The Rescue

By Nerdyyyyy1

56.5K 2.2K 208

With conviction, Kara slams her now empty glass to the table and decides to take action. She wanders over to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 7

1.5K 61 3
By Nerdyyyyy1

The next morning, Kara wakes up on the couch with Alex's feet digging into her back. She groans as she gets up to start the coffee maker for them both, trying to let her sister sleep a bit longer. She sighs heavily. Sure, she slept, but it wasn't restful. She keeps running through the events with Lena. She desperately wants to understand what she did wrong. She knew that Lena was skittish, a bit hot and cold, but Kara couldn't understand exactly what happened. She felt like Lena really cared for her, too. Lena obviously trusted her enough to call in the middle of a panic attack, to tell her about Max and Morgan, and to allow her to stay with her the following days. Lena admitted that she trusted her. She pours over every detail, trying to figure out exactly where she had broken Lena's trust.

She is pulled out of her thoughts when she hears Alex stirring in the living room. She knows that her sister has more questions, ones she isn't ready to answer. Even with the hurt and confusion, she can't betray Lena's trust. And too much of the story has to deal with Lena's story. She pours two mugs and moves back to the living room.

"Thanks," Alex grumbles. Kara nods her head in lieu of responding. After Alex takes a few sips, she's finally awake enough to ask "So, do you want to talk more about this?"

"There are some things I can't tell you."

"What does that mean?"

"Some of it is not mine to tell. I- I can't betray Lena's trust like that... and I- I just can't figure out what I did wrong."

"Hey, hey. From what you told me, she is the one with the problem, not you."

"Alex, no-"

Alex immediately interrupts, "No, you listen to me now. It sounds like you did everything right. You answered her questions honestly, and I know you. You did everything you could to help her. This sounds like something she needs to fix herself, Kara. No matter what you think you did wrong, this is more complicated than that."

Kara feels like she is about to cry. Alex takes her into a tight hug. Realistically, she knows it's only been a couple of days of spending time with Lena, but Kara feels this loss down to her bones. Lena was not just some stranger.


Across the city, Lena wakes up to Sam making them coffee. They do some online shopping to soothe themselves and to personalize the penthouse. Sam is sure to keep the conversation light, letting Lena take the lead. Lena may be a genius, but she is always at a loss on how to handle her emotions. The Luthors always told her that emotions are for the weak; they are to be suppressed. After everything in Metropolis, maybe she should abandon that thinking. Clearly, they were wrong about several things.

Right in the middle of Sam talking about Ruby's latest crush, Lena interrupts, "I need to go to therapy, Sammy. Something is wrong with me."
Sam immediately switched gears without a moment's hesitation, "Nothing is wrong with you, sweetie. Therapy would be a great place to start for you to realize that." Sam offers a warm smile. "I know the perfect person. I've heard nothing but good things about her. Do you want to make an appointment right now?"

"I- Yes. And thank you, Sam. I don't know what I would do without you," Lena says quietly.

As Sam makes the appointment for Lena, she pushes her luck. "So your appointment is the first thing on Monday. She will come here to protect you from the media. Now that we have that settled, what are you going to do about Kara?"
Lena's face blanches. "Sh-she's not going to want to talk to me - not after I fled like that. She's better off without me right now."

"Lee. I'm going to repeat what I said yesterday: she deserves to decide for herself. Ultimately, I think you should give her a chance. When was the last time you let someone in like this? She must be something special."

"She really is, Sam. A- and I don't want to hurt her," Lena's voice wavers. She can feel her chin wobbling dangerously.

"Once again, she deserves to choose for herself. You can't control everything, honey. You know that. I'll tell you what. Check to see if she reached out to you. See how hard she tried to get in touch with you, then make your decision. How does that sound?"

Lena sighs and looks at the ceiling with her hands on her hips, trying to keep her tears in her skull. She doesn't want to think about how much she already hurt the blonde. "Fine." Lena grabs her phone and turns it on. She bites her nails nervously, waiting for the notifications to catch up. Her heart drops.

Kara - My Hero
6 Missed Calls

Kara - My Hero
18 Unread Messages

National City Hotel
1 Missed Call

3 New Voicemails

Lena plays the voicemails first, oldest to newest, not wanting to read what Kara texted.

"Lena, please, please. Come ba-"

Lena skips the message, unable to listen to the broken voice filling the space. Sam gives her a sympathetic look.

"Ms. Luthor, this is Charles, the manager at the National City Hotel. We just had an incident of a woman looking for your whereabouts. Obviously, we did not provide any information, but due to the state she was in, we feel the need to alert you for your safety. Please call us if you require additional information or would like a report to go to the police."

As soon as that message ended, the next one began.

"I'm sorry, Lena, for whatever I did to upset you and hurt you. I'm so sorry."

The last message broke Lena's heart. Kara sounded so defeated, so broken. Lena can feel the guilt eating away at her. Not only did she grievously hurt the one person in National City that cares for her, but she also managed to make that same person blame herself for what Lena did. Lena breaks down in sobs and tears. Sam quickly supports her to keep her from falling to the ground. She does what she can to soothe her. Without Lena seeing, Sam pockets her phone for later.


Alex coaxes Kara out for the day with the promise of potstickers and ice cream. She knows that her sister needs some sun in her life, to bring some joy. They go for a walk in the park. Kara stops to pet all the puppies she can find. Alex notes that the jacket was once again left behind in her loft. She can't stop the concern and protectiveness that bubbles in her chest. She wants to hunt down Lena Luthor and tear her a new one.

While they are out, Kara's phone dings with a notification. Alex clocks Kara's apprehensive behavior about checking it. Her hands shake as she pulls out the phone.

Unknown Number
Hi Kara, we haven't met, but I'm Sam, Lena's best friend. Lee doesn't know I'm reaching out, but I only want what is best for her. Without betraying her confidence, I just want to ask for you to be patient with her... please. She will reach out in her own time, but I don't want you to give up on her before she can work through this. I will understand if you don't respond. I hope that one day we do have a chance to meet.

When Kara doesn't offer to explain the text, Alex doesn't pry. She just goes back to supporting her sister as best she can. They pass the weekend by eating junk food, watching brain numbing TV, and drinking. By the time Monday rolls around, Alex convinces Kara to come into work to lose herself in the lab. Alex agreed to keep everyone else out to allow Kara to work alone. Trying to be as subtle as possible, she keeps a close eye on her sister.

"Hey, Kar. I have a big meeting this afternoon. I can't reschedule it."

"That's okay, Alex. You don't have to babysit me. Go to your meeting."
Alex gives a tight smile. "You know that's not what I was trying to do. I'm just trying to be here for you."

Kara tries to give her a reassuring smile, but it doesn't reach her eyes. "I know, Alex. It's okay. I know. I'm sorry. I'll see you tonight?"

"Of course."

After Alex leaves, Kara sits on one of the lab tables and pulls out her phone. She rereads the message from this 'Sam' for the umpteenth time. She chews on her bottom lip to the point of bleeding. She has debated responding all weekend. She's considering it again, trying to work out what to say. She struggles because Kara isn't sure what she wants to do. Should she give Lena time to come around? Should she risk even more heartache in this limbo? Or should she try to move on to protect herself?

Meanwhile, Alex is speeding through downtown on her motorcycle. She weaves in and out of traffic. She knows that Kara would not approve of what she is about to do, but she is Kara's older sister. It is her duty to protect her. As she pulls up to L-Corp, she releases a breath she had been holding. She walks straight to the elevator with authority in her step, bypassing security. She knows she just caused a scene, but frankly, Alex doesn't care. She jabs the button for the top floor. She is going to see Lena - no matter what it takes.

Once the elevator doors open, the CEO's assistant spots her sooner than she would like, but she makes for the office door. Alex barely makes it around the ferocious assistant in time to barge right into Lena's office. The CEO is poised behind her pristine, white desk with a brunette seated across from her. Lena stands at the intrusion.

"Ms. Luthor! I'm so sorry, she just got around me! I will alert security."

"I'm afraid security is likely already on their way since I just did the same thing in the lobby," Alex quips.

"Jess! It's okay. I know Alex. Please call off security," Lena adds. Jess moves out of the office to do as instructed with some hesitation.

Alex eyes Lena and the mystery woman, unsure if she should launch into her speech with someone else in the room. "I think you know what I'm here to talk about, Lena. Or should I be calling you Ms. Luthor?"

"You can always call me Lena. And, yes. I- I know what you are here about. Alex, this is my best friend and CFO, Sam Arias. Sammy, this is Alex. Um- she's uh- she's Kara's sister."

Sam just nods in understanding. If she is surprised, she doesn't show it. "Do you want me to stay, Lee?" Sam eyes Alex suspiciously. The tense body language makes Sam wonder if Kara's sister is there to just talk or to take action.
Upon hearing that Sam is Lena's best friend, Alex feels more confident in saying what she came to say. It's not like Sam is a random investor or board member. Plus, she likely knows Lena's side of the story. "It's fine. I'll be brief," Alex directs at Sam. She then turns to Lena. "I didn't realize the other night that I should have given you the shovel talk. Kara hasn't told me much about what happened, but I do know that you just left her - without a chance to understand. Like I told you, my dear sister has a penchant for getting herself into situations where she wants to save the world regardless if it gets her hurt. Right now, she blames herself for you leaving, and she is going to want to fix it. So this is your shovel talk, reach out to her: either cut her loose or make it up to her. She won't survive you stringing her along without closure."

Lena can't maintain eye contact through the speech. She plants her hands on the desk to hold herself steady. She swallows, her mouth suddenly dry. Silence settles over the office. Sam watches her best friend carefully. A phone dinging cuts through the tension in the room. Sam fumbles for her phone.

Kara - LL's Love
I'm sure as Lee's bff you are already doing so, but please look after her. I don't know what you know, but she has been through a lot. I just don't want to add to her pain. I will be here if she decides she wants me, but I will not force her into anything that will cause her more harm. I'm truly sorry if I made things worse for her. It was never my intent.

As Sam smiles in response to the text, Lena finds her voice. "I- I'm so sorry, Alex. It was never my intention. Did- did she tell you who I am? Who my family is?"
"I knew who you were, remember? You are L.K. Luthor - genius in technology, author, billionaire. She did refresh my memory about your family, but your family is not who you are. My sister and I followed the trials. We both know that you had nothing to do with it. You left before she could tell you that."

Sam shoots Lena a smug, I told you so look. Alex, of course, notices. "I'll let you go about your day. Just please, figure out what you want from my sister - soon."
Alex leaves the office. She knows she will have to drive around to calm down before seeing her sister again this evening. The women she left behind are stunned by the act. Lena sinks back into her chair and runs her fingers through her hair in frustration. Sam just waits patiently.

"That just happened, right? I'm not dreaming?"

"No, Lee. You are very much awake. What are you going to do?"

"Sam, I barely started therapy today. Kelly is great, but all we talked about was what I should expect and signed paperwork!"

"I don't think Alex was telling you to immediately pounce into a relationship with her, hun. If you want a chance to have a relationship with her, you will have to reach out to her. Right now, Kara doesn't know where you stand. She doesn't know if she should wait or if that was all she was going to get from you."

"What would I even say, 'hey! I know I ghosted you, but if you wait indefinitely, my therapist might actually put me back together'?"

"Lena, how many ways can I say it: you are not broken. Therapy is to work through things with someone who is trained to give you the skills needed to cope healthily."

"You sound just like Kelly."

"Well you should listen to us. Just think about it. Talk about it with Kelly. When's your next session?"

"She's coming on Wednesday. I know you need to get back to Ruby, but do you think you can stay for the rest of the week?"

"Of course, Lee. Ruby is loving the fact that she is spending the week at her friends. I just have to be back on Sunday."

"Thank you, Sammy."

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