Collided Fate: Book 1

By zlinkdlr

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This is a world of Angels and Demon. These beings harness incredible power. We human have learned to control... More

Info of Main Character
Chapter 1: Fake Loser
Chapter 2: Aegis and Asurmaru
Chapter 3: The Ceremony
Chapter 4: Holy Knight
Chapter 5: Angel Slayer
Chapter 6: Hellos and Goodbyes
Chapter 7: A New Promise
Chapter 8: Campfire Mark
Chapter 9: The New Triserenaga and His Fate
Chapter 10: School Again
Chapter 11: The Old Ones Weapon
Chapter 12: Tippleton
Chapter 13: Trapped Angel
Chapter 14: Nolan
Chapter 15: Chains Of Fate
Chapter 16: Astral Beings from Within
Chapter 17: Fusion and the Shadow Merchant
Chapter 18: New Swords
Chapter 19: A Trap
Chapter 20: Milfar
Chapter 21: New Clothes and Infiltration
Chapter 22: New Skabelse
Chapter 23: Belphagor
Chapter 24: Return
Chapter 25: Daughter of the Previous Triserenaga
Chapter 26: Suspicion
Chapter 27: Nolan's Assistance
Chapter 28: An Ashery Plan
Chapter 29: Mari the Goddess of Dreams and Uriel the Archangel
Chapter 30: A Clue to the Sky Temple
Chapter 31: Cora
Chapter 32: Black Mask
Chapter 33: Spar
Chapter 34: Phantom
Chapter 35: Barbados
Chapter 36: Oizys
Chapter 37: Cathedral Second Floor
Chapter 38: Cathedral First Floor
Chapter 39: Giant Boar
Chapter 40: Ansel and Evangeline
Chapter 41: Stroll
Chapter 43: Under The Teary Eyed Moon
Chapter 44: After Effects Of The Teary Eyed Moon
Chapter 45: Mansion In The Woods
Chapter 46: Another Trap
Chapter 47: Nightmare Part 1
Chapter 48: Nightmare Part 2
Chapter 49: Chains Of The Gods
Chapter 50: Misguided
Chapter 51: After Effects
Chapter 52: A Visit

Chapter 42: A Way To The Mansion

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By zlinkdlr

We left the cave and the ball of light disappeared.

"So what's your plan?" Julie asked.

"Plan for what?" I asked back as I dried my sword.

"The prisoners, what are we going to do with them." She explained.

"When you use the word 'prisoner' like that it sounds like we captured them. Although I am planning to have Elder Chief handle for us, but first we must take care of a few things first." I opened a dark corridor.

"Head back to the camp. Tell everyone to split up everyone by gender." I tugged on my glove.

"Why?" She asked.

"I'm going to go look for something." I grinned and jumped onto a nearby tree branch.

"Wake everyone up I shouldn't be too long." Julie nodded and walked in the dark corridor.

I turned around and started my search. I stopped and sniffed the air. I found the scent I was looking for and I followed. Eventually I managed to find two of them. I dropped a coin at both and returned to the camp. Julie managed to get everyone in two lines. One of men and the other women. I threw a coin infront of Julie.

"Good job." I opened the dark corridors.

"Well then me and Nolan will take the men. You three take the woman. Come Skylark." Aegis and Asurmaru nodded.

Once we passed through the corridor we were at a hot spring. Skylark got off my shoulder.

"So how did you find this?" Nolan asked.

"Well I followed its scent. There was a bear here as well as the other one. I asked them to use it and I gave some fish to it." I sighed.

"You payed it?" I nodded.

"With fish." I added.

"The problem here is that you payed it." I shrugged.

"It was interesting experience." I set my swords off to the side.

"I wonder if it'll affect them. Maybe I should polish them." While we relaxed I asked them where everyone else lived originally.

Some of them completely forgot where lived and some remembered.

After a while we regrouped, and I took those who remembered as close as I could take them to their home through a dark corridor. There was only twelve of them left in total. I explained to them as we went over back to the Elder Chief's house.

"I have a favor to ask of you Elder." I bowed.

"We found these people in a prison under the Cathedral. None of them remember where they are from. I was wondering if you'll take them in." I begged.

"Very well. It's nice to welcome new faces." The Chief laughed.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Oh I should probably mention something. If you could can you not send them into any sort of combat, unless they are willing, that's what they only did at the Cathedral." He nodded.

I left the room and told everyone the news. We left after saying bye. I called for Storm while everyone went to go get their horses.

"Hey Asher what was in that paper you got at the Cathedral." Mari asked. Everyone came back.

"Oh." I went through my pouch and found the paper.

I unfolded the paper. It was a map and an X on it. A description was written on the side.

"Working AR-15 inside abandoned armory." I turned to Mari.

"Do you know what an AR-15 is?" She looked at me with a confused look.

"How did you get your gun?" I shrugged.

"I heard a rumor about it and asked my Uncle to get it for me." Mari face palmed.

"An AR-15 is a different type gun from your pistol, it's a type of assault rifle." I turned to Nolan.

"Maybe you can use this one." I said.

"No!" A hail of voices roared in my head.

I placed my hand on my head. The voices eventually died down.

"Are you okay?" Julie asked.

"I'm fine." I stood up straight and shook my head.

"So then what do you want to do? Go to the mansion or to this armory to get this gun?" Nolan asked.

The voices came back but they yelled. "Find us!" And "Reunite us! Reunion!" The voices kept on growing louder and louder.

I felt something touch my shoulder and the voices faded away.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Julie asked.

"Yeah I am fine." I shook my head and looked at the paper again.

"The armory isn't close at all, so we'll head to the mansion and check it out." I waited for those voices to come but they didn't.

I folded the paper again and put it back into my pouch. I mounted Storm then lifted Mari up.

"It was near a shore right?" I asked.

Nolan nodded.

"Then it should be a bit more west according to Cora." I sighed.

"Should we head to the harbor then?" Mari asked.

"No that's in the other direction but in the map it was this way." I pointed behind us.

"Besides the harbor is much farther, it's not even in Suane." I added.

"That far? But the said nearest harbor." Mari said.

"Yeah that sadly the nearest harbor." That made me remember something.

"Mari can you hand me that book you had?" Mari placed the book on my hand.

"Right here." I looked at the book.

"I'll keep this for you so you don't have to lug it around. I'll give it when we stop to rest. Sound good?" Mari nodded.

I put the book into my pouch and looked around before going. After a while we finally got out of the woods. I looked up into the sky.

"3 hours left till sundown and still no suitable place to rest." I told myself.

I looked around.

"No shore, not even a mansion." Aegis groaned.

There was a group of people, on horseback, coning towards us.

"Mari hide your face." I whispered.

She nodded and put her hood on. I kept my hand close enough to my knife to draw without bringing suspicion. We passed them without a problems but I caught their scents.

"Seems I was right." I sighed.

"Mari stay on Storm." I drew my great sword and jumped off Storm.

I rested the sword on my shoulder.

"I'm sure you noticed as well so let's get this over with." I heard something coming towards else.

"Great." The two on the horse's laughed as they dismounted their horses.

Their presence became clearer. The two Skabelse's had a lantern in one hand and a book in the other that appeared out of the air. More Skabelse with bows and arrows nocked came out of the trees.

"Well then." Nolan and Julie got off from their horse, Skylark went into his adult form, and went around Mari.

I charged at the ones holding lanterns. The book started to glow red, and a ball of fire came out of it, then came at me.

"Hmm. Is this it?" I jumped over the fire and brought my sword down onto them but they put up a barrier.

I planted my feet onto the ground and hopped over them. I landed behind it. I thrusted my sword forward and shattered the barrier. I put my free hand on the grip and swung the sword around in a circle, cutting one of the Skabelse in half. I shattered the other Skabelse's barrier but it disappeared before my sword could reach it. I took out my gun and turned around. I fired a bullet and a scream came from the direction I fired the bullet. I put both my gun and sword away. I looked back. The book and lantern turned into flesh and slowly disappeared.

Are they part of its body as well? I used my hook and pulled a Skabelse down from a tree.

Nolan came down and killed the Skabelse. I heard something coming from the woods. By its presence it was huge and familiar.

"Reinforcements?" Julie complained.

"Seems like it." Nolan sighed.

A tree came flying at us. We both moved to the side.

"Nolan come with me. Julie stay with Mari. You too Skylark." I drew my longsword and I cut a tree down.

Nolan picked it up and threw it. A loud roar came after the sound of a loud crash.

"Nice aim." I smiled.

"Thanks." I took my gun out and encased my sword in lighting.

The giant Skabelse from the cave with Seth showed up.

"Is this it? I summoned Remiel.

"This again?" He complained.

"Well it doesn't seem to be as strong as before though." I said.

"Wait again? You fought this monster before when?" Me and Nolan went into an offensive stance.

"In a cave back at Milfar." The Skabelse had a giant spear instead of an axe.

It attacked and we dodged its spear.

"Why?" Remiel pinned it's arm with pillars of light and water.

"I thought I told you. To kill a god." We each took a different arm.

We dragged our swords on its arm.

"You fought this and a god?" We then cut off its arm completely and landed back onto the ground.

"This one is a bit weaker than the one from before." We cut off its legs and Remiel blew it's head off.

"How so?" Nolan froze the body.

"Maybe it was being supplied with the gods power and this one clearly isn't." I caused the ice to shatter with a fateball.

"Thanks Remiel." I put my gun and sword away.

I closed my eyes.

"Doesn't seem like there is any more of them. Let's head back to everyone else." Nolan said as he sheathed his sword.

"Okay." I nodded.

We ran back and they were waiting by the horses.

"Did anything else attack when we were gone?" I asked.

"No." Skylark responded.

"Good." I mounted Storm.

"Why can't you be like this when we have to protect the princesses?" Julie sighed.

"I don't know." I said.

"Liar." I shrugged it off and looked up at the sky.

"That didn't take to long, huh?" I told myself.

"We should probably start looking for a place to camp. That's what you're thinking right, Asher?" Skylark said as he jumped in front of me.

I nodded.

"How long do we have till sundown?" Aegis asked.

"Less than 3 hours." I answered.

"We better start looking then if we plan to eat soon." Asurmaru said.

"What's up with you and food?" I sighed.

"Yup. Food. Food." She chanted.

I listened to what all the Angels and Demons were saying.

"She really hasn't changed at all." Barbados laughed.

The other demons agreed.

"Oh be quiet." Asurmaru's voice chimed in.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"You heard us didn't you?!" Asurmaru yelled at me.

"Yeah I did." I admitted.

"Hmph." Asurmaru looked away and crossed her arms.

"Were they being loud again?" She nodded.

"I only started listening when you started chanting." I said.

She looked at me.

"I promise." She smiled then went on to continue chanting.

"Wow." I sighed.

We split up into two groups. Me, Mari, and Skylark in one group, and everyone else in the other. After a while I heard Aegis say they found a good place and already got started. I threw a coin in front of us and made the corridor big enough for Storm and us to fit in. We appeared where everyone was. I looked around and nodded.

"This should do." I looked up at the sky once more.

"Less than 2 hours." I announced quietly.

"For what?" Mari asked.

"Oh you heard me. We have less than 2 hours until nightfall." I repeated.

Nolan and Julie went off to search for food. Me and Mari went off to pick up firewood while Skylark went to go to practice.

"What's Skylark doing?" Mari asked.

"He's doing something I should be doing." I answered.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Well...originally the owner of a maglin is supposed to be training to be able to send their magic through an invisible flow between the owner and Maglin." I responded.

"Flow? What flow?" I laughed.

"I did say it was invisible. The flow is invisible to others but it starts from a catalyst to the maglin." I continued.

"So then what's the catalyst for Skylark?" I showed her my ring.

"So it wasn't for show?" I shook my head.

"Skylark tells me my magic is strange and he needs to get used to it." I explained.

"So then when you transfer magic through this flow Skylark just becomes bigger? Is it the same with all other maglin?" She asked.

"Yes and no. A maglin has three forms. Sometimes for some people maintaining the first form or, pup form, might prove difficult. But that itself is pretty rare." I answered.

"The second form, or adult form, is when the master send more magic to the maglin. Then the maglin can change their shape, in Skylarks case he become a lot bigger than an adult wolf. In this form they can use the same Arts as the master." I continued.

"That's what Skylark's problem right?" I nodded.

"The 3rd form, or mythology persona, where the maglin becomes a mythical creature but that's extremely rare for that to happen." Nightfall came and the moon was blue.

Clouds begin to cover the sky.

"The Teary Eyed Moon!"

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