The Known (On Hold)

By Grattsfan

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Charlotte Jennifer Gordon, aka Charlie or C.J., is a sister, best friend, girlfriend, soccer player and ... b... More



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By Grattsfan

As Charlotte sits in the plane making her way back home, she can't help but feel lost without having Mal with her. She looks down at her phone and pictures of them together and smiles before putting her head back and relaxing for the short flight home. 

Upon landing at Ogdensburg International Airport, she stands and waits for her suitcases to make their way down the belt towards her before making her way out the usual meeting point and awaiting Finn's arrival. 

"Hey, there superstar!"

Charlotte's face lights up when she sees her best friend and moves towards him to share a hug. 

"I'm glad you're home. I need some advice about Kenz." 

Charlotte looks at him, "It better not be bedroom-related advice." 

Finn laughs, "No. I want to get her something before I head back to Duke and I'm not sure what to get." 

"Something? As in clothes, book or jewelry?" 

"We both know that Kenz has enough clothes to open her own store and that she doesn't read anything unless it pertains to a certain author or celebrity or perhaps her sister. I was thinking of getting her something simple, like maybe earrings?" 

Charlotte smiles, "I can help you with that." 

"You're a lifesaver, Charlie!" 

They head towards Mackenzie's car, which apparently Finn was allowed to borrow for the occasion and place Charlotte's belonging in the trunk. 

"So, are we making a stop on the way home?" 

"Is that even a question needing to be asked?" 

Finn laughs, "Nope! And don't worry Kenz is hanging with friends after her appointment and your Mom doesn't expect an appearance until supper." 

"Then to the ice cream shoppe, Finnegan!" 

As they sit eating their double scoops, Charlotte and Finn get caught up on things including the current status of his and Mackenzie's relationship. 

"So, spill the deets. I need to know what's going on between you and my sister." 

"We're having fun together." 

"What does that mean?" 

"It means that unlike you and Mal, where it was a given that you would end up together, we're still figuring out things. It's difficult when you live in a small area where everyone knows you and it becomes gossip the fact that you're now together." 

Charlotte nods, "I get it. I'm still the gay soccer player. Have you tried a change of location? I mean, you're not living in the dorm this year and there's nothing stopping you from asking her to move to Durham with you is there?" 

"Do you think she would go for it?" 

Charlotte smiles, "I would if I was her. Kenz can work from wherever and I'm sure my Mom would enjoy having the house to herself." 

Finn smiles and nods, "I'm going to ask her." 

"Good, now get licking, because you're dripping big time!"

Ring ... ring

"Uh oh, I forgot to call Mal when I landed." 

Finn laughs, "Better take it."

Charlotte answers the call, "Hey, beautiful." 

"Hey. Are you okay? You didn't call like you said you would."  

"Sorry, I got sidetracked talking to Finn. I'm good, the flight was short and definitely not sweet unlike my gorgeous fiancée is." 

  Finn makes a gagging noise and Charlotte laughs before throwing her napkin at him. 

"Tell Finn, I say Hi!" 

"Mal says Hi!" 

"Tell her Hi back." 

"You getting ready for training?" 

"Yeah, all packed and ready to go. Just waiting on Andi." 

"Kick some grass out there today, Pugh." 

She hears Mal laugh, "I'll do my best; I'm still being watched and limited." 

"I know, but, once you're back to 100% it will all be worthwhile."

"I better go, I'm getting a look from Andi; call me later, okay?" 

"Of course. Love you, Mally." 

"Love you, C.J." 

"You ready to hit the road, Charlie?" 

Charlotte looks at Finn smiles and nods, "Yeah, let's go. Can we just head to my place?"

Finn nods and stands up, reaching over for Charlotte's hand to help her up and she laughs, "Such a gentleman, Finnegan." 

"Shut up! I was simply trying to be nice." 

They both laugh, "I've missed you, Finn." 

"Missed you, too, Charlie; I mean, I love Kenz, but, she doesn't get me the way that you do, you know?" 

"I get it and it's the same with Mal and me. I love her with everything in me, but, sometimes it seems like we aren't speaking the same language." 

They make the relatively short drive back to the Gordon's and Finn lets them inside. 

"Is that still your original key or did my sister give you a new one, so you could sneak in to keep her warm at night?" 

Finn bursts out laughing, "Not gonna lie and say I don't use it for that every now and again, but, it's still the original key your Mom gave me for when you kept losing or forgetting yours." 

"Please, no, booty calls while I'm home, okay?" 

"Talk to your sister, she's the one who can't get enough of this guy."

Charlotte makes like she's going to throw up in response to the comment, causing them both to burst out in laughter. 

They carry Charlotte's suitcases back to her bedroom and then make their over to the office to sit down on the couch. 

"It feels so good to be back in here." 

"Your Mom made sure that it was clean and didn't move any of your papers, just in case." 

"Please tell me that you and Kenz haven't done anything in here."

"No. We both know how important this room is to you and would never do anything to tarnish it for you." 

"I appreciate that." 

"Can I ask you something, Finn? I mean, I want to ask you something but I'm not sure what you'll think of it or the question."

"Charlie, just ask your question."

Charlotte takes a breath, "Do you want to have kids?" 

Finn looks at her, "Umm... yeah, where's this coming from?"

"Mal and I were talking about having a family down the line and who we'd want to be our children's father and we both thought that we'd like it to be you being as though you're my best friend and have the required equipment."  


"Yeah, really. I mean, you're alright looking and kinda smart and we'd really like for our kid's father to be a part of their life. So, is that something you'd be interested in?" 

"Let me get this straight, which I know you aren't. You want me to have a kid with you?" 

"I'm not saying like right now or even tomorrow, but down the line. And I think we'd like more than one kid. Also, before you ask, no, I'm not planning on having sex with you or allowing Mal and you to get together. I meant for you to umm donate your swimmers if you know what I mean."

"In other words, you want me to jack off in a cup?" 

Charlotte bursts out laughing, "Well, yeah." 

"Can I think about it? I mean, I'm not saying no, I just probably should give it some thought before saying yes."

"I'm not rushing you. As I said, it would be down the line and I agree that you need to take some time to think it all through, before making a decision about it." 

Finn smiles and nods, "For what it's worth, I feel kinda honoured that you would ask me." 

"Don't go tooting your horn too much there, Finn, I could always change my mind." 

"You could, but, I've known you long enough to know that you wouldn't." 

Charlotte nods, "You're right."

They hear the front door of the house open and a voice yell out, "Charlotte, are you home?" 

"We're in the office, Mom." 

Charlotte looks at Finn, "How about we keep this conversation between us for now, okay?" 

Finn nods as Carol Gordon appears in the doorway. 

Charlotte stands up, walks over and hugs her Mom. "Hey, Mom." 

"Hey, yourself. Let's see this ring of yours." 

Charlotte shows her Mom her engagement ring, "It's pretty cool looking, right?" 

Carol nods, "I've never seen anything like it." 

"That's kinda the point. Could you really see me rocking a diamond on my finger like Mal?" 

"Considering, I don't think you've ever had a manicure in your life, probably not!" Finn laughs and both of the Gordon's look at him.  

"How do you even know about manicures, Finn?" 

"Kenz dragged me along with her and I got a manicure and pedicure treatment." 

Charlotte bursts out laughing, "I really hope there's photographic proof of that." 

"Kenz took a pic, it's on her phone." 

"I'm so asking her to see it when she gets home." 

Finn's phone buzzes and he looks down at the screen and smiles, "Speaking of your sister, she just asked if I could come and pick her up." 

Finn stands up, "I'll see y'all in a bit and Charlie, my answer is yes. I don't need to think about it." 

Charlotte smiles as her friend leaves the office and heads out to pick up his girlfriend from a friend's house. 

Carol Gordon sits down beside her youngest, "Should I even ask what the two of you were talking about before I arrived?" 

Charlotte shakes her head and smiles, "Nope. When the time is right you will know with everyone else." 

"Is it about your books or revealing yourself?" 

"No. Something completely different, personal." 

"Okay, enough said. So, I got all your favourites for supper tonight; you want to help me with some prep work?"

"Let me just wash up and I'll meet you in the kitchen." 

Carol smiles and nods and stands up, reaching over and hugging Charlotte, "It's so good to have you home, even if it's only for a short visit."

"I wish I could stay longer too, but it's important for me to get back training and playing with the girls before I head back to the U-20 camp."

"Your Grandparents are still expecting you to visit them while you're home." 

"I know and I plan to. Can I borrow your car tomorrow to go and see them?" 

"Actually, I took the next few days off of work to spend with you. Do you mind if I tag along? Or would that cramp your style?" 

Charlotte laughs, "I'd say we could stop in Cornwall for supper, but, I have a feeling that Grams will be all about fattening us up." 

Carol laughs, "For sure." 

While Charlotte heads to the bathroom to do what she needs to, Carol makes her way out to the kitchen and begins pulling out the necessary ingredients for supper. They spend the next while catching up while washing, peeling and chopping up veggies to go alongside the chicken they are having for supper. 

The front door opens and Mackenzie and Finn enter, just as they are putting the bird and its fixings into the oven. 

"How convenient that you guys arrive just as all the hard work is done." 

"Don't worry, I'm sure that your sister and Matthew can look after the dishes and clean up after we eat." Charlotte laughs at her Mom's comment.  

"But Finn's a guest he shouldn't have to do cleanup, nor should I." 

"You want to eat? Then you both are responsible for the cleanup and Mackenzie, Matthew is no more a guest than you or your sister are." 

Charlotte laughs, "Nice try, Sis." 

Mackenzie and her share a hug, "Did you get a haircut? It looks shorter than before." 

"Yeah, I got a trim before I left; wasn't sure when I'd have the time to get it done at school. Not to mention it costs an arm and a leg to get anything done in Cali and the last chick tried to convince me that I should get highlights. Is my hair really that bad? Should I change it up?" 

"Wouldn't hurt, considering you've had the same style since before you fell out of the closet." 

"Mackenzie, that's enough of that!" 

Charlotte and Mackenzie laugh, "Mom, she's not meaning it that way. She's referring to when I climbed up to the top of my closet to get a box down and everything came down on me." 

"Oh, I remember that. You had one heck of a shiner." 

Charlotte nods to Finn's comment, "I told everyone at school that I got hit in the face by a ball, so I wouldn't have to admit that I got taken out by the corner of a box." 

After chatting for a bit in the living room, the conversation turns back towards Charlotte's progress on One Small Step, Two Deaths.  

"Do you think that you're going to be done it anytime soon, C.J.?" 

"Honestly, I'm not sure. When I was in Washington, I was more focused on Mal and getting her back to playing than on writing. I have to tell you guys something and I hope you won't laugh. I've been thinking that I want to write some kid's books and maybe even do the character drawings for them. I was thinking of using Bear, Bear as my inspiration and I already have a couple of ideas for stories." 

"Charlie, soon you'll be back at school and extremely busy with your academics and playing. I'm sure that you won't have a ton of extra time or energy for anything else including writing. Perhaps, it would be a good idea for you to focus on the book you've already started versus starting something new." 

"You don't need to worry, Mom; I know my limits and once I'm back at Stanford any plans to write will take a backseat to maintain my perfect GPA and help the Cardinal bring home another Championship. But, first, we bring home the U-20 World Cup."

"What about wedding planning? Any progress on that?" 

"Kenz, you know where we stand on that. Mal and I are not getting married until I finish school."

"Have you at least came to a consensus as to where it will happening?" 

Charlotte shakes her head, "The only thing that I can tell you is that I need for my books, merch, movie and everything to sell because I'm not cheaping out on what Mal deserves." 

"You're so whipped, C.J." 

Charlotte smiles, "I am and I'm perfectly fine with it. So, what's the current status of Revelation?" 

"It's in the editor's hands. According to the last correspondence I received it could be a couple of months before they read it and send out the required edits for it." 

"In other words, they want to ensure that what they paid a premium for, is worth it." 

"Exactly. It's a stalling tactic to ensure that they get their product out to co-inside with the release of the movie. They plan on re-releasing all of the books with new cover designs and updates to them." 

"What do you mean updates to them?" 

"When they were originally printed the publishers didn't include snippets or teasers for the other books in the series in them and I think that's the plan as well as to add the social media information."

"Makes sense and means more money for us. Have you seen the merch yet?" 

Mackenzie stands up, "Let me grab my tablet and I can show you some of the mock-ups. We need your approval on them anyway, so two birds, one stone." Mackenzie returns with her tablet and takes a seat beside Charlotte to show her some of the designs of the clothing and accessories soon to be released. 

"What do you think?" Mackenzie and Finn smile at her, knowing that the way her face is currently lit up means she likes what she sees. 

"These are awesome! I want one of the microchip shirts and also a mug with the Secure Future Foundation logo on it. Also, a from the desk of J.C. Glass notepad because well, that would kinda be meta." 

They nod and laugh in agreement. 

Carol stands up when the timer goes off on the oven and after checking that it's all cooked to perfection, sends everyone to wash up before they sit down to eat. 

As Charlotte looks around the table and the two empty chairs, she can't help but think about how much she wishes that Mal and her father were there with them. Out of instinct, she touches the ink on her arm before turning her attention to getting some of the breast meat before her sister takes it all. 

"Really, Kenz? I'm a breast girl, you all know this, so I should get first dibs it." 

"I'm a breast guy, so perhaps I should get some as well, right, Kenz?" 

Charlotte looks at Finn, "Oh really? If that's the case then why are you with my sister? She ain't got nothing to look at." 

"And Mal does?" 

"Mal's perfect." 

"Alright, can we please keep to normal table conversation rather than everyone's cup size?"

They all burst out laughing at Carol's choice of words before agreeing to tone down the conversation.

After supper and feeling the effects of the long day and lack of sleep the night previous, Charlotte opted to get changed into some comfies and slide into her bed with one of the books off her shelf. As she fiddled around with her glasses to get them to sit properly she made a mental note to order a couple of extra pairs once back in Cali. 

Before turning the lights off she ensured that she sent Mal a message, so her girl wouldn't worry about her. 

New Message

C.J. ❤️: Hey beautiful, I'm heading to bed early. Feeling wiped and I'm sure tomorrow is going to be another long one as I'm heading to see my Grandparents. Sleep tight and sweet dreams, Mally. Love you. 

Mally 💍: Love you. Sweet dreams.  

A/N: 80 votes and I'll drop the next chapter. 

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