By retrolokii

165K 4.5K 1.4K

Title says it all. Requests are very much open just comment or dm pls and thanks ‹3 [ON GOING] May contain ot... More

Midsummer in Valhalla
Dance With Me
Call Me A Thief
Paper Rings
In The Wee Hours of the Morning
Oh Dearest, Your Fangs Are Showing.
Publicist Problems
Oh, Hello Doctor.
Where Am I? (Harry Potter x MCU AU)
England (Part 1)
England (Part 2)
England (Part 3)
Ghost Hunting (Unsolved x Crimson Peak)
Loki of Norway
Quarantine with Loki (Days 1-2)
Quarantine with Loki (Day 3-4)
Quarantine with Loki (Day 5-6)
Quarantine with Loki (Day 7-8)
Cabin in The Woods
Cabin in the Woods (Part 2)
So, We Meet Again...
Trickster's Surprise
Alfheim's Finest
Time Travelling's a Bitch
Hello, Neighbor!
Stay, You Fool.
Alfheim's Finest (Part 2): Picnic Day!
The Night Before
Ladies of The Court
Accidental Pen Pals
Dancing in the Moonlight
Emergency Healer
Heart of The Woods
Something New (Capt. James Conrad x Reader)
I Guess We're A Good Team After All
I'm Here.
Sleipnir's Arrival
Meeting The Family
Cold Mornings
Oh, Cupid.
You Wound Me
Perfectly Mischievous
Finally Free (Thomas Sharpe x Reader)
In Safe Hands
Come and Get Me
In Safe Hands (Part 2)
Secret Santa
Palace Libraries
Cheers to Victory
Run to Me, Baby.
Time Capsule
Did Somebody Call For Agent Loki? - Part 1
Did Someone Call For Agent Loki? - Part 2
Did Someone Call for Agent Loki? - Part 3
I'm Not Actually A Vampire!
Don't You Dare Die On Me
Sinister Kid
Dead Men Tell No Tales (or do they?)
Halloween Special!
Royal Pain in The Ass
Royal Pain in The Ass - Part 2
Royal Pain in The Ass - Part 3
Nights are Better with You
You're Just as Strong as Me
I Love You (Against My Better Judgement)
Much Ado About Nothing
The Pirate and The Prince
Heaven Be Damned (I Have You)
Better Unknown
It Will Come Back
You're So Warm
I Can't Bear to Lose You
I Like You Better (Than Him)
Bets On. Clothes Off (Well, Almost).
Is This A Date?
My Love Mine All Mine
Hate It When You Do That
When Death Gives You An Out (You Take It)
Peace and Quiet, At Least For a Moment.
Peace and Quiet, Now Until Forever
What You Taste Like [SMUT]
What You See
A Ballad of Vicious Mockery
A Ballad of Reluctant Affections
A Ballad of Hope and Promises
At The End of Time
Until I Am Enough
Like Real People Do

Sparks Fly

1.2K 30 33
By retrolokii


I inserted Nikolai Lantsov bc why not?


Made Loki and Thor half-brothers here, just a little heads up :)

The lingering scent of sweat and champagne followed your every movement as you tried to escape the lustful commotion of Sir Alastair's ball.

It was as if the young and unmarried guests jumped onto the nearest partner they could find to dance with them, and ravish them until the end of the night, hoping for a fruitful courtship, marriage, or even just an eventful one night stand.

You shook off all of the longing stares of the young men in the room as you tried to find a quiet space in Sir Alastair's expansive art museums. You never understood why people were so desperate for a pairing, even though they were perfectly aware that said pairings won't even last a year. Perhaps it's because you're young and have prospects and opportunities in life, unique only to you. But that's just your gamble.

As you were walking through Sir Alastair's exhibit of Greek sculptures, you saw your friend— Lady Odessa— walking with two men and a lady who all seem to look your age. When Odessa saw you, she immediately waved you down with her satin-gloved hand. You did not deny her the pleasure, so you walked in her direction.

She greeted you loudly with a smile.

“Why are you walking a by yourself, darling?” she asked, her voice high-pitched and energetic as usual.

“Let's just say Sir Alastair's company are too eccentric for my poor soul,” you replied, giving her a soft smile.

“I might have to agree. As you can see my company and I have taken to exploring his estate because of the unruly guests.”

“How are you finding his estate? Minus the unruly guests, of course.”

“Large and extravagant, perhaps even too extravagant,” Lady Odessa caught one of her friends looking at you, the one with jet black hair and eyes that screamed ‘trouble’. Odessa winked at him before beckoning you to meet her company. “Why don't you join us?”

“I really don't want to interrupt, Odessa.”

“No, it's perfectly fine,” Odessa smirked. “I'm sure Loki would agree.”

Loki, the one with the ebony hair and stark blue-green eyes, gave your friend a fond glare before turning his attention to you.

“Loki, son of Odin,” he said, gently kissing the back of your hand. You said your name in reply.

The taller, blonde one also came up to you. “Thor, also son of Odin.”

“Brothers?” you said in disbelief. They looked nothing alike.

“Half-brothers,” Thor smiled, he was proud despite their different mothers.

“I see,” you returned the smile.

“Shall we get going?” said the woman with brunette hair, her face was sharp and it seemed like she intimidated both the sons of Odin.

You nodded.

“Come,” she said to you. “The name is Sif, you need not call me ‘lady’ for it will only embarrass Loki and Thor.”

“Why?” you asked.

“Because I put their asses in the dirt every damn day of sparring.” She had smiled cheekily, but the boys only rolled their eyes.

“I wouldn't say every single day—”

“Brother, please you'll only make it worse,” Loki cut Thor off.

You chuckled softly, and Odessa shot you a glance.

“What have you been up to, dearest?” Your friend hooked her arm through yours, now both women stood on either side of you.

“You know what I've been up to, Des.”

“Yes, but I want to hear it.”

“Alright,” you said. “I've been practicing on my pianoforte. I'm currently learning Rachmaninoff's Paino Concerto—”

“You know of Rachmaninoff?” Loki butted in.

You turned to him, still having Odessa's arm hooked around yours. The ladies exchanged a smirk.

“Of course, he's essential to my repertoire at this point.”

“Brilliant,” he breathed.

“What else?” Odessa asked you, tearing your gaze away from Loki who looked in awe.

“I'm making a new piece of jewelry,” you answered, smiling. “Would you like me to send you one of my creations? It's a necklace.”

“Does it have a ruby?”

You shook your head. “Pearl and sapphires, Des.”

She lit up. “Lovely. Please, send them to me. You know how pearls go with my dresses.”

“Why do you think I designed them to hold such stones?”

“The sweetest.” She smiled.


You roamed Sir Alastair's estate from the hedge mazes to the rooms decorated head to toe with French paintings.

You felt comfortable with this new company. They were intelligent and witty and sarcastic, just as you liked your people. Thor and Odessa were the most extroverted out of the group, while you, Loki, and Sif listened and laughed along the two blondes's jokes and jests.

The moon wasn't high in the sky anymore. In fact, it was actually beginning come down from its spot. Guests were starting to pour out from the estate, either with aching feet or with partners to keep them off of their aching feet. Most of them were drunk with both lust and alcohol. And you'd do anything not to be in their vicinity to spare your pearl white dress.

“Finally,” Odessa sighed. “We finally have the ballroom to ourselves. Well, mostly.”

“Should we have a dance before calling it a night?” Thor asked, and immediately went to Sif.

She patted his shoulder. “I'm going to call it a night. You lot enjoy yourself.” Sif winked before leaving.

You all said your goodbyes to Sif. You told her how lovely she was to meet, and that you'd definitely accept her offer to teach you how to fight.

Thor extended his hand to Odessa, who accepted it without question.

“My lady,” Loki had bowed before extending his. You slid your hand into his, and found it satisfying that it fit perfectly.

The quartet started up again, but the tune was more mellow than exciting unlike earlier tonight. Of course, they were tired too. You guessed this was their last set of their gig.

You hadn't realized how well Loki was at dancing. He was leading you on the floor like a conductor of an orchestra, and you were the poor soloist who was plagued with stage fright, trying desperately to be flawless. And those perfectly blue-green eyes kept distracting you from perfecting your steps. How they annoyed you.

“Sorry,” you said when you nearly stepped on his foot.

“It's alright,” he said. “I'm going far too fast.”

Loki slowed down his pace, and the quartet followed with his timing.

“Much better,” you said with a teasing smile.

“You're quite the opposite to Odessa,” said Loki.

“And you're quite the opposite to Thor.”

Loki shrugged. “We're the introverts under their care it seems.” He turned you slowly with his hand raised above your head.

You let out a soft chuckle, tipping your head into his chest. “You are quite the dancer, Loki.” You flashed him a small smile. It was true, he embodied all the elegance and charm of the waltz.

“Oh please,” he said. “You flatter me.”

“I thought it was the men who do the flattering? You've got your ideas mixed up, Sir. I'm merely stating the truth.”

“You're too kind.”

“I'm only truthful.”

The piece ended, and the quartet sighed happily now that their gig has ended. It has been a long night.

The sun was already teasing the horizon when the four of you stopped dancing. It had been a miracle that your feet weren't swollen from walking a massive estate to dancing a long song with Loki. Perhaps it was the glee that distracted your body from the pain.

“Brother,” Thor said, snapping Loki from his trance. He was still enthralled in a conversation with you. Well, it was more of you explaining music theory to him and he insisted to listen while you talked. “The carriage is here.”

Loki looked hesitant to leave.

“Will I see you again?” he asked. His tone was teasing and light, but he truly wanted to know the answer in his heart.

“If fate permits,” you answered, smiling.

“I shall count on it.”

With one last wave, the sons of Odin were gone. You and Odessa were left alone in the large ballroom, servants flowing in the room to tidy up as the sun slowly rose from the horizon.

“Should I wipe that smile on your face or can you do it by yourself?” teased Odessa.

“What smile?”

Your friend smirked.

“Oh deary me, I have an inkling someone fancies someone... I just can't figure out who...”

“Des, please,” you said with a resigned smile.

“Why don't you go home while I think about it?” As if on cue, your carriage arrived. You shook your head fondly at her before giving her a farewell hug.

“Thank you for tonight, Des,” you murmured into her shoulder.

“You've made mine a lot better,” she replied. “Now go on, your father must be waiting.”

“He most definitely is.”

Shooting her a last smile, one wide and genuine, you hopped onto the carriage and went home.


A week has passed ever since Sir Alastair's ball and still, Loki haunted your days and nights.

It was annoying how kind he was, how eager he was to listen to you ramble about your interests, how easy it was for him to understand you, how witty he was when jesting with you. It had only been one night and yet that's the most you've ever gotten close to another person aside from Odessa whom you befriended in your childhood.

You kind of cursed the world because they let you talk to Loki closely for one night, then perhaps never again if your paths don't cross in the near future.

You also cursed his eyes for their ability to make you go still, and forget anyone else was in the room but him. You hated how those pools of ocean blue and seafoam green fought for the spotlight in such a gorgeous manner. They were beautiful, so very beautiful. You almost envied him, but your awe did not reach such extreme measures.

Now, everytime you look out the window and see the leaves of trees reflect in the clear water of the lakes, you thought of him.

Perhaps that is why you spent most of your time perched on your balcony, looking into the lake that meets the forest just behind your house.

A knock disturbed your thoughts.

“Invitation for you, ma'am.” The servant handed you a black envelope with a golden wax seal. It bore the symbol of two falcons.

The Lantsovs.

Wealthy Russian nobility.

Thank goodness you knew their son, Nikolai. You would never openly tell people how you met because of how peculiar it was, but to also save Nikolai at least a little bit of grace. But you will openly say that you had actually accidently helped him meet his fiancèe in some opera a few years ago.

“Thank you,” you said as the servant exited.

You read the letter from top to bottom. At first it was nothing but a normal formal invite, until you saw something written in invisible ink, only seen when held up at the sun.

P.S. Since you helped me meet the love of my life, I shall help you reunite with yours. —N (in courtesy of your most sly friend, O.)

You shook your head at Nikolai's additional writing. But you don't know whether to be annoyed at Odessa or Nikolai more.


You've always been in awe of the Lantsov household.

Their home was grand, grander than the lords and ladies of the city. Somehow, they've managed to incorporate both the modern French designs and their own traditional Russian decorations so effortlessly. Although the color of the house was of gold and white, which was incredibly common for rich folk, they somehow made it look unique with the occasional blue accents of curtains and Lapis Lazuli crystals which the Lady Lantsov has come to favor.

The main ballroom hall was tall and large. There were huge glass windows along the walls which looked out onto the Lantsov estate. And the ceilings were decorated with frescos commissioned by the best painters in Europe and expensive chandeliers.

At the entrance stood an ice sculpture of two twin falcons, showing their wings pridefully. Beside that was an enormous champagne tower that seemed undisturbed despite the ruckus that occured around it.

“You're late,” a smooth and teasing voice said.

You turned to meet Nikolai, all dolled up in his bright blue coat. It complemented his blonde hair and dark brown eyes.

“But you taught me being late was fashionable, no?”

“Only for me, it seems.”

“I don't understand how Zoya deals with you,” you retorted fondly, almost like a sister teasing her brother.

“My looks make up for my sarcasm, and I bet she would agree.” Nikolai eyed his fiancèe across the room. Her tan skin almost glowing under the lights of the chandelier.

You shook your head at him. “I can't believe Odessa betrayed me.” You meant it lightheartedly.

“I promise you, that betrayal will bring you bliss,” said Nikolai.

“It better.”

Nikolai scanned his eyes among the growing crowd, he was looking for someone.

He was looking for Loki.

“I think I see him,” he said. “I'll be back before you know it.”


But he was already squeezing his way through the crowd, giving each and every guest a charming smile to let him pass through with ease. Now you were left alone.

Sir Pembroke, a most scandalous and dishonest man, had the courage to talk to you while you were left alone; because he knew that if he asked for your hand in front of Nikolai, he would be smart mouthed by your blonde companion.

“Does the lady drink?” he asked you, already holding two glasses of champagne. He had a most unnatural look to him, as if he were sculpted out of wax by a horrid artist.

“Not with you, Sir.” you said. You knew his reputation, and you were having none of it.

“Well, does the lady dance?” He tried smirking at you, but instead of revealing his charm, he only revealed his rotting teeth.

“Not with a scandalous man, no.” You flashed him a sour smile.

“If you reject me, you won't be able to dance with any of these gentlemen tonight.” It was true, but you weren't affected by it in any way.

“I'd rather be seen as a prude than a lady with no standards. Good evening, Sir,” you snapped.

Pembroke left with a scowl and a clenched fist. He would never bother you again after that exchange.

After your nerves have calmed down, Nikolai returned with Loki who looked confused until he lit up upon seeing you.

“Nikolai, you look worn,” you said, noticing his tried eyes.

“The crowd is dense.

He shot you a glance that said “you owe me,” and that made you nearly smile.

“Now you can dance with your prince charming. Thank me later,” said Nikolai.

“I actually can't.”

“What?” Nikolai had his hands on his hips, like a mother demanding an explanation.

“Pembroke asked me for a dance,” without finishing, Nikolai understood completely.

“Of course. You had to.”

You nodded.

Nikolai actually looked displeased. He really wanted you to have a lovely time in his household.

“Why does he have to ruin everything?” asked Nikolai. “I'm sorry, I should've taken you to him. Now you can't dance without looking ill bred.”

Loki cleared his throat. “My lady,” he said, offering his hand.

“Loki, you know I can't.”

“I'm not asking you for a dance.” Loki had a smirk on his face. Nikolai seemed to understand, after all, he too was as sly as fox.

You slid your hand in his, nodding slowly with a smile. Nikolai now had a grin on his face.

“I better not see you for a while,” he said, winking.

If you could tackle that blonde boy to the ground, you would.


Loki didn't let go of your hand. Not once.

He weaved the two of you in and out of crowds, an excited smile on both your faces. It was actually pure luck that the two of you went undetected.


Except for Odessa who was having the time of her life on the balcony. She watched you laugh aloud with Loki while running out of the ballroom.

She gave herself a mental pat on the back for that one.

Somehow, the two of you landed in a long hallway of Lantsov nobles. All painted by world class artists, their frames decked with gold and silver. Money was like water to the Lantsovs ever since the beginning of their lineage.

Near the end of the hallway was the painting of Nikolai, your friend. You and Loki observed the piece. It really did capture everything. Even though Nikolai wasn't smiling in the painting, the painter caught the mischievous and sly look he always had.

“How did you meet?” asked Loki.

“It's a long but incredibly funny story, so I'll spare some details,” you answered. “I was performing my piano recital, when suddenly I hear loud sobbing in the background. The one sobbing was Nikolai. It was normal for people to lose composure specially when the piece is beautiful but Nikolai... He just cried like a toddler. It was hilarious, he didn't even try to hide it.”

“He's most peculiar,” Loki added. “He approached me just as I entered the room and repeatedly said: “the love of your life is here, come with.” And that was the extent of our conversation.”

You chuckled at that.

“Where to next?” you asked.

“There won't be any thrill if I told you.” His signature smirk washed over any fond annoyance you had for him which was quickly replaced with awe.

Although he didn't tell you where you were exactly going, you sort of knew what he was planning.

There was a garden just outside of the ballroom. However, if you were inside the ballroom, the only viewpoint you have of it would be on the balconies since the large glass windows were littered with pyramids of alcoholic beverages and trays upon trays of catered food.

The garden proved to be the best place for sneaky and carefree dancing in the middle of the night.

You could hear the echo of the musicians playing a lively waltz from inside as well as the happy cheers of guests.

Loki held his hand out to you while doing a little bow. You curtsied in response.

Dancing with him on the marble path in the garden with the echo of the musicians under the night sky didn't feel real. It was like a scene from your favorite romance novels, where the prince and his beloved were escaping the palace in the dead of night to spend time with each other, just the two of them under the stars.

You felt no pressure to dance perfectly, to have your posture be at its best or your footing to be flawless. You merely let yourself float on the pavement, letting Loki guide you through the waltz. His posture was relaxed, his eyes never leaving your form. And everytime you would meet in the middle, his breath would hitch, but he did his best to conceal it.

“Loki, look” you said, pointing into the distance. Bright bursts of light showered the night sky, hues of pinks and yellows exploded in circles. “Fireworks.”

You watched as the firework show progressed, each one much bigger than the other. In the distance, you could see guests crowding along the entrance to get a clear view of the show. No one seemed to bother you and Loki.

“Magnificent,” said Loki. Although his gaze was focused on you and only you.

“The Lantsovs never really hold back do they?”

“No, it seems.”

Loki had wrapped his arm around your form, while you rested your head on his shoulder. Both eyes locked on the colorful firework show in the sky. Silence followed between the two of you, comfortable in each other's presence. The crackle and pop of the fireworks can be heard along with the loud gasps and chatter of the guests.

Everybody clapped as soon as it ended. However, you chose to give Loki a grateful smile, thankful you got to watch that lovely show of light and color with him.

The guests began to flock indoors again now that sudden but familiar pitter patter of rainfall hit the ground.

Instead of going inside the mansion, you and Loki chose to seek shelter under a gazebo in the garden. It was stark white in the morning, and it seemed to glow under the pale moonlight.

The downpour of rain became louder and harsher. This was going to be a long night.

“Did the rain catch you?” asked Loki.

“A little.”

He reached into his pocket for a handkerchief which he handed to you.

“Thank you,” you said while smiling, patting down your hair and shoulders.

“This will take a while,” said Loki.

“That's alright. A gazebo isn't a bad place to spend the night, specially if it's in a garden like this.”

“The good company also helps as well.”

You two exchanged a glance, a ghost of smile on both your faces.

“Am I good company, Loki?” you asked in a teasing tone.

“The very best I could ask for,” he replied with his signature smile.

You shook your head at him with a smile.

“What? I'm telling the truth.”

“You're bad news, Loki. You're dangerously charming.”

He chuckled at that. “You've only figured that one out now?”

“No. I've figured that out the first time I saw you,” you inched closer to him, tilting your head so you could meet his eyes. “I'm just careless enough to let myself fall prey to your charms.”

You leaned in closer, close enough so that your noses are nearly touching, your lips a hair's breath away from colliding. You pulled away when you felt his breath hitch. A satisfied smirk crossed your face.

Standing on the edge of the gazebo, you looked up at the sky, silently contemplating whether or not you'd shower yourself in the rain.

“Do you regret it?” Loki called out.

“No,” you turned to him. “Not at all,” A coaxing smile on your face, you spread your arms wide and let yourself be kissed by rainfall.

You had your eyes closed, feeling the cold droplets of rain land on your face. You smiled happily.

In some way, you felt free.

You felt arms wrapping around your torso from behind. Then suddenly your feet were off the ground. A surprised cackle escaped you, and you had to open your eyes.

Of course, it was Loki.

Who else would it be?

He had discarded his coat, and now he stood before you, his slicked back ebony hair now wet and curly. His poet shirt and your evening dress were soaking, but you didn't care.

Loki set you down on your feet.

“You're shameless,” you said, now facing him. He had his arms wrapped around your waist.

“Because I have nothing to be ashamed of.” You ran your hands through his damp hair, and Loki seemed to relish your touch.



“I want this,” you said. “I want to do all of this with you again and again.”

He had a true look of disbelief to him, as if his dreams had suddenly come true. The blue-green of his irises were practically gone because of how blown out his pupils were. Loki couldn't form words. And that was as rare as you can get with a boy dubbed as “Silvertongue” by many people.

Then he smiled.


The rain poured louder, thunder threatened to roll in the skies. You should care and seek shelter despite already being wet, but you only focused on him.

His lips were parted, his eyes shifting to your lips as if asking for permission. Finally, he closed the gap.

You let out a sigh of happiness, resting both your hands on either side of his face. You could feel Loki smile into the kiss, glad that he did the right thing.

“You're so beautiful,” you whispered when you parted. You felt like you were drowning in the stormy seas of his eyes.

Loki was relieved it was dark so you couldn't see the blush that spread across his cheeks. “Dearest, my ego is big enough.”

You chuckled. “Oh, I'm deathly aware of that. I'm just reminding you.”

“Then I must tell you you're perfect.”

“Has ‘Silvertongue’ come out to play?” you teased.

“No, I'm merely stating my observations.”


Loki laughed. He brought your hand up to his lips, grasping it with both his hands, before placing a reassuring kiss at the back of it.

Your heart felt so full.

You don't know where this would go considering this was just the beginning, but you've committed yourself to an incredible adventure with Loki. And you weren't regretting any of it.

“Ah, there you are!” Thor yelled from the marble path. He brought an umbrella with him, as well as Nikolai.

“I thought you escaped,” said Thor, marching to the gazebo.

“I did,” replied Loki, who was still holding your hand. Thor frowned, but that quickly turned upside down when he saw that glint in his brother's eye.

Nikolai sent you a knowing glance, and when you shrugged at him, he shook his head fondly.

“You're lucky you're my friend,” Nikolai pointed a finger at you.

“I know,” you grinned cheekily.

Loki quickly fetched his coat from the gazebo, draping it over your form. You silently thanked him now that you felt cold without that burning feeling in your stomach.

“Let's go back inside. I don't want either of you getting sick,” said Nikolai. “I am not risking my favorite couple to succumb to an early death.”

“A tad dramatic there, Nikolai,” you commented.

“It's as if you don't know me.”

“I like Zoya's company more than yours,” you said like a younger sister teasing her older brother. Nikolai sent you an offended glare which was most definitely fake.

Thor handed Loki an umbrella. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, and took you under the umbrella, following Thor and Nikolai back into the mansion through a quiet entrance.

Cold and wet, Nikolai provided the both of you with thick robes, towels, and house slippers. He pointed to the general direction of the nearest available chambers where the two of you could change.

Thor had spoken about propriety and how you should have your own room to change.

“You already know where those two are headed. It won't be long before they go running while church bells ring in the background. Why deprive a couple of their privacy?”

Thor deemed it a good enough reason to let his little brother go.

“I feel like I'm about to catch a cold,” you said when the door closed. You were still in your wet clothes along with the thick robe Nikolai handed you. It was far too comfortable to let go off.

“You heard what Nikolai said,” replied Loki. “‘Don't’.”

You had smiled, drying your hair with a towel. “I'll try not to disappoint the young Lantsov.”

“You look happy,” you said, looking at Loki.

“I am happy,” he said. “Are you?”

“Of course,” you smiled softly. “I'm glad this is where we begin. It's chaotic but it also feels like it's from a book of fantasy. I like it.”

“Well, if it reassures you, we can always make more memories like this.”

“It does,” you replied. “and I can't wait, Loki.”

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