Stuck On You.

By LunaLove57

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Always was and always will be T'ziah Alexander's baby sister. But now she's out on her own, finding herself... More



35 1 0
By LunaLove57

Taelyn POV

We sat outside as I watched Tiana. Her knee jumped, and she was staring a hole in my face. But I couldn't even muster up the words to explain to her.
"You asked me to talk outside. I'm outside." She said.
I looked to T'ziah for help, as he sat next to Teya. Yet he said nothing. Milo sat with his hand on Tiana's thigh trying to calm her but it was to no avail. I needed Key for encouragement right not but he was with our daughters. I was on my own.
"Speak!" Tiana screamed causing me to jump.
"She's our sister man." T'ziah said.
"You're lying." She said.
"I am, we all have the same mother." I said finally speaking up.
"It doesn't add up, make it make sense." Tiana said.
"Our mom was with my dad first. I am her first born child. Then she moved onto T'ziah's dad who nobody but her knows of. And lastly your father, who she remains with." I said breaking it down for her.
"Nah I want you to make sense of me getting my head knocked in everyday, and yet you sit here with not a scar or a single battle wound yet we have the same mother. Make it make sense!" She said crying and my heart ached.
"It's okay Bae." Milo coached her.
"No it's not okay. These two motherfuckers wanna have a come to Jesus meeting, but neither of them have nearly as many scars that I have, yet they are trying to tell me we are siblings." She said shaking her head.
"I got you out of the situation when I could Tiana. And don't make it seem like I didn't get my shit rocked too." T'ziah said glaring at me.
"Yeah you did but did you know?" She asked him.
"Know what?"
"Don't play with me, that we had a sister." She said angrily.
"Yeah I knew but she ain't no sister of mine." He said shrugging.
"T'ziah I was eight years old when I moved, what did you want me to do!?" I yelled frustrated that he was putting this all on me. I was a child, when my sister was born. My dad was already caring for T'ziah who wasn't his child because my mom was strung out on drugs, but he refused to take care of another that wasn't his.
"Yeah well you were nineteen when they started beating the shit out of us. You know what that means? That means legally you could have got us out of that house. You know like when you used to meet me at the bus stop and walk me home and promise you were going to get us out of there, what happened to that Taelyn? Tell Tiana about that." T'ziah said just as angry.

"Give her minute. Let her explain." Teya said lowly. But I was bawling like a damn baby. Thankfully Keyon was walking outside now.
"I put the girls down for a nap, you good?" He asked me, sitting next to me.
"This nigga." T'ziah said lowly.
"You know him too? What the fuck? I'm over this shit. Y'all got five fucking minutes to explain, and then I'm done listening. Because this is ridiculous." Tiana said.

"I moved out of the house at eight, and lived with my dad on the other side of Memphis. That was a week after you were born Tiana. Being five years older than T'ziah I wasn't able to go to school with him, so I walked him home everyday after school to catch up and see how y'all were doing." I said and Tiana glared at T'ziah. We used to be very close.
"Right around the time, that your household became dangerous I started dating Key. And granted I never stopped loving y'all or thinking about y'all, but I wasn't thinking. I got distracted." I said thinking out loud for the first time since I married Key.
"So you just said fuck us over some dick, okay carry on." Tiana said aggressively.
"It wasn't like that Ti..."Key started talking.
"It's Tiana. Just call me Tiana." She said lowly not looking at him. They had grown to be very close, she had mentioned he reminded her a lot of T'ziah, just the D.C. version. I knew that after hearing everything we would probably lose our relationship with her.

"I was deep in the streets, and I kept her away from y'all because I knew how much she loved y'all, and I knew that if they ever wanted to hurt me. They wouldn't even hurt her, they would hurt y'all." He explained which was the truth.
"I never bothered to explain who I was to you once you got older because T'ziah got very protective. He was angry with me for disappearing and wanted nothing more to do with me. At only thirteen years old he was calling the shots." I chuckled remembering. "He was so angry when I showed up to his school after his thirteen birthday. He wanted to fight Key for taking me away, and told me to stay away from you and him. He also told me what was going on at your house. And told me he was taking care of it." I said sadly remembering his small face then. "By taking care of it he meant taking extra beatings for you. He was so bruised." I said.
"Yeah because I got the worst ass beating of my life on my thirteen birthday. I was considered a man then. You couldn't have decided to come back on the worst day possible." T'ziah said shaking his head remembering too.
"And yet you did absolutely nothing for us." Tiana said.
"I begged Key to help. Only thing we could do, was teach him how to defend himself. So he could protect you and himself. I couldn't get y'all legally because of the drugs and all the other illegal shit I was affiliated with." I explained.
"I gave him a source of income. And I taught him how to shoot and fight. Im not proud of it, but y'all made it out." Key said.
"You put him in the game! You taught him how to sell drugs!? The same drugs that almost got him a fucking charge!? I can't believe this." Tiana said.
"That was on me Tiana. Yeah he put me on, but I robbed them people for my shit, not Key." T'ziah said finally taking some ownership.
"Yeah the shit you got from him!"
"Yeah but I ain't teach that nigga how to rob nobody! Him and his lil friends figured that shit out on their own!" Key said defending himself. "And you ain't have no business robbing them anyways, you were like my brother. It was just some fucking weed. That wasn't worth your fucking life!" Key yelled at T'ziah, that was something that angered him to this day. He taught T'ziah well, and he took things upon hisself and got caught slipping.
"Yeah well I had to get it. For me and my sister!" T'ziah yelled back.
"Everybody calm down." Teya said.
"After the charge was dropped, and T'ziah took care of your household situation we left. We moved to California. He made it very clear that he wanted nothing to do with us, and he didn't want me to ever come near you." I explained.
"The charges weren't dropped, my boyfriend at the time took the fall. You just better be lucky, he was loyal. Cus if it had been my brother, we would not be having this conversation." Tiana said giving me an evil stare.

"And yet you took it upon yourself to do it anyways! And look at how this shit is playing out!?" T'ziah yelled slamming his hand on the table.
"She is my sister too! And clearly you weren't doing a good job protecting her because she came to D.C. and lost her fucking mind!" I yelled back.
"Oh my God, here we go." Tiana said lowly.
"She was fine, no matter where she was I made sure she was straight." T'ziah said shrugging.
"Yet she married a nigga who was pushing kilo's of white!? No offense to you Milo, but after all I went through with my siblings I would think T'ziah would keep her away from that shit." I said.
"I did what I needed to for my family. I'm not apologizing to y'all for that. I did my damage with her, and I'm making up for it. But maybe had y'all not been so secretive about this shit, and broke her the way you did, I would have been more open to being honest about it." Milo said.
"Man I sold weed, you pushed cocaine. I ain't never exposed her to no shit like that, and I never would." T'ziah said and I had to agree with him on that. "And I just found out in this trip, that he was selling drugs. Because had I known her and my niece would have been on the first thing smoking back to Georgia, believe that." He said to me.

"And I never exposed her to it. Me selling drugs was kept completely separate from our household. The only reason she knew is because I told her out my mouth." Milo explained.
"Regardless let's not act you didn't hire her to work at you're strip club, which now that I'm thinking about it, is probably a cover up to hide y'all's dirty ass drug money. So much for keeping it away from her right?" Milo added.

"Don't come for me. My business is drug free. All of our businesses are. I hired her, so I could get to know her, and pick up where T'ziah failed." I explained.
"A strip club Tiana, really?" T'ziah asked.
"I'm not stripping so what's it matter to you?" Tiana asked.
"I want better for you. Is that such a crime?" T'ziah asked.
"Let me clear this up for everybody. I am grown as hell. I made the decision to work at the strip club but had I know the damn owner was my long lost sister, I probably wouldn't have. And maybe it would be another strip club where I'd actually be showing my ass. And I also made the decision to marry Milo, and I don't regret it for one second. And I also chose to stay with him  after finding out about him selling drugs. That was all my decision. I don't need this family. I really don't. I'm so good on y'all it doesn't make any sense." Tiana said.
"You are my brother, you call yourself protecting me but kept this from me. And this is the worst hurt I've ever felt so I hate to break it to you but you failed. You still had a chance to tell me, yet instead you pulled a gun on my husband because of the fear of your own past. And now you've lost me forever." She said to him. And then turned to me shaking her head.

"And you have been like a sister to me, whole time you actually are. And didn't bothered to even tell me. Y'all welcomed me into your home, just to lie to my face. I would be a fool to just kumbaya with your ass. I haven't had a sister for twenty years, and I don't have one now." She said.
"Let's go." She said to Milo and with they headed in the house. Looking at me T'ziah shook his head, doing the same. With Teya following behind him.

Crying I leaned into Key's arms.
"It'll be okay baby, they'll come around. Don't stress about it." He said. And all I could do was pray that they would.

Whew! Super long chapter. But the real question is who is really in the wrong? Tiana? T'ziah? Taelyn? Let's talk about it! Comment ! 💕

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