Pearl Rising

By Chrissyvellis

68.5K 10.5K 4.2K

Book Two takes us on quite a different ride. Two years on from Gifted, Pearl and Sylar are asked to help The... More

Authors Note
Fables and Truths...
One - Pearl
Two - Pearl
Three - Wolf
Four - Wolf
Five - Pearl
Six - Pearl
Seven - Wolf
Eight - Pearl
Nine - Pearl
Ten - Wolf
Eleven - Pearl
~ ~ Interlude ~ ~
Twelve - Willa
Thirteen - Pearl
Fourteen - Pearl
Fifteen - Sylar
Sixteen - Pearl
Seventeen - Willa
Eighteen - Sylar
Nineteen - Wolf / Cassius
Twenty - Pearl
Twenty One - Pearl
Twenty Two - Cassius / Wolf
Twenty Three - Pearl
Twenty Four - Willa
Twenty Five - Sylar
Twenty Six - Pearl
Twenty Seven - Cassius
Twenty Nine - Sylar
Thirty - Cassius
Thirty One - Sylar
Thirty Two - Pearl
Thirty Three - Pearl
Thirty Four - Cassius / Wolf
Thirty Five - Pearl
Thirty Six - Cassius
Thirty Seven - Willa
Thirty Eight - Sylar
Thirty Nine - Pearl
Forty - Pearl
Forty One - Willa
Forty Two - Pearl
Forty Three - Cassius
Forty Four - Pearl
Yeah, Phew, thats me done!

Twenty Eight - Willa

1.2K 200 72
By Chrissyvellis

We were going around in circles.  My brother wasn't going to shift on this. 

"This conversation ends now. My decision is final." Cassius slammed his hand on the table, the vein in his temple double tapping as he pushed up from his chair, scraping it across the tiled floor; like chalk on a board, forcing me to wince. He muttered something under his breath before stalking toward the door, opening it with such force the hinges creaked and bent.

Pearl shot up from her seat just as quickly following him outside.

Elder Ester and Olive stole a side glance, as I sighed but took comfort in the squeeze of my hand in Sylar's.  Leaning into him, his warm woodsy scent with hints of cinnamon calmed me more than what I believed possible.

"He'll be okay, we'll fix it," he whispered.

"Your confidence is admirable although wishful young Sylar,"  said Elder Ester, laying her hands flat, palms down on the table.  "Willa, you must watch over your brother. I fear—" she stopped as Elder Olive placed her right hand over Ester's.

I forced a smile. "Perhaps he can control it, just like he said."  The words sliced into my throat as Elder's faces dropped with grim apprehension.

Ester continued. "He is stubborn, and it's his pig-headedness to protect you... us all that will ultimately lead to his own demise, and yours, Willa." She sighed.  "That, we cannot allow."

Her words cut me to the bone. Cassius and I shared a bond and his death would result in mine.

"If he dies...Willa dies?"  asked Sylar, panic stricken.

"We will prepare the spell to separate the bond between the two of you. Although this in itself carries a risk, you are old enough that I feel it's the lesser of two worries."

I had to face the truth; they were right. The spirit inside my brother wanted control of him. 

Why?  I didn't know.

"Is there no other way?"

"Seek out your sister.  End this madness," said Elder Olive.

That was easier said than done.

"Olive speaks wisely and we will consult the oracles to attempt to locate her." 

I was sure they would not find her easily. "Perhaps Pearl can talk some sense into him?"

"Can you not do a spell to force him to relinquish it, make it leave?"  Sylar suggested. "In fact get rid of it full stop?"

She shook her head. "That time has passed.  Unknowingly, he accepted the deal offered, and until the natural order is restored by his own will.  It will weaken him.  What the Alpha will perceive as an advantage is just another way for the Jinn to take what it needs from him."

Elder Ester reached across the table and pulled the book she'd retrieved earlier as Pearl returned, throwing her hands up, exasperated. "He said he had 'pack business' to attend too." She rolled her eyes.

"Willa, why don't you head back to the jeep with Pearl. I wish to discuss matters of importance with Young Sylar."

I didn't argue. I knew they never asked without reason. Unlike my brother, I trusted the Elders completely.  Turning to face Sylar, his crystal blue eyes held me under his steady gaze. I could get lost in those eyes as my entire body warmed.

"C'mon Willa," prompted Pearl as I said my goodbyes to the Elders and followed her out.

Both Pearl and I were quiet as we trudged back to the jeep, lost in our thoughts.  Strange as it was, the silence between us wasn't uncomfortable.  It already felt like I known Pearl my whole life.  And I couldn't be happier that Cassius had accepted her as his mate. "I've never seen my brother happier. Thank you Pearl."

Her steps paused.  "Yeah?" her smile and eyes were wide, honest.

"And I knew you wouldn't be afraid of him."

"Afraid... Seriously?"

"Yeah, he's all dark and intimidating and everyone is frightened he'll kill them if they say the wrong thing."

She reflected.  "Hmm, I bet he can be quite intimidating." 

"I've seen the change in him already.  Can't you sense it?"

She let out a laugh.  "I don't really have much of a baseline to judge from.  It would be great if I had Sylar's gift." She shrugged. "But I hope he's happy. He makes me happy, that's for sure." 

A blush crept up her cheeks as she turned to face forward.

"There is no reason to hope, Pearl.  But why haven't you claimed him as you mate?"

"Urgh... He wants a mating ceremony first." She shuddered.

"And you don't?"

"Fuck, yes."  Her head snapped in my direction, biting her lip. "Oops sorry.  My language.  I'm trying to reign in the, but it's just who I am. It's gonna take time." She winced, and we started walking again.

"Never apologise for being you Pearl."

She smiled, her shoulders dropping.  "Cassius told me it's performed naked... the ceremony," she lowered her voice, furrowing her brow. "Our laws and traditions have to be upheld, Pearl."

I chuckled at her impression of my brother.  "Normally, yes. I've been to them all. It's honestly not as bad as you think."

"Holy shit!  Will you do it... with Sylar?"

Would I?  

Goddess.  I hoped so.  He was my mate, fated... but was I his?  The shift had never happened to me, and I wasn't sure if I would ever be enough just me alone.  What of his wolf?

Pearl gently touched my shoulder.  "Something on your mind.  Talk to me. I won't say anything—you can trust me Willa."

Her words warmed me. 

"And me and you—" she said, "practically sisters, now."

I smiled, happy with her declaration.  Having a woman, someone from the modern world who knew about boys, relationships was a blessing I'd not foreseen. 

Growing up with brothers and every pack member protective of me was frustrating at the best of times. I understood their reasons, but I'd experienced nothing in real life with boys... or men.  

And worse still, no one was ever willing to talk about it.  Too frightened that Cassius would have a melt-down if they answered any of my questions about sex. Although I had blackmailed Orion to buy me a few books when he went into town. 

And boy, wasn't that embarrassing. The books he'd returned with weren't what I had expected.  I told him I wanted romance, and he'd come back with something called erotica! But I had to admit, they had opened my eyes and answered some questions.

I swallowed, daring to ask. "Has Sylar had many—"  Pausing. Goddess, why did this feel so awkward?

"Girlfriends?" asked Pearl. Perhaps she could read my mind, too.

I nodded, placing a hand on my chest to feel my heart race.  "You read my mind."

"Nah, not my talent.  It's a girl thing.  You want to know everything about your man. I get it."  She smiled.  "And no, Sylar doesn't date. He's been waiting."


"Yeah, for his mate."

The idea he was waiting for me did crazy things to my insides before my self-doubt crept in, coiling my stomach tight.

For me?  Or for my twin sister? 

But that kiss!

My finger traced across my lips.  Our first kiss.  It had been nothing short of amazing and I knew he felt it, too. His erection had pressed into me and made me burn like nothing before.

"Are you worried about his feelings for your sister?" Pearl jumped in, straight to the point.

"I know he feels torn.  Ember told me the story.  The man loves me and the beast or wolf desires her."

"Yes, well, it's the man that does most of the driving, with wolfy in the back seat! So it will be his choice. And I know where his heart is."

I wanted to believe her so much it ached. "I'm worried that if my wolf doesn't surface and I never change, that his wolf will be lonely and I've read for those that are mated to humans and never go through the change, that their wolf can die."

"You can't worry about what if's Willa?  You will drive yourself nuts.  You just gotta go for it."

"Go for it?"

"Yes, you know.  Make him yours.  Claim him or get him to claim you."

How could I do that?  My brother wouldn't agree to a mating ceremony, not until all this was over.  "I don't think Cass will allow it."

She scoffed. "You're an adult, Willa.  Your choice.  Your body."

"What... so... we mark each other outside the ceremony?"  My heart beat faster than a hunted rabbit. "Cassius would murder me... going against tradition."

But what if waiting meant I lost myself?  The returning of my powers meant Luna's soul might take over mine?  No one seemed to know for sure what would happen.

Pearl lifted her hand and stroked over her mark. "Well, he sure wasn't thinking about tradition when he sank his teeth into me."  A devilish smirk curled her top lip as she winked.  "Let me worry about your brother."

I liked Pearl.  And she might be right.  This was something I could do for myself.  But how could I do it?  "I'm not sure I could."

"Why not?"

"I don't know how to make him do it. I mean I've read books but..." Embarrassment flooded not only cheeks but heated my entire body.


"Orion bought me some erotica." Oh goddess, open up a hole and swallow me up!

"Oh I love erotica. I've lost many hours in a book, and let me tell you some of them were...phew." She fanned herself, laughing, easing my embarrassment.

"Books are great, but just remember, morning breath is something they never tell you about. I used to set an alarm so I could always wake up and get out of there!"

She nudged my shoulder but I didn't have clue what she was talking about. "Get out of where?"

"That's a story for another time. But you know the basics, so just seduce him," she said matter-of-factly, with more than a little mischief in her tone.

"Me—seduce him?" My cheeks became flammable.

"Yeah, believe me Willa, you have all the right equipment." She waved her hand down my body.  "You don't have to wait for him. Take control.  Show him it's what you want."

My stomach erupted into craziness.  "I wouldn't even know where to start."

"Simple.. it starts with a kiss!" She shrugged.

Maybe simple for her.  She was beautiful, confident and no doubt men would throw themselves at her feet, just like the men in my books.

"Look, you just need some time alone.  Is there anywhere you can take him, just the two of you for a few hours?"

My parents' cabin.  "There's a cabin close to here."

"Look, here's the jeep. I can give my wolf a run and you and Sylar can head there.  Get to know one another."

"How does that get him to claim me?"

"You need to make the first move."

I nearly swallowed my tongue. 

"Don't look so afraid." She stopped, grabbing my arm.  "You've kissed, yes?" She moved to stand in front of me.

I couldn't hide my smile.

Pearl grinned. "I'll take that as a yes." She paused.  "Kiss him again.  A kiss has more power than you think. Just don't force it."

How could I get him to kiss me again?  Should I ask him?  And how would a kiss alone lead to anything more?

"You look like a deer caught in headlights."  She tapped her lips.

"A what?"

"Headlights... it just means shocked, overwhelmed." She shook her head. "Look, you don't have to worry about him wanting to kiss you.  He will."

I blinked, tilting my head.  She was right about being overwhelmed.

"Now—the kiss is just the start.  Unlike books, that go from zero to a hundred...slow it down, let your hands do the talking.  Run them up his arms, fingers in hair.  Stroke the back of his neck.  Touch is important. It connects you both and encourages him to do the same."

Arms.  Neck.  Touch.  Got it.  I took a deep breath. "Thanks Pearl." I let out a breath.

"Believe me, you got this Willa. I would bet my weight in chocolate on it."

Goddess, I hoped so. 

"And here's the man himself."  She stepped closer and wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly.  I felt her breath against my ear. "Remember, this is new for him too," she whispered.

That made me feel a little better as she stepped away, looking over my shoulder at Sylar.

"Right, I'm going to get off."

"What?"  I heard Sylar say.

She ignored him.  "Close your eyes, cousin.  I'm gonna shift.  Can you take my clothes back with you?"

"Where are you going, Pearl?" he questioned.

"My girl needs to run, stretch her legs."  She reached for the hem of her t-shirt.  "Eyes Sylar!"


Stripping, I scooped up her clothes and shoes and placed them on the back seat.  The air heated as she changed into a beautiful wolf.  It always left me in awe to watch the transformation.

"Be safe Pearl, no trouble," cautioned Sylar.

The wolf huffed, then winked at me before sprinting off into the tree-line as Sylar moved closer to me. The hairs on my arms stood up as electricity shot through my hand as he reached for my hand, entwining our fingers. 

Did he feel it too?

"Everything okay?  Pearl didn't try to talk you into anything crazy, did she?"

I turned to face him and once again met with his dreamy blue eyes and very tempting mouth that lifted into a smile. "What?  No.  She's amazing."

He laughed.  "Yeah, she is pretty awesome, but don't tell her I said that."  He squeezed my hand. "Ready to head back?"

"Errr..."   Be confident.   "I have somewhere I want to show you.  Somewhere we can be alone for a while."

He looked surprised.  "Yeah, sure.  I'd like that. Do you want to drive?"

He held out the keys for the jeep.  "Wow!" I blinked in amazement and had to stop myself from bouncing up and down on the spot.  Hardly anyone in the pack let me drive. "Pearl isn't the only one that's awesome."  I leaned in, taking the keys and pressing a kiss to his cheek." Pulling back, his cheeks burned as bright as mine, but there was something else in his eyes, desire... desire for me. 

I could do this.  Pearl was right. 

Make the first move!

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