Ultraman Trigger

By IraGalgs

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Note: This is based on "Ultraman Trigger; New Generation Tiga". I don't OWN the Characters used in this Story... More

Synopsis and Characters
Connection with the Light
First Day as an Ultra-Student
Leap to the Future
Exploring Shibuya District
The Ultra-Ancient Light and Darkness
Visiting the Prestigious High School
For Smiles
"Ako's Promis"
"The 10 Minute Demon"
Inter Universe
The Propagating Invasion
"The Wings of That Day"
"Wavering Heart"
"The Encounter of Light and Darkness"
"The 30-Million-Year Miracle"
"Exchange Student for two weeks?!"
"The Marked Kanan: Detective Ako's Case File"
"Showtime at Yuigaoka!"
"The Golden Threat"
"Operation Dragon!"
"Sneering Destruction"
"Raging Feast"
"The Scarlet School President"
"Is this Even Smile Operation?"
"What truly makes a Savior?"
"Last day as an Exchange Student"
"Beach Day! Or is it?!"
"The Blue One Comes With the Lightning"
"Operation Tsukinomori!"
"A Pastelic Problem?!"
"Demons Rampage Again and the Dark Truth"
"The Last Game and Hina's True Power"
"Mech Scramble!"
"My Friends"
"The Ruler of Shadows vs To the ones who have and believe in Smiles."
Afterword by the Author.
A New Book about Decker Announcement!

"Back Home and The Ship"

191 7 0
By IraGalgs

(Sayo POV)

-Alarm going off-

The alarm goes off. I blindly grab my phone at the bedside table and press the volume to silent the alarm. After, I put it back for now and then I rubbed my eye. After rubbing my eye, I feel something is over me so I touched it. It was soft like a cheek of a person. Then I heard a sound that instantly woke me up.
????: fufu. Sis loves to touch my cheeks!

Sayo: Wah!!!
It was Hina. She frightened me and I jumped out of my bed and hit my head on the wall.
Hina: Sis?!

Sayo: Ouch! My head... Hina, what the hell you scared me!

Hina: Sorry! I didn't mean it...

Sayo: come here...
Hina comes over and then I hug her gently. And combing her hair between my fingers.
Sayo: You don't need to be sorry. I was just shocked.

Hina: I just want to cuddle you more sis.

Sayo: I see. I don't mind it but just don't do that stuff like that to me again ever again.

Hina: Okay!

Sayo: It seems that your hair is longer than usual.

Hina: I want to get my hair long like you.

Sayo: That is nice to hear. Anyways, going to do a final shower. Want to join?

Hina: Of course! I would love to! Thanks, sis!
So the both of us stood up and then I make up the bed for the last time. After we proceeded to the bathroom together for a quick shower. After taking our final shower of this trip, both of us change into the casual clothes that I prepared. Then, I took the bucket from the side of the bed and put it back in the bathroom.
Sayo: Surprisingly, you didn't vomit.

Hina: Eh? I am that really that drunk?!

Sayo: Yeah. I have to carry you back here by myself. Thank goodness that you are not heavy or I am used to heavy things already.

Hina: Let me try you to lift a car or something when we get home, Sound okay?

Sayo: Fine. I am doing that just for you.

Hina: Yey!
It is still 6:30 am, we continue to talk to kill time until 7:20 am strikes. While talking, we do check everything that we have and own is been placed into our large rolling suitcase securely. After, we checked out the souvenirs that we bought yesterday and place them near our suitcase so that we will never leave them behind. Lastly, the rose that I have bought for Hina.
Sayo: Oh, you have already submerged in water.

Hina: Yeah, I know it will grow roots if I did this.

Sayo: I see. But how will you transport it today?

Hina: Just going to take it out and submerge it in the water again when we arrive back home. I am sure it will not die.

Sayo: Very well. Also, remind me later in CiRCLE that we need to give Marina-san her souvenir from us.

Hina: Okay! I will!
We still continue to talk for killing time. As the time approaches, I took a look around the room before we exit it. After taking a look for the last time, I took my guitar and sling it to my back, also Hina did the same thing as for her guitar. After both of us grabbed our suitcase, Hina grabs the rose and I grabbed the souvenirs, we exited the room and locked it for the last time.
????: Good morning!

Sayo and Hina: hmm?
The both of us turned to the left and we see Rei also locking their room.
Hina: Morning!

Sayo: Where is Tae-san and Masuki-san?

Rei/Layer: Both of them, including our suitcase and other stuff, are already in the reception area.

Sayo: I see. May we join you heading down?

Rei/Layer: Gladly appreciated!
Without further ado, the three of us left the area and boarded the elevator or lift for the ground floor. As we entered the elevator or lift, probably Hina and definitely me are dozing. Because of that Rei notice it.
Rei/Layer: Are the both of you feeling okay or the both of you are hangover right now?

Sayo: No we are not like that.

Hina: We need coffee so bad right now.

Rei/Layer: I see. No wonder the both of you are dozing off.
(Hina POV)
No doubt that my sister and I are connected of some sort in our minds. Anyways, as the elevator reaches the ground floor, all of us exited it. Rei heads back to the reception area. But I and my sister headed straight for the buffet area for the last time and try to get large coffee each. After getting the desired coffee that both of us needed, we headed towards the reception area where the others are currently. Then my sister decided to sit down beside Rinko and Ako, so I did also take a seat beside my sister.

(Sayo POV)
It's been a couple of minutes since Hina and I seated down beside Rinko and Ako while drinking our coffee. At that time, Yukina and Lisa arrived from their room, then gradually everyone arrived except for Mari and Rina.
Sayo: Anyone of you see Mari-san and Rina-chan?

Ran: I didn't see the both of them.

Kanan: Probably the both of them are doing something.

Sayo: Very well. If they don't show up in a couple of minutes, I will head up.
After that couple of minutes, both of them aren't still around. Then, I decided to check on them in person.
Sayo: Okay, that's it I am going to head up.

Kanan: Okay.
I left my stuff with my sister and head up through the escalator.
(3rd POV)
Sayo Hikawa just left everyone in the reception area to see what Mari Ohara and Rina Tennoji are up to. As for Hina Hikawa, her phone suddenly vibrated so she took it out and see that it was an email. Hina then opened it and reads its content. After reading she was shocked and at the same time worried.
Tomoe: Hina-chan what is wrong?

Lisa: You seemed to see a ghost or something.

Hina: Umm... You see... we have a problem.

Yukina: What problem?

Hina: The chairwoman of our school emailed to me something...

Tsugumi: Okay...

Hina: The school needs two more weeks before resuming class! Aka the school building is not yet ready!

Everyone from Haneoka: What?!

Moca: Yey! Extended break!

Hina: Hold on your horses! It said in the email, "All students must find a school that will accept exchange students for two weeks. If the student won't comply with this memo, she will immediately fail on this school year."

Yukina: What the heck!

Ako: What school can still accept us all?!

Rinko: Our school is full thus we cant accept exchange students...

Lisa: How about your school, Masuki-chan?

Masuki/Masking: It is an elite catholic school, you need to pass an entrance exam even just an exchange student, plus my school as well are not accepting anything at the moment.

Hina: This is bad. How about your school Rui-chan?

Rui: Same as others. My school isn't accepting anything at the moment.

Tomoe: We are screwed! We are going to fail now...

Hina: This is un-bopping...

Lisa: Wait! Maybe Mari-chan has a solution!

Ran: Good idea.

Hina: Perfect! But we have to wait...
(Sayo POV)
Just made it to the top floor, I proceeded to walk towards Mari's room then I knock on the door.
Sayo: Mari-san? Rina-chan?
Then the door opened and I was greeted by Mari.
Mari: Sayo! Perfect your our savior!

Sayo: Eh?!

Mari: Just come in. I will talk about our problem inside.

Sayo: Okay?
I walked in and then I saw a massive two-box.
Mari: So... We have a problem in lifting these boxes. Inside of these boxes is important stuff for the foundation HQ.

Rina: But, this hotel does not have any carts for these types of boxes.

Mari: I was about to call you guys for help but you appeared just in time.

Sayo: So you want me to help you guys?

Mari and Rina: Yes.

Sayo: Okay.

Mari and Rina: Thank You!
Then something popped out of my mind, it was about Hina talking about "Super Strength" just an hour ago.
Sayo: Mari-san, are you really sure that these boxes are heavy?

Mari: Yeah! See!
Mari demonstrates and yes it was totally heavy based on what I am currently seeing.
Sayo: I am going to try it by myself.

Mari and Rina: Eh?!
I position myself in front of one of the boxes. Then I try to lift it, and I was surprised that I can lift it easily.
Mari: What the F*ck! Seriously, you can lift that?!

Sayo: I was surprised as well. I can't believe that I can lift heavy things easily now. Are you really sure these boxes are heavy?!

Rina: It is really heavy. I would die if that is a lie.

Sayo: Very well.
After discovering that I have "Super Strength" I took the last of two boxes on my other hand. Now I am currently holding one massive box in each hand.
Sayo: Okay, I think I can handle this...

Mari: Are you sure?

Sayo: Yeah. Just help me to avoid lights and stuff along the way. Besides we are going to use the staircase. It is impossible that we can use the elevator at this point.
With Mari and Rina's assistance, I was able to exit Mari's room and started to head down slowly using the staircase.
(3rd POV)
As time passes by, Sayo, Rina, and Mari arrive at the ground level of the hotel. Then they walk towards the reception area where the others are waiting for them.

On Hina Hikawa's side, they were still thinking if Mari can help them with their school problems. Then they were shocked to see something bizarre.
Everyone: What the?!

Hina: Sis?! What the hell?!

Tomoe: Holy! I am going to help you with that Sayo!

Sayo: No need.

Tomoe and Hina: Eh?

Mari: Well, everyone Sayo has "Super Strength" for some reason.

Everyone: Really?!

Chu2: Lemmy try to move the box!

Sayo: By all means, try it.


Chu2: Fudge! It won't move a single bit!

Tomoe: Let me try it!


Tomoe: Sh*t! I really can't move it. What the hell is inside of this?!

Mari: Stuff for the foundation and also my prize possessions of golden awards. The other box is filled with Rina's stuff. Anyways, we have to go now. Everyone is here?

Everyone: Yes!

Mari: Great! But, why are some of you feeling down or something?

Sayo: Yeah, I just notice it now.

Hina: Well... we have a big problem.

Sayo: What problem?

Hina: You see Haneoka is extending another two weeks for school repair...

Sayo: That hits me hard...

Moca: Fufu. The person who is now feeling guilt after destroying my school.

Sayo: Hey! It was just an accident!

Moca: Fufu. It is okay.

Sayo: Out of the tangent. So what happened after?

Hina: Well... We need to find a school that will accept exchange students for two weeks or else all of us will be marked failed!

Sayo: That sounds harsh. I know my school is full...

Yukina: Rinko-san told us moments ago.

Rinko: Yeah.

Mari: Fufu! I know how to help you with that!

Hina: Really?! We were about to ask you Mari-chan!

Mari: But the problem is, your school is far from my one recommendation.

Tomoe: It does not matter! We will take it whether if all of us need a dorm, right guys?

Everyone from Haneoka: Yes!

Mari: That's the spirit! Also, I can tell my friend that all of you will be exchange students for two weeks.

Kasumi: Oh! That will be wonderful! Right, Arisa?!

Arisa: What the hell... Yeah, I suppose.

Rei/Layer: That would be wonderful. It is been a while since I have been to an actual legit school class.

Mari: Good! How about you Rui-chan?

Rui: That would be interesting. I will give it a shot.

Mari: Great! Hina-chan, you should tell your band about this, I am going to list them as well.

Hina: On it!

Sayo: Well that sounds fun. But what school?

Rina: I know what will Mari-san will say...

Mari: You read my mind Rina-chan! The school that I was talking about is Nijigasaki!

Everyone: What?!

Mari: Yep! The president and the chairperson is a good friend of mine. I am going to talk to them later.

Tomoe: This is shocking but I can't wait!

Mari: Okay then, let us head out now so that I can talk to them in person.

Tae: Where is Chisato-sempai?

Mari: She was already picked up by my fellow staff from the foundation. I am still thinking about how to make a fake reason why she is been gone or missing for a while.

Tae: Oh...
(Sayo POV)
Well, that was a surprise, I am going to study for two weeks in Nijigasaki with my sister, that will be a wonderful experience. I will sure to cherish all the memories that I will make. Anyways, I took my guitar from Hina and sling it at the back of me. Then, I lift the two heavy boxes in each of my hands.
Tomoe: Are you really sure about this Sayo?

Sayo: Yeah, I am sure. It will be fine.

Hina: Going to take your suitcase then.

Sayo: Thanks.
Then all of us exited the hotel and walk towards the docks. When we reach that area all of us see an old man standing with a suitcase beside him, presumably waiting for someone. After inspecting it, it was Kanan's father.
Kanan: Papa!

Mr. Matsuura: Everything is ready.

Kanan: Thank you!

Mr. Matsuura: Okay then, have fun out there! Also, visit me anytime, okay?

Kanan: I will!
Kanan's father returns to their shop. The. Some of us question Kanan about the recent scene and she replied that she will be living with Mari now in Tokyo. After that everything was happy and excited especially Mari.

All of us then boarded the boat that will take us across the peninsula. After the rid, we disembark the boat and headed straight for the bus that we took to get to Numazu.
Mari: Okay! Everyone, same as usual, you know the drill.

Everyone: Okay!

Kanan: Hey, what about me?!

Mari: Chu-chan, could you add Kanan chan to your group?

Chu2: What? N——

Rei/Layer: Of course! We love that!

Masuki/Masking: Hell yeah! This will be fun!

Chu2: Fine!

Mari: Lovely! Thank you!
Everyone, including myself, loaded each personal suitcase and especially these two boxes that I currently carry into the cargo bay of the bus. After securing everything, all of us boarded the bus in an organized manner. Once in, Hina and I take the seat that is the same as when we got here at Numazu days ago which is the first row near the exit. Same as Yukina, Lisa, Rinko, and Ako, they have taken the seat that was the same as we got here.
Tomoe: Well, I guess that I am going to take the jump seat again.

Sayo: Are you fine with that?

Tomoe: Hell yeah!

Sayo: Very well.
After minutes passed by, everyone was settled down on their seats. Then, seconds later we started our journey heading back to Tokyo. Mari has said that she will drive via the Highway this time because of important stuff that she needs to attend today.

It is been an hour and a half since we left Numazu via the highway and now we are about to enter Tokyo proper. This was expected because we pass through the highway rather than some urban small roads. Then another few minutes passed by, we are now about to enter Ota City where the foundation HQ is located. Mari has told everyone that we are going to stop by the foundation to drop the two boxes and also take a break from sitting down.

Once we arrived at the foundation, everyone on the bus was stunned at how big it was. As for Ako, Hina, and I, probably as well Rina didn't react because we are already been here before.
Tomoe: Holy smokes this is big! So, this is where Ako works.

Ako: Yep!
After passing through a tight security check, Mari parked the bus on its designated bus. After all of us stood up and exited the bus, Mari has said that her employees will handle the boxes. Then Mari tells us that she has something to show us. So, we followed her into a ginormous hanger-type building and we see something that blew our minds out.
Sayo: Holy! What is that?!

Mari: It is a ship that Rina and I develop. To this day, we still have given a name of it yet!

Rina: Naming is hard you know.

Ran: What is the purpose of this massive ship that has the height of an 8 story building?

Mari: This will be our home for your two weeks exchange thingy!

Everyone: Eh?!?!

Yukina: Seriously?! We are going to stay on that?!

Mari: Yep! Don't worry, everything that we need is already inside of it. Besides everyone still, need to head home today right? So every one of us will meet here again tomorrow Sunday, before night strikes.

Everyone: Okay!

Kasumi: This will be fun!

Arisa: Could you keep it down?!

Chu2: How about me and Paero?!

Mari: Don't worry, they have junior high as well.

Paero: Wonderful! I will make sure Chu2-sama is safe!

Chu2: ...
After the agreed time for tomorrow, all of us went back to the bus and continue our journey back to CiRCLE. I texted someone on the highway and it was Shibuya. I asked her to meet us at CiRCLE for a quick meeting for the upcoming performance this Friday.

Nothing special did happen during the leg towards CiRCLE, all of us were just chatting about random stuff. Once we arrived at CiRCLE, everyone deboarded the bus and then all of us grabbed our personal suitcase and stuff from the cargo compartment, except for Kanan, Rina, and Mari. Then someone greeted us, it was Marina.
Marina: Welcome back! How was the trip?

Kasumi: Oh! Marina-chan, it was fun!!

Marina: That sounds wonderful. But, I saw the news in the past week, especially yesterday on what happened.

Moca: Mou! We are fine because of Sa———

Everyone(except Marina): Woah!!!!
Ran covers Moca's mouth with her hands. Thank god that was close!
Ran: Moca meant that we were totally fine!

Sayo: Yeah!

Marina: Hu? Are you guys hiding something?

Everyone: Nothing!

Marina: Okay... I am heading back inside now... Also, Sayo-san someone is waiting for you.

Sayo: I see. Thanks for letting me know.
Marina went back inside CiRCLE.
Rei/Layer: That was too close!

Tsugumi: Yeah! Thank god that Ran covers your mouth!

Moca: Sorry! I didn't mean it!

Sayo: It is fine. Important is Marina-san didn't hear that properly.
After seconds passed by, almost everyone bid farewell and return to their homes to rest and prepare for tomorrow. As for me, I call Hina, Tomoe, Rinko, and Mari over and head inside. Once we are in, we see Shibuya was already sitting down at the table, so we walk towards her and greeted her, also giving her a souvenir that we bought. After, we finally started to talk about the upcoming performance with the whole crew.

Time passes by and we finished the meeting peacefully. After the meeting, Shibuya went home ahead of us because of her work in the family-run cafe. Kanan, Mari, and Rina went back to the foundation with the bus. Hina and I went to see Marina once again to give her the souvenir that we bought for her. After we exited CiRCLE, we both see that Yukina, Lisa, Rinko, Ako, and Tomoe were gathered at one table with our suitcases, so we walk towards them and seated right beside them.
Sayo: Why are you still here?

Lisa: Waiting for the both of you.

Hina: Bopping! What did you talk about when we were away?

Tomoe: We would like to have a sleepover at both of your places tonight!

Sayo: It is fine for both of us. But, how about your parents? Besides, all of us need to prepare for the two weeks stay at a floating ship that Mari-san showed us.

Ako: Don't worry! We already sorted everything.

Yukina: Ako-san is correct. We told our parents already.

Rinko: We will head home in the early hours of the morning tomorrow in order to prepare.

Sayo: Okay, That settles everything, shall we head now?

Yukina: Sure.

Lisa: But, we should stop at a supermarket to pick ingredients for our dinner tonight. I will be the cook

Hina: That's perfect! Let's go!
(Sayo still POV)
After that, Hina dragged every one of us to head out of the general area of CiRCLE. Then, all of us proceeded to a supermarket nearby and buy ingredients for dinner. After buying, all of us headed towards my and also Hina's home.

Moments later and also after a train ride, we have finally arrived at my home apartment. I opened the door and turn on the breakers for electricity. Then I told my friends that to put their suitcases in the hallway for now.

In my mind, it is finally good that Hina and I are home at last. I know that this will be only for a night since starting tomorrow, we are staying at a massive floating ship for two weeks. At the same time, I am really excited to study at one of the prestigious schools in Tokyo with Hina.

Anyways, Hina and I went to our individual rooms to put our suitcases. Then, Hina went straight to help Lisa and Yukina for cooking dinner. Then Ako, Tomoe, Rinko, and I are preparing the living room for the sleepover. Then out of nowhere, something falls out from my pockets to the floor.
Sayo: Oh...

Rinko: Is that... the mysterious blank hyper key that I found?

Sayo: Yeah...

Ako: Wait, so that new type of yours didn't go to that hyper key?

Sayo: No.

Tomoe: What should you do with that?

Sayo: I am just going to hold on to it, and to see if something will happen to it.
Just minutes passed by, the living room was fully ready for the sleepover tonight. Then we see Ako was sitting down on the couch doing something on her phone, I asked myself what could she be doing. Then, all of our phones received a notification. I am thinking that I know what is this all about. So, I took out my phone from my pockets just to see for myself. Then Lisa just rush in from the kitchen.
Lisa: Ako, what the hell is this?

Ako: A Group chat! But, an upgraded one, because our current GC cant support many members.

Sayo: So that's why I got a new notification as well.

Lisa: So what is this group chat's purpose?

Ako: This group chat is where all of us know Sayo-san's secret identity and also, it is where if Boss Mari has something to announce or etc.

Lisa: I see, that is good! Going back to the kitchen now.
As Lisa said, she heads back to the kitchen to finish cooking with Hina and Yukina. Then moments later, Mari sent a message on the GC that telling us that she can pick us up because she, Kanan, and Rina are going to prepare the ship for launch tomorrow, so she told everyone that just go instantly to the foundation with our bandmates. Then, some of our friends did reply that they agreed with Mari's statements. I guess we have to talk with Yukina about this.

The night passes through and we are now already finished eating, already changed into our pajamas for the night. But then, Tomoe ask Hina and me for a private talk, so we agreed and head to my room for a chat. Once the three of us are in the room, and then Hina and I were surprised that Tomoe told us to close our eyes, so we did follow her instructions. I don't mind following Tomoe's request even she is talking to us, her sempai. Then, we were surprised at what just happened. Did Tomoe kiss both of us on our lips?!
Sayo and Hina: !!!!

Tomoe: ...

Hina: Tomoe-chan... Did you just...

Sayo: ...Kissed the both of us?

Tomoe: I can't hold my feeling anymore. The truth is, I have fallen in love with both of you!

Hina: Tomoe-chan...

Sayo: Tomoe-san...

Tomoe: I hope I didn't anything wrong...

Hina: I am surprised but I am great full!

Sayo: I am also the same.

Tomoe: Thank god! But, I want to start a relationship with both of you! But I will respect the decision that booth you.
I could not believe that Tomoe has a feeling towards me and Hina. I don't like to see her sad, but then Hina without hesitation kissed Tomoe and her shocked.
Hina: I am much great full to be your girlfriend Tomoe-chan! How about you sis?

Sayo: ...
I just remain silent. But then, I immediately kiss Tomoe without hesitation but passionately.
Tomoe: Sayo...

Sayo: I don't like to see you sad Tomoe. I would be glad to be your girlfriend.

Tomoe: Hina... Sayo...
The out of nowhere, Tomoe hugs both of us tightly and started to cry.
Tomoe: Thank you! I am so happy right now!

Sayo: There now, don't cry.

Hina: But, let us keep our relationship a secret okay? I will be dead if they find out that I am currently in a relationship with someone.

Tomoe: I will.

Sayo: That's good to hear.

Tomoe: I love both of you.

Sayo and Hina: We also love you Tomoe.

Sayo: Now let's head back in the living room. We still need to discuss something for tomorrow.
It is official, Hina and I started a relationship with Tomoe. Anyways, the three of us head back to the living room where the others are waiting. They were wondering where could we've been and I just told them that we have an important conversation. Then, I followed that with a short meeting about tomorrow. Time passes and we have agreed about the plans for tomorrow. Then, I turned off the lights and all of us fell into a deep slumber.

(Next Day | Hina POV)

"What the hell..." I was awake by the sound of the alarm going off. I seated down and grab my phone to turn it off. It was 5 am, I look around and everyone was still sleeping. I guess I will be the one to take charge of breakfast. Before standing up, I kiss my sister's cheek and Tomoe's cheek gently. After, I slowly get up from my futon and headed straight to the kitchen slowly. Now, I finally made it to the kitchen, and then I proceeded straight to do the usual things for breakfast.

After minutes of preparation for breakfast, I was interrupted by someone, it was Lisa. She was surprised that I prepared everything for breakfast. So, Lisa helps me to prepare the table. Then, Lisa also helped me to wake up the others. I first wake up my sister, then Tomoe, Rinko, and Ako while Lisa wakes up Yukina. When everyone was feeling awake, Lisa and I invited all of them to the dining room to have breakfast.

After having breakfast, everyone, except for me and my sister, to their casual and then they went home to prepare for later. As my sister and I were about to close the door, Tomoe ran back to us just to give us a kiss that made me and my sister's faces are red like a bright tomato.
Tomoe: See you later my loves. Hehe.

Sayo: Y-You too...
Tomoe left and we are still having red blushes on our faces.
Hina: That was Bopping!

Sayo: Yeah... Anyways, let us prepare for the two-week exchange classes.

Hina: Okay!!
(3rd POV)
The Hikawa twins head into their individual rooms in order to prepare for later. Once inside of their individual rooms, Sayo calls her parents to let them know that they would be out again from home for about two weeks. As for Hina, she was still thinking about guitar stuff for the upcoming performance by the end of the week and sometimes preparing for later.

Time skip to after lunch, the twins are already ready to leave their house. Now, they are just sitting down in the living room until the time comes. While waiting, they talk about mostly random stuff and their future with Tomoe. When the time finally comes, the Hikawa twins left the house and started walking towards the meeting-up area that they talked about last night.

(Sayo POV)
Finally, we made it to the station that we talked about yesterday. Since Hina and I were the first ones to arrive, we decided to buy something to drink from the vending machine just right beside us. After buying we slowly intake the drink until someone arrives.

The minutes later, Ako, Rinko, and especially my and also my sister's lover, Tomoe.
Tomoe: Hello!

Hina and Sayo: Hello Tomoe-chan.

Ako: !!!
(Ako POV)
What the hell?! My sister is acting weird since last night! Now, Sayo-san and Hina-sempai are acting strange! I need to find out what is going on. Going to ask RinRin later for help.
(Sayo POV)
It is been another minute since Ako, Rinko, and Tomoe arrived, we just talk around, and then finally Yukina and Lisa arrived.
Yukina: Sorry we are late!

Sayo: No worries, it is just a couple of minutes since the agreed time that we planned.

Hina: Let's go! We have a scheduled train to catch!
And we are off to the Foundation HQ near Haneda Airport. After countless station transfers later, we have arrived at Haneda Station. Then, we proceeded to walk across the street and head straight towards the HQ building while dragging our rolling suitcase. Once we made it into the HQ building we proceeded to head towards the massive hanger where the giant ship was currently docking. Once we arrive, Yukina and Lisa were frightened by someone.
Yukina and Lisa: What the?! Another Ultra?!?!
It was just Kanan, but Yukina and Lisa still don't know that Ultra is Kanan. Then Kanan notices us and just wave her massive hands.
????: Oh! You guys are pretty early than I expected.

Ako: Oh! Boss Mari! Good afternoon!

Sayo: Oh, Mari-san good afternoon.

Hina: Bopping afternoon!

Mari: Afternoon guys!

Yukina: Mari-san why is there another ultra here?!

Lisa: Yeah! I have the same question!

Mari: Oh! I forgot to tell you guys that Ultra is my Kanan-chan!

Yukina and Lisa: What?!

Sayo: I guess Mari-san needs to explain it to everyone later.

Mari: Yeah! Just remind me later.

Lisa: So if thats Kanan-chan, what the heck is she doing?!

Mari: She is currently installing the massive "shinny canon" modular into the ship for defense.

Lisa: Oh... I don't know what the heck is...

Sayo: Mari-san, were is Rina-chan?

Mari: Oh speaking Rina-chan, since the seven of you are early, you should help Rina-chan move her lab to the ship.

Everyone: Okay!
Ako then leads us towards Rina's office. It is the first time that Lisa and Yukina made it to this part of the HQ. Then moments later, we have arrived at Rina's office door. Then Ako knocks on it and the Rina answered and opened the door.
Rina: Oh, you guys are early.

Hina: Yep! Mari-chan told us that we will help you move your stuff!

Rina: Wonderful. I was just about to call some staff over.
Then all of us entered Rina's office. Then I was the fully inscribed ancient tablet and a big case of Rina's ancient artifacts.
Lisa: Oh! What is all this stuff?

Rina: Ancient artifacts from the past that I am currently studying with Ako-san. Also, some of the prototypes of my inventions.

Yukina: What is this massive stone tablet in your office Rina-san?

Rina: Oh, that tablet explains the major events that happened in the past. I don't have the name of this tablet before, but now I have.

Yukina: What is the name?

Rina: "Sayo's Past".

Sayo: What?! Why?

Rina: Well...

Yukina: Let me guess. It is because Sayo is the light that the people were hoping for. Trigger was all in fact was Sayo all along.

Sayo: ...

Rina: Correct. Also, another reason is all bout what Sayo-san told us. Thus, I decided to name it after.

Sayo: I am honored to hear that. But, I still don't know how I end up in the past...

Tomoe: Sayo-chan, maybe time will tell in the near future.

Hina: Tomoe-chan is right sis!

Sayo: I guess your right.

Lisa: Now, let us help move the stuff!
(Rina POV)
Everyone started to help me to carry the most important stuff from my office, including the ancient stone tablet. But there is one thing that is strange, why there is a strange change in Sayo, Hina, and Tomoe. I want to know why.
(Sayo POV)

Everyone is lifting the creates filled with stuff. Rina already said that all of her important stuff is in the crates already. Then she wants to bring the ancient stone tablet to the ship.
Sayo: Tomoe-chan, l know that I can lift this thing easily. But, since it's old and huge I need you for assistance.

Tomoe: Sure thing!
The both of us lifted the ancient tablet slowly. I must make sure that I am carrying all the weight.
Rina: Okay, that's everything. Let's head to the ship.

Yukina: Same direction?

Ako: Yes! Then, we are going to take a lift to the floor where the jetway is connected.
Everyone slowly leaves Rina's office. I and Tomoe were the first ones to leave. Then followed by Hina and the rest, Rina was the last leaving the room. After a long slow walk and a lift later, we have made it to the jetway that leads us to the ship's entrance.
Rina: Hold. Is there anyone that is afraid of heights?

Everyone: Nope!

Rina: Good. You may start walking in the jetway.
Then everyone walks over the jetway slowly. I admit it is pretty dang high from the ground. Anyways, we made it inside the ship. Then, Rina walks in front of Tomoe and me because she needs to guide every one of us. Then moments later we have arrived at a room presumably Rina's new office.
Rina: Welcome to my laboratory on this ship.

Lisa: Woah!

Rinko: This is huge compared to your office.

Rina: Yeah, I need a bigger space to study. Anyways, you may put the crates her and Sayo, Tomoe, put that tablet on that wall.

Sayo and Tomoe: Okay!
We gently place the ancient tablet on the wall.
Sayo: Thats has done.

Tomoe: It sure is!

Hina: We need to get our suitcase below.

Yukina: That going to be a long walk again.

????: No need!

Yukina: Eh?!

Lisa: Mari-chan?! Eh, Kanan-chan?!

Kanan: Yow!

Mari: All of your suitcases are here.

Sayo: Oh! Thank you very much!

Mari: Anyways, Rina-chan, Ako-chan, the "things" is ready to load.

Ako: Really?! That is great! RinRin, come with us!

Rinko: O-Okay.
Ako, Rina, and Rinko left.
Mari: Sayo, Hina, and Tomoe you may go and choose your rooms.

Sayo: That will be great. How about Lisa-san and Yukina-san?

Kanan: We are going to talk about them here.

Sayo: Oh, now I know. Going to leave you guys for a private conversation.

Mari: Just follow the signs.

Sayo, Hina and Tomoe: Okay!
The three of us left them behind and now we are heading to our sleeping quarters. I wonder what Ako, Rina, and Rinko are doing.
(Rinko POV)
Made it back to the ground level after a long walk. Then Rina told us to stand back and not to cross the yellow line. Moments later, something comes out from a massive door.
Rinko: Is that... a jet?

Rina: Correct.

Ako: That jet will connect to the base of the ship!

Rinko: What is that jet for Ako-chan?

Ako: It is your toy!

Rinko: Eh?!

Rina: Ako-san is right. It is just the same thing as Mari's jet, but you will control it through the command center in the ship. Thus, you are not required to pilot the jet inside of it.

Rinko: That sounds fun. But what is the name of the jet?

Rina: Good question. We haven't decided yet.

Ako: You have any ideas RinRin?

Rinko: Falcon... Yes! Falcon! That is the name that comes to my mind.

Rina: That sounds wonderful. Falcon it is.

Ako: Good job RinRin!
After deciding the name of the jet. We witnessed the jet connecting to the ship. After, we head back up to the ship.
(3rd POV)
It is now 2 pm in the afternoon and all of Roselia, Hina Hikawa, and Tomoe Udagawa are gathered in one room, and that room was the Hikawa Twins's room.
Yukina: Kanan-san and Mari-san...

Lisa: They are from another dimension...

Sayo: Correct. I could not believe it when I first heard it.

Rina: Just promise that you both won't tell the others. The reason why you two and we are the only one knows is because of our enemies right now.

Hina: So you both promise this secret?!

Yukina and Lisa: Yes we will!

Rina: Good.
After Rina Tennoji speaks, a voice from the PA system was heard, it was Mari Ohara. She was calling all of them to come over to the command center of the ship. Thus, all of them left the Hikawa twin's room for the command center. Just minutes passed, they made it to the command center, Kanan and Mari were waiting for them. It was their first time stepping inside but it was the second time seeing it, the first time was just a pass-through.
Mari: Nice! All of you are here!

Sayo: We came here because you asked us Mari-san.

Yukina: So what is the reason why you called us Mari-san?

Mari: The ship is ready for launch! I was wondering if you guys know where are the other bands right now.

Ako: I can chat them, boss!
Ako Udagawa then proceeded to chat with every band in their group chat. Just not too long, a representative of every band replied. Afterglow, Morfonica, and Poppin'Party are now heading to the same meeting place, the CiRCLE. As for Raise A Suilen, they were at Chu2's penthouse waiting for Rokka.
Mari: Chat to them that we will pick them up.

Ako: Okay!

Sayo: We are going to pick them up via this ship?

Kanan: Correct!

Mari: I would like to assign one person who will be the head of this ship. Kanan-chan and I have already decided. Hina-chan you will be the head of this ship!

Hina: W-What?! Me?! I am afraid to take that responsibility...

Kanan: Don't worry about that!

Lisa: Hina, we will be right beside you.

Rinko: Whatever happens, we will help!

Sayo: Hina, everyone is right.

Hina: Fine. I will take the huge responsibility!

Mari: Perfect! Now, your first job is to name this ship!

Hina: Eh?!

Mari: Yep! Because we already told you guys yesterday. And today, Rinko, our head pilot, name the jet that is currently hanging below this ship.

Yukina: What name did you give the jet Rinko?

Rinko: Falcon. It suits perfectly with the jet.

Mari: So, Hina-chan what will you name this ship?

Hina: Hmm... let me think...




Hina: Okay, I have a name for this ship! We will call this... Nursedessei!

Yukina: What? That word is a tongue twister.

Lisa: Nursedessei, easy!

Yukina: N-Nurse... dessei...

Hina: You will get the hang of it Yukina-chan!

Mari: That sounds good! Nursedessei! What are we waiting for?! Rinko-chan, you know what to do!

Rinko: Y-Yes!
Rinko Shirokane then proceeded to the Captain-pilot side of the command center. Then she opened the window to see the outside world.
Sayo: You know how to fly this Rinko-san?

Rinko: I guess. It has the same controls and buttons as Mari's jet or helicopters but this ship is automatic. I am sure that I can handle this.

Sayo: Okay...

Rinko: Hina-san, I am waiting.

Hina: Eh?!

Kanan: You are the head of Nursedessei right? Rinko is waiting for your command.

Hina: Oh! Very well then...


Hina: Nursedessei! Takeoff!!

Rinko: Fufu! I like the sound of that...


Rinko: Nursedessei! Takeoff!!!
Rinko then pressed the button and then Nursedessei started to move out the hanger. After it started to fly upward to the sky.
Lisa: Woohoo!! This is exciting. Time to get a picture!

Hina: Next stop, CiRCLE!!
Speaking of CiRCLE, all of the bands that decided to meet up in CiRCLE have already gathered inside for 10 minutes already.
Ran: It is been ten minutes since we got here.

Rui: Yeah. Nothing to do.

Kasumi: But I am exited!!

Rui: Ran-san, where is Tomoe?

Ran: She is with Roselia for some reason. I don't know why...

Rui: Perhaps, but this is just a hitch, I think Tomoe has a relationship with someone in Roselia.

Kasumi and Ran: What?!

Ran: What in the hell is she dating?!

Rui: I don't know.

Kasumi: Huhuhu! A secret relationship is on the horizon!

Rui: Time will tel——

????: What the HELL?!?!

Rui, Kasumi, Ran and the rest: Marina-san?!?!
Marina, the main worker of CiRCLE was shocked when she see something outside. Everyone from the three bands was rushing outside to see for themselves.
Arisa: Sh%t! It is the ship!

Tae: That look is bigger compared we see it yesterday!
Then Rui notices a small vehicle coming down from the ship. Then, that vehicle landed in front of everyone, and then seconds later the door opened and it revealed that Yukina, Lisa.
Lisa: Hello guys! We are here! Oh... Hi Marina!!

Marina: What the hell! I am speechless, I am heading back inside.

Yukina: What are you guys waiting for? Hop in!
Everyone hop inside the vehicle and started to head back to the ship. When they arrived, they were greeted by Kanan, Ako, and Mari.
Kanan and Mari: Welcome aboard!

Moca: Mou, this is really big.

Rimi: We can get lost...

Mari: Don't worry, you will not get lost here. Come we are heading to your sleeping quarters first. Then, we head towards the command center.

Everyone: Okay!
(Ran POV)
We started heading towards our sleeping quarters. As we walk through the hallway. We passed an area that is presumably the command center that Mari talked about. Most people didn't notice but Rui, Tsugumi, and myself and started to talk as quietly as possible.
Ran: Look! Its Tomoe, Hina, and Sayo.

Tsugumi: Look Sayo-san and Hina-sempai are putting their head on Tomoe's body and they are holding hands!

Rui: Well I could be right. Tomoe is hitting the twins.

Ran: Or maybe in the opposite like the twins are hitting on Tomoe!

Rui: Let us talk about this later. We need to follow Mari-san or else we will be lost.
I need to tell this Himari and Moca.
(3rd POV)

Minutes passed by and all of them are gathered at the command center. They were greeted by the head of the ship.
Hina: As the head of this ship, I Welcome you all inside of Nursedessei!

Everyone: Eh?!

Ran: You are the head leader?!

Mari: Yes, she is!

Hina: Talking later! Rinko-chan let go to Chu2's penthouse!

Rinko: I have never been to Chu2-san's penthouse before...

Hina: Here is the address and input that thing the navigation!

Rinko: O-Okay...


Rinko: I am ready.

Hina: Yes! Nursedessei! Takeoff!!

Rinko: Nursedessei! Takeoff!!
Nursedessei started to move and now they heading straight towards Chu2's penthouse.
(Rei/Layer POV)
We are just chilling around the lounge area in Chu2's place. We are just waiting for Mari and the others to pick us up. But then a massive shadow appeared in front of us, so we turned back to our backs and we see the massive ship that all of us saw yesterday.
Chu2: Holy smokes! Are they going to destroy my penthouse?!?!

Masuki/Masking: That will not happen.

Rei/Layer: Pick your stuff and let's head out to the balcony.
Every one of us heads outside to the balcony area. Then a vehicle that is managed by Kanan took us to the ship in one piece. When we get inside we were greeted by Hina.
Hina: Hello guys!

Paero: Hello, Hina-sempai!

Rei/Layer: This ship is sure massive.

Hina: Yeah! Anyways, as the head captain, I welcome you all to Nursedessei!

Rokka/Lock: Oh! This ship has now a name! Lovely!

Chu2: What?! You're the captain?!

Hina: Yep! Okay then, let me guide you to the sleeping quarters and then you choose which partner do you want to sleep with. There are only two beds in each room.
After Hina said, we followed her to the sleeping quarters, and then we decided on our sleeping buddies. This will be exciting!
(3rd POV | Time skip to late at night)

It is been more than a few hours has passed by. Everyone has already received their two sets of winter uniforms for the two-week exchange program that Mari has organized with Nijigasaki. Right now, it was almost midnight and mostly everyone is now falling to sleep except for Rina, Ako, and Rinko, the three of them are gathered inside Rina and Tomoe's room.
Ako: Rina-chan where is my sister?

Rina: Good question. She is sleeping with Sayo and Hina tonight.

Ako: Really?! Now I am suspecting.

Rina: Oh, so it was not just me that is suspecting with Tomoe, Sayo, and Hina.

Ako: Oh, including you Rina-san?!

Rin: Yeah.

Rinko: Give me context, I still don't know.

Ako: My sister is probably in a relationship with Sayo-san and Hina-san!

Rina: I am thinking of that as well.

Rinko: But we need proof that Tomoe-san is building a harem.

Ako: Good idea!

Rina: Let us plan it soon but not now. Okay, I need to get some sleep, it is school tomorrow.
Rinko and Ako left Rina all by herself. Then the two of them headed straight back to their room to get some good night's sleep. The two of them are excited about their first day in Nijigasaki tomorrow. As for Sayo...

(Sayo POV)
Just played with my guitar all by myself in the room as I wait for Hina and Tomoe to come back to get some drinkable water. Then minutes later, they made it back with 5 drinkable water.
Sayo: You guys took longer than I expected.

Hina: Yeah because we almost got lost.

Sayo: Wow, The Captain almost got lost on her ship.

Hina: Mou! You are such a bully!

Sayo: haha! Just kidding, at least the both of you are made it back.

Tomoe: It is almost midnight, we need to sleep now. We have classes tomorrow.

Sayo: Yeah your right.
I stood up and put my guitar back on its case. Then the three of us lay down in the bed for the night's sleep. Thankfully we manage to put the two beds side by side without any problem.
Sayo: Two days without any monster or anything...

Tomoe: But at least you having a break.

Sayo: Yeah, you are right.

Hina: Tomorrow we have to agenda, the First day in Nijigasaki and band practice with Kanon-chan.

Sayo: Correct! Now let us get some sleep.

Hina and Tomoe: Yeah.
Then I turn off the night light that is right beside me. Then I slowly drift to sleep but I feel someone is kissing my cheeks, it was Tomoe.
Tomoe: I love you guys.

Sayo and Hina: We love you too.
Then I fully drifted to sleep into the slumberland.

"Tomorrow it will be a great day!"

(3rd POV)
Meanwhile, the Nursedessei was just cruising above night sky Tokyo at a slow speed at 35,000 feet. Then, someone was watching it from the ground, it was Yohane.
Yohane: Oh, it is finally flying. Can't wait to sneak inside. This will be an exquisite adventure!

(To be continued...)

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