The Known (On Hold)

By Grattsfan

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Charlotte Jennifer Gordon, aka Charlie or C.J., is a sister, best friend, girlfriend, soccer player and ... b... More



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By Grattsfan

Charlotte comes into the living room where her Mom and Grams are sitting enjoying some tea laughing her head off. 

"What's so funny?" 

"Papa wants to test out how magnetic my ring is, so he's collecting supplies. I told him they most likely wouldn't work and that just because I was wearing it I wasn't now a human magnet but he is insisting on trying it out." 

Her Grandmother stands up and shakes her head, "If you'll excuse me, I need to go check on something in the garage." 

Charlotte and her Mom laugh as they watch the door open to the house garage and then hear her Grandparents having a rather loud discussion. Charlotte sits down on the couch beside her Mom, "So what were you and Grams talking about?" 

"She isn't happy about her barely outta diapers Doctor suggesting she no longer drive due to her eyesight. If she would have had the surgery a few years ago they would have never gotten as bad as they are now." 

"So, what you're saying is that I should seriously consider getting my eyes zapped if they get any worse." 

Carol nods, "But, look at it this way, perhaps if we let Papa do his tests on you then maybe you won't need the lasers to do it."

"Not funny, Mom." 

Carol laughs, "Yeah, it kinda was. How about we go and check on those two; it's gotten pretty quiet out there." 

"Sounds good."

They head out to the garage and can't help but smile when they see the two seniors sharing a hug and a quick kiss. 

"I hope Mal and I are still as much in love as Grams and Papa are when we hit their age."

Carol reaches her arm around her daughter's waist and pulls her in, "I've no doubt you will be. Now, your sister, on the other hand, that's another matter. I don't think she wants to settle down anytime soon." 

"Finn was thinking about asking her to move to Duke with him." 


Charlotte nods, "Yeah." 

"Charlotte, dear, can you come here, please?" 

"Yes, Grams."

Charlotte makes her way over to where her Grandparents are and nods when she's asked to help her Papa clean up his mess.

After spending a good portion of the day at her Grandparent's house and enjoying every minute of it, it's bittersweet when Charlotte and her Mom need to hit the road in order to get home before it's too late. 

Charlotte holds her Papa tightly, "I promise, that I'll send you an email with the names of those books we were talking about if you promise, no more inventions or creations in the meantime, deal?" 

Her Papa rolls her eyes and smiles, 'I'll do my best, but, there's only so much daytime television I can watch before I need to do something with my hands and mind." 

"Then learn how to knit, or crochet or do some crosswords or sudokus, something that keeps you out of trouble and Gram's doghouse." 

"But getting out of the doghouse is all part of the fun." He smiles at her as he says it and she bursts out laughing. 

"Love you, Papa." 

"Love you, Charlie."

Charlotte hugs her Grandmother and tells her that she loves her before she and her Mom hit the road back to Massena. 

"I mentioned the name J.C. Glass to Papa and he had no clue who I was talking about or that there were even books called The Known Universe." 

Carol nods, "I'm not surprised, they aren't exactly the voracious readers they used to be and your books are written for young adults, not those who are set in their ways." 

"True. I was thinking about telling them that I was the writer behind the books, but, I don't see it being necessary right now." 

"Your Grandparents are proud of you, just for being you, Charlie, they don't need to be told that you are the one behind the books. The only thing that your Grandmother kept asking about was when you and Mal are getting married." 

Charlotte smiles, "She asked me the same thing and genuinely seemed disappointed when I told her it wasn't happening just yet."

"You have to remember that they come from a day and age when it was normal to meet someone and marry them within a month." 

Charlotte laughs, "True. I'm gonna put my head back, wake me when we get home and watch out for deer." 

Once back at home Charlotte grabs a hot bath and as she lays playing with the bubbles wishes her girl was with her. Reaching over for her phone Charlotte decides to have a little fun at Mal's expense and strategically covers herself with bubbles before taking a few pictures of herself and sending the best one to her fiancée. She sets her phone back on the toilet lid and puts her head back until her phone starts ringing. 

"What the heck, Babe!, A little warning next time; I just about dropped my supper on the floor when I saw the picture." 

Charlotte laughs, "Glad to know it had the effect on you. Although, I wish it would've made you drop something other than just your supper."

Mal laughs, "Babe, we've got ears." 

"Tell Sulli and Rosey to cover them." 

"Yeah, that's not gonna work. Hold on, I'm just making my way to the bedroom." 

Charlotte hears Mal moving and then the sound of a door closing. 

"So, I take it you had a good day with your Grandparents?" 

"Yeah. I always do. Papa got in trouble because he wanted to check out the magnetic properties of my ring." 

"And? I feel like there's more to the story than just that especially considering the cast of characters." 

"Well, let's just say that my ring is definitely meteorite." 

Charlotte laughs knowing that in Washington her girl is most likely shaking her head at the moment. 

"How was your day, Mally?"

"Good. Went out for lunch with some of the girls after recovery and pretty much just chilled. Richard called to check on my progress and asked if you were in the market for an agent yet. Sounds like you're already making a name for yourself on the field as well off." 

"And what did you tell him?" 

"That you would be returning to Stanford and his services weren't required." 

"Good girl." 

"What's on tap for you tomorrow, Babe?" 

"Heading to the mall with Finn and Kenz and maybe, afterwards, I'll drag them to the high school so I can get a workout in. I um, mentioned to Finn about our plans for the future." 

"I thought we were planning on waiting until we could ask him together?" 

"Hold on one sec, Mal. I'm just getting out of the tub, all the bubbles are gone now and I'm a prune." 

"A cute prune."

Charlotte laughs, "There's no such thing as a cute prune."  

Charlotte climbs out of the bathtub and wraps a towel around herself before heading to her bedroom and laying down on the bed. 

"I know that was the plan was for us to wait but, he's my best friend and I felt like I was keeping a secret from him and you know how much I don't like keeping secrets."

"I get it. What did he say? Was he completely turned off by the idea?" 

"Not at all, he actually said that he'd do it."

"Hopefully, he doesn't change his mind between now and when the time comes."    

After she and Mal complete their phone call, Charlotte gets herself dressed and then heads into the office. She opens the files and looks through the notes and scribbles that both she and her father have left in and on them and can't help but smile.

She takes a seat in the chair and collects a pen and scratchpad from the drawer of the desk, setting them down on top of it, before then putting in her earbuds and setting up some tunes to play. It doesn't take long before the pen finds its' way into her hand and she begins scratching away at the details of One Small Step, Two Deaths. Covering the desk with papers she stands up and organizes them into the storyline as she sees it unfolding and then leading into the next book, that is all provided she ever finishes the first one. 

A movement catches her eye and she looks up to find Mackenzie standing at the door. She takes out her earbuds, "Hey, I thought you were out with Finn." 

"I was, but, decided that I'd rather spend some time with you before you left. You okay?" 

Charlotte shakes her head, "It's like I know the answer, but, not the question." 

Mackenzie smiles, "How about you stop looking at it and instead join me for a movie?" 


"Always, I'll get it popping while you figure out what we're watching. Please no documentaries or true crime stories; I really don't need to know how many different ways someone could kill me." 

Charlotte shrugs, "It was for research. I made Mal watch porn with me, but, she really didn't seem to mind." 

"I wouldn't be advertising that fact, C.J." 

"What? Watching porn with Mal?" 

"No, you dumbass, that you were watching it for research purposes; that can only lead to questions if the wrong person hears you say it." 

"Right, never thought of that." 

Mackenzie shakes her head, "Sometimes, I really wonder about you. How can you be so smart but yet so dumb." 

"Mal asks me that all the time. I can't help it that my brain compartmentalizes and prioritizes certain things over others. Now, about that popcorn, can you make sure to add extra butter to it?" 

"Figures you'd remember something food-related. And yes, extra butter is a must and I'll grab us a couple of drinks as well." 

"Perfect. Thanks, Kenz." 

"You owe me." 

"Umm, no, I pay you enough already." 

Mackenzie laughs as she makes her way out of the office. Charlotte stares at the papers, before deciding it's time to take a break and heading out towards the living room to get the television set up for a movie. 

Scrolling through the menu, she's tempted just to stop at one of the movies that she and Mal watch when they need a mindless escape but instead, she stops on The Kissing Booth and begins reading the description of it. 

"Kenz, have you watched The Kissing Booth?" 

"Yeah, but, if that's what you want to watch I guess I can sit through it again. The one guy's kinda cute in it." 

The two sisters settle in to watch the movie and munch down their popcorn. As the final credits roll is left pondering it. 

"I get that she liked the one guy and ended up with him but I think she should have ended up with her best friend, he's a much better match for her." 

Mackenzie lets out a chuckle, "You do realize that I'm dating your best friend, right?" 

"Yeah, and I will disown you if you hurt him."

"I would expect nothing less. He asked if I would consider moving to Durham with him." 

"And? Are you thinking about it?" 

Mackenzie nods and smiles, "I am, but, don't tell him that, okay? I want him to sweat my answer a bit." 

"Deal." Charlotte lets out a yawn, "I think I'm gonna head to bed now. I'll see you in the am, Kenz." 

Charlotte stands up, collects her phone and then after a quick stop in the bathroom makes her way into her bedroom. Realizing she left her glasses in the office, she makes a u-turn and heads back in the direction of the room to collect them in order to be able to read for a bit before closing her eyes. 

New Message

Ash 👱‍♀️: When are you back in Cali? 

Charlie: 2 days, why? 

Ash 👱‍♀️: Because I thought we could hang and maybe get some training in before the camp. 

Charlie: You have plenty of girls in your neck of the woods to train with, why do you really want to come my way? 

Ash 👱‍♀️: Maybe, I just miss my bestie. 

Charlie: Or you want something.

Ash 👱‍♀️: Honestly, I just want to get away from here for a couple of days, the 'rents are driving me nuts about Jessie and the current status of our relationship. It probably didn't help that I mentioned that you and Mal were engaged. 

Charlie: As long as you're fine with sleeping on the couch, you can crash at mine. 

Ash 👱‍♀️: Sweet, thanks! Call me when you're back.

Charlie: 👍

Charlotte plugs her phone in and then decides just to set her glasses down on the nightstand rather than even bothering to open her book and do any reading. 

Laying flat in the bed, she stares at her ceiling and smiles at the glow in the dark stars that still remain glued there. She remembers all the times her Dad would sit on the side of this very bed and they would recite the words to her favourite poem together. 

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.

When the blazing sun is gone,
When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.

Then the traveller in the dark,
Thanks you for your tiny spark,
He could not see which way to go,
If you did not twinkle so.

In the dark blue sky you keep,
And often through my curtains peep,
For you never shut your eye,
'Till the sun is in the sky.

As your bright and tiny spark,
Lights the traveller in the dark.
Though I know not what you are,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
How I wonder what you are.
How I wonder what you are." 

"Night, Dad. I love you to the moon and back; always and forever." 

A/N: Thank you for all the votes, now make sure to keep it going. 

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