The Curtis sister imagines...

By outsiders_thingz

243K 2.1K 893

Go check out the first book! Here I will be continuing more imagines and little stories of the Curtis sister... More

Request page 
(Lazy sundays and football )
(grudges & fights) pt.1
(Grudges & fights) pt.2
(Protective brother)
(Grudges & fights) pt.3
(rumble/Socs gone to far)
(At the drive-in)
(drunk at Buck's)
(fight) pt.1?
Fights pt.2
(road trip)
(arrested) pt.1
(Arrested) pt.2
(Arrested) pt.3
(greaser party)
(Soda comfort)
(fed up) pt.1
(Fed up) pt.2
(Fed up) pt.3
(Fed up) pt.4
A/N (ideas?)
(dating my sister)
(Secret hook up)
(ignoring the gang)
(Running away)
(Running away) pt.2
Curtis brothers (caught)
(Secret hook up) pt.2
(night talks with Soda)
(sweet Dally)
(More night talks)
(More night talks)
(double dates with Darry)
Curtis sister X Dal (late night drives)
(Brother & boyfriend problems)
(Brother & boyfreind problems) part. 2
(Brother & boyfriend problems) pt.3
(My superman)
(Fights) pt.2
(never the same)
(panic attack)
(alone time & mischief)
(socs) pt.2
(brothers & fights)
("I did..")
(dates & spies)
(better things to come)
(rumble clean ups)
(asthema attack)
(rainy days)
Curtis sister ("soc")
(pregnancy test?)
(Pregnancy test) pt.2
(Pregnancy test) pt.3
(secrets & scares)
(Unravelling secrets)
(Flashbacks & search parties)
(late nights & early mornings)
(forgotten scolarships & old memories)
(Feelings hurt & apologies)
(Moving days)
(Defeated days & football games)
(Not eating)
("I've gotcha")
(Abusive boyfriend)
(Parties & hangovers)
(Scares & relief)
(Regretful actions)
A/N! (Please read!)


2.9K 21 7
By outsiders_thingz

(Requested breasia20 sorry it's so late)
*not part of the series*
Warning: drugs ig?

Y/n's POV
Cautiously, I began to open my nightstand drawer. It's where I keep my 'stash'. I grabbed the things I needed, before taking a seat on the floor with my 'supplies' in front of me. I've learned how to do this by now, with the help of one of my friends, Angela Shepard. Her and I always got high together. I mean, not on a daily basis, but sometimes on the weekends-when Darry would let me out- I'd go over to her house and we'd blaze up. Believe me, her and I were very discreet about it, especially with our brothers. Even though mine were, in fact, home at the moment. I decided I'd take my chances and blaze up. Besides, I was craving it at the moment. Craving the satisfying feeling of feeling numb.

Opening my baggie that was filled with an ounce of weed, I took a few pinches out and dropped it into my grinder to smooth it out. I slowly started to twist my wrists, causing the object to squeak as it turned and twisted.

Rolling it myself was my only option, since all I had was loose shit. I always liked it when Angela would get some already rolled from friends of her's, it was certainly a lot more easier and manageable, especially when you live in a house with your brothers, trying to be secretive and all.

I dumped the gridded weed into my rolling paper as I began to spread the pot out eveningly. Then, I began rolling the paper, making sure the pot was tightly secured inside the joint. Swiping my tongue across the top, I tucked the last part of paper over, securing the joint perfectly. I smiled as my success. I reached over and grabbed my lighter before lighting the tip of my freshly rolled joint, enjoying the satisfying smoke that began to fill my lungs. My nerves started to relax just as I imagined they would.

Soda's POV
The guys and I sit scattered around the house. Most of the boys had just arrived, making the tiny house feel rather full, like usual. However, Y/n remained in her room after supper. I imagined she was listening to her records or reading one of Pony's interesting books at the moment. I turned my head and looked at the clock on the wall, and saw it was only 6:15pm. The sun was still up, but setting slowly as time past.

"How about a few rounds of football? Anyone?" I suggested to the guys, wanting to do something other then just sitting around. That's one thing about me. If you know me, you know I can't sit still forever. Hell, I could barley keep my eyes on a movie screen for longer then 20 minutes.

"That sounds like a good idea"-Twobit grinned and put a hand on my shoulder-"one of our good ol' fashion last night football games" Twobit agreed happily with my idea.

"I'm in man" Dally shrugged, Johnny who was also beside him, agreed with the idea as well.

"Darry? Pony? Steve?" I asked the other three boys in the room.

"Ya know I'd never miss a good game of football" Steve grinned with his usual toothy smile.

"I'm done with my homework, so yea" Pony replied. Probably one of Darry's rules, he has to be done his homework before any fun.

"I don't know" Darry was last to answer, groaning as he rubbed his hand over his face exhaustedly.

"Aw, come on superman. The teams will be uneven if ya don't join us, besides, you're the best player" Twobit encouraged, along with mutters of agreements from the rest of us.

"Alright, I suppose a few rounds couldn't hurt" Darry shrugged as he began to stand.

"Where's the other little rugrat? She playing too?" Dally asked, referring to Y/n, who was in her room.

"I'll go get her, I gotta find my shoes first too!" I said as I hurried off to my sister's room.

Coming to her door, I didn't bother to knock as I barged in. "Hey, Y/n! The gang and I are.." I trailed off when my eyes met with what she was doing. She was...getting high? Doing drugs? I couldn't believe what I saw, my sister, sitting on her floor, with a joint in her fingers, making the room wreak of weed.

"Y/n..what are you?.." I trailed off, confused, as I observed the scene. She started to stutter on her words as she began scrambling around in an attempt to hide some things, like the bag of weed I saw-and could smell, along with a lighter and some other things. I knew she smoked cigarettes, like Pony, but I never would've thought weed!?

"Nothing, Soda, I was just"-

"You we're just what!?" I whisper yell, being mindful of the rest of the boys in the house. Her mouth hung slightly open as her gaze fell around the room, having no words to answer me with.

"What the hell is that? Weed!? Really, Y/n!?" My voice started to raise slightly.

"Shh, Soda! Please!-Just be quiet" she begged, shutting the door behind me. I rolled my eyes, still keeping my gaze on her.

"Who the fuck gave you it?" I asked blankly, all though you could still hear the anger in my voice.

" one" she muttered with a shake of her head.

"Well, someone or no one?" I asked impatiently.

"Angela! okay?" She caved in, like I suspected she would. I just then realized she was still holding the joint between her fingers as she stood in front of me. I reached out for it-"gimme that"-I muttered, taking it from her and putting it out in an ashtray that was on her nightstand.

"Why?" I the ask, looking back to my younger sister questionably. Just before she was about to reply, Steve called for me-"Soda!? You get your sister and your shoes yet? Hurry!" He hollered impatiently.

I opened Y/n's room door as I stuck my head out. "Almost! Give me a moment!" I shouted back. Then, shutting the door back closed, I turned back to my sister.

"So..why?" I questioned once again, crossing my arms over my chest with a shrug.

"Soda, I just.."-she sighed-"It gives me a better feeling" she explained, sounding in a way that made me almost want to give her sympathy.

"Better feeling?" I questioned.

(TW possibly?)

"I've just been so..lost..since everything with mom and dad, and just everything else. makes it go away..makes me feel numb from this fucked up world and let's me forget I'm here.." she sounded so fragile, and I just couldn't help but not be angry with her.

"Hun, there's better ways to cope then getting high" I chucked slightly at the last part. "Why don't you ever come an' talk to me anymore? Or Pony? Or Darry? We're your brothers" I explained, only earning a shrug from her.

"I'm sorry about the.."-she trailed off as she looked back at the floor where her things remained out-"the weed and stuff" she apologized.

"It's okay. Just..don't do it anymore, or at least if you're gonna, do it with someone you trust, like one of the guys" I said. She gave me a look, saying 'we both know non of the guys would allow me, the baby of the gang, to get high we them' We both started laughing.

"Holy shit, would you two hurry it up" Dal called, as we could hear his footsteps coming closer to the door. I opened the door, Y/n following.

"Find em?" Dal asked impatiently.

"What?" I asked, not quite remembering what it was I was looking for.

"Your shoes" Steve appeared next to him, raising his brow at me as they both looked down at my feet.

"Oh-uh, not yet" I ran across the hall and into Pony and I's room, earning a groan from the two boys.

I searched through the room, looking for my old track sneakers I would wear to gym class when I was in high school. I jumped down on the floor as my eyes scanned under the bed. They suddenly stoped when I spotted them. I reached for them and pulled them out, dusting them off.

I hurried back out into the living room where the boys and Y/n we're waiting. "Well look who finally showed up" Twobit grinned at my slowness. I just looked over and gave Y/n a wink.

Quick A/n: Sorry for the inactiveness lately, once again. I also apologize if you request/ed and it's been taking me awhile to get it done. Trust me, I'm not forgetting about them. This is seriously my inspiration: 📉📈📉📈📉📈. Due to personal issues, I know I haven't been as active lately. But please, please be patient and bare with me!

(Also, shout out to acecurtis326 for helping me with the idea!)

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