Having my Ex- Boyfriend Dads...

By CatarinaMuniz8

388K 7.1K 298

For the past four years I had dedicated my life to my future career working two jobs and attenind med school... More

Chaper 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
Chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
My dear readers
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

chapter 33

5.5K 133 3
By CatarinaMuniz8

Chloe POV

The next few days went by smoothly. Little by little Cole started acting like himself again and I couldn’t be anymore happier. William went back to work and I caught up on some school work. William and I talked and decided it was for the best that I quit my job and focus mainly on school. It was starting to take a huge ass toll on me. Who knew being pregnant would feel this way, tired all the time, feet swollen, hungry all the time, and  you guess it ding ding ding moody as fuck. Does horny count as well?

Anywho William added me to his bank account and now I have myself a new shiny card so you know what that means this girl is going to go shopping.

“Cole, I’m going to head out.” I shouted

“Where are you going?” He shouted back.

“Shopping of course.” I smirked looking at my card.

“Ooooo someone had a new shiny card. Daddy added you to the account.” Realizing what he said he nervously laughed. “Shit that sounded weird huh? Forget what I said, mind if I go with you?”

“Yeah sure” I shrugged because why not. “Where’s your baby mama at?”

He shrugged his shoulders “No clue she comes and goes whenever she pleases. She is her own woman.”

That’s weird you would think since she is pregnant that she would want to be with her boyfriend all day everyday. Shit William not being here is already getting me all jittery. 

We drove in his car to the mall and with my whole ass 6 months looking body I wobbled my ass store to store. We were about to head into the final store when I spotted Cole baby mama a little down the way. I nudged him on his side to get his attention.

“Hey isn’t that…”

“Yeah it is. What the fuck is she doing here and with him?” She hasn’t noticed us but  from what we can see she is being a puta susa (Dirty bitch)

“What should I do?” He asked me. He looks torn and it breaks my heart to see that. After everything he has been through and to add this to the mix it actually pisses me off and if I wasn’t pregnant I’ll be marching over there right now to fuck her up. As if reading my mind Cole grabbed me by my elbow. “Calm down killer. You have your I’m about to fuck you up face. You are almost finished with your pregnancy, you can’t be getting into fights. Plus dad would more than likely kick my ass and take away my shiny card if something happened to you.” I started laughing because he wasn’t wrong.

“What do you want to do Cole? you know I am down for whatever.”

He took out his phone and started snapping some pictures and recorded a video as well. “I think I should play it cool for now.”

“But she lives with us? Doesn’t she?”

“Yeah and no. She said her mom won’t let her stay more than a few days a week. Now I know why. It wasn’t her mom but this person she is. What if Chloe, what if the baby isn’t mine?” I let out a low whistle because what am I supposed to say at the heat of the moment, plus that gives me a short break to think of a response.

I intertwined our fingers together and I led him the opposite way towards the parking lot. “If the baby isn’t yours then the baby isn’t yours.”

“Geeze Chlo.”

“Let me finish. If the baby isn’t yours then it isn’t yours. We are all adults Cole and I know you will get through it like one. Yeah it is going to hurt because you were excited about being a father and I do believe at one point you really did love her but people make mistakes and no one is perfect. It is just a reminder that you are human and use this as a lesson to better yourself as an individual. There is someone out there for you Cole that would like every burp, fart, and you shitting with the door open stinking up your whole room.” he playfully nudged me and I continued “just don’t let this get you down Cole you are a great human being and if you want you can always pull her to the side and have an honest conversation with her. Ask her if she thinks the baby is yours? Ask her if there is a possibility that it could be someone else. And if she flips out on just those two simple questions then just ask her to pack her things and leave and once the baby is born we can serve her and go to court to get a DNA test and we will know once and for all if the child is yours or not.” By the time I finished saying what I needed to say we were already in the car heading home. It was a silent ride for the rest of the way but I gave him that. Gave him that moment of silence to gather his thoughts to see what he wanted to do at the end.

“You're right Chloe. It is better if we handle this now as adults then when the baby is born and everything goes down to shit.”

“Of course I am right. Hello I am about to be your new mom.” I could help myself, I had to say it. At the horrified look I busted up laughing. I laughed so hard I actually peed myself.

“Karma.” Cole joined in on the laughter. All in all it was a good day and I can’t wait to see what happens next in the Addams family house. Shit at this point we should be on MTV and have our own reality show.

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