Studying Away [Kageyama x Fem...

By yamaguchi_flipflops

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Y/n has just moved to Japan for a foreign exchange student program at Karasuno high. She sits alone in class... More

Chapter 1 : Arrival
Chapter 2 : Lunch Break
Chapter 3 : Practice
Chapter 4 : Day 2 of School
Chapter 5 : Playlists
Chapter 6 : First Weekend
Chapter 7 : Jealousy
Chapter 8 : Exams
Chapter 9 : Tokyo Training Camp pt.1
Chapter 10 : Tokyo Training Camp pt.2
Chapter 11 : Darkness
Chapter 12 : Closing in
Chapter 13 : Steps to Recovery
Chapter 14 : Calls
Chapter 15 : Late Night
Chapter 16 : Good Morning
Chapter 17 : Bump in with the Door
Chapter 18 : Big Flirt
Chapter 19 : Bonding
Chapter 20 : Cute Couple
Chapter 21 : Rumours
Chapter 22 : Questions
Chapter 23 : Group Chat
Chapter 24 : Daisy
Chapter 25 : Qualifiers
Chapter 26 : Group Project
Chapter 27 : Study Buddies
Chapter 28 : Porch Steps
Chapter 29 : Fight
Chapter 30 : Confession
Chapter 32 : Quick Chat and Contemplation
Chapter 33 : Official?
Chapter 34 : Power Player
Chapter 35 : who dat new chick?
Author's note
Chapter 36 : Goodbyes
Chapter 37 : Cute Sleepers
Chapter 38 : Coffee Date
Part 39 : Park Walk
Chapter 40 : Convenience Store Talks
Chapter 41 : Pouring Hearts

Chapter 31 : Touring

71 4 10
By yamaguchi_flipflops

"Mom! Dad! Daisy! What are you guys doing here?!"

"Oh, well we flew in to visit!" your mom says.

"Yeah, we wanted to see how our sweet daughter was doing." your dad adds.

"And we wanted to surprise you a week before school starts." Daisy jumps in.

"Well, before your school starts." you giggle.

It was nice to see them. You hadn't realized how much you missed your parents and even though Daisy can be annoying at times, you have to admit that it was nice to see her again.

"So did your parents really let you come to Japan with my parents?!" you ask Daisy, a bit surprised.

"Yeah. Since we've known each other so long, they thought it would be good to visit you... And they know your parents are good people, so they were more than fine with it." she replies.

"Ok, well let's get your luggage and go!" Mags interrupts.

'Jeez, I kinda forgot she was here!'

After getting all their luggage and packing up the car, you start your journey to Mags' house. Mags and your mom were in the front, and your dad was in the middle row and you and Daisy were in the back. Mags was basically rich, so of course she had a nice, big car!

Everyone catches up with each other, talking about what the others have missed.

"You know Mags, we're kind of hungry. The food on the plane was horrific. Could we stop somewhere?" your mom asks.

"Oh yeah! Me and (y/n) barely ate anyways." Mags replies.

"Yeah, because someone burnt the pancakes!" you yell from the back.

"Tch." Mags clicks her tongue while giving me a dirty look through her rearview mirror. "We can eat at one of the brunch joints in town!"



After having brunch, you all decide to tour around a bit. Your mom, dad and Daisy said that they slept a lot on the plane so they don't really need to rest up much.

You hop in and out of shops, showing them your favourite stores.

You then bring them to your new favourite book store, the one Kageyama brought you to your first week in Japan. Daisy is such a bookworm so you knew she was going to love this place.

You bring them to the cute little english section of the store, since Daisy didn't know any Japanese and your parents were a bit rusty on the language. They could speak it but reading was a bit iffy.

You then go to the stationary section and pick up a few more pens. The store just got some small calligraphy pens in a few days ago and you've been meaning to pick some up.

After everyone paid for their stuff, you head out of the store and bump into someone.

"Ah, chibi-chan!" the person says.

"Oh, s-sorry... I wasn't-" You look up and immediately recognize who it was. "You."

"We have to stop bumping into each other like this, chibi-chan." he chuckles.

"I told you to stop calling me that!" you say, glaring at him.

"(Y/n)? Is this one of your friends?" your mom asks.

"Uhm, n-"

"Of course we are!" Oikawa says with a strong accent as he wraps an arm around your shoulders with a huge smile on his face. "We are the bestest friends!"

"Oh, so do you go to the same school?" your mom asks, more towards Oikawa than to you.

"No, sadly. But we hang out all the time!" he says. "Are you (y/n)'s parents?"

"Oh yes. Sorry for not introducing ourselves. I'm (m/n) and this is (d/n)." your mom says.

"It's (l/n)-san to you, young sir." your dad says firmly with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Yes. Of course." Oikawa says bowing to your parents.

"Hehe... Ok, well we should get going, right?" you say trying to break the awkward conversation.

"Well, I guess we could-"

"Okay good! I'll see you around Oikawa!" you interrupt your mom as you push your family and friend away from the tall brunette.

"Bye!" he waves back with his iconic closed eye smile.

Once you turn the corner and you're out of his sight, you stop and catch your breath. 

"Who was that? He was kinda cute!" a clueless Daisy says. She didn't understand a single word in that conversation.

"EEEEIIIII!!" you screech, appalled. "He's no one. Just a loser pretty boy."

"What do you mean he's no one? He just said that you two were bestest friends." your mom says.

"That's a lie." you bluntly say.


It's been about an hour since you bumped into Oikawa and you all decided to go get some ice cream.

Everyone orders and Mags pays. Then you suggest walking around in the nearby park since it was such a beautiful day.

There was so much to talk about. How could so much happen in the 2 months you've been gone?!

"Yeah, and you remember Jake? Well him and S-" Daisy says before she bumps into a tall blond guy.

"Jeez, do you have worse vision than me? Watch where you're going next time." the beanpole says.

"Tsukki, don't be so mean!" the beanpole's freckled companion says.

Daisy just stands there with wide eyes and a slightly scared expression, looking up to the two taller guys.

"Oh, Yamaguchi! Tsukishima! How are you guys?" you ask, which shocks everyone else.

"We're good, (y/n). How about you?" Yamaguchi replies with a warm smile.

"I'm good. Sorry for my friend. She's visiting with my parents." You gesture to your parents standing behind you. "She also doesn't know any Japanese, so don't mind her staring at you with scared looks."

You pull Daisy beside you by the sleeve and whisper to her. "They're friends of mine."

"Where are you two heading?" you ask the duo.

"Just into town! We were probably going to get some coffee or something. How about you guys?" Yamaguchi says.

"I'm just showing them around. But we should get going. See you two at practice Monday?" you ask.

"Yup! We'll be there! Bye (y/n)!" Yamaguchi says before everyone continues their way.

"That green haired guy seems nice, but the glasses guy seems a bit scary. Are those two friends?" Daisy asks as she continues to munch on her ice cream.

"Yeah. Those two are really close." you reply.

"Really?! But they seem like polar opposites!!" she exclaims.

"Yeah, but I guess opposites attract or however the saying goes."

"I guess... I mean in a way, we're opposites!"

"How so?"

"Well, you like being alone, I like being with people. You observe people and study them, as I just talk to them straight up! You draw, I read!"

"I guess..."

"And in volleyball, you would always help us strategize and everyone else would just listen and follow your lead!" 

You twitch at this observation by Daisy. Remembering your volleyball days brings back some mixed feelings.

*Flashback - Middle School*

"Alright guys. So here's what we're going to do." (y/n) said. "See their number 4? They usually shank the ball so on the serve, aim for her. Usually when we're in a rally, her teammates try to cover her but she's vulnerable on the serve."

It was the last year of middle school for the majority of the team. (Y/n) was the captain, as voted by her friends. She was seen as a leader to most, and her strategizing was very clever. Overall, it was the smartest decision.

Along with the most part of the team, this was going to be (y/n)'s last game. It was the middle school finals and the team was getting a bit nervous with the 8 point gap, the other team in the lead.

But (y/n) knew her team well. She knew how to boost their spirits. I mean, she has been friends with the third years since elementary school, some even longer. Because of that, the whole team was really close.

"Ok, we got this guys! We can take the lead then take the win!" (y/n) yells as the starting lineup heads back onto the court.

It was Katie's serve. Katie had a decent serve, but she was nervous, and sometimes when she's nervous, the ball shouts to the back of the court or doesn't even go over the net.

"It's ok, Katie! You got it! Deep breath!" (y/n) yelled back as she was at the net.

The whistle is blown and Katie takes one more breath before tossing the ball up and hitting it. The team watched the ball fly right beside number 4 of the other team. 

A big boom sound echoing through the gym as the ball falls down inside the court lines.

The team turns back to the long black haired girl with bangs who just served. She was obviously astonished by what she did. The team cheers and does a quick huddle then continued on with the game.


The score was now 24 - 23 for the other team.

"Ok guys. This point is crucial. We can force them into a deuce. If not, we lose. Daisy, get a strong serve in. We are counting on you!" (y/n) says.

"Right! I won't let you down, captain!" Daisy yells back as the team gets back onto the court.

Daisy does a nice easy overhand serve that ends up right in the libero's hands. 'Damn'

The libero gets the ball up nice and high, right to their setter. 'Ok. We have to wait. Their setter can't do quick attacks so we just have to see where she sends it.'

Katie and Addie shuffle close to (y/n) and watch the ball intensely. It's shooting to...

"THE RIGHT!" (y/n) yells.

The three shuffle to the right and jump up to block the other team's hit. The ball hits the tip of (y/n)'s hand.

"ONE TOUCH!!" she yells.

"I GOT IT!" Camie yells. The brunette runs to the end of the court, diving for the ball. "IT'S UP!!" 

'And there goes our setter.'

"MINE!" (y/n) yells while running over to the ball and setting up for the team's ace. "Sorry! It's low!"

"I got it!" Addie yells, running up to the net and hitting it down, breaking through the two blockers from the other team. The ball slams on the ground with a huge boom.

The crowd roars and now the game is tied up!


"Ok guys. It's been a tight game, but now it's game point for us!" (y/n) says.

The score was now 32 - 31 for (y/n)'s team. 

"Hey, (y/n)?" Daisy says, tapping on the said girl's shoulder. "Do you think I could maybe try my jump serve... I have been working really hard on it lately and I think we're in a place where I am ready..."

"Uhmmm... Well... How confident are you with it?"


"Well... I guess you could-"

"THANK YOU!! I WON'T LET YOU DOWN!" Daisy yells before taking her spot in the serving position as (y/n) joins the front line.

The whistle is blown. Daisy tosses the ball, runs up, jumps and hits it. The ball goes jetting over the net. 

A player from the other team just barely gets a hand on it. But a ball that's up is a ball that can be played.

Another player from the back row passes it forward and another girl gets the last touch, sending it to the other side of the net.

"FREE!" (y/n) yells.

"YEAH!"  Katie yells, sending it to the setter, Camie.

Katie sets the ball up to the ace, Addie, who smashes it down once again.

But the other team gets it up, high enough for their setter to get under the ball and set it up for one of their hitters. Addie, Katie and (y/n) huddle up and wait to see where the set is sent.

"IT'S LEFT!" (y/n) yells as the three jump up.

The hitter from the other team makes contact with the ball, smashing down onto the court. But not on the side they hoped.

(Y/n) had made a perfect block which made the ball smash straight down on the opposing side, giving them the winning point.


You blink your eyes rapidly to get out of your flashback and realize you're now back in Mags' car, driving home.

Mags pulls into the driveway and you help your parents and Daisy with their bags.

Your mom is in the first guest room on the second level on the right while your dad took the one in the basement. Daisy was going to stay in your room, so you help her unpacked and get comfortable.

"So Daisy, how are you?" you ask while sitting up on your bed.

"Oh, uhmm, I'm good. How 'bo-"

"No. How are you really?" you cut her off, causing her to jolt back.

There was a moment of silence as Daisy took her time to think about it. She then sighed and turned to face you, leaning back on your desk.

"I'm better. The past month has been hard, but I'm getting used to it..." she finally says.

"Are you sure...?" you worriedly ask. 

"Yeah... Your call that one night really helped..." she said, looking down and smiling a bit to herself.

"Ok. I won't pry but I'm glad. And I'm always here if you need to talk through things, k?" you say.

"Yup! Of course... Thank you..." She looks up and gives you a close eyed smile. "... Anyways, how are you? You need to catch me up on EVERYTHING! Starting with that cute guy we saw earlier..." she excitedly says, winking at the end.

"Well, I need to start before I met him..." you say.

You explained to Daisy everything that has happened since you've been here, gaining many gasps and wide eyes from the girl. 

"Damn, (y/n)! You've got GAME!" she exclaims.

"Ahahha. No I don't." you reply.

"Yeah you do! And you already got two hot guys chasing you! God to be in your place..." she says, flopping down on your bed and looking at the ceiling in a daydream.

"It's not like that!" you say, flopping down beside her.

"Suuuurrrrrreeee it ain't..... but you seem to be having a great time here." She turns to face you as you do the same.

"I am. It's nice to have a change." you say, giving Daisy a little smile. Daisy prompts herself up on her elbow, looking down at you a bit.

"Just... don't forget about me... about the team..." she says with a slightly sadder tone.

"I won't." you reassure her.



"DINER'S READY!" you hear Mags yell from downstairs. Mags and your mom had been making dinner for the past hour or so and the house smelled amazing, so you were excited to go eat.

You and Daisy bounce off your bed and down the stairs before you hear the doorbell ring.

"Can you get that?" Mags yells back to you.


You open the door as Daisy is still leaping down the stairs.

A familiar tall figure with blueberry eyes was there as your eyes go wide in shock.


(A/n: Heya! I wrote up to after the flashback 3 days ago and finally found time to finish it. This is a longer one, so hope you enjoyed. A bit of a longer part than usual and a lot happened. And did you really think Kageyama wasn't going to show up at some point? Ha! I also realize how bland my chapter titles are so I'll try to add some flavour in the next ones.

Word Count ~ 2544

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