The Rescue


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With conviction, Kara slams her now empty glass to the table and decides to take action. She wanders over to... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 23

1.2K 55 1

"Well, since everyone seems to be struck speechless. Hi! I'm Nia. That's James and Kelly. Winn. Seems like you already know Alex. And that's Kara. Very nice to meet you, Sam!"

Sam smiles, "Thanks, Nia. It's nice to meet you all, too."

Alex snaps out of her shock. "S-Sam? What are you doing here?"

"Ah, she speaks. Well, Ruby's favorite aunt just so happened to arrange for NCU students to show her the ropes and host her for a night, which miraculously made me available to come by for this little soiree," Sam explains. "By the way, thank you for arranging that, Lee. Ruby was so excited when I told her."

"Not a problem, Sammy," Lena holds up her glass with a smile on her face. "I'm glad it all worked out. I hope you all don't mind the addition. She's my best friend, and my CFO."

Everyone mummers that they are alright with it. Kelly leans back in her chair with a knowing smile on her face. She's already heard plenty about Sam from Lena, but she also knows how to read Alex's tells. James looks absolutely confused. Winn is trying to figure out the situation between Alex and Sam. And Nia is just bright eyed and bushy tailed that there is a new member of the squad.

Sam locks eyes with Kara across the room. She smirks that the two are basically sitting in each others' laps. She quirks her brow when she sees the silver necklace around Kara's neck. She knows that Kara clocked her as the blonde put the necklace inside her shirt. She decides to let it go for now; not wanting to draw attention when she is in a room full of people she doesn't know. "I'm so happy to see you and Alex are doing well after that lab accident."

Kara just whispers, "Me too."

"Yeah, how are you guys recovering?" Winn chips in.

"We're doing alright. Lena is making sure that we follow the doctor's orders," Alex adds.

"Seems like you are pretty involved," James says with a bit of bite. Kelly subtly kicks him.

Kara's eyes look like they will incinerate him for even inferring that Lena is anything less than amazing. Lena jumps in before Kara can respond. "Kara helped me during a time when I needed her. I'm repaying the favor."

Nia tries to strike a balance and bring back the fun. "Thank you, Lena, for agreeing to this and hosting."

"Don't mention it." Lena smiles.

Kelly interrupts, "Well, I'm going to grab some food if you don't mind. Sam, can I grab a drink for you?"

Everyone breaks into agreement that they are hungry or needing refills. Sam quickly agrees telling Kelly to bring her whatever is open, and refuses to let Alex up. Lena and Kara stay planted on the couch since they snacked as they put everything out. Nia lingers a bit to see if she can grab any of them anything.

Sam throws a knowing look at Lena as soon as the others are distracted or in the kitchen. "When were you going to tell me, Lee?"

Lena pretends to look confused. Sam doesn't fall for it for even a moment. "Don't even try it. I saw the necklace."

Kara blushes profusely. Lena bites her lip, failing to suppress a giant grin. "I was going to tell you this weekend."

"I guess I can't be too upset," Sam sighs. She has a silent conversation with Alex before proceeding. Alex nods subtly. "I talked to Ruby. Her only stipulation was that she wants to meet Alex. When you called about this weekend, I about fainted."

Kara and Lena are shocked with the brightest smiles on their faces. They talk over each other about how they are so happy for them. Alex wraps her arms around Sam's waist and smiles as she cuddles into the woman in her lap.

"What are we congratulating about?" Nia announces unexpectedly. She says it loud enough that everyone else wanders in with curiosity. The four women's eyebrows are raised and looking at each other for someone to take the lead. After a pregnant pause, Nia exclaims, "Oh my god! You're all dating!"

Winn's jaw drops. Kelly smirks into her glass. Nia is jumping up and down in excitement. James lets out a humorless laugh, "What? No way."

The women eye each other cautiously. The silence that follows is telling. Kelly knows her brother is about to say something stupid. "James," she warns.

James scoffs. "Seriously, Kara? You're dating a fucking Luthor?"

Sam's face hardens. The only reason she isn't in his face is because Alex is holding onto her so tightly. Lena opens her mouth, but nothing comes out. She knew James didn't like her, but what is she supposed to say to that? Instead, Kara stands up to her full height. Lena is getting a glimpse of the woman she met at the bar all those weeks ago. "Yes, James. I am dating Lena. If you have a problem with that, kindly fuck off. You are in Lena's home as her guest. If you don't plan on being polite, I will gladly escort you out."

"Don't treat me like the guys at the bar, Kara," James snaps.

"Then don't act like one of them."

James opens and closes his mouth in pure rage. "I'm not one of those guys!"

"Really? Because you are attacking a woman right now based on her reputation. And I never see you intervening when you see something going on. Or hell, you've never backed me up in a bar fight! Lena has done more for me since I met her since the entire time I've known you James. And you were there when I was with Mike."

Silence falls in the room. They barely breathe, afraid of setting off a fusion explosion. James looks like he's just been punched in the face. He shrugs off his sister's hand from his shoulder. He puffs up his chest like he is going to launch off into a tirade.

Sam, the fearless mom, speaks up from Alex's lap. "You don't know me, James, but that there is my family. And I'm a fierce mama bear that you really don't want to piss off. If you think Lena is this scary, evil genius, then you don't want to see me angry. That 'Luthor' over there? She's the angel on my shoulder that talks me out of doing horrible things to the people who cross my family. I suggest you take your leave."

James looks around. Winn, Nia, and Alex avoid making eye contact with him. Kara looks like she is about to throttle him. Lena is tugging on her shirt to keep her close. Sam looks frighteningly calm. He finally looks over his shoulder; Kelly is giving him a look of pity. James huffs and walks out. Just before the elevator shuts, he calls out, "Don't come running to me when she destroys you."

The moment after, everyone eyes each other carefully. Kara relaxes enough for Lena to pull her back down onto the couch. Kelly is the first to speak up, "Lena, I'm so, so sorry..."

Lena looks over Kara's shoulder with a tearful smile. "Not your brother's keeper." Kelly nods and smiles tightly in return.

Winn hesitates. He whispers, "Kara, I'm sorry for not intervening. Or picking up on Mike's behaviors. I'm glad you found Lena."

"Winn, you are not those guys. I didn't say that to make you feel guilty. You help me run interference. And no one picked up on Mike. But James was his friend before I started dating him. He knew Mike's history."

"I'm sorry for turning this into a disaster," Lena mumbles.

Everyone quickly refuses that Lena has any responsibility. They all agree that this was totally on James. Kelly does her best not to overstep and act as a therapist as they agreed previously.

"Honestly, you were the bigger man for even including him in the invite," Alex says.

Nia adds, "Lena, you've opened your home up to us. He is the one who behaved poorly. And I'm not going to let him ruin the excitement of you guys falling for each other. Or for you and Sam, Alex. Congratulations, you guys!"

They all smile and thank her for her kind words. After a beat of silence, Winn announces, "I call being the DJ at both weddings!"

The crew all laugh and wipe their tears. Kelly holds up her glass of wine and takes a couple steps closer, "To happy and healthy relationships."

Everyone cheers with each other and drinks. With a lighter environment, Sam speaks up. "So, what's all this fuss about game night? Do you all actually play games or just drink and say you do?"

The crew launches into an explanation as Kelly brings out the games. They all laugh and enjoy the food, drinks, and company. Nia asks Sam so many questions about being a CFO, her natural reporter instincts coming out. Winn gets a bit nerdy with Lena about computer science and coding. Kelly subtly checks in with the Danvers' sisters, feeling guilty that her brother behaved so poorly. The night flies by with a better mood and fun games.

Kelly is the first to leave. Then, Winn agrees to escort Nia home. Alex smiles at Sam shyly before whispering, "Where are you staying tonight?"

"Well, babygirl, I'm staying right here with you." Sam smiles at the blush she causes in the younger woman. "Although, tomorrow. I have a hotel with Ruby. I'm hoping you will join us for dinner tomorrow night?"

"Of course," Alex whispers. She brings Sam's hand up and kisses her knuckles.

"Get a room, lovebirds! And not one of mine!" Lena interrupts.

Sam and Alex shoot her playful glares. "It's not like you two sleep apart these days," Sam teases.

Kara hides her face in Lena's neck. "Well, it is my place. I'm allowed to share my bed with whomever I want."

"Please, stop. That's my sister!" Alex whines.

Lena lets out a laugh. "Fine, fine. Kara and I are set up in the guest room by my room. It's up to you guys. Sammy, you can either take my room or you can join Alex in the other guest room. Now, I'm getting this one to bed." Lena pulls Kara's face back so they can make eye contact. "We need to change your bandages."

Lena and Kara get up and move towards the guest room with arms wrapped around each other. Lena calls over her shoulder, "Don't do anything I wouldn't!"
Sam crawls back onto Alex's lap, but this time she straddles her. She presses her forehead against the younger woman's and whispers, "So, where do you want me?"

Alex sputters, but to her credit, she doesn't break eye contact. She manages to whisper back, "With me."

Sam leans back and her face turns more serious. "I hope you are alright with how quick this is all happening. I just couldn't resist when Lena offered to have us come out. Are you alright with meeting Ruby?"

"Of course, Sam. I'm eager for anything with you. And if your daughter is anything like you, I already know that we will get along. I'm so happy you're here, Sam."

Sam smiles softly, "Me too. Ruby is looking forward to meeting you."

"And I, her."

The women sit together in silence; both so giddy about what the future holds. After a bit more of a hushed conversation, they head to the other guest room to cuddle and catch up with each other.


After Lena gets Kara into the room, she helps the blonde unbutton her shirt so she can change the bandages. Kara is quiet and unfocused.


"Hmm?" Kara hums.

"Are you alright?"

"I should be asking you that." Blue eyes lock onto green suddenly with extreme focus. "I'm so sorry about James."

"Baby, that's not your fault." Lena looks back down to hide the tears. She feels responsible for Kara potentially losing a friend because of their relationship.

"And it's not yours." Kara halts Lena's trembling hands. "Lee, look at me? This isn't your fault. James did this, not you. I choose you. If he's not okay with that, then so be it."

"I- I don't want you to lose a friend over me."

Kara scoffs. "Lee, that is his own doing. I've been a better friend to him than he has been to me. I won't be heartbroken if he chooses to leave. But I will be if I lose you. That's an easy choice for me."

Kara leans down and kisses her girlfriend passionately. Both women are panting by the end of it. Lena continues to unwrap the binds on Kara's torso gently. She lets her fingers linger on her bare waist. Goosebumps break out across Kara's skin; everywhere those hands touch. Lena softly and carefully rubs on the cream over the healing wounds. They are already looking so much better than when she first came back to Lena's penthouse.

Kara struggles to keep her hands to herself as Lena is looking over each stitch closely. She can feel those green eyes burning through her. Those delicate fingers warm her skin and set her nerves alight with every brush. She holds her breath and subconsciously flexes. She can hear Lena attempt to suppress a moan. Way too quickly for Kara's liking, Lena moves to rewrap her torso. Little does Kara know that Lena has to move quickly in order to control herself.

With heavy breaths and dilated eyes, Lena helps her slip on a fuzzy zip-up before crawling into bed. Kara lays on top of her with her head buried in Lena's boobs. Lena can't help but giggle, jostling the blonde on top of her. "Darling, you are going to suffocate like that."

"Then, I will die happy," she mumbles.

Lena cards her fingers through blonde hair. She hums, "I think if I had to choose a way to go, it would be my face buried between your thighs."

Kara groans out. Lena can feel the vibrations through her shirt. She whines, "You can't just say things like that, Lee."

"I think it's tit for tat. Get it?"

"Hardy har har," Kara says sarcastically while Lena loses it in a fit of laughter. "You think you are so funny."

"Well, to be fair, I am." Lena wipes happy tears from her eyes.

Kara looks up at her lovingly. "I love you."

Lena smiles softly, getting control of herself. "I love you."

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