He's Like a Drug

By rainchellread

6.5K 333 22

Ever been in a relationship with someone that despite how good it feels for them to be yours, you knew that p... More

Birthday Dinner
Morning After
Living It Up
Mackin and Relaxing
It's a Family Affair
Character reveals
Boo Fest
Back to Reality
Photo Shoot
Reroute to Nana's House
You Took Life From Me
Officially Out of Your Life
Played Right Into His Hands
Boo trials and tribulations
sweet freedom
You'll never have her like I got her
Steak and Potatoes
Fuck this...I'm out
The Steins
The Art of Betrayal
You Got This
Women's Care
Outside Drama
You Done Lost Your MF Mind
Straight Like That
Make Yourself at Home
Wishy Washy
Tell Me to Stop
Out of Pocket
Daytime Drinking
The Crew Back in Effect
Overrated Privacy
Bum Plans
Strange couples
Suspicious Behavior
Just Another Day
Kum ba yah
Team Rain
Sleepless Nights
Uncomfortable Company
Family Bonding
Fowl Play
Remorse (part 2)
Adonis still relevant
Testing The Waters
Life Goes On
New Bonds
The Bullshit is never ending
Baby Drama
2024 Watty awards
Uncomfortable Conversations
I Can Play Too
I Can Play Too (II)
Reevaluating (II)
Reality Check

Kandace Woes

75 4 0
By rainchellread

"No! Not right now!" Kandace whined and hit her steering wheel. She had a doctors appointment that she was already running late to. Taking a deep breath she closes her eyes and tried calming down. She turn the key in the ignition and when she heard the engine stall a bit she pressed on the has pedal. All she got was clicking sound and her interior lights lit up, but the cat wouldn't crank. "Shit!" She screamed and took her phone off the mount to go through her contacts. Huffing she bit her nails as she tried to figure out who she felt like being bothered with. After everyone found out she was messing with Johanna and Malik at the same it seemed like there was always tension when she was around so she kept her distance. She didn't wanna call Bryson, because she was pissed at him, how could he take the side of his girlfriends sister over her? In her opinion that was a bitch move and he was shady for that. She didn't wanna call Khali, because was like Bryson side kick. Whatever opinion he had she just blindly went with it, it had honestly been like that since they were kids but this instance was different. She following behind him and it felt like betrayal to her. She felt like Khali treated Teegan and Johanna more like sisters then her flesh and blood. Anyway, lately she been all about her and Chad and nothing else mattered. Jean came to mind, but quickly push that thought to the back of her head, because it wasn't worth the headache. She was so nosey, always had to be in people's business and giving her opinions when they aren't wanted. Sitting back she stared at Malik name. At this point she would just need a ride to the appointment and she didn't want him to know anything about it. She sat back and sighed. She knew if she called Johanna she would come help her no matter how mad she was, but she had hurt her enough and didn't wanna see her go through any more pain.  Looking at the clock it was 1:45, she was supposed to be there at 2:15 and it would take 15 mins to get there from her house. If Johanna picked her up she would likely be 15-20 mons late, but they would still see her.


"Ouch, you play to much!" Laina sqeaked loudly and rubbed her butt wher Johanna had smacked it. "What you doin with all that ass though?! Damn!" Johanna said pulling Laina onto her lap. Laina giggled and wrapped her arms around Johanna neck and Pecked her lips. "Uhn uhn...what I tell you about then little gramma kisses." Jojo said grabbing her chin and pulled her face gently to her begging a passionate tongue kiss. Laina moaned as Jojo grabbed her butt pling her closer and slipped hand up her shirt. The phone rang vibrating on the glass coffee table noisily. Johanna reluctantly broke free from the kiss to try and see who was calling her. "Noooo..let it ring." Laina said seductively trying to start the kiss back up. "Hold up little bit, my sister in the hospital, it could be important." Jojo  pat Laina leg to signal for her to get up. Laina smacked her teeth unraveling herself from Jojo so she could get up. "Finnnneee" she pouted and flopped down on the couch crossing her arms. By the time Johanna reached the phone the phone stopped ringing so she checked her missed call log. When she saw it was Kandace calling her eyebrows bunched together. She was curious as to why she would be calling her after the way they left things. "Hey, imma take this in the other room. Hold tight." Jojo said walking down the hall to her bedroom. She clicked on the missed call and pressed return call. As the phone rang she could hear the TV come on. Nodding her head, she closed her bedroom door and went out the patio closing that door as well. This way she could be sure Liana wouldn't overhear her conversation. "Oh thank God, Jojo can you please come get me?" She could tell Kandace was whining and on the verge of tears.

The first 5 minutes of the drive was filled with an awkward silence. "Are you atleast gonna tell me what's wrong with you?" Johanna asked breaking the silence. She glanced to her right looking at Kandace biting her nails staring out window. Putting her turn signal on she waited until traffic was clear before making a left turn. Kandace took a deep breath and pulled her lips into her mouth. She wasn't sure how Johanna would take it, but she didn't wanna lie to her. "It's a maternity appointment." She admitted, fiddling with the strings of her cut off crop top shirt. Johanna's eyes widened and she turn her head to stare at Kandace stomach trying to see if she was showing. I horn sounded loudly and Kandace screamed "Watch out!"   Johanna swerved the car back into her lane and put her focus on traffic. She gripped the steering wheel firmly turning her knuckles red. "Yo gotta fucking be kidding me!" She growled through clenched teeth. Kandace was clutching her chest, breathing heavily. "Jesus you trying to kill us? Pay attention to the road Jojo!" Johanna clenched her teeth and her nose flared struggling to keep control of herself. "So what the fuck you calling me for? Why you ain't call that nigga that knocked yo ass up? Huh?" She raised her voice. The near accident she just missed was already forgotten. All she could think about was how she was constantly getting played by Kandace. She had dropped her plans to come rescue her and here is carrying a dudes baby, but claimed she was in love with Johanna not even a month ago. Kandace just kept quiet, she didn't wanna say anything to make her any more upset. "Oh so now you can't speak? Is it Malik baby? Do you even know who the daddy is? Thot ass hoe?" She said the last part more to herself, but it was definitely outloud.
"What? OK hold up now....I know I hurt you, but I'm not about to sit here and let you talk to me like this!" She said sitting up giving Johanna a mean mug. Suddenly she was jerked foward, if she wasn't wearing her seatbelt she probably would've hit the dashboard hard. "You are absolutely correct. You don't have to sit here and listen to me say shit!" Johanna pulled the car over, stepping on the break hard. "You can get the fuck out my shit and call your baby's daddy to come get you." Kandace jaw dropped "What?!" Johanna looked her in her eyes and said "You heard me, get fuck out. Walk for all I care." Kandace reached for her hand "Come on Jojo don't be like that. I need you right now."  Johanna snatched her arm out of reach and leaned over to push the door open. "Yo, I'm dead ass serious. And you better get moving while I'm being nice about it, cause if I gotta remove you myself...." She shook her head and closed her eyes. "You just don't know...just get out." Kandace grabbed her purse and phone and got out the car slamming the door. "That's fucked up Jojo, you know I would never do you like this." Johanna smacked her teeth putting the gearshift in drive again. "See, that's the difference between me and you. I just don't give a fuck. I know when to walk away." Shw said shaking her head as she put her foot on the gas and watched Kandace get smaller in the rear view mirror. "Man...that bitch got me all the way fuckes up, if she thought she was gonna snowball me like that. She pulled down the next street and slowed down pulling out of the way of traffic and took her phone off the mount to text.

Johanna: Hey little bit, I'm omw.

Laina 💋: 🥰 I'll be waiting.


Malik shook his head disappointed with the finished product that was presented to him. He looked around at the faces of the women and men in the conference room. Most of them seemed to be holding their breath, continuing to study each and every face he finally came across one that help hope and possibly a hint of pride. "Jordan, call it a hunch or lucky guess, but I'm almost positive you were head of this project. Am I correct in assuming that?" Jordan sat up straight, squared her shoulders, intertwined her fingers into a two handed fist on top of the Mable table and gave a tight smile. "Yes sir." Malik rubbed his chin and nodded his head. He could tell that although she was nervous about his opinion she was ready to stand behind her creation. He always admired her professionalism hard work and dedication, she wasn't one to kiss up or try to sleep her way to the top.she had integrity and her work spoke for her. "I'm always impressed with anything you normally bring to me and can tell by the quality of the work that you have researched to be well informed and put the long hours in that it takes to pull it off skillfully." He began explaining to her. He stood up while spoke walking around the room noticing everyone's attention was on him following his every move and listening intensely. She nodded her head and her chest puffed out as a smile slowly made its way across her lips. "However.." He began again, finally reaching her, he placed a firm hand on her shoulder. "You must've definitely decided to catch up on your beauty sleep and maybe take some much needed time to yourself because this piece far from meets your standards. I would rather believe you left the tasks to your teammates with you only supervising their productivity because I am extremely disappointed with the overall package." Jordan slouched down and covered her face with one hand. Making eye contact with everyone in the room Malik rubbed Jordan's shoulder before pulling away and walked to the chair he just got up from and pushed it in. "You've got 3 days!" He reached down picking up his belongings when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Pulling it out his eyebrows arch and a smile formed on his face when he saw who the caller was.
Malik was a good looking guy he was well educated with a nice job, he owned his own home, drove a Cadillac truck, he was always dressed to the nines, he was clean and knew how to cook. Females normally threw themselves at him so much he had pussy falling out of his pockets. Kandace, it was just something about her that kept his interest. Her pussy wasn't bad, but the head game was fire and she was just a chill female to be around. He couldn't understand why it was hard getting her to commit to a relationship with him, but if she wanted a chase he would play her little game for awhile. "Wazzup lips?" He answered the phone smoothly thinking the last time they were together and she was deep throating him.
"Come get me."  Kandace said bluntly without even a proper greeting. She was frustrated at this point and was doing her best not to break down crying and call Bryson. He always judged her and thought she was a fuck up, so made him and Khali her last resort. Hopefully she could smooth talk Malik so she wouldn't have to resort to that. "Wo! Well hello to you too. What's going on?" He screwed his face up at her rudeness, it wasn't attractive on a female, but nobody was perfect. He was sure he could get her to calm that down once he had her open to him. She crossed her arms and tapped her foot "My car broke down and I missed a Dr appointment, I tried to walk cause it was only 15 mins away, but it's raining and I'm cold and tired." She whined into the phone looking up at the menu selection. When Johanna kicked her out the car she walked up the street to the Tim Hortons cause she was getting hungry. "Calm down, I got you. I just got a meeting that ended sooner than expected, lucky for you. So I got some time. Where are you?" She walked around the person ordering in front of her and leaned over the counter to ask for the address there. The man screw faced her for cutting him off, but stood back until she was finished. Kandace stated the address 3 times to Malik to be sure he got it right. "Alright alright, I got  it. I'll be there in like 20 mins" sh we smacked her teeth and rolled her eyes. "That's a long time, I'm tired." She whined as she moved up in line to give her order. "Listen that's how long it's gonna take me to get there from the office. If you can't wait that long maybe you should call Johanna, don't she live somewhere near there?" He really didn't want her to do it, but he realized she was the type of female to walk all over someone if they let her. He knew how to get her right where he wanted her. "Don't start..I told you we don't mess around anymore." She smacked her teeth and rolled her eyes. "What can I get for you?" The cashier asked with an obvious attitude since Kandace was holding the line up consumed with her phone conversation. "Umm...yeah let me get a farmer's breakfast wrap combo with a peanut donut and a berry refresher." Kandace said trying to ignore the demeanor of the lady taking her order. "What size?" The cashier asked raising her eyebrows as if Kandace should've specified that. "Medium I guess." She responded finally giving back the attitude she was receiving. "That'll be $7.45" Kandace rummaged through her purse for her debit card and turned her attention back to her conversation. "Well how long is it gonna take you to leave?" Malik huffed getting irritated with her impatience. "Yo, by the time you get your food and eat it I'll be there. I'll call you when I'm out cause right now I can't deal with your temper tantrum you trying to throw." He stated while pulling out of the parking garage. "Sit down, take your time eating and get your energy right." With that he ended the call. Kandace pouted at the fact that he hung up, but moved to the other line waiting for her food to do what he instructed.


Hey guys. Hopefully your enjoying.

Do you think Kandace should tell Malik?

Is Johanna gonna stop messing with Kandace?

Is Kandace gonna keep the baby

As always don't forget to vote comment and share

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