Ultraman Trigger

By IraGalgs

11K 236 60

Note: This is based on "Ultraman Trigger; New Generation Tiga". I don't OWN the Characters used in this Story... More

Synopsis and Characters
First Day as an Ultra-Student
Leap to the Future
Exploring Shibuya District
The Ultra-Ancient Light and Darkness
Visiting the Prestigious High School
For Smiles
"Ako's Promis"
"The 10 Minute Demon"
Inter Universe
The Propagating Invasion
"The Wings of That Day"
"Wavering Heart"
"The Encounter of Light and Darkness"
"The 30-Million-Year Miracle"
"Back Home and The Ship"
"Exchange Student for two weeks?!"
"The Marked Kanan: Detective Ako's Case File"
"Showtime at Yuigaoka!"
"The Golden Threat"
"Operation Dragon!"
"Sneering Destruction"
"Raging Feast"
"The Scarlet School President"
"Is this Even Smile Operation?"
"What truly makes a Savior?"
"Last day as an Exchange Student"
"Beach Day! Or is it?!"
"The Blue One Comes With the Lightning"
"Operation Tsukinomori!"
"A Pastelic Problem?!"
"Demons Rampage Again and the Dark Truth"
"The Last Game and Hina's True Power"
"Mech Scramble!"
"My Friends"
"The Ruler of Shadows vs To the ones who have and believe in Smiles."
Afterword by the Author.
A New Book about Decker Announcement!

Connection with the Light

1.3K 11 4
By IraGalgs

(3rd POV)
Ailen Petrified named Carmeara being floating around for more than 30 million years since its petrified in the far distant space. The day has finally come that the Carmeara was free for its painful state and swear to revenge after her suffering for millions of years.
(Sayo POV)
It was late at night and its almost closing time in CiRCLE and it was raining since this afternoon. All of my fellow Roselia members left two hours ago, Yukina went home with Lisa since their neighbors, Rinko went home by herself and Ako went to central Tokyo for a Business meeting for Ohara Foundation since she is a member of that said organization.

I was all alone in the studio practicing to master one of the new songs for the upcoming Live performance that is less than 1 month from now, then I sense a weird present behind me and thought to myself that I am the only one in the studio, all of my band members left CiRCLE two hours ago, and Marina is outside because I'm facing towards the main door in the studio, my body feels the sudden change of temperature from normal to cold, then I told myself in my mind "Sayo you can do this". I turned around and my body shivers from head to toe after what I have seen.

A girl was standing right in front of me. She is wearing an orange and white robe, a shiny blue crystal ring on her right arm, and lastly, she is a glowing white aura around all of her body in which that's the reason for my shock and anxiety. My heart was beating fast and ask her "Who are you?" loudly, then she still silent for one minute then she said: "You are the light and ...." suddenly the studio was filled with dark somewhat of cloud or fog and I was startled and started crying, then a figure appears and it looks like somewhat of a giant but I'm not sure if it was the light giant or dark giant and that giant fires a beam towards me and.....
Sayo: Ahhhh!!!!!!!
"It was just a dream again," I said. That dream again it happened for almost two weeks now. Then the door to my room opened and slammed loudly, I saw my caring twin younger sister Hina with a worried expression written all over her face. "Sis, what happened? Are you okay?" she asked, "I'm okay Hina, I dreamed that thing again." and I started crying.

After Hina sees me crying, she sits down beside me wiping my tears away from my eyes, and said: "Sis, don't worry I am always here beside you." After hearing those words from her mouth my heartbeat calmed I hugged her, and said to her: "Thank You, Hina."

Hina stands after she calmed me down, and faced me, and said: "Sis, Breakfast is ready, and also, mom and dad left early for a business trip to Italy." I almost forgot that our parents are leaving today for Italy. "Okay, I guess let us have breakfast Hina". I said it to her and she greatly accepts it.

I get up from my bed and we exited my room and head towards the Kitchen/Dining room to have breakfast. As we get closer, I smell something delicious. "Sis, I think you will love our breakfast today!" Hina said in excitement. As we enter the room, I saw what's on the table and my stomach got instant grave of food, it's because our breakfast that Hina prepare is baked beans, bread toast, and French fries. "Hina, you know that I love French fries but you know, it's still early morning, right?" I said it to her, and she replied: "Yes Sis, I know but common I'm craving for French fries, to be honest." after hearing I let out a big smile at her and said: "Fine, just today, okay?" and Hina replied happily: "Yes Sis!"

After having a nice breakfast to start the day, since it was a semestral break for both me and Hina, I went back to my room. While walking back, I think about what I am dreaming of for two weeks already. When I got back to my room and close my door, I start playing on my wonderful dark blue electric guitar to relax my mind.
(Hina POV)
"It seems sis is having fun right now playing her guitar," I said with happiness and joy as I clean the table that we have taken our breakfast today. While washing the dishes, I come to thought about my older sister's nightmares that she had experienced since two weeks ago. "Sis, I want to know what are you suffering with."

After doing my household chores, I head towards the living room and watch some documentaries on the television. "It seems that there is one documentary that has my interest," I said. It is all about Ancient Ruins that were recently discovered under Tokyo last month by the Ohara Foundation. It seems that the documentary talks about an ancient civilization way back millions of years ago that was saved by a race called Ultras. I said after reading the synopsis: "I have only known that humans and animals are the only ones living on earth, but never knew that there was a race called Ultra."

I was about to hit the play button on the remote to play the documentary but then, I saw Sis leaving her room with a guitar bag hanging from her back. "Hey Sis, heading out somewhere?" I asked.

"Yes Hina, I'm heading out to CiRCLE for band practice. But don't worry I promise to you that I will be back before 4:30 pm this afternoon," she said after hearing my question. "Okay, Sis! Have fun out there and keep safe!"
(Sayo POV)
I'm truly grateful to have a sister especially a twin-sister like Hina. "You too Hina, keep safe and Smile, Smile, Smile Hina!" after saying it to her, she smiled and said in a teasing way: "Hehe Sis, got the Kokoro Smile Virus!" When I heard that from Hina, I instantly reply: "It's not a Kokoro Smile Virus rather, it's because of you Hina." after saying that I open the door of our home apartment and head to CiRCLE for practice.

"Oh my, it sure is beautiful sunny weather today!" I said after leaving the apartment complex where Hina and I live for many years. As I walk to the station, I tried to forget the dark nightmares that I have been experiencing for the past two weeks, but it was no use. I always remember it every time if I think about it. Anyways, my objective is to play my guitar and protect Hina's happiness and her smile.

As I arrive at the station that will lead me to CiRCLE, I see a familiar face, and funny enough it was Ako. She was a little drowsy possible that she is tired or got less sleep last night. Without hesitation, I asked: "Good morning, Ako-san." after I said in a welcoming voice, Ako turn towards my voice and said: Oh, Hello Sayo-san! Good morning!" Then after hearing her words, we started a short conversation while waiting for our ride.
Sayo: Ako-san, did you get enough sleep last night?

Ako: No, I arrived back home around 2 am this morning.

Sayo: I see, but why?

Ako: I thought it was just a meeting until it leads to a surprise birthday party for my boss since it was her birthday.

Sayo: Oh, but it seems it was fun since you return home late?

Ako: Yeah, it was fun but I can't drink since I'm still underage.

Sayo: That's sad.
(Sayo POV)
The train has arrived. We boarded it and surprisingly weren't busy even though it was rush hour. Then we continue our conversation until we reach the next station in which is near CiRCLE.
Sayo: Ako-san, I have a question.

Ako: Sayo-san, I'm listening.

Sayo: I heard about the discovery of an ancient civilization under Tokyo by the Ohara Foundation. What are those called "Ultras"?

Ako: Well, the only information we gather base on the scriptures that was written on the walls is that the ultras are the saviors of our ancestors from the darkness.

Sayo: What darkness?

Ako: Well, we still don't know until now. Besides, Yesterday, we recently discovered that these ancient ruins are shaped like an upside-down pyramid with three levels and we still at the first level, the top level. My exploration team will start their journey to the second level today. I hope we can get more information about the ultras and the darkness.

Sayo: I never knew that Ako-san is a leader of a team.

Ako: Hahaha beats me Sayo-san. But promise me that you won't tell anyone about the foundation's discovery because you are the only one from the outside who knows about this.

Sayo: Okay Ako-san, I promise!

Ako: Anyway, why do you have an interest in knowing this Sayo-san?

Sayo: Well, it's because of Hina.

Ako: Ehhh! Hina-sempai, why?

Sayo: Well, she was about to watch a documentary about it on TV.

Ako: Oh, that's why!
(Sayo POV)
As Ako just finish what she just said, we have reached our station and we disembark. We walked for about ten minutes and finally reached CiRCLE and I checked my watch and no surprise that we arrived twenty-five minutes early. "Well, Ako-san we arrived early." I said and then Ako replied: " Well let us wait for the rest inside Sayo-san!"

I accept the offer that Ako give me and we start heading towards the main entrance. As we are approaching the main entrance of CiRCLE, then I sense the same feeling in my nightmares, the feeling that there was someone behind me. My body shivers and Ako turns around me and starts to talk but for some reason, I cannot hear what she is saying. I started crying and in shock after the familiar words that I've always dreamed of.

"You are the light and ...."

After hearing those words, without hesitation, I turned around and shouted: "Who are you?! What do you want from me?!" after saying that, I was in shock that no one was behind me. I heard Ako behind me saying in a fearful tone: "Sayo-san are you okay?!?!" as I gain my other senses, I said: I am fine can we get inside? I want to sit for a moment." Ako agrees and we went in.

After entering CiRCLE, we saw Marina with a worried expression after witnessing what just happened. Ako grabs my guitar case from my back and puts it on the table. As for myself, I sat down on one of the lounge chairs in the lobby and closed my eye to reflect on what just happened in my mind.


What was that?

That's my first time experiencing it.

I am sure that this is not a dream.


As I opened my eyes, suddenly tears coming out without any reason. I wipe it with my handkerchief and saw Ako and Marina sitting beside me.
Sayo are you okay? Marina asked.

I'm okay Marina-san don't worry about me. I replied.

It seems that you're not okay. I heard you scream and saw you crying with my own eyes and ears. Are you sure that you're okay? Marina asked again.

Yes, I'm fine for sure. Please Ako and Marina don't say anything about what you witnessed to Yukina, Lisa, and Rinko especially to my sister Hina. I don't want to see her sad because of me. I replied.

Marina replied: Sure thing Sayo, I won't tell it to them and especially to Hina.
Marina stands up and returns to her post at the counter. While Ako still sitting beside me calming me down. Base on her expression she agreed to keep it a secret. It is almost 9 am and we heard the CiRCLE main door opens. When I and Ako looked we saw Yukina, Lisa, and Rinko together and heads towards us. "Good morning Sayo and Ako," Yukina said. I happily replied, "Good Morning to all of you." Ako as well greeted them. "Shall we head inside to the studio for practice?" I said it with a smile on my face and everyone agrees.

After we spent the whole mid-day, we finally finished practice and it was fantastic. Everyone is getting ready to leave, Yukina stored the microphone and stand that she used back in the drawer. Lisa on the other hand cleans her bass and puts it in her case. While for me I stared at my dark blue electric guitar then put it on my guitar case. As for Ako, she returns from the changing room and now wearing a lab coat and gets her drumsticks and puts it on her bag. "Ako you heading to work already?" Lisa asked. "Of course, Lisa-nee gotta help my team for research gathering," Ako said calmly.

We exited CiRCLE and procced to our paths. Lisa and Yukina head to the mall. Rinko walks home by herself. Ako will be going to the ancient ruins I presumed. As for myself, I will be going to the fast-food chain just around the block to buy Potato French Fires for myself and Hina. As I about to leave and turn towards where the fast-food chain is located. Ako shouted my name and I turned around. "Sayo-san I invited you and Hina-sempai to the ancient ruins tomorrow Sunday since we will be back to school by Monday. Do you accept the offer?" Ako asked. After hearing what Ako have just said, I replied: "Yes Ako-san, I'm sure Hina will love it!" "Great! See you guys tomorrow around 9 am at the station so that we can go together." Ako said and left.

"I'm sure Hina will be happy when she hears about this," I said.

After 10 minutes of walking, I have arrived at the local fast-food chain and I went in. Shockingly there were fewer people today.

Then I walked to the counter and order two jumbo-sized Potato French Fries. After waiting for my order only for a few minutes. My order has finally arrived and it smells so good. I exited the fast-food chain and went straight home via the station this morning.

I have finally arrived back home and just in time, it's 4:30 pm. I opened the door to our apartment and said: "I am home." As I said that, Hina pop out from nowhere and hugs me tight. I love her so much that I will protect her in any way just to see her smile.
Hina: Welcome home, Sis!

Sayo: Hina, I bought something for you on my way home. It is a jumbo size Potato French Fries. Let us eat it together, shall we?

Hina: Sure, Sis! But, let us eat dinner first.

Sayo: Oh, why so early Hina?

Hina: Well, I want us to hang out tonight since it's the last day of our semestral break tomorrow.

Sayo: Fine, let's eat dinner Hina.


We both went to the Kitchen/Dining Room to have dinner. While we're eating, I started a little conversation with my dear sister.
Sayo: So, Hina I have something to tell you and maybe you will love it!

Hina: Go on sis I'm listening!

Sayo: Well, Ako...

Hina: Wait from Ako-chan?!?! What did she say to you?!?!

Sayo: Well, yes but let me finish first.

Hina: Okay, Sis!

Sayo: Well, Ako kindly invited us tomorrow to visit the ancient ruins. My question is, do you want to go?

Hina: Hell yeah of course sis! Tomorrow is a bopping day!

Sayo: Now, that's what I like to hear from my happy sister Hina. Well, let us finish eating because our fries will get cold.

Hina: Okay, Sis!
As we concluded eating, I helped my sister to clean the table and wash the dishes and we went straight to my room to have some fun playing games and playing both of our guitars.

Time passes by, it was almost time to sleep. Hina asks me that she wants to sleep beside me tonight and gratefully accepts her offer. Hina went to her room to return her guitar and get her pillow before heading back to my room. When Hina return to my room, I invited her to turn off the lights and lay down beside me. As we lay down in my bed, I started a small conversation so we can drift to sleep.
Sayo: Hina?

Hina: Yes, Sis?

Sayo: Thank you for making me happy.

Hina: Sis, don't worry about sis! I love you very much since we have been birth into this world through our parents.

Sayo: I love you too, Hina!
I kissed Hina's forehead and we slowly drifted to sleep and for me while drifting to sleep I prayed that the nightmares will not happen tonight and the happiness and smile that Hina has.
(Next Day) (Sayo POV)
I heard something that made me wake and, it was my phone telling me that its 6:30 am. I turn off the alarm and sit down, doing some simple stretching. I thank heaven through prayer that I didn't have any nightmares during my sleep. After completing my pleasant stretch, I turned around and saw my sister Hina sleeping peacefully. I feel bad waking her up but, we need to prepare for our trip today.
Sayo: Hina, It's morning. I said it in polite as possible.

Hina: Sis, can you give me 5 minutes more. Hina replied.

Sayo: No, we have to meet Ako at the station by 9 am. I said.
As Hina heard that, she leaps out of bed instantly and about to leave my room. "Hina, Sit down beside me," I said. After Hina heard my voice, she sat down beside me and asked: "What's wrong, sis?" I replied with a good morning kiss on her cheek, her face turns red. "I just want to give you a good morning kiss Hina," I said with passion. With that, Hina kissed me on the cheeks as well. My face turn red as well. "Hehe, good morning as well, big sis!" Hina said it with happy feelings. After exchange a good morning kiss, we decide to exit my room and head towards the kitchen/dining room to have breakfast.

Today's breakfast is simple, just Coffie and Oatmeal. After eating and cleaning the dishes, we went back to our room to get a change. Few minutes late, we are ready to leave our apartment. I'm wearing my favorite dress partnered with my blue, long skirt and top off with my favorite grey jacket. As for Hina, she is wearing a long dress with black silk pants. Then, Hina grabs her blue checkered coat and wears it. As for me, I get my guitar case, and we are ready to go.
Sis, why are you bringing your guitar today? Hina asked

Well, I want to take it with me. I said it with a smile.
We left our apartment and, we walk towards the station where Ako wants us to meet up. When we arrive at the station, Ako was already there waiting for us. "Ako-chan!" Hina shouted while waving her hand. Ako heard her name, turn towards us, and shouted: "Hina-Sempai and Sayo-san!" while waving her hand.

We walk towards Ako, and we exchange good morning greetings and head towards the train platform and boarded the train that will bring us near the ancient ruins. The trip took half an hour and finally arrived safely. As we disembarked and left the station, Ako guides us to the area and proceed to the lobby. Ako instructed us to sit down and wait for her.

Time passes by, Ako hasn't returned yet. As for Hina, she is happy for some reason. Then she grabs my arm and hugs it while taking a selfie. "Hina, why did you take a selfie with me?" I asked it with a question expression all over my face. Then Hina replied: "I am now officially verified on Twitter. The perfect way to announce it is to take a selfie with you, sis!" After hearing that from Hina, I don't mind about it.

As I turn to my right, I see Ako with someone that has almost the same height as me. Finally, she is carrying a blue metallic case in her right hand. I tap my sister's shoulder since her eyes are focused on her phone to tell her that Ako is back with someone. We both stand up and prepare ourselves to greet the person with Ako.
Ako: Sayo-san, Hina-sempai, I introduce you to my boss, Mari Ohara!

Sayo: I'm Sayo Hikawa a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Ohara.

Hina: I am Hina Hikawa a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Ohara!

Mari: Nice to meet the lead guitarist of Roselia and Pastel Palettes. I am Mari Ohara, the founder of The Ohara Foundation. And don't call me Ms. Ohara.

Sayo: Why?

Mari: You see, I also have the same age as you two!

Sayo and Hina: Ehhh?!?!

Mari: You guys sound so shocked, but it's true!

Ako: Yes, boss Mari is the same age as you two!

Hina: But how did you go to college, Mari-chan?

Mari: I graduated college and got my master's at the age of 16 when I was living in Italy.

Hina: Oh, I see.

Mari: So are you ready, girls?

Sayo and Hina: Where ready!

Mari: Then let's go! Guide us, Ako!

Ako: Yes, boss!
We left the building, and now we are heading towards the entrance of the ancient ruins. As we reached the main gateway to the ruins, the guards gave us a hard helmet for protection, then Ako talks to us: "Guys, don't take any pictures, okay?" Both of us nod our heads as we agreed on it. Then we started the tour of these massive ruins. Both me and Hina hold hands as we stroll along behind Ako and Mari.
Mari: Around Last month, you, Ako Udagawa, discovered these ruins when you were just new to the foundation. Isn't that right?

Ako: Yes. At first, we believed that the ruins were spread out and not very deep. However, After further investigation, we found they went deeper. They shaped like a reverse pyramid.
(Sayo POV)
While listening to Ako and Mari's conversation, Hina was still amazed about the ruins. As for myself, I want to know what are these Ultras and the darkness.
Ako: Yesterday, when expanding our dig further underground, we found this.

Mari: Right.
(Sayo POV)
As we entered the room, we were shocked to see a massive object that looks somewhat like a weapon of some sort.
Mari: Wow!

Ako: We analyzed that this weapon is a sword. And after we studied it further, the sword's composition is the same as the ruins you discovered at Numazu. That means it's from 30 million years ago.

Mari: The Ultra-Ancient civilization. So the Giant of Light was here as well.
But when Mari said the last word, We witness the giant sword was glowing in white.
Mari: What's that light?

Ako: I don't know! This phenomenon has never happened before!
(Sayo POV)
As everyone was still in shock, including my sister Hina, her mouth was wide open. As for myself, my hands are glowing. My heartbeat was getting faster. "W-What is happening? W-Why is my hands  glowing like that sword?!?!" I said it in a shocking and worried expression.
PA System: Warning! Unknown energy detected inside of the Perimeter.
(Sayo POV)
The ground was shaking. We heard a large explosion above us. Thankfully, my hands are not glowing anymore. When I look beside me, Hina wasn't there. I saw her with Mari and Ako. Probably I didn't pay attention. I was busy focusing on my glowing hands at that time where Hina ran off.
Mari: Everyone hurry! Hurry and get outside!
(Sayo POV)
As I run towards my sister, I looked up and saw a massive rock is about to hit me. "Help me, Lord!" I shouted in fear. I just braced myself and hoping for the best.
Mari: Sayo, look out!
(Sayo POV)
Then I heard something above me. I open my eyes I saw the rock that was about to hit me. But it fell right beside me. I looked at my hands again and said: "What is happening to me?"
Hina: Sis, are you okay?

Sayo: Yes, I am fine. I could not believe what happened to me right now.

Mari: It doesn't matter now. At least your safe, Sayo! Now everyone head out!
Everyone agrees that we ran straight back to the entrance. When we reached back to the top, we could not believe what we see.
Sayo: A monster?!

Hina: Oh my, It's been a while since a monster appeared in Tokyo!

Mari: Golza?! No. It's fused with Melba?! What is going on here?!
Everyone is panicking around us. But then Mari-san jumps in front of everyone.
Mari: Everyone! Stay back!
I saw Mari-san holding a gun-looking weapon. Then inserting something and said: "Boot up! Shockwave!" Following that, Mari-san pointed it to the monster, fires it. After firing, the monster retreats.

Mari: "Okay, everyone, let's head inside!" Mari said it out loud. We follow what Mari commanded.
(Carmeara POV)

In the Distance

"I finally found you, Trigger," Carmeara said.

(Sayo POV)
All of us are back inside safely. But we see some people got injured because of that incident that just happened. Hina was standing on my right side with her phone right in her ears. Probably she is calling her bandmates. As for myself, I am currently reflecting on what just happened. "What can I do at a time like this?" I said it quietly so that Hina cant hear it. Suddenly I feel a presence on my left side.

I turn towards my left and saw the girl from my dreams. "You're from my dream!" I said in a surprised tone. The girl said those familiar words: "You are the light and..." after saying she fades away.
Hina: Sis, did you see something?

Sayo: Yes, I did see something, but that thing faded away."

Hina: Okay, Sis!

Mari: What sort of future do you dream of, Sayo?

Sayo: Mari-san! Well uhhh.

Mari: I believe everyone has a future that they dreamed. I have one, and so do you.

Sayo: This guitar. It helped me realized something. It helped me realized one thing, and it's about happiness.
After saying that sentence, I grabbed Hina's hands.
Sayo: Second, Because of Hina, I know how to smile and share it with the world. Without Hina, I will not be like this. Overall my dream is to make the world smile that I want!
After saying those words, Hina hugs me tightly. Ako was standing right beside Mari, holding the blue metallic case. Base on her face, she's proud of me.
Mari: Very well. Ako, give me the case.

Ako: Okay, Boss!

Mari: In that case, you'll have to pave the way to your destiny with your own hands.
Mari-san opened the case and, I was surprised it was the weapon that she used moments ago.
Mari: You know Sayo, there once was one who fought bravely and paved the way to their destiny. What can one do to make the future they dream of reality? No one will give you the answer. Some answers have to find it on your own.

Sayo: I....
Suddenly the ground was shaking again. Presumably that monster again.
Ako: Sayo-san, Do what you think is right!

Sayo: Okay!

Mari: Then grasp the light with your own hands, Sayo!

Sayo: Ako, hold my guitar until I get back.

Ako: Sure thing, Sayo-san!
Hina was staring right at me, and I know what she's trying to say. I looked at Mari-san, and then I grabbed everything inside the case. And I look back at Hina, and I said: "Hina come with me!" Hina replied: "Let's do it, sis!" Both of us look back at Mari and Ako for a bit, and we ran off to the ruins again, where we saw the petrified sword.

Hina and I arrived back in front of the petrified sword. Suddenly the sword glowed again, but it was illuminating brighter than before. I grabbed Hina's hand, and then a massive magical hole pop out under our feet. We fell down to that hole.
Hina: Sis!!!

Sayo: Hina! Hold on!
Just seconds later, we landed at the bottom levels of the ruins.
Hina: Sis, are you okay?

Sayo: I'm fine, Hina. How about you?

Hina: Let me see, Arms check, Head check, Legs check. Yes, I am fine!

Sayo: Good to hear!

Hina: Where are we?

Sayo: It seems we are at the most bottom level of these ruins.
As we turn around, my mouth was speechless.
Hina: Is that what I think it is?

Sayo: That's the giant in my dreams!!

Hina: Ehhh?!?!

Sayo: My hands are glowing again! Is this the light?
As Hina and I look at the Giant of Light, suddenly something happened.

A strong force hits the Sleeping Giant Twice from behind. Hina and I turned back to see who made that. We can't say a word about what we have seen. It's an alien!
Carmeara: So there you are!


Carmeara: I've finally found you!
Sayo: Hina, do you understand what she's saying?

Hina: Yes, Sis! I understand what she is saying!

Sayo: That's weird! Why do we understand an alien language?

Hina: No clue, But it is so bopping!

Sayo: Ehhh!?!?! For you, it is bopping, but for me, it is strange!


Carmeara: I thought our reunion would be a bit more passionate! Have a taste of 30 million years' worth of rage, Trigger!

Sayo: Trigger?

Hina: Ahhh! Sis, that alien is hitting that giant again!
After witnessing what the alien is doing, I said it loudly: "STOP IT!"

She stops for a moment.


Carmeara: What do you want, human? Move!


After she said that, she begins whipping both Hina and me. Because of that, we stumbled down and rolled over at the base of the giant's feet. Both of us have scars on our faces.


Sayo: Hina!!

Hina: I'm okay!

Sayo: Good to hear!


After a sigh of relief, I faced the alien once again and said: "STOP IT!" Then the alien replied: "I said, Leave! Didn't you hear me?!" As the alien finished saying those angry words, she throws a whip at me again, but this time I was saved by that girl from my dreams again.

"Shibuya?! So we meet again!" the alien said. After those words, the alien whips two times again to the girl. But, during the third time, the girl looks towards Hina and points her hand at her. The girl generated a light stream from her and lands on the right-hand ring finger of Hina. It was the Blue Crystal ring that she passed before taking the final hit. After that, the whip landed on the girl, and that causes her to fade away in thin air. Hina runs up towards me to calm me down.


Sayo: NO!!

Sayo: Why is this happening!



Without knowing what is happening behind us, The sleeping Giant fired a large blue aurora explosion from his chest that makes the alien thrown to the wall across the room.

"Sis! the light is surrounding you!" Hina said to me. Then, the light is heading toward this capsule-like shape hanging from my belt. I took out the capsule and saw it changing into something. "Sis, the capsule has the image of the giant now!" Hina said. After Hina said those words, a flashback played inside my head. And that flashback was the giant's memory.


Sayo: Hina, I know now how to do this!

Hina: Nice one! Try it out!

Sayo: Okay, Hina!


I grabbed the gun, but base on the flashback, it's called sparklence. Then, I pressed the button on the capsule.


"Ultraman Trigger Multi Type!"

Sayo: Ultraman Trigger? Well then, let's fight together, Trigger!


Then I inserted the capsule into the sparklence.


"Boot up! Zeperion!"

Sayo: Hina, go back now.

Hina: Okay, sis! I love you and good luck!

Sayo: I love you too, Hina!


Hina went back up to the surface.


Sayo: Build the future, the light of hope! Ultraman Trigger!


Carmeara: What the!!


"Ultraman Trigger Multi Type!"


Mari: I guess Sayo did it.

Ako: Sayo-san, do your best!

(Sayo in Trigger form POV)

"So this is the point of view from the giants. Well, let's start the fight!" The monster is charging towards me. "Well, I don't know how to fight, but I could base it on the flashback that I have!" I sprint towards the monster and make him fall. But he stands back up and punches me right to my face. "Wow! I can feel that punch so bad! Sayo, you can do this!" I tried my best to fight the monster. From time to time, we exchange punches, slaps, etc. But, the monster manages to make me fall. "Crap, Sayo, stand up!" As I stand up, the monster charger for a burst attack. "I'm too near," I said and did my first ever backflip in my life. "Oh, that was amazing! Well, I need to do a counterattack!" The monster shoots its burst attack. I did a counterattack called "Trigger Hand Slash" and manage its work like a charm.

The monster spread out his wings. "That monster can fly?!?!" I said it with an amazed expression. But then something pops out from my mind. "Did Hina made it back to the surface safe?"

(Hina POV)

"Damm, this staircase is sure steep!" I said. Seconds later, the ground shakes again. "Probably Sis is fighting that monster now!" as I look up, massive rocks are about to hit me. "Ah crap!" I brace for the worst. Then, the ring glows. As I open my eyes, it creates a massive clear shield that strong, the rocks bounce to the side. "Damm, this ring that Shibuya-chan gave me is supper bopping!"

"Sis, do your best to win!"

(Sayo in Trigger form POV)

As I think about Hina, I didn't notice the monster is flying towards me. I was not ready to defend myself. The monster slap at me hard again, and that made me fall again. I manage to stand up again. As I was about to charge to fight, something grabbed me, and that was the alien that Hina and myself encountered moments ago.


Sayo (Trigger): What the!

Carmeara: So, you absorbed a human and resurrected to see me? How passionate of you!

Sayo (Trigger): What are you talking about? I don't even know who you are!

Carmeara: Shut up, you fool!


Mari: A giant of darkness. So, the time has come at last.

(Sayo in Trigger form POV)

Damm, I am dealing with two entities, a monster and an alien. This will could not get any worse. The monster is slapping so hard I just used my feet to kick it out. Then I used my right elbow to push the alien back. But all of this is useless, I am still a sandwich in the middle of them. But then, after focusing on myself, I managed to make the monster conscious for a bit. Then I turned around the alien summons out her baton and used it right on me. It was so painful it made me fall once again. But this time, I can't manage to get up because she was stepping behind me. Then I heard a chime sound, and it was my diamond on my chest. It was blinking red, and I said: "Wait, I have a time limit on this form? If that's the case, I need to think quickly!"

It started to rain and that is bad news for me. The alien is still beating me up, and it is painful. The monster gains consciousness again, and he is heading toward me. My time in this form is running out fast. "Sayo, think! Think, Sayo!" and then I remembered something. "That's it! The sword!" I reached out my hand and hoping for the best.

(Hina POV)

"Pyeww! Finally, I made it back to the Top-level near the petrified sword. I wonder how sis is doing with her battle?" I said. As I run towards the entrance, I see the sword glowing again. "That's weird, the sword is glowing again!" I said with a questioning expression on my face. As I walk closer to the sword, it began to shake hard. "Oh no, what is happening!" Seconds later, the sword shoots out to the sky and breaking the ruin's ceiling. "Damm, probably sis summoned the sword to her and that is bopping!"

As I exited the ruins, I see my sister fighting with that alien and the monster. Also, I see Mari and Ako watching my sister's battle. I run towards them.


Hina: Mari-chan, Ako-chan!

Ako: Hina-sempai over here!

Hina: Ako, I discovered a long stairwell to the bottom, and it was tiring!

Ako: Nice! But your sister is in big trouble! She is running out of time!

Hina: Don't worry my sister is going to use something!

Ako: What do you mean?

Hina: She will use the sword that you guys discovered!

(Sayo in Trigger form POV)

I am struggling right now. "Where is the sword!" seconds later, the sword just pops out from the ground and flies towards my hand. "Nice timing! time to show my strength!"

I manage to break free from the alien and charge towards the monster using my sword and hit it. "Base on the flashback, I know how to use this weapon!" I removed the capsule-shaped object from the sparklence and transferred it to my weapon called "Circle Arms."


"Maximum boot up! Multi!"

"Zeperion Sword Finish!"

Sayo (Trigger): Take this!!


That move was so effective to the monster that he falls again. Now I'm focusing on the alien. The alien her whip again, but eventually, I manage to break it. "Time for my final move!" the alien snaps her finger and summons the monster again as her shield. But, for me, I don't really care. I charged up my final move and shouted: "Take this! Zeperion Beam!!" and finally, I destroyed the monster.


Hina: Sis wins!

Ako: Sayo-san is so cool!

Mari: I'm proud of you, Sayo.

(Sayo in Trigger form POV)

The alien vanished, and probably this is not the last time that I will see her. "Wow, I'm really tired," I said before I transformed back to my normal self.


Ako: Everyone! Let's head back inside!

Everyone: Okay!

Ako: Hina-sempai, are you waiting for Sayo-san?"

Hina: Yes Ako-chan, I will wait for my sister. You can go ahead without me.

Ako: Okay, sempai!

(Sayo POV)

As I walked out from the ruins, I saw my sister Hina. Probably she is waiting for me to get back. As I walked closer to her, Hina still didn't notice me. So I did what should an older sister do.


Sayo: Hina!

Hina: Sis!


Hina cries and runs towards me for a hug. As for me, I stand still and waiting for her hug. After running, Hina hugged me while she stops crying.


Hina: Sis! Thank goodness your safe!

Sayo: Hina, don't worry about me, I'm fine!

Hina: Sis, I love you, don't leave me!

Sayo: Hina, I will never leave you because you're my sister. I see myself in your face. Besides, I love you as well!

Hina: Thank You, Sis!

Sayo: Thank You too, Hina! Now let's get inside, shall we? Mari and Ako are probably waiting for us.

Hina: Okay, Sis!


As we enter the building, We see Mari and Ako waiting for us.


Sayo: Hello Mari-san and Ako-san, I am back.

Mari: Welcome back, Sayo.

Ako: Welcome back, Sayo-san!

Sayo: Mari-san, here I'm giving you this back because it's yours! And thank you for letting me use it!


I hand over the sparklence and the capsule to Mari-san.  But,  I was shocked at what Mari-san tells me.


Mari: Sayo, that's yours.

Sayo: Ehhhh?!?!

Mari: Sayo, the light chose you!

Sayo: But, I.I...

Mari: There is no But's Sayo. Use it to make the world to be a happy place.


I could not believe it. Mari-san is giving this to me.


Sayo: Thank you, Mari-san! I promise to use this in the right way!

Hina: Yey! Sis is now officially an Ultraman!

Sayo: Now Hina, don't call me that.

Hina: Hehehe!!!

Ako: Sayo-san, here is your guitar back.

Sayo: Ahh! Thanks, Ako-san!

Sayo: Mari-san, I have a question.

Mari: What question, Sayo?

Sayo: What do call these capsules?

Mari: Ahh, there called Hyper-Keys.

Sayo: I see, thank you.

Mari: No problem! Any other questions?

Sayo: No, Mari-san.

Mari: Okay, well then, I will dismiss Ako early today since your heading back to school tomorrow.

Ako: Thank you, Boss!

Mari: No Problem, Ako. But there is one thing that I need a favor from all of you.

Hina: What is it, Mari-chan?

Mari: Hina and Ako let us help in keep Sayo's identity as Trigger a secret to everyone.

Hina and Ako: Okay!

Mari: Okay then, Time to leave then. Until we meet again, Sayo and Hina do support each other.

Sayo and Hina: We will!

Mari: Sayo, before I forget, bring those wherever you go, okay?

Sayo: Yes, I will.

Mari: Okay then, Bye Bye!


Mari-san left. As for Ako...


Ako: See you tomorrow at school, Hina-sempai!

Hina: See you tomorrow, Ako-chan!

Ako: Sayo-san, do we have practice tomorrow after school?

Sayo: I don't think so Ako-san, let us wait for Yukina's instructions.

Ako: Okay, then! Bye Bye!

(Sayo POV)

Ako left. "Hina, shall we head to downtown? I want to eat some fries. I'm Hungry after that battle today." I said to Hina. Hina replied: "Of course, Sis! Let's have a sister date for the rest of the day!" After hearing those words from Hina, I just let out a small laugh. I grabbed my sister's hand and were off to downtown.

We spent the whole afternoon in downtown Tokyo with my sister. During our "sister date," we occasionally hear from the news about what happened this morning. Hina pulls my jacket and starts a whispered conversation.


Hina: Sis, everyone is talking about your battle this morning.

Sayo: I know. I feel sorry for those people's houses destroyed this morning.

Hina: Sis, don't be so sorry about it. People appreciated you for saving the city.

Sayo: I guess. But I almost destroy Chiyu-san's house.

Hina: Hehe, that is another story.

Sayo: I guess, haha.


Time passes by so fast today. Hina and I arrived back at our apartment safely after the most bizarre day in our lives. We will not take any more dinner today since both of us are still full. I invited Hina to take a bath together, and she agrees to it. After taking a bath, Hina asked me to sleep in her room for tonight. I accepted Hina's offer and went to her room after getting my pillow from my room. After entering her room, I saw Hina holding her phone on her bed. As for me, I put my pillow on her bed, and I put down my sparklence on the table. As for the Hyper-key, I stared at it and sat down beside Hina.


Hina: Sis, Something bothering you right now?

Sayo: Yes, I was thinking about our life, Hina. Can we still live our lives as normal human beings?

Hina: Of course!

Sayo: I love your answer, Hina.


I stand back up and put the Hyper-key on the table. "Hina, can I turn off the lights?" I asked. "Yes, sis," Hina replied. I turned off the light, and we both lay down in the bed. I kissed Hina's forehead.


Sayo: Hina, good night and I love you very much!

Hina: I love you too, sis!


We slowly drifted to sleep. I hope tomorrow will be a simple day, but time will tell.

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