Sailor Earth - Kumiko Chiba

By _Crystal_Plays_

16.5K 488 90

Kumiko Chiba was just another ordinary girl, if you don't count the fact that she is the re-incarnated prince... More

Act One
Usagi - Sailor Moon
Ami - Sailor Mercury
Rei - Sailor Mars
Masquerade Dance Party
Makoto - Sailor Jupiter
Kumiko - Sailor Earth
Minako - Sailor V
Serenity - Princess
Reunion - Gaia
Enemy - Queen Metalia
Final Battle - Reincarnation
Conclusion and Commencement - Petite Étrangère
Act Two
Infiltration - Sailor Mars
Abduction - Sailor Mercury
Secret - Sailor Jupiter
Invasion - Sailor Venus and Sailor Earth
Time Warp - Sailor Pluto
Crystal Tokyo - Neo-Queen Gaia
Complication - Nemesis
Hidden Agenda - Nemesis
Covert Manoeuvres - Wiseman
Showdown - Death Phantom
Replay - Never Ending
Act Three
Infinity 1 Premonition - Part 1
Infinity 1 Premonition - Part 2
Infinity 2 - Ripples
Infinity 3 - Two New Soldiers
Infinity 4 - Haruka Tenoh, Michiru Kaioh - Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune
Infinity 5 - Setsuna Meioh - Sailor Pluto
Infinity 6 - Three Guardians

Attack - Black Lady and Emerald Lady

259 9 2
By _Crystal_Plays_

"My name is Black Lady." Older-Usagi stated.

"And I am Emerald Lady." Older-Kumiko added.

"Queens of Darkness."

"Wiseman, ruler of Darkness, chose us to be at his side."

"And now we are Queens of the dark planet."

"The Queens of Nemesis!" Black Lady and Emerald Lady synchronized. Sailor Moon recognised the black moon's on their foreheads, however, she was in disbelief that the two were actually the little girls she knew.

"They appeared to be grown up." Neo-Queen Gaia pointed out. "But...are have they awoken? What have they done to my daughters!"

"Chibi-Usa! Chibi-Kumi!" Sailor Moon gasped. "Listen to yourselves! You two aren't part of the Black Moon! Do you realise what you're saying?!" Two balls bounced towards the older girls, one black and the other brown, Luna-P and Topaz-P.

"Small Ladies." They chorused. "Small Ladies!" Emerald Lady scoffed, lifting her leg and kicking the toys away.

"Luna-P! Topaz-P!" Mercury exclaimed in worry.

"How annoying." Emerald Lady sneered. "Toys like that should learn to shut up!"

"Chibi-Kumi..." Sailor Moon trailed off.

"Girls, come to your senses!" Neo-Queen Gaia pleaded.

"Save your breath." Wiseman cackled. "The Rabbit and Rose you once knew no longer exist. They are gone. No trace of them remains in the women in front of you. They are Black Lady and Emerald Lady!"

"Demande, Saphir, show yourselves." Black Lady ordered. Behind the twins, Demande and his brother fizzled into existence.

"Since Esmeraude is no longer with us, the beast hands are mine now!" Saphir declared.

"And I believe you already know my Evil Sight!" Demande added as his third eye opened. "Fear it's power!" Demande shot a blast of energy towards Sailor Moon, but Jupiter and Venus jumped in front of it. They were blown back a black crescent moon trapping them in place.

"I can't move." Jupiter complained.

"You're not laying a hand on Sailor Moon." Mars and Mercury chorused, standing in front of their Princess.

"Oh yeah?" Saphir questioned sarcastically. "Try and stop me!" Saphir's hands extended and they grabbed onto the other two Guardians.

"Oh no! Mars! Mercury!" Sailor Moon exclaimed. Saphir threw them to the floor, and Demande quickly immobilised them.

"This has nothing to do with you four, so just sit back and watch." Black Lady ordered. Emerald Lady sliced her hand to the side, causing the four Guardians to slam into a wall.

"Chibi-Usa, Chibi-Kumi, stop this!" Jupiter pleaded. "Don't you remember us at all?"

"We don't want to fight with you, we're not your enemies." Mars added.

"Chibi-Usa, Chibi-Kumi, you were both born here, this is your home!" Mercury continued.

"And the Black Moon destroyed it! How can you join them?!" Venus demanded.

"The Earth and all that it contains are merely dirt under our boots." Emerald Lady stated. "They mean nothing to us."

"If you need proof, just look over there." Black Lady said, gesturing towards the second Malefic Black Crystal. "See that second Malefic Black Crystal monolith? That was our doing. It produces a distorted darkness which warps time and space even more. And the effect just grows and grows. Everything it touches gets absorbed and disappears. People, buildings everything! Hundred, thousands of times faster than before."

"I can see it in your eyes that you get it." Emerald Lady crossed her arms as she spoke. "In just a few short hours, maybe less, the Earth will vanish entirely and cease to exist, wiped off the Cosmos' star maps."

"I can't believe what I'm hearing..." Sailor Moon admitted. "Chibi-Usa, Chibi-Kumi, you really did this to your own home?"

"We told you already! Our names are Emerald Lady and Black Lady!"

"We couldn't care less what happens to Earth." Black Lady cackled. "It doesn't matter, we have what we want." The two stepped aside to reveal Sailor Earth, her green eyes just as glassy as the twins.

"Sailor Earth!" Sailor Moon cried. Sailor Earth started to walk forward. "Kumi!"

"She belongs to us now." The twins moved to each side of Sailor Earth, resting their hands on her stomach and their heads on her shoulders.

"We've always wanted her to ourselves." Emerald Lady added. "And now we do, our Mama is ours and ours alone."

"Make our fake mummy suffer." Black Lady muttered. She and her sister stepped to the side to allow Sailor Earth to stride forward.

"Kumi don't-" Sailor Moon protested, but she cut herself off. What's wrong with her? The Moon Princess thought. Her eyes are vacant, it's like she can't even see me. Sailor Earth stopped in front of Sailor Moon. The black and green-haired guardian lifted the broken Moon Rod silently and brought it down on Sailor Moon's shoulder.

"Look out!" Tuxedo Mask shouted, having arrived at the scene. We combined our powers and summoned the Moon Rod together...and she struck me with it. Sailor Moon thought in despair. This can't be happening...Kumi...

"There's no point in trying to talk to her." Emerald Lady cooed mockingly. "She only listens to us now."

"Sailor Moon!" Neo-Queen Gaia and Tuxedo Mask cried.

"Come to us Gaia." Black lady ordered. Sailor Earth turned on her heel and walked back towards the twins. When she was close enough, the two curled around Sailor Earth. "We have her, as long as we're the only ones she loves, that's all we need."

"We have our Mama all to ourselves." Emerald Lady said.

"Your wrong..." Sailor Moon trailed off. "You think this is love but it isn't. It won't make you happy." Sailor Moon struggled to sit up. "Can't you see that? I know how it feels, loving someone so much it hurts. It's overwhelming and confusing and so intense you can't handle it. You're afraid you need them more than they need you. But what scares you the most, is feeling as're not good enough. I know...because I feel the same way." Sailor Moon looked up at the twins. "I'm sorry I was mean to you, forgive me! I care about you more than you realise. Chibi-Usa...Chibi-Kumi..."

"Shut up!" Black Lady shouted. "Don't talk to us like you know us! You don't know anything!"

"The three of us are nothing alike!" Emerald Lady added, lifting her hand. A red blast of energy threw her back. "She's all yours Demande."

"Taking someone prisoner and making them love're wrong, it can make you happy." Demande's third eye opened on his forehead.

"No, it doesn't work that way." Sailor Moon argued, pushing herself onto her knees. "That's not love!" She turned and glared at Demande.

"Be quiet!" Black Lady said, lifting her hand. A purple glow encased it, and a third Malefic Black Crystal appeared above them.

"My god..." Tuxedo Mask trailed off.

"It can't be..." Neo-Queen Gaia added. With a swipe of Black Lady's hand, the crystal lodged itself into the Earth.

"Chibi-Usa, what have you done!" Sailor Moon demanded. The twins cackled.

"The Moon Kingdom, the Earth Kingdom and it's Palace is a horrid sight, damn it to hell!" Emerald Lady declared. "Darkness will swallow up this wretched planet, and when there's nothing left, we'll destroy it even more!"

"Yes, my dear Emerald Lady." Wiseman cooed, appearing behind the twins. "That's it, you both understand. Those who control great power, control the universe. The people of the Moon Kingdom and Earth Kingdom taught me that. They used the power of the Silver and Gold Crystals to take over the Earth and remake it as they saw fit. Isn't that right, Sailor Moon?" A bright, silver light shone from the Crystal Palace, causing everyone to turn to it.

"The Palace!" Neo-Queen Gaia cried, worried.

"It's glowing!" Mars realised.

"Sailor Moon!" Mercury called, turning to the blonde. The broach on Sailor Moon's chest shone in tandem with the palace.

"You would till dare to fight me, Sailor Moon?" Wiseman cackled. "How foolish! I hold all the cards! I have everything that is precious to you and can crush them at any time. If you want them back, both you and the Queen's must surrender and hand yourselves over along with the Legendary Silver Crystal from the past, the one you are trying to use now."

"I'm not giving you anything." Sailor Moon stated. "No matter what you do, I will protect Neo-Queen Serenity and Neo-Queen Gaia's palace, and this planet." Sailor Moon stood, glowing with power.

"Launch another Malefic Black Crystal." Wiseman ordered.

"It will destroy the Earth." Demande said, turning to the cloaked figure. "And all of us along with it!"

"So? The Queens and the Legendary Crystals are practically within my grasp! The rest is of little importance."

"So that's it, we're just expendable to you?"

"Prince Demande!" Black Lady protested, aghast as Wiseman chuckled.

"Wiseman, you would think this is funny. It's ironic really, the Evil sight you gave me shielded me from your mind control attack. You didn't know that, did you? I've never been under your spell! Rubeus and Esmeraude are gone, but they fought alongside me for years. If I'm to die, it won't be in vain! I owe them that!"

"Saphir!" Emerald Lady snarled. The man lifted his beast hand and growled.

"This is what it's come to? I must fight my own brother. Saphir, I am ashamed I ever questioned your loyalty." Saphir charged. "You always followed me, despite hating what the Malefic Black Crystal had made me become. Your only act of defiance was refusing to wear any of it yourself, that is, until now little brother. I dragged you into this, I'm so sorry." Demande closed his eyes as he opened his third. Saphir screamed as he disappeared from existence, the only thing remaining of him was the Malefic Black Crystal earrings he had worn. "Forgive me. Now die Wiseman!" Demande sent a beam of energy towards Wiseman, destroying his cloak and revealing... "That is Wiseman? It's a corpse!"

"You thought that was his true form?" Black Lady questioned. She thrust her hand in the air. "Wiseman! Show yourself!" From above, the dark clouds parted.

" can't be!" Neo-Queen Gaia cried in despair as a large red planet descended into everyone's view.

"What is that thing?" Sailor Moon gasped.

"How can it be here...its the planet Nemesis!"

"I am Wiseman!" The planet shouted.

"What the hell is going on?" Demande demanded.

"That putrid body is a relic of the past." Wieseman spat. "It was something like a Human once, but it drifted to Nemesis and became a corpse long ago." The body disappeared. "As time went on, my consciousness merged with the place meant to be my prison. Until, eventually, we became one! I am Nemesis!" Black smoke poured from the planet, prompting the surrounding environment to decay rapidly.

"What is this?" Sailor Moon groaned. She turned to her friends who had all collapsed. "Jupiter! Mars! Mercury! Venus! Tuxedo Mask! Hang on you guys." Emerald Lady chuckled.

"With Wiseman here, the Earth will disappear sooner rather than later, every single trace of it." Emerald Lady said. Wiseman cackled. Sailor Moon clutched her broach, and a bright light shone from her chest, the Crystal Palace shining in a bright silver light itself. The gathered allies commented on Sailor Moon's power, how she was using her own Crystal's power in the future.

"Oh no you don't, Wiseman!" Black Lady ordered. The Dark Planet shot its power at the Palace, but a silvery-gold barrier prevented it from reaching it.

"The Crystal Palace!" Jupiter commented.

"It'll be crushed!" Mercury added.

"No." Neo-Queen Gaia said. "I refuse to let this happen!" The Astral Queen slammed the but of her staff onto the ground, sending a wave of golden light burst from it's contact with the Earth. "I can't do much to help Sailor Earth, but I can protect my home." Neo-Queen Gaia closed her eyes as the Crystal Palace started to shine gold in tandem with its current silver light. A golden shield formed around the palace, helping to try and protect it from Nemesis. Sailor Moon lifted her arms, using the power of her Legendary Silver Crystal to protect the Palace.

"I wonder which is going to give way first." Black Lady said. "Will it be this planet or you and your pathetic white light."

"If you're trying to hold on, and asking yourself if you can, the simple answer is you can't!" Emerald Lady added. Wiseman put more pressure on his attack, and it started to breakthrough.

"We are Black Lady and Emerald Lady, Queens of Nemesis, bow down to us!"

"The fate of this planet is in our grasp, it's past, present and future is all ours to control!"

"I can't keep this up for much longer..." Sailor Moon muttered. She watched her future daughters for a moment, before her eyes slid towards Sailor Earth, who still held an aloof demeanour. "Take it then!" Sailor Moon shouted. Black Lady and Emerald Lady looked genuinely surprised at that. Sailor Moon dropped to her knees, the silver of the palace fading, only leaving it's golden protective barrier to hold back Nemesis. "Take the Legendary Silver Crystal, take my life if you want it. All that I have, all I ever cared about. I'll give it to you! Just stop being whoever these people are!" Sailor Moon pushed herself onto shaky legs. "This isn't who you are. You are Chibi-Usa and Chibi-Kumi, your both sweet and lonely, and you both drive me crazy, but we can't go on without either of you! I've had enough of this future." I don't want to see it anymore!" Emerald Lady scoffed, raising her hand and flinging Sailor Moon to the side.

"Gaia, go." Black Lady ordered. Emerald Lady lifted her finger and set Sailor Moon us on her feet. Sailor Earth landed in front of the blonde guardian, staring blankly down at her.

"Kumi!" Sailor Moon gasped. Sailor Earth reached forward and snatched the pink broach from Sailor Moon's chest, causing her to scream as her transformation disappeared. Usagi collapsed onto the floor. Sailor Earth's eyes widened as both the broach and Moon Rod began to glow. Kumi... She heard a voice say.

"Gaia...Gaia!" Black Lady stormed over to Sailor Earth, snatching the pink broach out of her hand as Emerald Lady snagged the one off Sailor Earth's chest. Sailor Earth became Kumiko again. She seemed to grunt in pain, but otherwise remained stoic.

"Two Legendary Silver Crystals and two Legendary Golden Crystals." Black Lady said, admiring the four precious gems in their grasp. "Two from the future, and two from the past."

"And they're all ours!" Emerald Lady cackled. There was a swish of a cape, and the four Crystals disappeared from their hands.

"Not so fast." Demande said. "I've got the Legendary Crystals now!"

"Prince Demande!"

"What the hell is he thinking!" Tuxedo Mask demanded, stepping up next to the Astral Queen who had yet to open her eyes and not noticing the dark-skinned guardian who had arrived at the scene.

"Emerald Lady, Black Lady, listen up." Demande started. "You two Wiseman! The Malefic Black Crystal has unrivalled power, or so you say, but does it stack up against four Legendary Crystals who's power can overcome Space Time. I no longer trust anything anymore, I believe in nothing, I follow no one, I am my own master!"

"Calm down, please." Tuxedo Mask begged. "You don't want to do anything rash!"

"Give them back to us!" Emerald Lady demanded, rushing forward.

"No! Kumiko!" Sailor Pluto shouted.

"Pluto!?" Neo-Queen Gaia exclaimed, her eyes snapping open and turning to the green-haired woman.

"I'm going to end it all!" Demande declared. "And take all of you with me!" Demande brought the four Crystal's closer and closer together.

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