Darling (I Don't Want to Miss...

By EunoiaKyra

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Jennie and Lisa are trainees/best friends in YG entertainment, fighting hard to achieve their dreams, one day... More

1. Work Hard and Achieve your Goals
2. We meet again
3. Dance my old friend
4. The call
5. It felt so good, so right
6. It's OK (I think)
7. Good enough
8. Let's catch up
9. We are exclusive
11. Falling
12. Happy?
13. Special Mission: Undercover Agent
14. My heart skips a beat
15. Truth
16. Would you give it all up?
17. Conquer the World
18. Confessions
19. Dream a little dream of me
20. I'm a mess
21. More dancing
22. Sisters
23. Moving out
24. Fight for what you believe
25. Surprise!
26. Maybe it's time
27. What's going on?
28. Sorry
29. Love
30. New beginnings BL Studios
31. Hold me forever and more
32. Dinner and Secrets
33. I don't want to miss you anymore
34. London
35. Mine
36. Shine bright
37. Forever
Check my other stories
New story!

10. What's going on?

2.3K 65 4
By EunoiaKyra

Jennie POV

We were about to be done with rehearsals, we were just talking about tomorrow schedule when Mr Y appeared, he seemed different, actually annoyed or something, it made me feel nervous cause you could feel how the whole place got colder, even hostile and he called Lisa, she went running to his side and they talked for a few minutes, Lisa seemed to get uneasy and she seemed very focused on what he was saying, then it seemed she talked back, she seemed very passionate about her point, I just decided to talk to the dancers, I didn't want to seem nosy.

Then Lisa came and said "I know you guys were already done, but let's do it once more, Jennie you'll be singing and dancing, Brett give me the microphone and help me set up the camera", after a few minutes everything was settled and then she looked at everyone, "Guys break this damn floor with your steps, Kim let's show your potential, don't hold back", everyone nodded and she was gonna play the music, "Everyone to their positions 3, 2, 1" and the music started, they all were ready and I was kinda lost, I saw Lisa and she mouthed a 'You'll be fine' and that was all I needed, I forgot who was watching and I danced my heart out, I started to sing, the dancers were smiling at me and we were giving quite a big show, my voice was strong enough, and I was having so much fun, everything was flowing.

Lisa POV

When Mr. Y came to the studio when we were about to be done, he seemed in a bad mood and when he called me to tell me he wanted to see Jennie's progress because he was thinking about debuting another solo artist if she didn't have a good attitude I got annoyed, so of course I was worried, this was like an ultimatum, I asked him why and he said someone told him she was slacking on her rehearsals, I immediately told him that person was clearly wrong, and I was eager to prove it to him that, he nodded, I gave instructions and everything started, Jennie included a rap part on this song, it wasn't there originally, it seems she worked on it for a few days ago and she was braver enough to add it, even in front of the boss, and I was amazed, just like Mr. Y that looked even more surprised than me.

Everything flowed perfectly, Jennie owned the whole place and the dancers were really motivated, she has such an amazing stage presence, when the song ended Jennie kept her position and then she bowed down.

Mr. Y touched my shoulder slightly  and gave me a palm on my back, he looked at me grinning and Jennie was there waiting with everyone else, he walked towards her and he called me "Lalisa Manoban come here" I walked fast and I stood beside him.

Jennie POV

Mr. Y seemed really serious and he called Lisa by her full name, I looked at her and she was walking faster to reach him.

He just started to applaud to me and to the dancers, "This is what I was sure you could achieve Jennie, you are using your full potential, congratulations to all, you guys  can get some rest, after all you were done for today, thank you, our company is really full of talented people, and I want to talk to you both" He looked at me and Lisa, the latter smiled widely at me and I couldn't stop smiling at her, then I got back to my senses when I heard Mr. Y walking around, Lisa looked at the dancers "Guys great job, I'll see you tomorrow, you are dismissed" she said and everyone started to take their things and leave, you could see all their faces full of happiness, it wasn't usual see Mr. Y in rehearsals and even less congratulate everyone.

Lisa seemed calm but I saw she was fidgeting, "So Jennie I received information about you slacking on your rehearsals", the hell?, I was about to talk back when he raised his hand "Wait, there's more, you need to know that I was really taken aback cause I have been talking to Lisa about your progress, and she only had nice things to say about you, so you see I thought she was trying to cover you up, I know you guys were friends back on your first trainee years, and I hated the idea of someone telling me lies, so I was considering to postpone your debut and send Lisa to another project", when he said that I couldn't stop feeling enraged and sad, I was about to lose my chance, and not only me, Lisa as well, I looked at her and she was really upset but she was trying to keep her coolness.

He looked really serious "Girls I owe you an apology, I usually don't take this kind of rumours seriously but I felt betrayed, Lisa's parents are good friends of mine and your mum as well Jen, I actually feel embarrassed for doubt about you both, I know your parents values, after all you are good girls, you have came all this way on your own, without any help from your families but well you proved me wrong about all this misunderstanding, I just have to say that you better start to get ready Jen, next week you'll have an interview so people know more about you, it won't be aired till we present your debut in two weeks, you'll be singing in a couple of shows, and then you'll film your Music Video, Lisa will be part of the team working on that and hopefully she will keep working with you for at least a couple of years, because we are planning big things for you and so far Lisa is the only one who can make you feel motivated enough to show all your talent, I'm proud of you both, keep it up Jen", I smiled at him "Thank you so much Mr. Y It really means a lot for me and I'm looking forward keep working with Lisa", he smiled "I'm sure she feels the same and so do I, well it was a pleasure, I'm eager to see what's next" then he looked at me and walked away.

I wanted to talk to Lisa and he called her again before leave, they kept talking and I saw affection on his eyes, he really appreciated her.

Lisa POV

Mr. Y wanted to talk to me again, I was still kinda moody for everything that he said "Lis I'm sorry, I usually don't mention my people background or scold them in front of everyone, trust me I was prepared to do that, but you really proved me wrong, I'm sorry for the bad moment I made you pass today, keep working hard kiddo, I hope you don't take this personally, I really appreciate you, but CL was really insisting that you should work with her because Jennie wasn't progressing at all and she wanted your help for her new album, she is my niece and I trusted her words, but I will make sure she stays away from this area" I looked at him, the nerves of this girl, I need to clarify I never kissed her, she tried and I wanted to but I wasn't gonna risk my job, I knew she was Mr. Y niece so I stepped away, "It's ok Mr. Y but I'm glad this is happening right now, you can see Jennie is progressing really fast and I don't want her career get damaged, I'm her trainer and her best friend, and this is a priority for me, I would never cover anybody because my job as choreographer is first, I'm a professional, I hope you ask me firsthand or at least to the other person involved the next time, but I really hope you trust us" he nodded at me and gave me a hug.

When he left I sighed, I couldn't believe this was out of... Maybe jealousy, I'm glad I never kissed Chae, by now I would be unemployed, I was about to turn around when I felt Jennie back hugging me and I just got surprised "Jennie ..." She cut me off , "Thanks for believe in me, it's thanks to you that I will be able to achieve my dreams", I would lie if I say this wasn't one of the best hugs I have ever got in my life, I just felt in my chest a warm sensation, pure happiness.

She let go and I turned around to face Jennie and she was blushing,  I hugged her again, this time I pressed her hard against me and I just heard her gasp in surprise, I could feel all her body against mine, she lowered her gaze, maybe she was embarrassed so I just caressed her cheek with my thumb, "I'm always going to be by your side, as a friend or as a trainer, and I always have believed in your talent, you are gonna rock this damn industry, I'll make sure of it, and it's a promise Kim" she giggled.

Jennie POV

After feel Lisa strong embrace and her sweet words I couldn't stop myself from giggling, I was nervous I suppose, I never act this way, she let go the hug and cupped my cheeks, "You'll be big Jennie Kim, and I'll be there right beside you" I missed the heat of her embrace, right away, I nodded and she let go again.

I just didn't know what to do next, so I turned around to look for my bag, and then I heard her speaking again "I never kissed Chae, I mean I was playing around but I wanted to, she was really charming when I started here and I guess I got attracted, so yeah I like boys and girls, I think she made me realize that, but I stopped myself because I heard she was troubles, and I just didn't do anything because this job is a priority for me, I have been working really hard and I wanted to prove myself what I'm able to do, so Jen stay away from her, she was the one talking about you slacking and I'll have a few words with her later on".

I looked at Lisa stunned by what I just heard, at first I didn't know what to say and then I just had to say something "Don't, if she is troubles she will try to get you out of my project and I don't want that, I want you by my side" she smiled at me, "I'm glad you want me by your side", she took something from her bag and gave it to me, then she walked out of the studio, I looked at it and it was a black walkie-talkie, this girl seriously, she had a pink one that showed to me before go outside and closed the door, I kept looking at it and then I heard "Manoban here boss, I'm not leaving", I smiled, this girl is really something, I took the walkie-talkie "Agent Kim here, copy, 10-4 and you better keep your promise Manoban", then I heard her reply "Copy Agent Kim, I'll take you home, going off".

I went out and there she was talking to manager Unnie and she seemed excited,  "Jen Lisa just told me everything that happened, I'm sorry, I didn't think you would pass for this", I smiled "Manoban here is training me, as you see I achieved to impress the big boss thanks to her, Unnie can Lisa take me home tonight?", She smiled at me and she nodded "Yeah, it's ok if you guys leave together, enjoy till your debut, after that I'll be the only one taking you home" she smiled at me "Good night girls" and walked away.

It's true, once I debuted I wouldn't be able to do everything freely like now, and that means that yeah I can hang out with Lisa but she wouldn't be able to take me home, so I took her hand, and I played with her fingers "Take me home and stay for dinner, please I'll cook for you" she smiled at me and we walked together talking about everything and nothing, it was like the old days,  but it felt so much better.

She drove me home, we kept talking non stop and then I told her that she should park inside the building, we took the elevator and I pressed my floor, "17th floor huh?" She said and I smiled "Yes monkey 17th", we kept talking and when we reached my floor I took her to my flat "Thank you for carrying my bag, let me open the door", I pressed the pin on the keyboard 2716, she looked away, "Hey it's ok, come inside", she nodded and we walked "Here's my humble flat, and yeah the pin is 2716, so you are free to come whenever you want to" she seemed surprised and smiled, "It's a beautiful place, I can see you decorated it right?", I nodded enthusiastically "Come you can sit here, this is the living room, feel free to watch whatever you want on the TV, I'll take a fast  shower", she nodded and I went running to my room, I don't know why I feel so happy and excited, the idea of having Lisa here made me feel ... Butterflies?, I'm trying to ignore the feeling, cause I think it's normal to feel this giddy with friends right?, we are friends, nothing more.

Lisa POV

Jennie's flat is beautiful, I can see she really decorated the place, there are books everywhere, a piano and a guitar next to a big window, the couch is really comfy and the white walls make everything brighter and it's actually pretty organized but what made me feel taken aback was the fact her pin was our birth days January 16 and March 27, after all this time she has been thinking about me, about us and I don't really know how to feel, I mean I'm happy but there's something more...

I felt my phone vibrating and it was Xiao "Damn yes, I told him I was gonna call him later", I was about to answer and I remembered Jennie's words "So... When you are with me you forget about everybody else?", And I couldn't help it but smile, she was playing around but thinking about it, it has been always like this, since we were kiddos, for me it was only Jennie, and then everyone else but I just noticed it today, right now, in this moment when I should answer the phone to talk to the guy I like.

I finally decided to answer his call, I mean I do like him but I was just thinking about all this, "Hey Xiao, I'm sorry for don't call you back, but I'm really busy and I had something else in mind, yeah I'm getting dinner with my friend, no Rosé is still working, I'm with Jennie, yeah Jennie Kim, yes that one..."

Jennie POV

I was done with my shower when I heard Lisa talking on the phone and excusing herself for don't call Xiao back, she probably forgot and I couldn't stop smiling, Did she forgot to call him back because of me?, I was really motivated now.

I came out from my room and she was still talking and for some reason she didn't seem really excited so I went to the kitchen but I really wanted to hear her conversation, yeah guys I like gossiping, sorry, she was still talking when I approached to her, "Well that would be awesome but I can't plan any trip right now, I'm in the middle of this project, I do want to see you but I don't have days off, are you mad? Well you sound upset, look I'm sorry, but maybe we should talk later on, no she is not here, she is in her room, yeah I'm in her flat, we are gonna cook something... you don't even cook Xiao, listen, Xiao listen, Ok this is it,  you know I like you and a lot actually but don't you ever dare to try to make me choose between you both, cause first of all you and I are getting to know each other, and secondly she was my best friend and I want to get her friendship back, so were you joking?, Well you sounded really serious, you know what I have to go now, I'll call you, no I will call you later on, well I don't know Xiao, when I have some time and we can talk properly, maybe you need time idk, have a good night, bye", she sighed and I was just freaking out thinking about all this, was he jealous of me?

I came back to my room to think about what I just heard, then I realised I had to come out and talk to her, she was just massaging her temples "Hey Lis, so I was wondering if you want Kimchi fried rice?" She looked at me and smiled "Sounds great, I wanna help, I'll just need to use your bathroom real quick" I nodded and I showed her the way, "Meet me in the kitchen when you are done, if you have a headache there are pills in the cabinet" she smiled at me and thanked me.

It was gonna be a nice night with my best friend, I was sure of that but I felt kinda bad because she seemed a little blue, maybe it was because of her discussion with Xiao, I'll ask her later what's going on, because I do really care for her, and I don't want her sad or worried.

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