Par retrolokii

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Title says it all. Requests are very much open just comment or dm pls and thanks ‹3 [ON GOING] May contain ot... Plus

Midsummer in Valhalla
Dance With Me
Call Me A Thief
Paper Rings
In The Wee Hours of the Morning
Oh Dearest, Your Fangs Are Showing.
Publicist Problems
Oh, Hello Doctor.
Where Am I? (Harry Potter x MCU AU)
England (Part 1)
England (Part 2)
England (Part 3)
Ghost Hunting (Unsolved x Crimson Peak)
Loki of Norway
Quarantine with Loki (Days 1-2)
Quarantine with Loki (Day 3-4)
Quarantine with Loki (Day 5-6)
Quarantine with Loki (Day 7-8)
Cabin in The Woods
Cabin in the Woods (Part 2)
So, We Meet Again...
Trickster's Surprise
Alfheim's Finest
Time Travelling's a Bitch
Hello, Neighbor!
Stay, You Fool.
Alfheim's Finest (Part 2): Picnic Day!
The Night Before
Ladies of The Court
Accidental Pen Pals
Dancing in the Moonlight
Emergency Healer
Heart of The Woods
Something New (Capt. James Conrad x Reader)
I Guess We're A Good Team After All
I'm Here.
Sleipnir's Arrival
Meeting The Family
Cold Mornings
Oh, Cupid.
You Wound Me
Perfectly Mischievous
Finally Free (Thomas Sharpe x Reader)
In Safe Hands
Come and Get Me
In Safe Hands (Part 2)
Secret Santa
Palace Libraries
Cheers to Victory
Run to Me, Baby.
Time Capsule
Did Somebody Call For Agent Loki? - Part 1
Did Someone Call for Agent Loki? - Part 3
I'm Not Actually A Vampire!
Don't You Dare Die On Me
Sinister Kid
Sparks Fly
Dead Men Tell No Tales (or do they?)
Halloween Special!
Royal Pain in The Ass
Royal Pain in The Ass - Part 2
Royal Pain in The Ass - Part 3
Nights are Better with You
You're Just as Strong as Me
I Love You (Against My Better Judgement)
Much Ado About Nothing
The Pirate and The Prince
Heaven Be Damned (I Have You)
Better Unknown
It Will Come Back
You're So Warm
I Can't Bear to Lose You
I Like You Better (Than Him)
Bets On. Clothes Off (Well, Almost).
Is This A Date?
My Love Mine All Mine
Hate It When You Do That
When Death Gives You An Out (You Take It)
Peace and Quiet, At Least For a Moment.
Peace and Quiet, Now Until Forever
What You Taste Like [SMUT]
What You See
A Ballad of Vicious Mockery
A Ballad of Reluctant Affections
A Ballad of Hope and Promises
At The End of Time
Until I Am Enough
Like Real People Do

Did Someone Call For Agent Loki? - Part 2

582 24 3
Par retrolokii

Thank you so much for 1k votes on this fic!!!!

It really means a lot, dear readers <333

“Apocalypses,” said Loki. You knew what they were of course, you weren't daft. But the fact that you need to go to certain apocalypses, hide there, then leave before anything bad happens is incredibly terrifying.

“I know what they are.” You crossed your arms.

“You need not worry. I'm very fluent in dancing with danger, you just have to follow my lead,” replied Loki. It didn't reassure you. Not one bit.

“What if I'm not fast enough in memorizing the steps?” you murmured to yourself, burying your head in your hands. You've fought countless thugs and criminals, outsmarted notorious con artists, won multiple awards in school for your essays of wit and intelligence. But never in all your life had you thought about running with the God of Mischief across the universe.

“It'll be alright,” Loki said. “You've ran before, fought before. Only this time, danger looms just a little bit closer. You're a survivor, I'm sure you'll adapt just fine.”

“I will be able to adapt, that I can assure you.”

“Then that is all the reassurance you and I need.”

Loki pulled a small tablet from nowhere. Gods, you have to make yourself get used to all of this magic-seidr-deity-witchcraft or whatever he does if you ever want to come out of this whole tango alive.

The tablet glowed gold before showing a hologram of the Queen of Asgard, Frigga.

“Loki? Status?” her voice sounded through the device. Loki hadn't said not to eavesdrop on any of his conversations with other people, so you let yourself listen to the Asgardians.

“TVA is on our tail, we're camped in Sakaar. She seems to be doing alright. I tried to explain this whole mission to her, I'm hoping she understood,” Loki answered.

“She's coping, yes?”

“I believe so.”

“Make sure she stays like that. Unharmed and mentally sane. I know it's a lot for Midgardians to grasp.”

“She's a survivor, mother. She adapts. She's under my care as of the moment, and you know how flexible I can be.”

Frigga nodded. Her moving image enthralled you so.

“And what of the TVA? Do you have their status?”

Just as Frigga asked about the TVA, the door busted open and came in a flood of agents. You and Loki turned to each other, wide-eyed. He grabbed for your hand while the tablet rested in the other.

You could hear the agents yelling and giving direct orders to incapacitate you both. You could escape human kidnappers, but not them. Definitely not them. Unless Loki were to help you.

“Talk to you soon, mother dearest!” Loki yelled through the commotion as he dragged you around the safe house, trying to get at least a little bit of distance between you and the TVA.

He let the small tablet disappear into thin air before opening a portal which led to a much darker, and redder safe house.

Loki closed the portal immediately, the clamoring of agents were gone.

“Where are we?” you asked as you observed the black walls and red accents of the room.

“Nidavellir,” answered Loki. “Land of the Dwarves, that is until the Mad Titan wiped them out.”

Mad Titan. Loki spoke of his title, not his name. You weren't eager to find out why.

The room was dark, but it was lit very well. It looked a little barren since the room lacked any personal decorations or little forgotten trinkets. In short, it was a room that hadn't been lived in. At least, not for a long time.

There was no bed, and it didn't look like the room extended into a full house. There was only a large couch in the middle of the room with a coffee table in front of it, a kitchen with no running taps but with cupboards you assumed were filled with food, and a bathroom which you hoped had sanitary products.

Loki snapped his fingers, opening the cupboards that revealed food and fresh products. He grabbed himself a packet of biscuits and poured himself a glass of water from a pitcher.

“What is that?” you asked, pointing to the biscuit he's eating.

Loki shrugged. “It's just a biscuit, nothing fancy. It's safe for you to eat if you want to have a try.”

He offered you the packet and you grabbed a biscuit. Biting it, you found that it tasted like vanilla, nothing foreign. Good. You could at least have a little bit of familiarity while you hide away on a planet universes away from yours.

You had sat on the sofa, a glass of water in your hands that you may or may not regret soon.

“Where do we go if we get found?” you asked. It was necessary to ask at this point.

“Os Novalta,” answered Loki. “An apocalypse happens on the planet this week— a flood— I believe. If I detect the TVA before they stepped foot in this house, we'll have a good few days of quiet before fleeing again. They cannot detect changes on the timeline if it happens near a natural apocalypse, unless it's incredibly drastic.”

“How much quiet will we even get?”

“It's a planet filled with meadows and forests and mountains and lakes and mellow wildlife. We'll be at peace there, at least for a few days.”

You pursed your lips in consideration. “Meadows, haven't been in one in a while,” you said airily. “I would feel pity if it's beauty gets wiped out by a flood.”

“Then pity you shall feel. I've seen the aftermath, it's devastating. So enjoy Os Novalta as much as you can.”

You furrowed your brows at him, as if saying ‘While being chased? Really?’

“Well— minus the getting chased part,” Loki added.

You stood up to put your empty glass in the sink, now making a trail for the wash room.

“Now how do I take you off?” you said it quietly to yourself but somehow Loki heard it.

“I'm afraid you don't have time,” said Loki as his tablet simultaneously glowed gold with his speech. “They're here.”

You wrinkled your face in frustration to Loki, even though that frustration wasn't aimed at him. He reached his hand out for yours and you took it immediately, following him through the portal he managed to create.

The two of you left Nidavellir while the TVA tried to bring the door down. They found an empty room, deserted of both your presences.

“Damn,” said Mobius, a little impressed.


You were thrust into a big field of grass, unceremoniously falling on the ground. Loki must've pulled you a tad too hard there.

When you raised your head from the ground, you saw fields upon fields of grass decorated with flowers you've never seen before. The sun hit the dewdrops on the little plants and it almost looked like they were twinkling as they danced with the flow of the air.

Beyond the meadow was a mountain. Even though it was miles away, you could see its frosted peaks so clearly. These things must be normal to see if humans did not industrialize so quickly. Sometimes you wondered if you would be able to see past a block from your home if it weren't for the smoke that emanated from factories.

“You're saying this place will never be this beautiful again?” you asked Loki as you scanned the grassy fields.

“It's devastating, I know.”

You sighed.

In a field of flowers, the most beautiful ones always get picked first. Dying since the day they were chosen. It's forlorn.

“Come now,” said Loki, walking away. “I have a cottage somewhere.”

You followed him, trying your best not to stomp on any flowers. “How come you have a safe house almost everywhere?”

“I've been caught by them once, it wasn't enjoyable. I am not taking any chances.”

Loki has been caught by the TVA. No wonder he spoke of them so bitterly. And no wonder he knew of their steps and protocol.

Somewhere East, towards the sun, revealed a little cottage. It fit the aesthetic of the realm. The cottage was quaint, and it had a thatched roof of what looks like longstraw but instead of a mellow yellow color it was dark green.

The walls were white brick while the floor was varnished ash wood, made a shade darker than its natural color. The house was small but it would do.

There was a kitchen, a small dining area, a bathroom (of course), and off to a little wing on its own was a tiny bedroom with one bed.

The cupboards weren't as filled as the one in Nidavellir, but given that this planet is full of greens and mellow creatures, you're sure Loki would be able to stab an animal or two to keep you both alive. You could forage but it would be dangerous considering you're human.

“This feels homely,” you said, watching the curtains sway next to the open windows.

“Or is it just because there's finally peace and quiet outside our door?”

“Bit of both really,” you answered Loki, sitting on one of the dining room table chairs. “But it's nice to have the promise of a good night's sleep.”

Will you really be able to have a good night's sleep with the possibility of a Trickster God dozing beside you?

We'll cross that bridge when we get there, you thought.

Loki understood you were tired. After all, he had sent you on a wild goose chase from the TVA late at night on Midgard. Norns know how many hours you have left before you inevitably pass out from exhaustion.

“There's berries behind the cottage, they should be safe for you to eat,” said Loki. “I will return before the sun is at its highest.”

You assumed he was going to find some sort of animal for you both to eat.

“I'll be here,” you replied.

You waved Loki goodbye, and then he was gone.


“Yes, mother?” Loki sat with his back against a thick trunk of a tree. He had the tablet open, showing a hologram of Frigga in her sitting room. Loki had been snacking on something that resembled an apple while he chatted to Frigga.

“You're in Os Novalta, I see,” said the Allmother.

“Nidavellir was breached, but I did that spell you taught me. The one that could alert me of the TVA before they arrived on the planet.”

“That is good to hear, my boy.” Loki could see Frigga's wide smile. Even though Loki was past his training with seidr, Frigga would teach him cunning and clever spells here and there so her son could be as slippery as her when it comes to magic and escapes.

“Is the mortal with you?”

Loki shook his head. “She's safe. I assure you,” he continued when he saw Frigga's concerned face.

“I believe you.”

“Then all is well,” Loki cheekily smiled. “I'll talk to you soon, mother. I have dinner to catch.”

Quick as can ever be, Loki caught a little creature. It kind of looked like a Midgardian deer, but it seemed to have less bones.

Loki prayed to the Norns and his fellow gods this animal won't be horrid.

When Loki returned, he saw you by the kitchen window, sitting on a counter. There was a plate of berries in your lap while flowers littered the counter next to you. It seemed you busied yourself with making flower crowns, already making your third one.

“Is that dinner?” you asked and pointed to the little deer Loki carried. You were content it's blood didn't leak on the Ashwood floors.

“I suppose it is,” Loki answered. “It's the first creature I saw with similar physiology with a Midgardian creature. Hopefully it doesn't poison us.”

You widened your eyes. “Let us hope. Imagine the paperwork the TVA has to do if we die.”

Loki chuckled. “You're getting quick.”

“It's only right to assume. You said they were an organization, yes?”

Loki hummed in agreement.

“Then there's no problems with my joke, other than the fact it's dark.”

“Is this what happens to mortals when you lack sleep?”

“Probably,” you shrugged. “However I seem to need less sleep than the average human. I haven't a clue why.”

“Habit, perhaps. I've read about your extensive hobbies on your report,” Loki glanced at you and pointed to the binded flowers in your hands. “Like that.”

“A bit of tinkering, that's all. It's what I resort to when I'm bored.” You hopped off the counter, and made a gesture for Loki to put the deer on it.

“Do you read?”

You scoffed. “I thought you've read my report.” Loki grinned in reply. “But yes, I do. Although not many women can read, at least in my country. They have a way of doing that, robbing people of their rights. It's angering.”

“And I suppose you'd want to change that?”

“A hundred percent. I want other people to have the same privileges I get from being a daughter of a rich man.”

Loki stared at you for a moment, cogs turning in his brain. He smiled when he came to a possible theory.

“I now have an idea as to why you're so important.”

“I do too.”

“Hopefully at least one of us are right.”


“I think its best we stay indoors for the night,” said Loki. He entered the room with a big plate of roasted deer. He cooked the little creature outside over a campfire, it was going smoothly until he was met with strong, cold winds that practically blew out the fire. Luckily the deer was done cooking by then.

You shut all of the windows when you felt the harsh wind coming through.

“Definitely.” You went over to the dining table, sitting on one of the chairs as Loki collected berries from the kitchen window.

“Finally, a proper meal,” you said.

“To not dying,” Loki raised his piece of roasted deer meat as a toast.

“To not dying,” you repeated before eating the deer meat. It wasn't horrid, just a little bland, and tough too. You might have a bit more luck with the fattier bits.

“It's not bad,” you said.

“Not the best either.”

“It's good enough for a ‘being chased and threatened with death’ occasion.”

A moment of silence passed, no exchanging of words happened, the both of you just ate in peaceful silence in your little cottage. The wind calmed down but the temperature dropped. Nature was beginning to be restless, indicating something bad.

“You have the ability to conjure anything, correct?” you asked Loki while you were putting away the used plates and utensils.

“Almost anything. I'm afraid I can't conjure the hammer of Thor or any of the Infinity Stones I'm afraid,” Loki answered.

You nodded.

“I like what you've given me and all,” you said, signifying the red leather suit he replaced your heavy skirts with. “but I have a feeling its too tight to sleep in despite how comfortable I am running in it.”

You went out of the kitchen to face Loki in the bedroom. He had taken off his shoes, and he was sat on the edge of the bed.

“Would it be alright if you would replace this with something appropriate for sleep?” you asked him kindly.

“Not a problem.”

A flash of green light covered your body from your shoulders to your toes. The red leather suit was replaced with loose linen pajamas. It matched the color and aesthetic of the house, off-white and comfortable.

“Much better,” you smiled. “Thank you.”

You sat on the opposite end of where Loki sat, folding over the blanket over you body. You left a spot for him beside you, and it confused Loki.

“You're comfortable with me sleeping beside you?” he asked, brows furrowed.

“There's only one bed, right?”


“Then I don't see why not,” you said. “I'm no heathen, I won't let you sleep on the floor for my sake. Also, there's not enough room for you to summon a cushion of some sort. And if you were to kill me in my sleep, your superiors will have your head— at least, I'm assuming they will. So no, there is not a problem on my end.”

Loki shrugged, and made himself comfortable next to you. He made sure to leave at least a little bit of space between the two of you.

Even with the quilted blanket covering you from neck to toe, you could still feel the chilly air.

“It's cold,” you said, hoping he'll summon an extra blanket even without you asking.

“Is it?” Loki had his blanket lazily covering his bottom half. You have no idea how he could withstand the cold this well. Perhaps it was Asgardian physiology, or maybe even his magic.

You nodded. “Another blanket? Please?”

“I think this would be better,” said Loki.

He held your hand beneath the covers, letting his seidr flow through you. You felt its warmth coursing through your body. It started at the tips of your fingers to the bottom most pit of your gut. It weirdly felt like that sensation of drinking something warm on a cold winter's night. Only this time, instead of hot tea passing through your throat, it's magic coursing through your bones. You felt tired but alive, so very alive. It almost felt tingly.

When Loki let go of your hand, you thought that the warmth would cease. Luckily, it did not.

“That surely is a weird sensation,” you told Loki. You prodded at your tingling fingers. “I feel like I'm tingling from within.”

“But do you feel warm?” You nodded. “Then all should be well.”

The warmth didn't fade but you had thought of pretending like it did, just so Loki could hold your hand again to let his magic flow through you.

You're his assignment. Stop it.

You had to scold yourself.

“Good night, Loki,” you said, turning your back on him, burying your face in your pillow.

“Sleep well, little mortal.”

You dozed without a problem. No nightmares, only pleasant dreams.

Probably because Loki held your hand once more after he was sure you were out cold, letting his seidr flow through you again.

“Just to be safe,” Loki murmured to himself, even though he was more than sure you were warm for the rest of the night after he first held your hand.


It had been noon when you woke.

Your eyelids felt heavy when you opened them, or at least tried to. It was the sort of heavy feeling when you're far too comfortable to leave or let go of something. You wished you could spend the whole day in this bed. It was better than yours back on Earth.

You heard someone grumble beside you. Confused, you finally made an effort to open your eyes.



That's a neck—

Oh goodness. You've been cuddling up the God of Mischief all night.

What's worse is that the cuddling wasn't one sided.

“Go back to sleep,” he mumbled. “I can practically feel your panic.”

“It's noon.”

“You're lying.”

“I'm actually not,” you retorted through a chuckle.

Loki looked down on you when he finally opened his eyes. “I'm the God of Mischief.”

“Not lies.”

“That's part of it.”

You nodded slowly in sarcasm. “Sure, Loki. Sure.”

It felt weird how comfortable you had been beside him all night. Not once did you wake up in the middle of the night to wonder what time it was, or if someone had broken in, or how long until the sun rose in this planet. No, your sleep had been peaceful. Even now conversing with Loki, throwing lighthearted jests at each other first thing in the morning didn't feel so foreign.

“It's noon,” said Loki when he looked out the window. The heavy winds didn't return and the cold of the night was gone. The air was fresh but warm, and Loki welcomed it into the bedroom as he opened the windows.

“I told you,” you teased.

You followed Loki out of the room, he made a beeline for the kitchen.

“Do we still have food?” you asked.

“I believe so,” answered Loki, pulling out the left over deer from last night.

“Shall I collect berries?”

“If you like.” Loki started slicing the deer into smaller pieces.

You headed out the door to survey other berries that wasn't near the kitchen window.

When you stepped barefoot on the grass, you noticed that there were flowers growing directly on the brick walls of the cottage. Their colorful petals accompanied the berries, and it made you smile just how beautiful they were.

You collected a whole bowl of berries, and to your surprise it didn't even look like it made a dent among the bushes and vines.

You returned to Loki with a full bowl of berries, and grassy feet which you had to thoroughly wipe on the door mat. You found him sitting patiently on the dinner table, a plate of sliced deer at the center of the table.

“Hopefully, those are enough,” you said, pointing to the bowl of berries you placed on the table. You nicked one and popped it into your mouth.

“There's always more behind the house. If you or I ever feel peckish,” reassured Loki.

The two of you ate quietly, enjoying the calm breeze of the Os Novaltan afternoon. You actually found that the deer tasted better today. Now that it had been drier, and had absorbed the salts Loki seasoned it with.


After eating, Loki cleaned the used dishes with his seidr before going out into the field to find some dinner.

He sat against the same tree trunk yesterday, but this time he ate the berries you picked instead of an apple. Loki brought out his tablet and Frigga's face automatically came into view.

“Loki, it's noon,” Frigga said. It had the same tone as a scolding mother, but not quite as angry.

“And I'm hunting dinner,” said Loki with a cheeky grin.

“How is she?” Frigga asked, a little irritated by Loki's demeanor.

“She's doing well, actually.”

“Os Novalta is a beautiful planet. I'm glad she's fairing well.”

Loki nodded, remembering how you woke him by curling up against him in the middle of the night. He also remembered how frighteningly at ease he felt when you buried your head in his chest. He blamed it on the fact that he was sleepy and groggy. Definitely that.

“We'll be off tomorrow, I think.”

“Straight for Asgard?”

“A little detour to see if the TVA is still on our tail.”

Frigga nodded. “Alright, I'll see you soon, dearest.” Then Frigga's hologram disappeared.

Not long after his call with the Allmother, Loki spotted a small hog of some kind. It looked scarily familiar to a Midgardian hog: fat and full of meat, and bearing small tusks on its face.

Loki had caught it, and walked with it home.


Dinner was much more delicious that night.

Salted hog was better than salted deer, you concluded.

You and Loki once again sat across from each other, eating a more hearty meal than last night. The wind was howling again, and the temperature drop followed not long after the winds had ceased.

The day of the apocalypse was edging closer, meaning nature had become more restless. The cold temperature would drop further tonight, and there's also a possibility of snow or rain fall. Loki didn't know what would come first.

“We leave tomorrow morning,” Loki announced the second the both of you were finished with your dishes.

“Will the flood happen tomorrow then?”

“Most probably, yes.”

You heavily sighed. “So much beauty. So much life. All gone to waste.”

Loki pursed his lips in thought. “Waste? Not exactly. They all had lived their lives, followed the proper cycle of life. When there is a beginning, there must always be an end. So I wouldn't say Os Novalta has been wasted because of a natural calamity, it merely served its purpose as a living, breathing planet. The circle of life continues.”

“Since when have you become a philosopher?”

“I see my attempt at reassurance has sounded more like a lesson for existentialism.”

“Well,” you shrugged. “At least you tried.”

Loki chuckled. “That I did.”

You looked at the closed windows, observing the quiet ambience of Os Novalta. You heard no unkind noises, everything was calm in this planet.

“I'm going to miss this place,” you said.

“You can always visit more realms like this.”

You looked back at Loki. “How can I even do that? I've no magic, no special devices, and no connections to other worldly beings— aside from you.”

Loki shrugged and smiled at you with mischief glittering in his eyes. “Who knows? Perhaps that will be your glorious purpose.”

You shook your head at him, but still bore a grin on your face.

You knew he had been jesting, but what if it was true? What if that was your true path? Why the TVA would want you captured?

Perhaps you'll mimick the planet tonight, and become restless like them.


Loki retired to bed not long after you settled yourself between the thick sheets. And just like last night, it's still too cold despite the blankets covering your body from your ears to your toes. You had the edges tucked beneath you like a cocoon, so that no cold air would be able to penetrate.

Of course, Loki was entertained by the way you looked.

“I didn't know you were part caterpillar,” Loki teased while he hopped into bed. He had the blanket lazily draped across his chest, as if he wasn't fazed by the cold temperature.

“Shut up, Loki,” you retorted. “It's beyond freezing yet you sit there as if you're enjoying the morning breeze.”

“Asgardian physiology,” he said. He seemed so cocky, you wanted to slap that smirk off his face. So this is what making the God of Mischief at ease got you. You get teased and toyed with.

You groaned. “Can you please just be a decent little Asgardian and help me live?”

“Of course. All you need is to ask.”

You grumbled a few more annoyances at him before feeling that warm flow of seidr coarsing through you. It ceased all of your annoyed muttering.

“Thank you,” you said.

“No more complaints?”

You settled on your side to face him, your arm cushioning your head. You had closed your eyes by then, making yourself comfortable for sleep.

“None,” you grumbled.

“Good,” Loki breathed, looking at your sleeping form. “Good.”

He still held your hand even though he stopped warming you with his seidr.

Loki fell asleep quicker that night.


You were awoken by Loki early in the morning. The air was now warm, but there was no sun up in the sky. All of the blue in the sky was covered by a veil of thick, white clouds. And in the distance, you could see some of them were starting to turn gray. The peaks of the mountains couldn't be seen. There were no sounds from the animals, the trees and flowers didn't sway. Everything was eerily still.

“Goodness, what is happening?” you asked. 

“The apocalypse. It's starting.”

“How long do we have?”

“3 hours? Maybe 4? But we have to go now,” Loki answered. “The storm that occurs will not be like the ones on Midgard. We have to go.”

You clenched your jaw before nodding.

There goes your two days of peace.

“Where will we be going?” you asked Loki while he was checking his little tablet.

“Somewhere open. Somewhere obvious. To see if the TVA is still on our tail,” he answered then paused to look at you. “I'm thinking Midgard.”


“But we cannot go near your city,” Loki added.


“Earth it is,” you said with a solemn smile.

Loki used his seidr to change your clothing. After all, you were returning to your home planet. Even though Loki plans to take you somewhere open but secluded, wanderers can still see you. And he doesn't want Midgardians to see you in extra terrestrial attire.

Your comfortable linen pajamas now discarded and replaced with something a traveler would wear in your time: a white blouse with puffy sleeves tucked into wide split skirts that reached your calves. He also gave you long leather boots to accustom to the Midgardian culture.

Loki opened a portal. He offered you his hand before walking through it. You had taken it gladly, and followed the Trickster God back into your realm.

Your feet touched grass, and you smelled salt water in the air. The crashing of waves can be heard from a distance.

You only realized that you were not only beside the sea, but above it. You were on a cliff.

The sun rose in the horizon, its bright rays touching your face. It illuminated the waving waters.

“Home sweet home.”

Continuer la Lecture

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