Collided Fate: Book 1

By zlinkdlr

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This is a world of Angels and Demon. These beings harness incredible power. We human have learned to control... More

Info of Main Character
Chapter 1: Fake Loser
Chapter 2: Aegis and Asurmaru
Chapter 3: The Ceremony
Chapter 4: Holy Knight
Chapter 5: Angel Slayer
Chapter 6: Hellos and Goodbyes
Chapter 7: A New Promise
Chapter 8: Campfire Mark
Chapter 9: The New Triserenaga and His Fate
Chapter 10: School Again
Chapter 11: The Old Ones Weapon
Chapter 12: Tippleton
Chapter 13: Trapped Angel
Chapter 14: Nolan
Chapter 15: Chains Of Fate
Chapter 16: Astral Beings from Within
Chapter 17: Fusion and the Shadow Merchant
Chapter 18: New Swords
Chapter 19: A Trap
Chapter 20: Milfar
Chapter 21: New Clothes and Infiltration
Chapter 22: New Skabelse
Chapter 23: Belphagor
Chapter 24: Return
Chapter 25: Daughter of the Previous Triserenaga
Chapter 26: Suspicion
Chapter 27: Nolan's Assistance
Chapter 28: An Ashery Plan
Chapter 29: Mari the Goddess of Dreams and Uriel the Archangel
Chapter 30: A Clue to the Sky Temple
Chapter 31: Cora
Chapter 32: Black Mask
Chapter 33: Spar
Chapter 34: Phantom
Chapter 35: Barbados
Chapter 36: Oizys
Chapter 37: Cathedral Second Floor
Chapter 38: Cathedral First Floor
Chapter 39: Giant Boar
Chapter 40: Ansel and Evangeline
Chapter 41: Stroll
Chapter 42: A Way To The Mansion
Chapter 43: Under The Teary Eyed Moon
Chapter 44: After Effects Of The Teary Eyed Moon
Chapter 45: Mansion In The Woods
Chapter 46: Another Trap
Chapter 47: Nightmare Part 1
Chapter 48: Nightmare Part 2
Chapter 49: Chains Of The Gods
Chapter 50: Misguided
Chapter 52: A Visit

Chapter 51: After Effects

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By zlinkdlr

My body gave in and I fell onto one knee. I felt exhausted and was trying to catch to my breath. I looked at the masked man. Asurmaru jumped in front of me and picked up my longsword then prepared to fight.

"" I asked.

"I wished for this to be but another nightmare but you continue." His voice was familiar and it felt sad.

"Why?" The man took a step forward.

"Stay back!" Asurmaru yelled.

The man stayed in place.

"My job is to kill you, you know...but I still owe you a great debt." He voice grew sadder.

"And this will be the final time that I'll assist you and spare your life." He tossed a letter towards me and I managed to catch it.

He disappeared suddenly. I forced myself up and took out my knife. I turned around and he was there. I swung my knife but he disappeared.

"If I could have one wish it would be for none of this to happen, so wouldn't have to suffer any longer and we could have our leader back." He whispered in my ear.

I felt something hit the back of my neck. I saw a pool of blood, giant cages with people inside and they were chained down. I heard their chains rattle and swing. I collapsed onto the pool of blood and passed out. I opened my eyes and got up in a start. I took a look around. I was in the cell with Ezekiel, and the other two. Confetti floated around me as Ezekiel clapped and Leana patted my head.

"Congratulations for managing to break through one of your chains and take down another god." He praised.

"Audrey helped me." I responded.

"She's alive?!" Leana said. I nodded.

"She told me a few things few things about Epiales." I began to tell them everything Audrey told me.

"Epiales was just a puppet, like Mari, who was forced to do the bidding of Oizys." Selene said.

"So even our understanding of this situation was incorrect. What are those gods planning to do?" Leana was biting her nails.

She noticed me looking at her and immediately put her hand behind her back then bowed. I smiled and turned to Ezekiel.

"Speaking of gods can you tell me the location of the next one?" I asked as I leaned in closer.

"I must apologize despite our best efforts we have not been able to gather any new information about the other gods whereabouts." Ezekiel responded.

"May I suggest that you take a break? You have been working hard and have killed 3 gods so far and rescued one. You must be tired after such a feat, physically and mentally." Leana said.

Images of everyone's dead bodies flashed in my head. I started to doubt.

"I healed their injuries but they were still uncounicous. Are they really alive? Did I really save them?" I mumbled.

"I must agree with Leana. Take a break for a bit we will let you know if there is anything strange happening or there is a god. We still don't know about the new fallen angel you acquired or what powers it shall awaken in you as of now." Ezekiel said.

"Go and see if they really are alive." He added as a bell rang and everything went dark.

I opened my eyes and took a look at my surroundings. I was back at my room in the castle. I heard voices outside. My body felt heavy as I tried to get up. I pushed through it and leaned against the railing as I walked. I tripped on the final step of the stairs and collapsed onto the ground. The voices went silent then after a while they continues. I got up and stumbled to the door. When I opened my eyes, I fell onto the ground and the voices quieted down again. I pulled myself up and walked along the wall as many thoughts raced in my mind. I heard footsteps that got louder and louder. Eventually I saw everyone come out f the corner and they were standing right in front of me.

"What are you doing?" Julie asked.

"Everyone really is still alive. They are alive." I stopped leaning agaisnt the wall and stumbled towards them.

"You're alive." I mumbled.

I tripped and fell on top of Julie who tried to catch me.

"Asher?" I heard her say.

"You're alive." I mumbled again.

"You're all alive." I started to cry despite trying to hold it back.

"I'm so happy you're all still alive." I continued to cry as I felt something go over my back.

My body started to feel heavy once again and I eventually passed out. A strange image appeared in my head then disappeared then almost immediately. I only managed to make out the shadow of what looked like a person. I opened my eyes and I was back in my room, on my bed. I felt better as I sat up. I started to get off the bed. As I touched the floor it started to fill up with blood. More blood started to fall from the ceiling and came flowing out of the walls. I shook my head and the room returned to normal.

Just an illusion, I told myself.

I got up and started to get dressed. I started to leave me room but the door know started to move and I stopped. The door opened and Aegis was holding a tray with food on it.

"Oh your finally awake." she said as she walked in and set the tray down onto the nearby table.

"I'm glad that you're feeling better. You are feeling better right?" Aegis asked with a worried look.

"Yes, I am." I responded.

"So how long have I been out?" I asked.

"2 months in total." She responded.

"That's a long time." I sighed.

"Asher." I looked at Aegis and her face saddened.

"Me and Asurmaru went through your memories you know." She said.

"So you saw what happened then." I sighed.

"That fight made me have a few...regrets." I said forcing out a smiled.

Aegis still had a worried look on her face. I walked over the table and started to eat the food on the tray.

"Thanks." I said.

"And about that man you saw with the mask." I looked at Aegis.

"Yeah I lost to him." I said.

"You were exhuasted, you barely was able to even move." I shook my head.

"Even if I was at full strength, with that new power, and I fought him with everything I had. I would've lost, no doubt, he would've killed me in seconds." I sighed.

"That's a truly dangerous foe then." I nodded.

I picked up the tray.

"Well let's go and see everyone else." Aegis left the room first and I followed.

"They are all outside. I'll take that for you." Aegis took the tray and left.

"Hmm?" I walked outside and everyone looked at me.

They all came to me and kept asking if I was okay. Aegis came out and she was still carrying a worried look on her face.

"Alright what's bothering you Aegis?" I asked her.

"It's nothing." She responded.

"I know you're lying." There was a long silence before she decided to talk.

"That chant you said, worries me and I want to know the truth of it's after effects. To do that I need Asurmaru to drink your blood to find out." She blurted out.

"Is that all?" I turned to Asurmaru.

"If it helps you to be at ease, I don't mind." I said as I started exposing my neck.

"You sure about this?" Asurmaru asked.

I nodded.

"I though drinking blood was a vampire thing." Julie said as Asurmaru sank her teeth into my neck.

"Well yes and that's exactly what Asurmaru is...well part of her is. She is hybrid who carried the blood of every type of demon in her veins. Which for that reason she is treated very highly. The same goes for Aegis. They still act like normal Angels and Demons though." Asurmaru was still drinking my blood.

"Hey!" I hit her on the head and she stopped.

"Sorry but I still need to drink a little bit more." I sighed and nodded. She dug into my neck and eventually stopped.

Then bit her own arm.

"Well I'm sure now, your blood is delicious." She smiled as I covered my neck.

"Also, Asher, you're no longer human. Well not just a human. To be a bit more precise you're a half demon now. Your blood is also similar to my own, not including the human part of course." Asurmaru wiped off the blood on her mouth." I looked at Aegis.

"Well how do you feel?" She asked.

"I don't feel any sort of difference." I said as I healed my neck and Asurmaru's arm.

"I guess being a half-demon isn't really all that bad. How are you feeling?" I looked at Aegis and she looked relieved.

"I'm fine now that I know you didn't become a full demon." She smiled.

"I'm right her you know!" Asurmaru yelled.

"Sorry that's not what I meant." Aegis apologized.

"I was joking. I know what would've happened as well." Asurmaru laughed.

"What are you two talking about?" I asked.

"If you turned into a full demon and you tried to use my power, you, the other angels, and me would've been killed." Aegis explained.

"But since your only half demon you can still use my powers as usual." I tried it out and nothing happened but the spell felt stronger than before.

"Oh I should also say there is something strange in your blood. Something is sealed away and there's a strange power in your blood that I don't have but I can't tell what it is." I looked at my hand again.

"I don't know how to explain it it's really confusing to me." Asurmaru said.

"Well it's fine." I looked at Nolan.

"How are you? If I remembered right. I shared some of my strength with you." I asked.

"It stayed with me after you passed out and I think I can control it a bit better." He responded.

"What about you? You think you can do it again?" I snapped my fingers and made my chains visible.

I moved my left hand towards my right wrist chain. As I got closer my left hand turned blood red. I snapped my fingers and the chains disappeared and my hand returned to normal.

"Yes." I said as I looked back at Nolan.

"I almost forgot the king wants to see the two of us as soon as possible once you woke up." Julie said.

"Seriously?" I sighed.

"Well this is part of your job as Triserenaga if you forgot." Julie said.

"Yeah. Yeah. I know what my job is. Let's get it over with." I yawned as I started to walk away.

"Wait up." Julie called as she caught up.

"So how did you get here so fast?' I asked.

"Asurmaru figured out how to use that thing you would've used and she was able to bring us here after we woke up." She explained.

"That's good." I looked away.

"Thank you Julie." I said.

"For what?" I covered my face with my scarf.

"I'm sorry too, for crying in front of you like that and thank you for being there for me. I appreciate." Julie didn't respond and we eventually reached the place we were supposed to me the king at the courtyard.

We asked the nearest person to call the king.

"Now we just wait." Julie said.

I nodded and took out a book. I started to read it and eventually the king was coming towards us. His daughters were following close behind. I closed my book and put it back into my pouch. Me and Julie both got on our knee and lowered our heads.

"What have I told you about lowering your heads?" The king said.

"It is just something that is only proper when we are out here where most eyes can see." I explained.

Me and Julie both stood up straight.

"I'm glad to see that you are doing well, Asher." The king said.

"I'm sorry for worrying you but I am fine now." I responded.

"Now were you able to find anything new about my wife and son?" They all looked nervous.

"Yes, we managed to get into Tinter and was able to speak with the chief. He confirmed the queen and prince came by and asked for shelter. He also confirmed there being an attack to search for them." I explained.

"The chief had the two of them head to Silxion harbor, he also had his sons accompany them, and the chance of them being alive is very high. The chiefs sons are skilled in combat and obey instructions without fail." I added.

Julie walked up to the king and handed the photo of the queen to him.

"Thank you." He took the photo and looked at me.

"Did the chiefs say anything about their condition at the time?" I nodded.

"He said the queen looked half dead." I responded.

"Was that everything you were able to find?" I nodded and the king sighed.

"Asher if you mind I would like to speak with you." I looked back at Julie and she nodded.

"Follow me if you would." The king turned around and started to walk away.

His daughters followed behind and I walked behind them. I looked back and Julie already left.

The king led me to a place to where there was no one around.

"Take a seat." The king offered after I helped them.

"Thank you." I sat down on the chair.

"I wanted to talk to you about what happened two months. I believe you saw the asteroid in the sky correct?" I nodded.

"Did you feel the quakes as well? We have been getting reports that the other villages felt it too." I looked at my hands.

What would've happened if I didn't use that barrier? I need to learn how to control that power better. I told myself.

"On top of that strange barrier appeared in the sky and the ground. Did you see it as well?" I nodded again.

"Then you came with the others unconscious. Do you know the cause of these occurrences?" The king looked at me and I didn't respond.

"If you will not tell me then I shall find out for myself." He said.

"I don't think you'll be able to handle what you will be able to see." I said.

The king moved his hand closer to me.

Suddenly his hand became covered in blood and the king turned into a man with a devilish grin. The king touched my forehead and the princess grabbed his shoulders.

"No!" The king removed his hand then he collapsed and so did the princesses. I looked away out of fear.

"W-w-w-what was that?" Princess Angel asked.

I looked back at them. Fear swirled around them and it was strong especially around the princesses.

"I guess now is probably the right time to tell you everything." I sighed.

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