נכתב על ידי capricornkai

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• A tale of love, pain and hope • Mikaela Lockwood is the younger sister of Tyler Lockwood, and a recently-tu... עוד

Chapter 1 ~ The Prison World
Chapter 2 ~ The Siphoner
Chapter 3 ~ The Road Trip
Chapter 4 ~ The Nightmare
Chapter 5 ~ The Memory
Chapter 6 ~ The Spell
Chapter 7 ~ The Field
Chapter 8 ~ The Ascendant
Chapter 9 ~ The Silence
Chapter 10 ~ The Corridor
Chapter 11 ~ The Revelation
Chapter 12 ~ The Meal
Chapter 13 ~ The Control
Chapter 14 ~ The Beach
Chapter 15 ~ The First Time
Chapter 16 ~ The Return
Chapter 17 ~ The Loss
Chapter 18 ~ The Lies
Chapter 19 ~ The Brunch
Chapter 20 ~ The Secrets
Chapter 21 ~ The Addiction
Chapter 22 ~ The Questions
Chapter 23 ~ The Sire-Bond
Chapter 24 ~ The Kill
Chapter 25 ~ The Betrayal
Chapter 26 ~ The Hybrid
Chapter 27 ~ The Winter Party
Chapter 28 ~ The Warning
Chapter 29 ~ The Invitation
Chapter 30 ~ The Plan
Chapter 31 ~ The Ripper
Author's Note
Chapter 33 ~ The Ring
Chapter 34 ~ The Masquerade Ball
Chapter 35 ~ The Deal
Chapter 36 ~ The Punishment
Chapter 37 ~ The Merge
Chapter 38 ~ The Breakdown
Chapter 39 ~ The Cabin
Chapter 40 ~ The Fire
Chapter 41 ~ The Werewolf
Chapter 42 ~ The Rug
Chapter 43 ~ The Sickness
Chapter 44 ~ The Newbie
Chapter 45 ~ The Rulebreaker
Chapter 46 ~ The Aftermath
Chapter 47 ~ The Abandonment
Chapter 48 ~ The Threat
Chapter 49 ~ The Jealousy
Chapter 50 ~ The Revolution
Chapter 51 ~ The Phone Call
Chapter 52 ~ The Rope
Chapter 53 ~ The Most Likely To
Chapter 54 ~ The Surprise
Chapter 55 ~ The Vengeance
Chapter 56 ~ The Apology
Chapter 57 ~ The Distraction
Chapter 58 ~ The Villain
Chapter 59 ~ The Reconciliation
Chapter 60 ~ The Warehouse
Chapter 61 ~ The Originals
Chapter 62 ~ The Sidekick
Chapter 63 ~ The Struggle
Chapter 64 ~ The Reunion
Bonus Scene Unlocked
Chapter 65 ~ The Rave
Original Characters
Chapter 66 ~ The Hunters
Chapter 67 ~ The Temptation
Chapter 68 ~ The Switch (Part One)
Chapter 68 ~ The Switch (Part Two)
Chapter 69 ~ The Trail
Chapter 70 ~ The Simple Intimacy Of The Near Touch
Chapter 71 ~ The Illusion
Chapter 72 ~ The Perfect-Mommy Memory
Chapter 73 ~ The Choice
Chapter 74 ~ The Snowfall
Chapter 75 ~ The Fury
Chapter 76 ~ The Outcast
Chapter 77 ~ The Salvation
Chapter 78 ~ The Awakening
Chapter 79 ~ The Child
Chapter 80 ~ The Wedding
Thank You!
Preview of TBS Sequel

Chapter 32 ~ The Night Before Christmas

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נכתב על ידי capricornkai

TW: 18+ only! Explicit content and very descriptive/graphic details of sexual scenes in this chapter.

(I will probably stop doing these warnings from now on. If you guys have made it this far, you should know what to expect😉)


'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house-

You get the idea.

Today was Christmas Eve, and after spending the past few days shopping for presents and ball-gowns, it was finally time to relax and enjoy the holidays.

For everyone else. Not for me.

Being my typical self, I'd left nearly everything until last minute. So here I was on Christmas Eve, sat crossed-legged on the floor of my lounge, wrapping all the gifts I'd purchased, ready for tomorrow.

I was slowly running out of gift wrap, bows and sellotape. I'd lost my patience about an hour ago, but knowing I couldn't turn up with everyone's gifts unwrapped in a plastic bag, I persevered.

"I hope none of those are for me, or I'm really spoiling it for myself right now," a voice said from the doorway.

Looking up to see my Mom's soft features, I chuckled. "No, Mom, you're safe. Your presents are already wrapped and hidden, don't worry about that."

"Good," she teased as she sat on the couch, watching me with interest as I sat wrapping on the floor.

I didn't look at her for a while, trying to focus on not getting my fingers stuck under the tape. Also because it was super awkward any time I was around her lately.

"So, you're staying with that boy tonight?"

"Kai," I corrected, folding the ends of the paper over a small box with a silver feminine-style watch for Caroline inside.

"Right," she murmured. "Kai."

"Yes," I replied simply, tearing off a piece of tape with my teeth. "Tyler and Liv are going to be here which means I won't be."

Mom sighed in frustration. "You and your brother can't still be fighting? It's Christmas, Kayla."

"I'll be civil, since I'm in a festive mood," I offered, smiling as I stuck the tape over the fold I had made. "And by civil, I mean I won't roast his girlfriend in the oven with the turkey and make him eat the leftovers."

"Mikaela!" my mom gasped.

"I'm kidding, jeez!" I assured her with a laugh. Then, after a pause, "Sort of."

"That boy has become an awful influence on you," I heard her voice comment disapprovingly.

By now, I'd lost all patience. "His name is Kai, Mom!" I snapped, finally looking at her. "Why can't you say it?"

She frowned. "Because if I say it then it seems like I'm accepting him-"

I gave a harsh laugh, cutting her off. "Oh, don't worry, I know how you feel about him. That much is obvious."

"-But that doesn't mean I'm going to try and stop you seeing him any more," she continued as if I hadn't spoken. "Even if I forbid it, you'd just go behind my back."

I smirked. "You're very intuitive, you know?"

She sighed, almost in defeat. "If I can't stop it, then maybe I will just have to accept it. After all, he's done many horrible things, but so have you."

I snorted, almost a little hurt. "Wow. Uh, thanks?"

"I didn't mean to insult you, it's just-"

"Mom, it's okay. I get it," I reassured her, my features softening as I noticed her panic. "Yes, Kai has done horrendous things, but as you said, so have I. I've murdered in cold-blood; to feed, to please Klaus, or just because I was bored." I frowned in thought. "Kai murdered because his family destroyed him, and tried to snuff out any of the light that's inside of him. There's only a small amount left, but it's still there. When he's with me, that light glows," I explained, unable to stop the smile that grew on my lips. "I want him to hold on to that - I want to help him. To remind him that he's not alone in this unforgiving world. He's spent most of his life alone, Mom."

"He has?" she asked quietly, brows pulled together, expression changing to one of sympathy.

I nodded. "His childhood was terrible, and his days spent in that Prison World even more so. He just needs someone to give him a second chance."

"And you have to be that person?" she wondered aloud, pulling a face in distaste.

Getting to my feet, I sat next to her on the sofa. "I didn't plan for any of this to happen, Mom, but the connection I have with him, I just... I can't explain it. It's just a feeling."

She seemed concerned, but understanding. "I really hope you know what you're doing."

I laughed. "Not a clue, but I'm not about to stop any time soon. I need him. He keeps me in control."

"You do seem more like yourself when he's around," my mom admitted.

Unable to help myself, I smiled at the ground, blue eyes and a smug grin appearing in my mind - as if he'd ever left.

Finally letting her guard down, my mom placed her hand on top of mine. "I will try, okay? I promise I will try to accept him, for you."

I grinned. "I appreciate that more than you might realise." Wrapping my arms around her, I pulled her in for a hug. It must be hard, seeing your daughter with someone that you couldn't stand the sight of, but trying to accept him anyways.

She hugged me back gently, before pulling away. "So I'm really not going to see you on Christmas Day?" she wondered, a little hurt.

"I'll stop by tomorrow on my way to the Boarding House," I said. "You have your event to host and Tyler will be here anyways, you'll be too busy to miss me."

Mom shook her head, chuckling softly. "I could never be too busy to miss you, Mikaela."

Gulping, I forced a smile. "Uh, good. I'm glad." Talking about feelings with my mom was always an awkward conversation.

It was silent for a moment before Mom placed both hands on her knees, glancing down excitedly at the gift that was still half-wrapped on the floor. "Anyways, would you like some help?"

I flashed a grin, secretly grateful for her quick change in topic. "That would be great. Thank you."

Both of us climbing down onto our knees on the floor, we continued to wrap the pile of presents, chatting casually between each other to keep the tone of the activity light.

Finally, with my mom's help, I managed to wrap everything, before we took it all up to my room to pack away into a box, ready to take to the Boarding House tomorrow.

I'd also packed away a bag full of clothes and toiletries ready to use over the next 24 hours whilst staying with Kai.

Speaking of - suddenly, there was a knock on the front door. Knowing that my mom was trying to understand Kai better, I'd asked him to come to the house instead of waiting in the car like he usually did. He had been confused but apparently obeyed anyway.

I listened to the conversation carefully as I heard my mom open the door.

"Hello, Kai," she greeted him, voice friendly. "I guess it's time I properly introduce myself. I'm Mayor Carol Lockwood, but you can just call me Carol."

"Oh. Nice to officially meet you, Carol," he replied, tone matching hers.

I began making my way out of my bedroom, carrying both boxes of gifts in my arms.

"Come on in, Kai," my mom said.

"Thank you," I heard him say as he stepped into the house. "Is Mikaela ready?"

"Yeah, I'm coming, hold on!" I called to him as I reached the top of the stairs, trying not to trip as I made my way down.

Kai hurried over, grabbing one of the boxes from me.

"I got it," I assured him, but it fell upon deaf ears.

"Mickie, you're barely 5ft. They're almost taller than you," he commented sarcastically. "Are you moving in or something?"

"Funny," I shot back. "No, these are presents and, uh, other things."

"Other things?" he wondered, raising a brow.

I winked. "Secret. Let's get these into the car and I'll come back to grab the last of my things."

His blue eyes widened. "There's more?"

I nodded, flashing him a grin. "I haven't even grabbed my clothes yet."

"Women," he grumbled, rolling his eyes as he carried the box out to the car, me following closely behind with my own.

As we placed them both into the trunk, Kai attempted to open one, peering inside.

"Hey!" I snapped playfully, swatting his hand away. "Nothing for you to see!"

Kai giggled, holding his hands up in surrender before we turned back to get the rest of my things.

"Okay. All done," I said to my mom as I got to the front door. "I'll see you tomorrow, Mom. Have a great night."

"You too," she said before pulling me in for another hug. "I love you," she whispered.

I smiled, relaxing in her arms. "I love you too."

Kai and I said our goodbyes before leaving the Lockwood Mansion, heading towards his car.

"Can I drive?" I asked, just as his hand touched the handle of the driver's side door.

Kai snorted, shooting me a sarcastic look. "Absolutely not."

I stared at him, hands placed on each of my hips. "Why not?"

Kai leaned against the roof of the car, palms pressed against the metal as he glared at me over the top. "Because it's Christmas, so if you get a scratch on it, I'm technically not allowed to kill you."

I barked a laugh. "And you say I'm dramatic?" I teased, folding my arms across my chest. "Let me drive the car."

Kai tilted his head at me sceptically, still refusing to move from where he stood. "Why are you suddenly so eager to drive?"

"Because I want to stop somewhere on the way," I replied easily.


I sighed, walking around to meet him. "You'll see if you hurry up and get in the passenger's side."

"You'd better not make me regret this," he warned lowly, pointing a finger in my direction.

I smirked, brushing past him as I got in the driver's side, waiting patiently for him to jump into the seat next to me.

Kai had an attitude the entire journey, slouched in the chair. Glaring out of his window, he watched with the eye of a hawk as I drove past any object that could potentially damage his precious baby.

Eventually, we arrived at our destination, allowing Kai to relax as I'd managed to drive the whole way without any issues.

"You're kidding me, right?" he groaned, staring out of the windscreen at the superstore, a flashing Christmas tree sign at the front.

"What?" I asked innocently with a smile. "This is the best part of Christmas and I can guarantee that you don't have a single decoration in your apartment."

He turned sheepish. "Well, uh-"

"I knew it!" I gasped. "You Grinch!"

"Shut up," he grumbled before getting out of the car with a sigh.

As we entered the Christmas store, I headed straight for the outdoor section containing all the trees.

"I'm not carrying one of those," Kai commented as we stepped outside.

"Well, luckily for you," I shot back with a smirk, "I am."

We wandered around for a while as I struggled to choose my favourite, before finally stopping in front of a giant fir tree, luscious and green.

"This is the one!" I squealed. "Imagine that in your lounge. It's going to look so good!"

As I picked it up with ease, I started making my way back inside, carrying the tree under my arm.

Eventually, Kai sighed next to me. "Do you want any help?"

"No way, Scrooge! I got it," I shot back. "We both know I'm three times stronger than you anyways."

He began to giggle, causing me to turn and glare at him. "All you need is one of those hats with the jingle bell and you'd be a true Christmas elf," he commented with a grin, ruffling my hair.

I forced a fake laugh. "Where did you get that joke, a Christmas cracker?"

Kai winked. "Hey, that's where I get some of my best material."

I snorted. "Clearly."

Paying at the checkout desk - it's Christmas, I wasn't going to compel anyone today - I picked the tree back up and headed out to the parking lot, Kai close to my side.

"Watch it!" Kai yelled as I leaned the tree gently against the frame of his car.

"Your car is fine, calm down," I chuckled.

His eyebrows pulled together. "We could fold that tree in half and it would still never fit in there," he commented, pointing to the backseats.

I grinned up at him. "Which is why it's going on top."

Tilting his head, Kai narrowed his eyes at me, trying to figure out how my strange mind worked.  "Oh yeah?" he asked sarcastically. "And how's it going to stay on top? I'm all out of magic right now."

Popping open the trunk, I reached into one of the boxes, picking up the ropes and dangling them in front of him. "Who needs magic when you have good old fashioned rope?"

He stared at me for a moment before his lips curled up into a smirk. "I knew you had a kink for being tied up-"

I groaned, throwing my head back in frustration. "Shut up and help me tie the damn tree to the roof!"

It took a good ten minutes, but with my supernatural strength holding up the tree, and Kai's skilled hands knotting the rope, we finally managed to get it tied down securely.

"Okay," I said with an accomplished grin. "Let's go." I headed towards the passenger's side.

"I thought you were driving?" Kai asked, raising a brow.

"Only to here," I explained, opening the door. "You can have your car back now."

Kai shook his head in disbelief. "Wow. Of course you'd let me drive now that there's a 7ft fir tree on the roof!"

I blinked, then shrugged. "Okay fine, but don't complain when I hit every car on the way home because the branches stick out and-"

"Get in," Kai sighed, opening his door. "Now."

I giggled, hopping in my side eagerly.

It was a fairly quick drive back to the apartment, Kai in a much better mood now that he was in control again. He drove much more carefully than usual now that we had the tree on top.

Pulling the car into the first available space outside his apartment, we got out, Kai helping me carry the boxes and bag up the stairs. We dropped them off inside his apartment before heading swiftly back down for the tree.

"Watch out!" I gasped as he scraped it against the wall. "You're snapping some of the branches!"

Kai's nostrils flared as he shot me a warning look. "I'll snap something else if you don't stop whining."

With great difficulty, we managed to squeeze the tree through his front door and carried it into the lounge. I placed it in the corner of the room, just to the left of his TV.

"Now look at that. Don't you feel so much more festive?" I asked, hands on my hips as I grinned excitedly at the masterpiece. Okay, so the top of the tree touched the ceiling, making it bend at an awkward angle. But it still looked great!

Kai tilted his head in the direction of the bend, studying it. "Feliz Navidad," he commented sarcastically.

"So it needs a little makeover," I admitted, "but once I'm done with it, we're going to have the best Christmas tree in Mystic Falls."

Kai chuckled. "How can you say that when Caroline Forbes exists?"

"I will beat her this year. I'll make sure of it." Kai was right - Caroline would've turned the Boarding House into Santa's Grotto. But that didn't mean I couldn't create a masterpiece of my own right here in his apartment. "Now, let's trim the top down a little and then we can decorate."

"With what?" Kai chuckled. "Toilet paper?"

I rolled my eyes. "Open up that box," I instructed, pointing to the one sitting comfortably on his sofa.

Obeying my command, Kai opened the box, peering inside. Suddenly, he turned to face me, features blurred with surprise. "You scare me sometimes, do you know that?"

I frowned. "What? Why?"

"You're too prepared for everything," he explained, shaking his head in disbelief. "That could never be me - I just go with the flow."

Strolling up to him, I grinned. "Well, then you're lucky to have me in your life or you'd be a mess," I teased.

"Hmm... probably," he chuckled, wrapping his arms around my waist and placing a quick peck to my lips before letting go, eager to get started with decorating.

Using the saw Kai had in his tool box - at least he'd been intelligent enough to get some tools whilst we'd been avoiding each other - we started cutting the tree so that it fit perfectly in the corner of the room, no longer slanted.

"I'm going to be stepping on fir needles for weeks," Kai muttered at one point, careful with his footing as he wandered around the room.

I tutted, raising one hand dismissively as I moved the tree with the other. "I'll vacuum once we're finished, don't worry."

"Cleaning on Christmas Eve?" he questioned sarcastically, placing the back of his palm against my forehead. "Are you feeling okay?"

Pushing his hand away, I rolled my eyes. "Shut up and pass me those lights," I said, pointing towards them.

Eager to help, he hurried over to grab them before traipsing back and passing them to me. They were a set of three, which I took the lead in placing on the tree in the most artistic way I could manage.

Taking a step back to inspect my design, I frowned, unhappy with the way they looked. Making my way back to the tree, I started to move them around.

Kai tried to help as best as he could, but eventually found himself tangled in the wires of the lights.

Hiding my giggles behind my hand, I glanced at him sympathetically. "Kai, why don't you go and make us some hot cocoa, huh?" I asked, undertone of a hint to my voice. "I've got this."

Swiftly shoving the lights off his body, he stepped away. "Don't have to tell me twice," he muttered before hurrying towards the kitchen.

Using all the decorations from the box I'd brought with me, I eventually finished creating my masterpiece, Kai watching encouragingly from the sofa as he sipped his hot beverage.

There was just one thing left to do...

"Huh?" Kai asked in confusion as he stared down at the star I'd just placed in his hand.

"It's the star? It's the last thing to go on top of the tree?" I explained with a grin.

"No, I know what it is," he tutted, before glancing up at me. "Why are you giving it to me?"

I raised a brow. "So you can put it on the tree?...."

"Oh," he said with a blink. "I've never done it before."

"Really?" I wondered, although part of me wasn't even that shocked. "You never put the star on top of the tree as a kid?"

He shrugged nonchalantly. "I was never allowed to."

"Oh, Kai..." I gulped, my chest beginning to ache. "Well, let's make it tradition. Every year I'll put the lights on and you can put the star on. How does that sound?" I asked with a hopeful smile.

Kai jumped to his feet, grin mirroring mine. "Perfect."

Not even needing to go on his tip-toes, he placed the star carefully on the top, before stepping back to stand next to me, inspecting the art we had created.

"I hate to say it but I think you may be right, y'know?" Kai murmured with a low whistle, pulling me in to his side. "Caroline's going to have to construct a miracle to beat this."

I giggled, the compliment going straight to my head. "I think we should have our hot cocoa and watch some Christmas movies to celebrate, don't you think?" I asked, looking up at him, unable to hide the smile on my face.

He nodded eagerly. "Sounds good to me," he replied before pressing his lips to my forehead.

For someone who had never really been shown any love his whole life, he was a super affectionate guy. With me, anyways. Everyone else? Not so much.

Maybe the fact that he was so touch-starved made him crave it all that more.

I quickly ran the vacuum around the lounge before finally picking up my cup of hot cocoa, sitting down on the sofa and sinking against the pillows, feeling at complete ease. It had been a fairly stressful few days, especially since receiving our invitations from Klaus. But now, sitting next to Kai as he turned on the TV, sipping gently from my mug, I had never felt more relaxed.

It was evening by now, the lights in Kai's apartment all turned off except for the golden orbs surrounding the Christmas tree, and the blinding light of the TV mounted on the wall. Kai and I were snuggled up under a chunky knitted throw as we watched 'Home Alone' on his flat-screen.

"You know what?" he murmured at a quiet point during the movie. "I think this is going to be my favourite Christmas yet."

Resting my head on his shoulder, I tried to hide my grin. "I really hope so," I replied softly.

Kai rubbed my thigh absentmindedly under the blanket, clearly not noticing the effect his hand was having on my body.

"'Merry Christmas ya filthy animal'," he quoted at the same time as Kevin, earning a chuckle from me.

After watching another two movies, I decided it was finally time for a little surprise - one that Kai had no idea I had planned.

"Where are you going?" he asked as I jumped to my feet.

"I got something for you to open," I admitted, pulling it out of the box. "It's nothing special, but I really want you to have it tonight."

Kai sat up straighter, interest piqued. "Oh?" he wondered, lifting his head to try and get a closer look.

"Yeah," I said with a grin, skipping over to sit back down next to Kai. "Here you go," I giggled as I passed it to him, unable to contain my excitement.

His brows pulled together as he began to tear open the paper, curiosity getting the better of him. Picking up his present, he held it in the air for us both to see, before looking at me with a smirk.

"Pyjamas?" he questioned teasingly. "Really?"

"Yeah!" I laughed. "To get you in the Christmas Spirit."

Kai shot me a sarcastic look. "It's Christmas Eve, Mikaela. If I'm not in the Christmas spirit by now, I'd say I was too late."

"Oh shut up!" I teased, pushing his chest playfully. "Go and try them on."

"But I didn't get you any pyjamas," he replied.

I chuckled, before getting to my feet and pulling out another gift from the box. "That's okay, because I already did!" I squealed, holding up the set for him to gawk at. "And they're matching!"

"His and Hers pyjamas?" Kai questioned, tossing his head back to laugh. "This is so typical Mikaela, I should've seen it coming."

Grabbing his arm, I pulled a reluctant Kai to his feet before pushing him in the direction of the bedroom. "Get changed."

"Fine," he groaned before disappearing, closing the door behind him.

Only a few minutes later he reappeared to face a very excited me. "Well?" he questioned, arms out to show off his outfit.

The pyjama top was baseball style, with black sleeves and a white torso, and on the front was a picture of a cartoon penguin with the words 'Let it Snow' written above it in the sky. The pants were a black and red plaid pattern.

"Oh my God!" I gasped, hands flying to cover my mouth.

"What?" Kai asked quickly, looking down at his clothes. "Is something wrong with them?"

I shook my head. "You're officially too adorable for me to handle," I whispered.

Kai threw the cardboard sleeve in which the pyjamas had previously been in my direction. "Shut up," he whined.

I burst into laughter, catching the cardboard before it could hit me. "I'm sorry, but you look so cute."

"Go and try yours on so I don't look stupid," he muttered, grabbing my wrist to drag me towards the bedroom.

"Fine, fine!" I giggled. "Hold on."

A few moments later I exited the bedroom to show off my matching set, mine designed exactly the same as his. "Ta-da!" I grinned, performing a little twirl for him. "What do you think?"

"You still look like a supermodel," he commented with a smirk. "Just one that enjoys dressing up as a five-year-old."

I chuckled, strolling up to meet him. "I think we should wear these to the Salvatores' tomorrow."

Kai snorted. "The only way I'm stepping out of this apartment in these pyjamas is if you drag my corpse out of here still wearing them."

I hummed in thought. "You know what? That's actually a really good idea."

"Hey!" Kai warned, pointing a finger at me. "No murdering at Christmas!"

Chuckling, I grabbed his hand, leading him to the kitchen area. "I want another hot cocoa," I explained, pulling out the ingredients - super excited about the giant bag of marshmallows I found in one of the cupboards.

Coming to stand by my side, Kai grabbed a can of pressurised cream, lifting it up to squirt in his mouth before holding it above me expectantly. I opened my mouth for him, swallowing down the foamy cream.

Next, he squeezed the chocolate sauce onto his tongue, yet again holding it up as he waited for me to do the same. Unfortunately, a little dripped over my lower lip, but before I had the chance to lift my hand to wipe it away, Kai's thumb flew out to catch it. His thumb lingered there for a moment as I stared up at him, my heart beginning to race, before he pulled it away, pressing it to his lips to lick it from his skin.

Unspoken words passed between us as we searched each other's eyes for a very brief amount of time. Unable to withstand it any longer, I jumped towards Kai as he caught me easily in his arms, our mouths finding each other at once.

Stumbling towards the island in the middle of the kitchen as we kissed, he set me on top of it, his desperate mouth moving from my lips to my jaw, all the way down my throat. Pulling my pyjama top over my head, Kai threw it across the room, almost disrespectfully - not that I cared at that moment.

"We... are going to christen... every room... in this apartment," he panted in-between hot kisses that he trailed over my collar bone and bare chest. "I've already fucked you in my bathroom," he teased. "Now I'm going to fuck you on this kitchen counter."

I moaned at his words, throwing my head back to give him a better angle. Kai's hands knotted in my curls as he tugged my head back further, forcing me to arch my back, exposing myself completely to his wandering mouth.

Pulling his top over his head, he threw it to join mine on the floor. Grabbing hold of the can of cream, he squirted some over my breasts, before leaning down and licking it away, the sensations sending jolts of pleasure down my spine. He caught my nipple gently between his teeth, circling his thumb over the other, forcing moans to escape my lips.

"Get these off," Kai commanded, tugging at the waistband on my pyjama pants. I lifted myself off the countertop for a moment, allowing Kai to slide them down over my hips and all the way off my legs, dropping them to the floor. He pushed me gently, urging me to lay on my back, before spreading my thighs apart.

"I'm not even going to take these off," he said lowly, his deep voice making me shiver. "I'm just going to move them to the side and have my way with you." Sticking to his word, he pulled my black thong to the side, before diving down to place his tongue flat against my clit.

The instant his flesh touched mine, a gasp escaped my throat, my eyes rolling back. No matter how many times I had his mouth on me, I would never get tired of the way it felt. He was just too good.

"Fuck," I moaned the moment his hands glided up my torso to grab hold of my boobs as he flicked his tongue, but I couldn't see his reaction, my spine arched against the cool of the marble counter, head tossed back.

"Eyes on me, baby," Kai reminded me softly from between my thighs. I obeyed him, looking down at his beautiful blue eyes, losing myself in them as the room around me began to spin. But there was always one constant - those eyes.

Finding the right spot that sent me into overdrive, he picked up his pace, bringing me closer to my high with every stroke of his tongue. Just as I was about to come undone, he pulled away, chuckling darkly. "You don't get to cum on my tongue tonight," he said. "Only my dick."

I whined a little at his words but allowed it, knowing that the feeling of him inside me was just as heavenly as his mouth. Kai quickly took off the rest of his clothes before lifting himself up onto the counter with me and positioning himself between my legs as he hovered over my body. I wondered if the marble was painful against his bare knees, but he didn't seem bothered by it, so neither was I.

I watched with interest as he leaned over to grab something, a giggle escaping my lips when I noticed what he held in his hand - the chocolate sauce. Opening up the cap, he squirted a trail from my chest all the way down to my pelvic bone. Placing the bottle back where he found it, Kai leaned down, his strong arms on either side of me, and ran his tongue along the chocolate path he had created, licking up every drop.

"Now I'm going to be sticky," I chuckled.

"Mm, but you taste so good," he whispered in reply. Without warning, he angled himself ready, glancing down at me for approval only for a moment, before he thrust himself inside of me.

Tossing my head back with pleasure at the new fullness I was experiencing, Kai let out a sigh of relief. "There's the feeling I've missed so much," he breathed. "I want to be inside of you forever."

We maintained eye contact as he started with a slow pace, every thrust emphasised by the way he stared down at me in wonder. Kai's stares always made me slightly nervous, but under sexual circumstances, it only added to my pleasure even more.

The mixture of Kai's warm body on top of me and the cool of the marble underneath me against my skin sent ripples of bliss along my spine. It was overwhelming my senses, everything being heightened in my Hybrid state, and every thrust of Kai's hips was making it painfully obvious that I wasn't going to last very long this time.

"You are so fucking hot," Kai murmured, eyes tracing every feature on my face, before gazing over the curves of my body. "Look at you. All of this perfection is mine."

Suddenly, he thrust hard and deep, causing a loud moan to fall from my lips. "Did you hear what I said?" he snapped, eyes burning now. "You're mine."

Kai was incredibly hot when possessive over me, because as much as it felt strange to admit it, he was right. I was his. I would never be able to sleep with another person again after him.

Klaus was a mistake, one that I regretted every single day since getting my memories back. But Kai... well, Kai was...


"I'm yours, baby," I agreed, running my fingernails gently over his shoulder blades, causing him to shiver with pleasure, a small smile playing on his lips.

Lowering himself slightly as he kept up the pace, Kai pressed hot kisses along my throat, before burying his face in the crook of my neck, strained groans falling from his mouth with every movement his hips made.

Hearing his sounds of pleasure only added to mine, and before I knew it, my cries of bliss hit an all-time high. Kai had managed to find my G-spot and was hitting it over and over again on repeat, lapping up the reaction it was causing in me.

"Kai!" I gasped, fingernails digging into his back as I squeezed my legs tighter around his waist, not wanting him to escape. If I knew him well enough, he would bring me just to the very edge before pulling out to tease me.

But not this time.

His brows shot up in pleasant surprise when he realised what I was doing, a dark chuckle rumbling in his chest. "Naughty girl," he growled, lifting a hand to clasp around my throat, squeezing with just the right amount of pressure to make me lightheaded.

The combination of the room spinning, his continuous thrusts, and the moans falling from his lips, it was enough to have me crumbling in only moments.

"Kai, I'm going to cum," I warned him, eyes squeezing shut as I struggled to hold the wave back.

He added another slight amount of pressure to his fingers. "Look at me," he commanded, making my eyes snap open at once. "Keep your eyes on me and I'll allow you to cum. Got it?"

I nodded with a whimper, feeling the pressure build in the pit of my stomach as his thrusts continued their relentless pace. "Oh my God," I moaned. "I'm so close."

"Cum for me, baby," Kai whispered, grinning down at me with delight, the power he was relishing for making me feel this way giving him an extra high. "I want to feel every second of your orgasm as you clench on me."

Nodding, it took me only a few more seconds before I hit my high, maintaining eye contact with Kai as ripples of pleasure bombarded me from every angle, making me forget my own name.

"Good girl," Kai whispered in my ear, before letting go of my throat once I had come back down to Earth. "Watching you cum was so hot, I'm nearly there myself," he admitted.

I was overly sensitive now, but that didn't stop Kai from thrusting into me with his hardest strokes yet, blurring my mind to the point where I could barely make out his features any more.

"So pretty," he murmured, barely audible over my moans.

Just when I thought I was going to have to beg for him to stop because I couldn't take it any longer, a groan escaped his lips as he collapsed against me, his harsh breaths echoing in my mind as he nestled his head into the crook of my neck. I tangled my fingers in his hair as he came down, keeping my legs squeezed around his waist.

"Fuck," he whispered. "I'll never get tired of that feeling."

I giggled, smiling up at him as he pulled himself out of me, hovering above my face to give me a quick peck. He hopped down from the island, helping me to sit up and jump off.

"You treated those pyjamas with zero respect," I teased, picking mine up from the floor.

"Sorry, baby," he chuckled. "I just needed you naked and they were in the way." Throwing his back on, he flashed me a grin. "I really do love them though."

I smirked, kissing him quickly before heading to the bathroom to freshen up. Once ready, I threw my pyjamas back on to meet him in the kitchen. As I reentered the room, Kai was spraying down the counter-top with some disinfectant.

I barked a laugh as Kai looked up at my entrance. "Not really hygienic to be preparing food on here without wiping it down first," he explained sheepishly.

"How about that hot cocoa, now?" I asked with a smirk. "And no funny business this time."

Kai grinned. "Can't promise anything," he teased before making a start with our drinks.

We had our hot cocoa whilst watching one more Christmas movie under the knitted throw - 'The Grinch', typically - before deciding it was time for bed.

"Do you have any whiskey here?" I asked. "And a carrot?"

Kai frowned. "Yeah, why?"

"For Santa and Rudolph," I explained as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"You can't be serious?" he chuckled, staring at me like I'd lost my mind.

"Completely serious!" I shot back. "It's tradition!"

He groaned before pointing to the kitchen. "Whiskey is on the shelf, carrot is in the fridge," he said, shaking his head in disbelief as I got to my feet and hurried over.

I poured a shot of whiskey into a glass, then placed it on the side next to the carrot for Rudolph. "If I come in here in the morning and they're still untouched, I'm going to be real pissed," I said as I made my way back to the sofa.

"I think it's time for bed, don't you?" Kai asked with a yawn.

I nodded, reaching out to help him to his feet. We walked hand-in-hand into his bedroom, both of us brushing our teeth in his en-suite before hurrying into bed.

"With the way I'm so excited, you'd think it was Christmas tomorrow or something," I teased as I crawled onto the mattress, earning a playful eye roll from Kai.

"Tomorrow's going to be so strange," he murmured as he slouched against the pillows.

"You'll be fine," I said encouragingly, placing my hand on top of his and linking my fingers through.

Kai picked it up, pressing a kiss to the skin on the back, before pulling me into his chest. "I guess we'll see," he whispered.

I hummed, eyes drifting closed as tiredness began to take its toll. "Good night, Kai," I mumbled, struggling to stay awake.

"Night, Mickie," he replied, pressing a kiss to my forehead before we both drifted off to a comfortable, partly excited, sleep.

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