Pearl Rising

By Chrissyvellis

68.3K 10.5K 4.2K

Book Two takes us on quite a different ride. Two years on from Gifted, Pearl and Sylar are asked to help The... More

Authors Note
Fables and Truths...
One - Pearl
Two - Pearl
Three - Wolf
Four - Wolf
Five - Pearl
Six - Pearl
Seven - Wolf
Eight - Pearl
Nine - Pearl
Ten - Wolf
Eleven - Pearl
~ ~ Interlude ~ ~
Twelve - Willa
Thirteen - Pearl
Fourteen - Pearl
Sixteen - Pearl
Seventeen - Willa
Eighteen - Sylar
Nineteen - Wolf / Cassius
Twenty - Pearl
Twenty One - Pearl
Twenty Two - Cassius / Wolf
Twenty Three - Pearl
Twenty Four - Willa
Twenty Five - Sylar
Twenty Six - Pearl
Twenty Seven - Cassius
Twenty Eight - Willa
Twenty Nine - Sylar
Thirty - Cassius
Thirty One - Sylar
Thirty Two - Pearl
Thirty Three - Pearl
Thirty Four - Cassius / Wolf
Thirty Five - Pearl
Thirty Six - Cassius
Thirty Seven - Willa
Thirty Eight - Sylar
Thirty Nine - Pearl
Forty - Pearl
Forty One - Willa
Forty Two - Pearl
Forty Three - Cassius
Forty Four - Pearl
Yeah, Phew, thats me done!

Fifteen - Sylar

1.3K 217 67
By Chrissyvellis

Stood outside the pack hospital. I breathed deeply, rubbing my temples. Tiredness wasn't helping my sudden headache, which was odd as I hadn't had a headache since... Well, I couldn't remember the last time.

But I was sure it had something to do with Willa...

I shivered. Just her name and the image of her face crossing my thoughts had my heart beating from my chest. And fate really worked in crazy ways—this was her pack—her home. My mind detoured as flashes came of her wild, long white hair and petite, curvy body.

As well as my racing heart, there came another feeling... dread. My guts twisted to the point of pain.

Sighing, I'd dreamt of her for months. But now something was different and wrong, very wrong. Seth had told me she had vanished and although he didn't say I sensed his anger and despair at the situation.

But I was here now, I could help find her—no, I would find her. There was no choice in the matter. She needed me and I wouldn't fail her.

Looking around, the air was cooling as I yawned. This day was going on forever and now we were about to head out to visit the Elders.

Hunter and Zander had made it clear to gather as much information as possible on them. But I wasn't concerned with what they wanted. I wouldn't be their spy. Only Willa mattered now... and Pearl.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard a sharp intake of breath as Pearl stopped alongside me. She bent over, clasping her chest as if out of breath. "What's the matter with you?" I didn't sense any stress. As she looked up, she rolled her eyes, giving her head a little head wobble.

"You would not believe what I just walked in on... in fact, I think I need to bleach my eyes!" She made a face as she stood up straight.

"What are you talking about, Pearl?" My cousin was quite remarkable at turning any drama into a crisis.

"My worst nightmare just came to life, in high definition no less!" She smirked.

I still wasn't following. "Are you planning on telling me or do I have to guess from your cryptic clues?" I wished I'd not asked as images came thick and fast as Pearl bombarded my brain with Gunner and his pants around his ankles and his mate in a very compromising position. "Holy wolfsbane, Pearl! I did not need to see that... in this lifetime or the next!"

She laughed uncontrollably. "Gotta share Cousin. And the last thing I ever wanted to see was Gunner balls deep... and I'm talking b—"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... no-just no! Never mind your eyes, I need to bleach my brain, maybe even a lobotomy!"

Change of subject. "Speaking of mates—where's yours?" Her face broke out into the biggest smile I'd ever seen on Pearl. "I'm guessing things are looking up, huh?"

About to speak she turned, and we both watched The Alpha trot from the side of pack infirmary. "Definitely looking up." She responded dreamily as his wolf shook his huge head before lifting its nose to sniff the air.

The sexual tension between them was almost choking. "So, he's accepted you two are mates?"

She turned back to me, her confidence wavering slightly. "I don't want to get too excited, but I think he's thawing."

The Alpha's wolf turned in our direction, keeping his eyes on me for longer than felt comfortable. As I'd already made a physical connection to him, whilst he was unconscious, it was easier to pop inside his head and take a peek.

Pearl wasn't wrong. He had definitely thawed, practically melted. "Shit!" I severed our connection. Some of the things he wanted to do with Pearl were unholy, and I'd had enough graphic imagery for one day.

"What?" Pearl nudged me.

I yanked at my collar. "You don't need to worry Pearl, the cold-hearted ruthless Alpha I've heard about will be putty in your accomplished hands! And I would say you and he are perfectly matched."

Her smile widened - if possible, as she tilted her head up towards me, linking her arm through mine. "Yeah? Does that mean you're taking a little peek inside my sexy alpha's head for me, Cousin?"

"Like I said, you can relax." I wouldn't share details.

"Spank me pink, I think I'm finally a bad influence on you, cursing and taking sneaky peeks without permission!"

This time I laughed.

Her smile dropped. "Hey, thanks for what you did earlier, you know, between him and Orion. I know you took a risk for me and thanks." I had taken an enormous risk. Zander and Hunter had threatened that no one could know about me or Pearl. Although I didn't know why.

Perhaps they were right. And now, knowing Willa was the Alpha's sister made it more difficult. For him to accept me, he needed him to like me.

Pearl shivered as she rubbed her arm where I'd injected her with Calder's formula. Shit, I hadn't even asked how she was doing. "How are your house-guests since the injection?"

Dropping her hand, she turned to look at the Alpha, as he made his way towards Nile who was checking something under the bonnet of his jeep.

"I don't think it's working too well, and I need to talk to you... but not now, when we're totally alone." Her face flushed.

Did the injection have side-effects? "You're okay though?"

She nodded. "Hmm, yeah, I think so, but save it till later. It's a conversation that I don't want overheard."

Seth appeared alongside us. A deep, masculine rumble came from his chest. "If you both ride with Nile and I will ride with the Alpha." He looked to the North. "We can drive most of the way there."

Finally, it was time to leave.

"What, so the Alpha rides in the jeep as his wolf?" asked Pearl, slightly amused.

"Mostly," he answered, flicking his chin up in the Alpha's direction.

~ ~

An hour later, bumping along dirt roads, the trees thickened, and we came to a stop. Climbing out the jeep, we began the two-mile walk. Nile remained with us, but Seth and the Alpha went ahead.

"Fuck!" Pearl winced. "I should have put more thought into my footwear for this adventure." She grumbled as she pointed down at her shoes. "These are ruined, and they cost me a small fortune!"

Oh goddess, not shoes. Pearl had an unhealthy obsession with shoes. As she began telling me the designer and work that went into making them. My senses prickled...something changed as I reached out and grabbed Pearl's arm. She flinched.

"Wait!" The surrounding air temperature rapidly dropped as subtle vibrations through the ground rushed up my legs. Pushing out my feelers, I tasted the electric charge in the air.

There was power here. I could feel it, taste it.

Nile had walked ahead slightly, but suddenly stopped turning to face us. His face masked any concern he might have felt.

"Sylar." Pearl whispered. "You feel that Sylar?" Her face paled, shivering as she wrapped her arms around herself.

It surprised me that she could feel it. "You okay, Pearl?"

She shook her head. "I'm not sure... something has them unsettled." She pointed to herself, and I knew she was talking about them.

Damn, it hadn't crossed my mind to bring any of the injections with me. "Can you manage it?"

Her mouth and eyes went wide, her chest suddenly rising and falling with each breath.

This wasn't good. We were in deep shit.

Grabbing her hands, she drew back, but I kept hold. "Deep breaths Pearl! I'm going to help you."

"What's the matter?" Nile was now standing beside me, but I couldn't focus on him. "Pearl, listen to my voice." She whimpered as I saw something I'd never seen before flicker in one eye. It turned red, as if blood was seeping from her pupil.

"Goddess, what's wrong with her?" asked Nile.

I didn't have time as I opened my senses and reached inside her psyche and took hold of her free will. 'Relax Pearl.'

Her heart was almost beating out of her chest, and the ripples of power that coursed through her rushed over me.


"I'm sorry Sylar," she muttered as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Her whole body trembled as she crumbled to the floor and I dropped with her to keep our connection strong and steady.


Holy shit! That wasn't Pearl's voice in my head, but a broken mind of a delusional soul.

I drew in a sharp breath, shutting my eyes as her nails extended, digging into my hands.

'Ouuuuuuuttttt.' It repeated.   


Shit, shit, shit! "Look at me, Pear!" I snapped, and she flinched, her eyes blinking.

"What is wrong?" asked Seth who had now joined us and then the Alpha appeared a few seconds later. A deep angry growl flooded the air as his wolf's enormous head nudged Pearl before moving back, to allow him the space to shift back to man.

The power continued to grow inside of Pearl... coming through me. There was no point in trying to contact Gunner to bring me an injection. He was too far away.

The Alpha dropped to his knees, shuffling closer to Pearl, reaching out to trace along her shaking arm. "What is this Sylar? What is happening to my mate?"

It was the first time I'd heard him refer to me by my name, but I couldn't answer him. My focus was on Pearl as tears welled in her eyes. "Pearl, fight this; you have to help me."

"I—I c-c—can't." She got out as I heard a distinct snap and her back arched, head tilted back, and her mouth opened. "H-h-help." Light emanated from her mouth. From a seed of colour a foggy mist came out in a rushing whoosh forming into an apparition of sorts, almost like a cloud, but I could see a face and sense it desires to be free.

Pearl screamed as she grasped my hand tighter. The thing... or apparition changed shapes like a playful dance as it moved towards the unsuspecting Alpha. Being blind, he literally didn't see it coming.

The Alpha's exasperated voice filled the background.

"Alpha! Watch—" Seth raised the warning, but it was too late. The Alpha didn't have time to react as the blow from the apparition which had taken some kind of solid form was swift as the force of it crushed him to the ground. Shifting, almost vibrating, it took the form of mist again and as the Alpha sucked in a breath, it hitched a ride, filling the Alpha's body until none of it remained.

Holy shit! This wasn't good.

The Alpha's mouth slammed shut as he spluttered, as if trying to cough and talk at the same time.

Still connected to Pearl, other voices came through to me... but they felt different to what had just left her body and gone into the Alpha's. They worried for Pearl and seemed relieved that the other had left.

Pearl's confusion and fear suffocated me as I reassured her I would not leave her.

"Alpha!" Seth shouted, leaning over the Alpha. "Fuck! Alpha—can you hear me?"

Shit. Had that thing killed the Alpha?" He lay completely motionless.

Abruptly, his back arched as a cry ripped from his lips. Birds flew from the trees. Seth jumped back as the Alpha sprang upright.

Holy goddess! My breath left in a whoosh.

"Alpha?" said Seth, the worry in his tone escalating.

The Alpha patted his body, as if it was strange to him. "I can feel it, Seth, something shifting inside me... I can." He paused. "I can see Seth—my eyes." He blinked repeatedly before his eyes fell to Pearl.

"Pearl!" He hurried on his knees to be beside her. His frown deepened as he placed his hand on her forehead. "I'm here Pearl," he whispered. "Look at me Pearl."

Her chin quivered, but the touch of her mate had a calming effect on her entire body as the shaking subsided slightly and her heart rate slowed and a tear slipped from her tightly shut eyes.

"Is she okay?" he looked toward me for answers, his expression pained with concern—I didn't have an answer. Opening my mouth about to speak...

"Move away!" A voice I didn't recognize cut through the craziness.

A hand settled on my shoulder. "Let us help young Sylar."

I looked up to see a woman before two other females flanked either side of her. I had to double blink as their aura's were quite visible, darkening and lightening. She smiled as she moved her hand and stepped back, lowering her head toward me.

'We are here to help but there is not much time before we won't be able to capture what is freed.'

She spoke to my mind. I looked back at Pearl and then shifted back, nodding.

It wasn't rocket science to figure out these females were the Elders I was told about.

I pushed further back as they stood around Pearl.

They acknowledged the Alpha, who shifted back but kept his eyes on Pearl. Joining hands, they chanted in a language I didn't recognize.

Pearl once again sucked in a sharp breath. I tried to connect our minds to reassure her I was still here, but I was blocked. As before, her back arched, her head tilting backwards as her hands dug into the dirt.

Another cry, but this time Alpha as he doubled, mouth stretched wide as the thing that had entered his body was forced from him, swirling almost angrily as it found its way back inside Pearl.

Body shuddering, Pearl's eyes flung open as she gasped for air. "Sylar!" She cried out, and I scrambled to get near as the Elders dropped hands and ceased chanting.

Crouching over her small body, I cupped her damp cheeks. "I'm here... shush. It's okay... you're okay." She gripped my arm.

"I-I" she tried to speak. "Shush, just lay here still." I eased my way back inside her psyche and sent her to sleep. The grip of her hand on my arm fell away.

I looked up to the Elders. "Fetch her inside." She pointed at Nile.

The Alpha, who was now upright, was staring at his hands. Seth put a hand on his shoulder. "Alpha, are you okay?" He didn't look up. "It's gone... my eyesight is gone." His voice was low and heavy with confusion.

Shit! How were we going to explain this? I couldn't worry about that. As I got to my feet. Nile was already scooping up Pearl—she didn't wake.

I followed behind Nile to look up to see an old building in my line of sight—that hadn't been there before? Giving my head a little wobble, I made my way inside as Nile took Pearl through to another room, placing her down on a bed. He smiled as he removed some hair from her face. She looked peaceful as I finally released a long held breath.

The Alpha grunted as he was guided inside by Seth. I didn't need to be inside his head to know it mightily pissed him off.

One Elder bowed her head in my direction before turning and walking toward a trunk to pull out some clothing, which she duly passed to Seth for the Alpha and himself.

"Tea anyone?"

What? I turned to the oldest Elder. Tea? Was she serious?

"Quite serious, young Sylar." Yes, she could definitely read my thoughts.

'Do you think you are the only special one here?' She wagged her finger, making her way to a stove to apparently prepare tea.

The Alpha growled. "You, Sylar, speak of what happened outside with my mate and that—" he stopped.

The way he said my name was anything but friendly. I shrugged. "I don't know, that's never happened before." I wasn't lying.

Although blind, he stalked toward me, towering above me. His brow twitched; his expression full of emotion—anger definitely being one of them. "What lies inside of my mate? Tell me of that thing that you brought onto my lands?" he said dangerously low, nostrils flaring.

But no way would I back down. I stood my ground.

The Elders glare turned hard, not blinking. "Young pup, you will not bring disrespect to my home." She snapped.

Like a crack of thunder, a growl ripped from his throat, his hand clenched into tight fists. "I will remind you to watch your tongue, witch!" he spat out. "And refer to me as a pup—"

"Pish!" She waved her hand, cutting him off. "Shush yourself and stop with your blustering. There are more pressing issues at hand. Your mate is sleeping for now."

His top lip curled, grumping out muttered curses.

The Elder looked at me, raising a brow slightly and if I had to describe her look, I would say it was one of amusement. She seemed to enjoy putting the Alpha in his place.

"Ani, finish the tea," she instructed the smallest of all the three Elders, who was almost childlike in her form.

Her attention was on me as clasped her hands in front of her and walked towards me. The Alpha reluctantly stepped aside, sensing her close. "The gods themselves sent Willa a fine and handsome mate. You are European, are you not young one?"

"Mate?" growled the Alpha. "He is my sister's mate?"

Well, that went down like a lead balloon. It seemed to piss him off even more. Great impression I was making.

Her posture stiffened, hesitating for a moment as if choosing her words carefully. "When did you last visit the dream realm to seek out young Willa?"

Apparently, there was nothing she didn't know. "I dream of her every night, but something has changed." Should I mention my gut feeling? She most likely already knew. "Something bad."

"Agreed." She nodded solemnly. "But come, come sit." She waved towards a chair and I did as asked.

She sat in the one opposite and looked up, smiling. It was a warm smile and it fascinated me I could see her aura. The greens shimmered hypnotically. "Thank you, Ani," she said to the second Elder as she popped a cup of tea in front of her and one for me.

I muttered my thanks before returning my attention to—I didn't know her name.

"Ester," she answered, tipping her head to the side. Now I knew what it felt like to have every thought read.

"We shall drink our tea and then me and you young Sylar are going to dip inside the dream realm and find young Willa."

I felt the Alpha's presence. "You can do that? Can we find Willa?"

"Yes, they have a powerful bond already. And it is my hope we can connect to Willa and pinpoint her location."

I heard his audible sigh

"Now drink up whilst it's hot and then we will begin. It is almost twilight, and the stars wait for no one, young Sylar."

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