Pearl Rising

By Chrissyvellis

68.2K 10.5K 4.2K

Book Two takes us on quite a different ride. Two years on from Gifted, Pearl and Sylar are asked to help The... More

Authors Note
Fables and Truths...
One - Pearl
Two - Pearl
Three - Wolf
Four - Wolf
Five - Pearl
Six - Pearl
Seven - Wolf
Eight - Pearl
Nine - Pearl
Ten - Wolf
Eleven - Pearl
~ ~ Interlude ~ ~
Twelve - Willa
Thirteen - Pearl
Fourteen - Pearl
Fifteen - Sylar
Sixteen - Pearl
Seventeen - Willa
Eighteen - Sylar
Nineteen - Wolf / Cassius
Twenty - Pearl
Twenty One - Pearl
Twenty Two - Cassius / Wolf
Twenty Three - Pearl
Twenty Four - Willa
Twenty Five - Sylar
Twenty Six - Pearl
Twenty Seven - Cassius
Twenty Eight - Willa
Twenty Nine - Sylar
Thirty - Cassius
Thirty One - Sylar
Thirty Two - Pearl
Thirty Four - Cassius / Wolf
Thirty Five - Pearl
Thirty Six - Cassius
Thirty Seven - Willa
Thirty Eight - Sylar
Thirty Nine - Pearl
Forty - Pearl
Forty One - Willa
Forty Two - Pearl
Forty Three - Cassius
Forty Four - Pearl
Yeah, Phew, thats me done!

Thirty Three - Pearl

1.2K 200 61
By Chrissyvellis

The scent of warm blood and flesh was unavoidable on my senses as my wolf finished gorging herself on the small deer we'd killed. Thankfully, mentally, I could shut myself off and pretend I wasn't eating Bambi.

But that left me to dwell on all the other crazy shit going on in my head and I really wished I could talk to Sage or Sylar. Hell, even Hunter right about now.  I was clearly out of my depth.

Sylar. My chest tightened.  What if the crazy bitch killed him?  How was I going to explain that to Sage?

Fuckity-fuck. My life sucked!

My wolf sat us down and cleaned her canines, rubbing her face along the dirt floor.  I would give her a minute to digest, whilst giving me more time to think, though so far, I'd come up with diddly squat that would help.

Quit moaning.  Think harder!

I needed a plan. One that would help eliminate the witch problem and make sure we safely returned Sylar.  Then focus on Cassius and getting that asshole squatter to leave.

Problem was, Cassius didn't want me to go with him. I'd seen the worry in his eyes afraid he would hurt me.  And if I was honest with myself, I was a little afraid of the Jinn. Nonetheless, my fears of being hurt were nothing compared to idea of being without Cassius, losing him.

So, what to do.  Follow him? That might be tricky, as I didn't know where he was heading.  And there was also the tiny irritation he could get inside my head. He would know.

The Elders! Yes.  They might work a little magic, cloak me so I could follow without him sensing me nearby. I would also have the upper hand if the Jinn took control.  I could help.  Or rather, my squatters could help.  But I wasn't sure how it worked with them?  They had been silent since that energy blast, although I was sure it hadn't killed them.  Perhaps they were asleep?

My wolf stood. You finished, girl? She huffed.  Yeah, she was happy.

Right, I had part of a plan.  Find the Elders. C'mon girl, get your running shoes on.

She wagged her tail.  Head low, feet to the ground, we headed North.

~ ~

My muscles burned as I reached the Elders' border.  Shifting back to human, I wrapped my arms around myself.  "Well, girl, how do I get their attention?"

Didn't think this one through!

Huffing, I called out. "Hello, hello, hello!" Startled birds flew from the trees.  Being early, mist still lingered in the treeline and above the grass and low bushes and the parts in full sunlight were slowly rising, evaporating under the sun's rays.

Partly shielding my eyes, I looked up. It may have been a clear sky, but it was still cold and being butt-naked didn't help. Goosebumps flooded my body as I clenched my jaw to stop my teeth from chattering.

My wolf growled, and I looked around for any signs of movement.  I saw none but felt the weird shift in the air. It pricked my skin and dried my throat.

You feel it too, don't you, girl?

She was on high alert.

A breeze picked up, and I watched shimmering colours in the mist rise and then vanish.  As I looked closer, something was coming into view. I reached out to try and touch it, narrowing my eyes.

Yesss! The Elder's small dwelling came into full focus as the mystical barrier lowered.  They'd heard me.   A door opened and out came Elder Ester, hurrying toward me with something in her hand.

She threw a shawl around my shoulders.  "Quick child, inside."

"Th-thank you."  My teeth chattered.

Following her inside, Elder Olive was quick to offer me a smile and some additional clothing. "Sorry, I have nothing in your size Pearl. We aren't used to many female visitors. But the fire will warm you."

It was a tee-shirt similar to one Cassius wore.  "No, don't stress. This is great."  I slipped off the shawl and pulled it over my head.

"Sit."  Ester pointed to the table where a steaming cup of tea was waiting.

"You read my mind." I sat and wrapped my hands around the mug.

"Olive, retrieve the balm."  She disappeared and returned with a pot, similar to the one Eve had when she had fixed up my arm.

Ester took it from her and came to stand behind me. "May I, young one?"

"Sure."  Tipping my head forward as she brushed the hair over my shoulder.

I heard her hiss. "Oh, young one."

My stomach dropped. "Does it look bad? I shifted and hoped a feed would help the healing."

"It's nothing that can't be fixed. The shift helped."  Olive placed a bowl of steaming water on the table and they both cleaned and tended to my open sore.

"Almost finished," said Olive as I restrained a whimper, clamping my eyes shut as she applied the balm and dressed my wound. "There, done."

"Talk to us, Pearl... what happened?"

I was glad she wasn't peeking inside my head to see what we were doing prior to the bite.

"Me and Cassius, well—" I paused. This wasn't easy.

Spit it out!

"I thought I was with Cassius... we were—" How do I phrase this? "Intimate."

She nodded, her hand signalling for me to go on.  "But it turned out Cassius wasn't in the driver's seat—if you know what I mean?"

I looked from Ester to Olive, hoping they were following.  "The lights were on, but he wasn't home."  I swallowed down some bile.  "It was the Jinn."

Her eyes widened. Yeah, the penny dropped.

"It was the Jinn that took a chunk out of me, and that's when my remaining squatters—souls.  They came to life and someway, somehow I channeled some sort of energy blast and it forced him to let me go."

Ester and Olive looked between themselves.  "The demon—Jinn is becoming as much a part of him as his wolf... or his heart.  In time, the man cannot live without the Jinn; they will become woven as one." She sighed.  "This is what we feared."

"I don't understand.  Why did it suddenly want to hurt me?  It's spent the last two years inside me and nothing's happened—zip, squat." I blew out a frustrated sigh.  "I would even go as far to say it protected me on one occasion."

Ester wrung her hands together, thinking. "What is that expression... Ah yes, ignorance is bliss."


Ester smiled.  "I mean no offence, Pearl.  I merely state your heart is pure and the Jinn could not feed from you, or offer you anything, so it remained powerless—dormant."

"Are you saying Cassius's heart isn't pure?" I wouldn't believe that.  I'd seen first-hand his dedication to his pack, the love for his sister.

"No, in truth, he has a heart of glorious light and strength.  But his soul carries debt of his actions, and he assumes penance for his deeds.  And you already know of his desire."

His sight.  "What can we do?"

She sighed. "It will become a constant struggle, a battle for control."

I worried the inside of my cheek.  Fuck!  "He won't give it up until they deal with the witch. He flat out refuses."

She reached out and patted my hand. "And I hope that is now within our reach.  If you agree to help."


"Tell me about your earlier dream."

"What?"  I shifted in my seat. "You saw my dream?"

She nodded.  "I can travel to the dream realm.  I have been searching, conversing with past Elders for answers."  She looked at Olive and then back at me. "We now know what you are, Pearl."

Fuckity-fuck!  "By the look on your face something tells me it's not all good."

She continued.  "Simply, you are a living, breathing pandora's box."

A what?  "I don't understand—and how?" And in my experience when the word 'simply' when applied to anything—it was anything but simple.

"Souls... you can hold not just your own, but many. The how is less clear."

I had to look no further than my fucked-up grandfather as to how this happened.  "Am I dangerous?"  I remembered her words.  To save the Alpha, you must leave him. 

My wolf whimpered as Ester shook her head.  "As with the myth and legends of old, Pandora's box was a great power that many sought. But the box itself was not dangerous."

"Just what's inside." I palmed my forehead. "But they helped me."

"As with everything in the universe, Pearl, there is dark and light.  One a path to destruction. One a path to resurrection."  She reached across and placed her hand over mine.  "The souls within you are a power in themselves and they seek refuge in you." She shrugged. "Some simply wish to experience life through you."

She paused. "There are others who will wish to use you, maybe even cause harm.  It is a power that many would seek should they know you exist."

"What do I need to do? How can I help?"

"In your dream, the soul you saw was the one we call Luna."

My jaw dropped. "Luna the Moon Goddess, Luna?"

"Yes and no.  Luna was a witch. A powerful witch.  Only ages have turned reality into stories... myths of a goddess."

Olive stood and walked toward their bookcase, retrieving one as she returned to the table, opening it at a marked page. "Read young one, whilst we get you some food."

As both Elders busied themselves, I read the story behind our Goddess.  Twins born and the power they possessed, as I finally understood what would happen to Willa.

The Elders sat down, placing down a delicious smelling stew and bread—which was weird breakfast food, but I would not complain. I was starving using a lot of energy running here.  Tucking in, I had more questions. "Okay, so I now know the history and you said she came to me last night?"

"Yes, her soul was drawn to you."

"Because I'm this pandora's thing—box?"

She nodded.

"I don't understand what you want or what this means."

"It means Olive and I will call her soul here, using magic and an old spell and then the rest is for you to do."

I still wasn't getting it, and she must have read my confusion

"Luna will take possession of your body, if you will allow it.  Channel herself through you."

"Holy Fuck!"  I slapped my hand over my mouth.

"Indeed."  Ester threw me a wry smile.

"Sorry." I grimaced and she chuckled.

"No need for apologies, Pearl."

"And when she's in the driving seat.  I will just sit back and let her do her thing. Whatever that may be."

"Yes, she is the only one who can draw Selene's soul from Ember and bind her magic as they are twined, joined."

"What, so they will both be inside me?"

"Luna will return them both to the realm of souls, where Selene will be judged."

"Wait a minute." I put down my spoon.  "I thought Willa was to become Luna?"

"There is not enough time to prepare Willa. You are already a conduit."

"And are you sure that this Selene won't take over me?"

"Selene's soul can do you no harm. You are very special Pearl."

Wow, my eyes widened. That there was the first time someone had said that to me.  "Okay, Let's get this shit-show started."

She patted my hand.  "Good.  Finish eating and Ester and we will prepare the spell.

Oddly, I felt a flush of excitement.  This could work and once the witch was neutralised, we could free Cassius of the Jinn and I could have my big, cuddly, sexy Alpha back. Right?

I fucking hoped so.

A/N: 20 October. Sorry wont be an update today. Keep changing next chapter as I write the one after, so going to hold it back and post both next week - might even get three chapters next week as I think we only have roughly twelve more to go!

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