The Rescue

By Nerdyyyyy1

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With conviction, Kara slams her now empty glass to the table and decides to take action. She wanders over to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 3

1.8K 77 0
By Nerdyyyyy1

Lena leads Kara back up into her hotel room by the hand. Even after walking in, neither let the other go. They decide (alright, mostly Kara decides) to lounge in bed and watch Disney movies for the rest of the day. She hopes it'll be relaxing after such a turbulent night.

Lena lends Kara some sweatpants that barely fit over her muscular thighs and butt. Lena finds herself staring more at Kara than at the television. She can't believe how lucky she was that this wonderfully kind and caring woman entered her life. Lena feels at home with her, like she can trust her.

Kara is fully focused on singing along with all her favorite movies. While she is naturally goofy, she gets the sense that it helps to put her new friend at ease. Something about her pulls at Kara. She wants to get to know the mysterious woman even better and spend more time with her. To Kara's dismay, hard knocks interrupt her belting out "Be a Man" in Mulan. Lena hurriedly pauses the movie and apologizes for the interruption.

"I'm so sorry, Kara. I'm not sure who that is. Just give me a moment," Lena pleas while climbing off the bed.

"It's alright, Lena. But I will rewind it to start the song over again," Kara says with a smile plastered to her face.

Lena rushes out of the bedroom and looks through the peephole before answering the door. She lets out a sigh before answering it. "Veronica. Andrea. What are you doing here?" Lena asks.

The two women push past Lena and plop on the couch. "Well, you weren't answering our texts. And since when is it a problem that we stop by?" Andrea snips.

"It's not a problem. I'm sorry I haven't responded. I had a rough night." Lena doesn't make any eye contact with either of them.

"Oh no, don't tell us that Morgan and Maxwell turned you down!" Victoria exclaims.

Lena audibly scoffs, "You knew they were there? You knew that and left me alone with them?"

"Well, duh. You needed to get laid. What's the problem, Lena?" Andrea challenges.

"You both know what they are known for. Why would you leave me alone with them?" Lena is getting angry.

Veronica and Andrea share a silent look with each other. "You didn't have a problem with that the last time you were with them."

Lena can feel the tears welling up in her eyes. She can't believe that her friends didn't do anything when the men targeted her other night. Then, another thought suddenly hits her. "What do you mean the last time? I never told either of you what happened the last time."

This time, Veronica scoffs, "You didn't have to. Max and Morgan told us about what a slut you are. We didn't want to hang around and see that."

"Get out," Lena whispers. A tear tracks down her face.

"Oh come on, Lena. Don't act like you didn't want it," Andrea prods.

"GET! OUT!" Lena shouts.

The two women jolt on the couch at the sudden loudness. Before they even have a chance to say anything, Kara is bolting into the room, "Lee! Are you alright?!"
Kara quickly lays eyes on the women on the couch before snapping her eyes back to Lena. She desperately wants to ask what is going on, but she stops herself when she can see Lena literally trembling. Turning her face towards the couch but not taking her eyes off Lena, Kara confidently states, "I think you should both do as she said and leave. Now."

"Lena, quit being so ridiculous. It's just Max and Edge. Get over yourself," Veronica says venomously.

Upon recognizing those names and witnessing the subtle flinch from her friend, Kara snaps to immediate attention and levels a gaze on the women that threatens to incinerate them. She stands at her full height with her muscles taut and clenched jaw and fists. With steel in her voice, she quietly demands, "Leave. Right now. Do not contact her again unless she tells you to."

Andrea has enough sense to hesitate in challenging the blonde. Veronica, though, refuses to back down. "And who the fuck are you? If Lee here promised you anything more than a one night stand, you will be disappointed."

Kara focuses all her attention on her and takes a threatening step forward. "Who I am isn't any concern of yours. Get out right now, or I will forcibly remove you."

"Come on. Let's just go," Andrea mumbles to Veronica while standing up.

Veronica reluctantly allows herself to be pulled along. "Lena, call us when you snap out of it."

Kara quickly deadbolts the door with the safety bar to keep anyone else out. She quickly turns her attention to the shaky woman who hasn't moved an inch. Kara isn't even sure if Lena registered everything that just occurred. "Lee?" Kara whispers, "Lee, can you hear me?"

Lena just stares off into space. She knows that Kara is there, but cannot force herself to pay attention to what she is saying. She feels numb. She just goes over the new information over and over again in her mind. Her "so-called" friends knowingly left her with those monsters. They knew that something happened the first time she came across Edge and Lord, but never told her or asked her about it. Lena gets trapped in the thought cycle.

"Lee, honey. I'm going to pick you up and carry you back to bed. Okay?" Kara whispers before scooping Lena up bridal style. She doesn't seem to acknowledge the movement, so the blonde just carries her to the bed and sets them up like last night. Kara holds onto her tightly with the woman laying fully on top of her. With her long arms, Kara grabs the leather jacket that Lena has been attached to and drapes it over her back. She hums the same tune she did last night and scratches at Lena's scalp. Slowly, but surely, She can feel Lena relax with her breath evening out and light snores filling the room. Kara follows soon after, trapped in her own thoughts on how to help this wonderful woman that can't seem to catch a break.


Lena wakes up much in the same way as the previous night. She feels a warm body beneath her. She takes a deep breath in and the scent of vanilla fills her lungs. She relaxes down nuzzles deeper into the warmth below. She lets out a contented hum before slipping back into sleep.

Kara wakes up feeling a warm breath tickling her neck. It takes a few moments to register that Lena's nose and mouth are smashed against her throat. She can feel those soft lips lightly kissing her, but she doesn't think Lena is truly awake. Kara can feel goosebumps covering her skin at the contact. Determined to let the woman sleep a bit longer, Kara stretches carefully to grab her phone off the nightstand.

Lil Sis
I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to make it in today either.

seriously? what now? you never call in and now twice in a row?

Lil Sis
then you know it is important. I will let you know if I can make it in, but I promise it's important.

you owe me a sister night and an explanation. game night is tomorrow. are you going to make it to that?

Lil Sis
deal. and yes. I may be bringing someone with.

what?! are you calling in for booty calls?!

actually, don't answer that. i don't want to know. sister night. soon. don't worry about making it in.

Lil Sis
thanks, Alex. see you tomorrow night.

Kara sets her phone back onto the bed before turning her attention back onto the woman on top of her. She bites back a chuckle. Lena somehow pulled the leather jacket to be between their bodies during the night, and she is still gripping it tightly. Lena looks so soft with the morning light trickling in. Even asleep, she is gorgeous. Kara hopes that Lena wants her to stay like she did yesterday. She just wants to spoil Lena and take care of her. Kara's imagination runs wild envisioning them waking up together under much better circumstances. She can see them dating, living together, and an entire future. It's clear that Lena needs a support system. She intends to help her with that by inviting her to game night. She hopes Lena decides to come. She can see Winn and Lena getting nerdy together. Alex will likely respect Lena's alcohol tolerance. Nia loves everyone. James might get a bit jealous, but Kara can handle that if it comes.

"What're'you smilin' 'bout?" Lena mumbles in a raspy voice.

Kara startles slightly, not aware how long she had been thinking quietly. "I'm just happy to be here."

"Wha' time izit?"

Kara pulled up her phone. "It's nearly 8."

Lena groans and buries her head back into Kara's neck. Kara lets out a little giggle at the ticklish sensation.

"Do you need to be anywhere today?" Lena asks.

"I called in again. And before you argue. It's fine. I have a lot of time off coming to me. I can spend the day with you if you want. Do you have anywhere you need to be?"

"I'm my own boss. I can make my own schedule. My CFO can cover for me," Lena mumbles into her neck.

"What?!" Kara says rather loudly.

Lena lets out a moan in complaint. "Whaaaat?"

"Y-you own your own company?"

"Oh. I guess we never did talk about that. Yes, I do." Lena props her chin on Kara's chest to make eye contact, although she can barely keep her eyes open. "I assumed you knew though since I gave you my full name in your contacts."

"What does that mean?"

"Does the name Luthor ring a bell?"

"Should it?" Kara looks confused. Lena looks perplexed, waking up a bit more with the information.

"I guess not. It's just- most people know my family. I own L-Corp. My family has a rather infamous history. Just- do me a favor?"


"If you decide to google me later, don't believe everything you read. You can ask me anything if you have questions, but don't- don't assume the press is right." Lena looks more vulnerable than she has the entire two days Kara has known her.

"Of course, Lee. But, I told you that I won't judge you about anything important. I stand by that promise. I may have only met you recently, but I can tell you are a good person. You are a good person that has dealt with a lot of shit in her life. And for however long you want, I will be here for you. Now, this is a lot of heavy talk first thing in the morning. How about we order some room service, and I can serenade you with more Disney songs."

Lena smiles brightly. She feels her chest tighten, but not in the usual panic. It feels different. She feels like she is going to burst at the amount of love and kindness she feels from the blonde woman. It almost feels too much as Kara's bright blue eyes sparkle and shine with a full smile. "Sounds perfect, darling."

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