies to gossip over?

"So, you've missed first period... classes here start at eight"

Kayla glanced at the clock above his head, watching the hands tick closer to ten to nine as she swept some long chestnut coloured hair over her shoulder.

She resisted a snarky comment, forcing a charming smile on her face, "my apologies, it won't happen again"

She was sure it would, but he didn't need to know that.

"Okay, good" he smiled although his lips were tight, pulled back across his teeth as her presence made him feel uncomfortable, her last name still holding such power, even now, "uh, here is your timetable" he slid across a piece of paper to her, "English would've been your first class. Second on your timetable is chemistry"

She held back a groan but couldn't resist the sharp eye roll, "yay. Chemistry"

The principle smirked, "many students feel the same, though I suspect that is due to the teacher, not the subject"

She muttered a profanity under her breath, not looking forward to this day at all, "can't wait"

Her dry drawl was filled with sarcasm, rubbing at her eyes in tiredness. Her mom should've had enough sense to plan this cross country trip at least a few days before the start of a new school but no, that would be too easy. Instead, she was forced to turn up to a new school just hours after she had settled into her new house, her bedroom not even yet unpacked.

"Do you need me to show you to your class?" the principle asked and Kayla shook her head, stuffing the schedule in her messenger bag before throwing it over her shoulder.

"No I'll manage, I'm not scared of a couple of high school kids" She reassured him, standing up from the chair and straightening out her clothes, a simple pair of acid washed denim shorts fraying at the bottom and a semi sheer white long sleeved top, a black lacy bralette just barely showing underneath.

"That's good to know" The principle chuckled just as the bell rung overhead, signalling them to the fact that first period was over , "Good luck with your first day Miss Hale and if you need anything don't be scared to give me a shout"

"Oh trust me – I won't" She smirked, turning on her heel and striding from the office, escaping the dingy confined space into the hallway, the rush of kids suddenly exploding from their classes and pushing past her, no consideration in sight.

"Rude" she scoffed under her breath, hiking her bag up higher on her shoulder as she glanced around, looking for signs or directions as to where to go but there was none, leaving her standing in the hallway, lost, yet unmotivated in wanting to even find her class.

A part of her wished she could just run away... disappear again like she did before but instead she was stuck back in this shitty little town as punishment.

"Oh sorry" a brunette girl apologised as she bumped into her shoulder, "I didn't see you there"

"It's okay" Kayla said, "uh, do you know where the chemistry class is?"

"I don't but I'm trying to find it" the girl chuckled, shyly tucking some long brown hair behind her ear, "sorry, I'm new here"

"Oh... ditto" Kayla smirked, "so you're stuck in this hell hole too?"

The girl smiled a little uncomfortably, "for the foreseeable future, yeah"

"Lucky you" Kayla joked, "uh sorry" holding out her hand, "I'm Kayla"

The girl clumsily moved some books about in her arms, reaching out to shake her hand back, "hi, I'm Allison Argent"

A feeling of dread immediately hit Kayla square in the stomach, giving the girl a suspicious once over. See? She knew coming back here would mean trouble... already, Argents were in town and probabaly looking for blood - again.

Kayla dropped her hand, her demeanour turning cold as ice, "Argent?"

The girl - Allison - looked around a little self consciously, "um... yes?"

She decided to test the waters, keeping her guard up, "uh... I'm Hale"

She expected some sort of reaction, something close to disgust and maybe a little bit of fear but there was nothing. No reaction or twitch at the sound of her last name.

Hmmmm... strange. Maybe this little Argent wasn't a full Argent yet. Maybe she was innocent to the blood her family had spilt.

Allison laughed a little uncomfortably, "cool name"

"Anyway-" Kayla changed the topic of conversation, "let's find chemistry shall we?"

Allison nodded, looking relieved to not be the only one in the same lost boat as she was and they both navigated the endless halls of Beacon Hills high, tracking down the classroom - finally - and were the last to enter, all eyes falling to them.

It seemed Allison still hated being the centre of attention because she flushed red, her shoulders hunching over as she hid behind the curtain of her long hair, shyly looking around for somewhere to sit.

"Oh right, new girls" the teachers arrogant and self loathing voice floated to her ears, "one of you sit next to Lahey, the other next to Grimshaw"

Jeez... she hated him already.

Allison rushed down down between the tables to grab her seat and Kayla just looked about, seeing countless pairs of eyes watching her every move, with interest and curiosity, no doubt thinking what the 'fresh meat' had to offer.

"Miss Hale" the teacher practically scolded, "is there a problem? Take a seat"

"Yeah yeah" she muttered under her breath, huffing out a sigh as she made her way to a table near the front, sitting down next to an incredibly shy, incredibly nervous blonde kid, hunched over in his seat, not daring to meet her eyes.

And there was something about this short twenty seconds snippet that made Stiles want to know more. He didn't know what it was, he couldn't put a finger on it, but he found himself intrigued and slightly hot under the collar, his gaze so focused and hypervigilant on this mysterious new girl.

"Dude – is that another new girl?" Stiles exclaimed, slapping his hand across Scott's chest to grab his attention away from the pretty and shy Allison Argent, impatiently nudging his elbow when Scott didn't break his staring right away.

"How would I know?" Scott retaliated, a little annoyed at Stiles for distracting him, "I know just as much as you"

"Is that supposed to be an insult?" Stiles smirked, raising his eyebrows.

Scott rolled his eyes at his friends wit and returned to watching Allison take her seat, but Stiles - instead - was focused on watching the laid back and somewhat grumpy new girl stand up the front of the class, looking like she would rather be anywhere but here.

But what intrigued him even more was what Mr Harris called her - Miss Hale.

Wait, Hale as in...?

His eyes were wide with sudden realisation, watching her grab a seat directly next to him on the other chemistry table, perching on the stool and taking out her notebook and pen from her bag, pulling her long hair over one shoulder, eyes to the front.

"Dude" Stiles whispered, "oh my god... Hale. Hale"

"What?" Scott asked back in a hushed whisper, "what are you talking about?"

"Do you not remember...? Clearly not" Stiles added sarcastically, rolling his eyes, trying to keep his back turned to the girl, "remember that fire all those years back? The one that wiped out, like, an entire family?"

"Yeah" Scott replied, just as clueless as before, "what about it?"

"It was the Hale family" he whispered, "like, eight or ten of them burned to death. Arson. They didn't catch who did it though and the new girl is a Hale" he rushed out, "she's a Hale"

Scott's crooked jaw popped open slightly, his eyes surprised as she peered around Stiles to catch sight of the new girl and Stiles found himself watching too - for reasons he wasn't sure about.

He was trying to be subtle but was failing miserably, his knee bouncing up and down as he stuck his tongue in his cheek, finding himself blushing a little as his eyes settled for too long on her bare legs, smooth and shiny, ankles crosssd under the table.
She was pretty... stunning actually. Long wavy chestnut hair pooled around her shoulders, attire unusual and striking confidence, skin on show tan and flawless. But yet, remarkably, despite his hormones, Stiles found himself watching her face.

She was lost in the moment, aimlessly doodling on her fresh notebook and he watched just how sad she looked when she thought no one was watching and he knew that exorsssion all too well because he had worn the exact same one many times before.

He must've been staring longer than he thought because she frowned and shook away that sad expression, twisting her head to look directly at him, then at Scott, a wide smirk pulling at her lips.

"You two are not all that good at the whole 'discreet' thing y'know? Ya may wanna work on that" She whispered in their general direction, twiddling her pen in her hands, clearly amused by their behaviour.

Stiles flushed, sharing a panicked look with Scott, "W-What... we w-weren't staring... what? No, we-we were just-" Stiles stuttered, his heart pounding against his rib cage as he thought about how bad of a first impression he just gave, to a beautiful girl none the less. Great Stiles, great.

"Yes you were" She interrupted, "Now why? Do we know each other?" She asked teasingly as though she already knew the answer but was just playing with them, messing with their psyche.

"No... n-no, do we?" He laughed nervously, right hand resting on his head, "I don't think we do, no, no we d-don't" Stiles added and the girl turned her head fully towards him, her bright green eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Try saying that without the stutter" she smirked, "or don't, it's kind of cute"

"Wait, what?" he asked in surprise, his voice going a few octaves higher as he let out a squeak, taken aback by the apparent flirting, "what do you-"

He cut off by Mr Harris' sharp voice, his conceited tone cutting shards right through him, "Mr Stilinski, eyes to the front before I end up giving you a week's worth of detentions"

Stiles simply swallowed, nodding vaguely in Mr Harris' direction as he continued to stare at the girl from the corner of his eye who was smirking in his direction, all signs of grumpiness vanished.

"The name's Kayla and the pleasure is all mine" She whispered quietly before her lip quirked and she looked away, leaving Stiles completely and utterly speechless - quite a feat if he had to say so himself!

Hope you all liked the (updated/new) first chapter... like I said there will still be the main storyline but I aim to add more details, more chapters etc... slight changes, for example, the first meeting between stiles and Kayla. Still basically the same but instead of the story staring like episode 2/3 it starts episode 1 :)
Hope you all liked and please please review :) means the world to me.
Published on fanfiction and wattpad (fanficanatic-tw)

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