Six: The Old Version

By ArtytheDragon

1.8K 105 126

(this stories plot changes continuously, the story is a draft of several ideas that make a loose plot.) Homes... More

An introduction to the Characters (glitched out)
Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4 (End of Act one)
Number 5 (Begin act Two)
Number 6
Number 7
Number 8
A fabulous Intermission
Number 9
Number 10 (End of Act Two)
Intermission: The Trolls
Number 11
Number 12
Number 13
Number 14
Number 15 (End of Act Three act One/Begin Act 3 Act 2 Intermission 1)
Number 16 (A3A2A1)
Number 17 (End of Act 3 act 2 intermission 1 begin act 3 act 2)
Number 18
Number 19
Headcanons 2.0
Number 20
Not an update but a letter
Number 21 (End of Act 3 act 2)
Help ;-;
Number 22 (Begin Act 3 Act 2 Intermission 2)
Number 23 (Begin Act 4 Act 1: A4A1)
Number 24
Number 25 (end of act 4)
Number 26 [BEGIN ACT 5)
Number 27
Number 28
Number 30
Number 31
Number 32
Number 33
Number 34: Story for The Zetas Part 1

Number 29

23 3 1
By ArtytheDragon

For some reason this chapter has a name to it:

Some guy who writes in red. Y'all know who it is haha.



Ella: Finally get the game!

Yes! You see the helicopter coming with the mail. You are having a hard time to contain your excitement. The helicopter drops the mail from the parachutes on to the roof of your house. Your Mom would appreciate if you would bring them down to her, since she is busy in the lab. Licorice barks at the mail. You shoosh her and headed to the roof you see the usual box of letters from friend and her friends. You take out the letters that are for you and the yellow package which contained your game. Oh hell yes. Now you all had it and you all could play it later today.

The note on the package was from anonymous but your fairly sure its from Val. Her handwriting is so bad her lower case a's look like tiny triangles with out the bottom line. She doesn't even put the dot above the i!

THE iiiii!!!!

You sigh at the handwriting but you realize its written in red for some reason. You knew one of your moms friend wrote in red but it seemed addressed to you.

As you take the letter, you see that who ever wrote it meant it to be swift, because you could barely read what the heck those chicken scratches were. You translated the general point of the letter from its ancient language.

here is your game (gum?). see you shits eventually.


Wow okay. Asshole much? You toss the note aside ignoring the hurt feelings you felt. You pick up the mail and head back down stairs, putting your moms mail on the transportalizer that lead to the basement. You take yours back to your room and open your letters. It was some late birthday letters since your mail is usually about two days late, but its still fairly recent that people would remember. Your friends wished you happy birthday, etc etc. You just want to play your game. From the chart Maxx sent you, your supposed to be Seans server player. Which you don't mind, your cousin is so derpy and awesome you really don't care. He also gave you a note that we had an entering order.

Val was first, then Sean, then Maxx and finally you. Your not sure why you need this "Entering Order" but no matter. You take the and sit on your bed again opening it and taking out your disks. According to Lalonde, you are Sean's server player, so you should probably contact him.

—-everdoomedBlossom [EB] began pestering gatedGaurdian [GG]—-

EB: sean!

GG: Oh! hey ella!

GG: You have the game correct?

EB: of course i do!

EB: we wouldn't be able to play if i didn't have it lol

GG: Haha

GG: So....your my server player?

EB: yep! :B

EB: aaaand your valkyrie's server player I think?

GG: Sure am i have the message from lalonde

EB: X) i knew that lol.

GG: Oh in speaking of valkyrie i need to talk to her if i am supposed to be her server player but i will keep you on as well

EB: ll!

EB: uh

EB: *kk

EB: blaugh i was typing fast X(

GG: Haha


—-gatedGaurdian [GG] began pestering tamarackGoddess [TG]—-

GG: Eeeeeey

TG: omg

TG: No, Stop I have a plot.

TG: Wait, shit.

TG: *blog

TG: Okay I'm sorry but I'm laughing my ass off because thers this fucking asshole I was tlking too and he's so funny omg I love him I have given him the title of turtle lord.

TG: Dear god, why the hell am I mistyping so much today.

GG: All of the ladies are mistyping today

TG: Welp I know alone




TG: You know, fuck grammar it hates me today :( .

GG: Yeah i dont even use grammar anymore

GG: Maxx gave up a loooong time ago haha XD

TG: It bothers me though.

TG: He just types in all lower case no grammar at all omfg it bothers me he doesn't even put punctuations

TG: *.

TG: Okay, anyway, sup egdork.

GG: Lol nothing much just im your server player!

TG: k

GG: Also

GG: "Turtle lord"?

TG: Ooooh yeah.

TG: I called him that because he is literally how I imagine the turtle lord would be.

TG: And for some reason I hear his voice like a high pitched fairly princess.

TG: *she?

TG: *them?

TG: I'll stick with them until I find out.

TG: Have you talked to them?

GG: No....

GG: But that isnt the point we need to play this game!

TG: Maxx is already loaded and ready.

TG: And I need to connect to him as well.

TG: So bye?

GG: Heh yep! for now!

—-gatedGaurdian [GG] is now idle—-

—-tamarackGoddess [TG] is now idle—-

+=+Brief Maxx+=+

Alright we haven't been Maxx all that much so lets be him shall we?


Now for a proper introduction.

Your name is MAXX LALONDE as said. You have many interests and prefer not to use your computer. You constantly urge your cousin to GET THE FUCK OF HER COMPUTER and go outside. Which she says there is no where to go.

At this moment all of your friends have the game and it is time to play it obviously.

Maxx:Open your laptop and connect to Ella

You open your laptop and load up your game, you click on the saved game titled: "wshaw (Ella :3)".

Very creative Ella.

When you connect you see her on her bed sitting on her laptop probably chatting to someone.

And like always, you have zero patience. You pick up a chair and softly nudge her. She screeches a little but remembers its you and relaxes. As you watch, she loads hers and begins to connect to Sean. This was going to be a long day.


Sometime in the future but not long.

Your name is Valkyrie Strider and you are fucked.

A giant meteor is heading straight toward you and your house, and you have....wait what does this timer say?





Oh god okay now its at 9:50 YOU ARE SO VERY SCREWED.

Okay calm down hahahaha!

You fail to relax as you contact Maxx for advice.

He says his weird ass book says to take one of those prepunched cards and put it in the alchemeter. Your fairly sure Sean is flipping out for you just watching on his screen. Sean said to make one of the those cylinders and carve it with the other thing that you can't remember because you're flipping out.

You have the carved statue and put it on the alchemeter. Now you need the card, WHERE THE FUCK IS THE CARD DAMMIT.

You are softly cursing to yourself as you search for the card. You have five minutes left. Five minutes before a big ass meteor squished most of Texas. You look on your desk which is basically a whirlpool of shit. Eventually, you find the damn card and put it in the alchemeter which is on your roof.

Appearing on the pad was a a rubiks cube.

It wasn't a normal one however.

It was hell.

Pure utter HELL.

You might as well lay down and die now. Your rubix cube modus isn't even this hard. Besides you know all of your rubix cubes in your modus but this one was the mother of all. DEAR GOD.

You walk over to the Hell Mother and begin to look logically on how to solve it. Only a soon as you pick it up,

It breaks.


You twitch sort of and you are probably making a face but you don't notice, you struggle to get them back together, you don't even remember how long you have left you just notice a something breaking through the atmosphere. You begin to struggle. You place them in the way you remembered it, every piece in its exact spot. The giant space rock was getting really close now, you where screwed.

You pick up the five remaining and placed them in the star that formed when you fixed it.

Thats when everything began to glow.

You weren't sure what happened after that, but you remember blinding light, an explosion sound and someone covering you and they weren't letting go. You where fairly sure who it was since only you and one other person live in this house. Feeling the light hiss against the concrete roof, your back was burning. After a few minutes, it was over.

The first thing you heard from your daze was birds chirping and your Bro looking down far below. Of what you do not know.


[S] Seer of Doom: Enter

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