The Rescue

By Nerdyyyyy1

54.7K 2.2K 208

With conviction, Kara slams her now empty glass to the table and decides to take action. She wanders over to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 11

1.4K 69 4
By Nerdyyyyy1

Kara holds the door open for Alex with her suit blazer hung over one shoulder. She has rolled up the sleeves to her elbows with a few of the buttons undone. The blonde's biceps are straining the fabric of the shirt with the vest accentuating her waist and bust. The pants hug her muscular thighs and waist perfectly. The whole ensemble is completed with 3 inch ruby red heels. Her hair is in loose curls with very light makeup. Lena isn't sure she will be able to focus on anything other than the blonde in that outfit.

Alex walks out with her dress that hugs her chest and hips. With each step, the slit reveals her toned leg. The plum purple heels make her legs and butt look magnificent. Her makeup was completely on point and her red hair straightened. Sam is stuck wondering if she is even wearing any underwear with how tight the dress is.

Once the CEO and CFO are able to collect themselves, they both climb out of the back of the car, smirks plastered to their faces. Kara literally stops in her tracks while Alex rolls her ankle as she misses a step. Lena looks downright ravishing. She is in a blood red strapless dress that hugs her like a second skin. Her lips are a brighter shade that matches the dress perfectly. She had straightened her hair to fall past her pale shoulders. Sam walks around the car in a deep purple, two piece suit and black button up. She lightly curled her long hair and went with a natural look with the makeup.

"Good thing our babygirls clean up well," Sam says loud enough for the sisters to hear. "I was worried for a bit."

This pulls the sisters' attention back to the moment. They snap their mouths shut, wipe away the drool, and clear their throats. Lena and Sam look effortlessly classy, while Alex and Kara were clearly out of their depth.

"Sam, leave them be. I think they are traumatized enough for the time being," Lena scolds lightly.

"Fine," Sam whines. "Let's get going."

Sam helps Alex into the back of the car as Kara helps Lena. With the back two rows facing each other, the women are able to chat comfortably on the way to the restaurant.

"How did you know our measurements?" Alex looks at Lena.

Lena scoffs. "I'm a literal genius. I have to be able to eyeball measurements when in the lab all the time. It's not that difficult with practice."

"I do have to say, Lee. Your taste is still impeccable," Sam says while not so subtly eyeing Alex up and down. Alex of course blushes at the attention.

"Don't act so surprised, Sammy." Lena rakes her eyes across Kara. "You know that I have an eye for art."

Alex and Kara are fidgeting and squirming in their seats. Neither of them are quite used to the attention they are getting - especially from women that they consider to be out of their league. Alex tries to clear her throat and recovers quickly.

"Sam, you look - gorgeous."

"Why thank you, babygirl." Sam winks at her playfully to send her spiraling again.

Kara quickly gathers herself mentally. "Thank you so much for renting these clothes for us, Lee. These have to cost more than we make in a month."

Lena makes eye contact with Sam briefly in a quick nonverbal conversation. "Darling, we didn't rent those. They are yours to keep."

Alex and Kara both drop their jaws comically. They both start talking over each other.

"Lee, you can't spend that much-"

"There is not way we are keeping-"

Sam rolls her eyes as Lena holds out her hand to get them to stop. "They are gifts. And you will keep them. No arguments."

"But-" both sisters start.

"Listen to your sugar mamas, kids," Sam chips in. "Besides, what if we want to take you out somewhere nice in the future?"

"You'd want to do this again?" Alex asks shyly.

Sam smiles warmly at her as a comfortable silence fills the car. Lena and Sam start talking about upcoming meetings and project rollouts that they need to work on and their schedules to fly between Metropolis and National City. Alex and Kara chip in on the projects when it's something related to biochemistry. Before they know it, the driver has pulled up in front of the restaurant.

Sam helps Alex climb out of the car with Kara helping Lena. Lena has to really focus on not drooling as Kara shrugs on the suit jacket and buttons her top buttons. Once they walk in, the hostess immediately recognizes Lena and seats them quickly. It's a cozy booth that offers them privacy. The sisters sat next to each other across from their respective not dates. The menu appears to be a bunch of random letters that make words that neither Kara nor Alex understand. They shift uncomfortably in their seats. Sam and Lena smirk at each other knowingly.

"Don't worry, ladies. We will order for you," Lena offers.

Sam takes the lead to order them a bottle of red that she is sure that will appease everyone. As Lena and Sam quietly discuss what to order, Alex and Kara not so subtly raise their menus to whisper behind them.

"What did we get ourselves into?" Alex whispers harshly.

Kara shrugs, "I've never felt more out of place."

"Do we even want to know how much this night is going to cost? There is literally no prices on the menu!"

"How are we ever going to repay them?"

"Repaying us will not be necessary," Lena says calmly.

Sam lets out a giggle, "You two done over there?"

The sisters slowly put the menus down and avoid eye contact with blushes covering their faces.

"We wanted to treat you. If this is too much, we can leave and go somewhere less formal," Lena says kindly.

Sam adds, "Really. We just wanted your company this evening."

"We just aren't used to this level of - well anything. It's a bit overwhelming," Kara says sheepishly.

"Now, that is a true shame. Just view this as a thank you. For... everything." Lena reaches across the table and gently squeezes Kara's hand. Kara smiles in return.
The server returns, and Lena and Sam order for them all. They opt to focus on ordering a variety of appetizers to share. Lena takes her turn ordering another bottle of wine as the women quickly went through the first. The CEO and CFO stop relentlessly teasing the sisters in an effort to get them to relax. Their table is one of the loudest in the restaurant. They are cracking jokes and enjoying their time together.

A sudden clearing of a throat draws all of their attention. Lena's face drops. Sam's and Kara's turn into fierce scowls. Alex, not aware of who attracted their attention, innocently says, "I think we are all good for now. Maybe come back in a few."

The guest laughs condescendingly. "Honey, I'm no waiter. Lena, good to see you again. I believe we have some unfinished business to attend to." Kara stands up suddenly, invading the visitor's space. "I see you dressed up your guard dog."

"Lena has no business with you, Edge," Sam mutters menacingly.

"Ah, Samantha, lovely to see you again. Long time, no see," Edge says with a smirk.

"Not long enough," she quips.

"Lena, the next time you are out and we cross paths, you better watch yourself. Because now... you have all of my attention."

Lena channeling her CEO mode replies, "Oh, Edge. Like every woman who's ever had all of your attention, I couldn't care less."

Kara smirks at Lena's response; she couldn't be prouder. "You heard the lady. Now I think you should go - before you get all of my attention."

"Mighty big bark, guard dog," Edge taunts.

Kara brings her hand into a fist. Alex immediately notices and shoots her hand out to grab Kara's arm in anticipation. "Just wait until you feel my bite," she says between clenched teeth.

Edge just laughs haughtily. "Until next time, ladies."

After Edge walks off, Kara sits back down roughly. She is fuming, but quickly puts herself in check to support Lena. "Are you okay?"

"What was that all about?" Alex asks.

"I'm fine. Let's- let's just forget it and enjoy our evening." Lena forces a smile.
Sam just nods while carefully watching her best friend. She silently signals to Alex to drop the subject. Trying to decide how best to subtly support her friend, she spots that Kara is gently holding Lena's hand on the table. Sam lets a tiny smile slip, knowing that the blonde is already all over it.

In an effort to move them past the unwelcome interruption, Lena simply reaches across the table with her free hand to top everyone's glass off with more wine and holds up her own glass. "To good friends."

The three women raise their glasses, each adding their own response.

"To strong women."

"To incredible company."

"To new memories."

They all clink their glasses and drink together, quickly falling back into their easy rhythm. Sam quickly orders dessert to go and slips her card to the server. She knows Lena well enough that while she wants to resume as if everything is normal, she also needs to get out of the public eye. Sam helps Alex up while Kara, never releasing Lena's hand, helps the ravenette up. As they walk out of the restaurant, each pair has their arms looped together.

Sam instructs the driver to take all the women back to Lena's penthouse. The ride back is comfortably quiet. Once they arrive, all four women sigh in relief taking off their heels. Lena announces that she is going to change into something more comfortable. She offers some sweats and a tee to Alex as well. Meanwhile, Kara takes off her suit jacket and vest. She rolls up the sleeves and unbuttons the top few buttons on the shirt. Sam does the same before she has the blonde help her set up the dessert on the balcony. They settle on the sofas with fresh coffee and an assortment of sweets and cakes.

"You're good for her. You know that, right?" Sam says out of the blue.


"Lee, you're good for her. Tonight with Edge, I was so worried that she would spiral out. But you managed to balance standing up for her and letting her handle it. Then you were grounding her at the table afterwards by holding her hand. It was perfect and subtle and not overbearing."

"I- I was just doing what came naturally. I don't want to see her hurt."
Sam sighs. "Me either. I feel so guilty because I can't be there for her from across the country. And it's not like Veronica or Andrea do her any good. But I can tell you that I feel better now - knowing that you are here for her. But I do have to say since it is my responsibility, if you hurt her, I won't pull any punches."

"If I hurt her, you have my permission to beat me to a pulp. And since you seem to be getting cozy with my sister, I have to say the same. If you hurt her-"
Sam breaks eye contact and sighs again. "Kara, I live across the country. I have a teenage daughter going to college. I'm not dating material. Your sister is great, but I leave tomorrow."

"First of all, I get distance is hard, but don't let it stop you from at least trying. Second, Alex loves kids. She actually left her ex because of a disagreement about having kids. Third, never say you are not dating material, Sam. You are gorgeous, brilliant, and incredibly strong and kind hearted. My sister would be a fool to let you slip through her fingers."

"That's what I tell her all the time," Lena interrupts unexpectedly. Sam and Kara jump and quickly look around to see if Alex snuck out, too.

"How much of that did you hear?" Sam asks cautiously.

Lena narrows her eyes in suspicion. "Just Kara lecturing you about how fabulous you are... why? What else were you talking about?"

"Nothing!" Kara practically shouts.

"Uh-huh," Lena says unconvinced.

As Lena settles next to Kara, Alex emerges in the borrowed clothes. She settles next to Sam and immediately digs into the desserts. She lets out a filthy moan at the taste.

"Alex! Ew! I don't want to hear that!" Kara scolds her.

Lena just giggles with a raised brow at Sam. Sam of course has to tease, "If that's want you sound like with food, I can't imagine what you sound-"

Alex cuts her off, "Sam!"

Lena and Sam bust out laughing while Kara is plugging her ears and squeezing her eyes shut. Alex's face is the brightest shade of red. After gathering themselves, the CEO carefully pulls Kara's hands down away from her ears. The CFO playfully bumps her shoulder against Alex's in lieu of an apology.

"Oh, darling. Sammy will behave herself the rest of the night. Right, Sammy?" Lena asks.

"It's just so much fun to fluster you, Big D."

Lena has to forcibly stop the blonde from covering her ears again at the nickname. "Sammy," she says with warning.

"Sorry, sorry," Sam mumbles. "No more."

They all take a break with the teasing to enjoy the dessert. They talk about their favorite dishes from the restaurant and their favorite desserts. This time, Alex and Kara launch into spiels about their ongoing projects. While Sam struggles to keep up with it all, Lena is fascinated. Before they know it, Alex and Lena have agreed to tour each others' labs and possibly work together on some future projects.

It gets late very quickly. Lena insists that the sisters just spend the night, that way they can enjoy breakfast together and say goodbye to Sam before she leaves for Metropolis. Lena fishes out some more clothes for Kara to change into. Lena apologizes profusely because she only has 2 guest rooms, and Sam is already set up in one. Alex immediately stakes her claim in the second one since 'she's the oldest.' Kara just rolls her eyes and agrees to take the couch in the living room. After Sam and Alex head into the guest rooms, Lena returns with some spare pillows and blankets for the blonde to set up on the couch.

"Thank you, Lena, for today. It's been great."

"Me? I should be the one thanking you. You've been so kind and amazing, Kara."
Kara just smiles shyly. "Then, we both just have reasons to be grateful. Sleep well, Lena."

"Goodnight. See you in the morning," Lena says with a soft smile.

Kara was never a deep sleeper in a new environment. The blonde wakes up and rolls over on the couch. She doesn't think too hard about what made her wake up; she just tries to fall back asleep. At least, until she can feel someone's presence in the room. Her heart rate skyrockets as she calmly looks around in the dark to see who is around. She doesn't get the chance to relax when she notices that Lena is standing in the hallway, whimpering with a hand over her mouth, just staring at Kara.

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