Collided Fate: Book 1

By zlinkdlr

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This is a world of Angels and Demon. These beings harness incredible power. We human have learned to control... More

Info of Main Character
Chapter 1: Fake Loser
Chapter 2: Aegis and Asurmaru
Chapter 3: The Ceremony
Chapter 4: Holy Knight
Chapter 5: Angel Slayer
Chapter 6: Hellos and Goodbyes
Chapter 7: A New Promise
Chapter 8: Campfire Mark
Chapter 9: The New Triserenaga and His Fate
Chapter 10: School Again
Chapter 11: The Old Ones Weapon
Chapter 12: Tippleton
Chapter 13: Trapped Angel
Chapter 14: Nolan
Chapter 15: Chains Of Fate
Chapter 16: Astral Beings from Within
Chapter 17: Fusion and the Shadow Merchant
Chapter 18: New Swords
Chapter 19: A Trap
Chapter 20: Milfar
Chapter 21: New Clothes and Infiltration
Chapter 22: New Skabelse
Chapter 23: Belphagor
Chapter 24: Return
Chapter 25: Daughter of the Previous Triserenaga
Chapter 26: Suspicion
Chapter 27: Nolan's Assistance
Chapter 29: Mari the Goddess of Dreams and Uriel the Archangel
Chapter 30: A Clue to the Sky Temple
Chapter 31: Cora
Chapter 32: Black Mask
Chapter 33: Spar
Chapter 34: Phantom
Chapter 35: Barbados
Chapter 36: Oizys
Chapter 37: Cathedral Second Floor
Chapter 38: Cathedral First Floor
Chapter 39: Giant Boar
Chapter 40: Ansel and Evangeline
Chapter 41: Stroll
Chapter 42: A Way To The Mansion
Chapter 43: Under The Teary Eyed Moon
Chapter 44: After Effects Of The Teary Eyed Moon
Chapter 45: Mansion In The Woods
Chapter 46: Another Trap
Chapter 47: Nightmare Part 1
Chapter 48: Nightmare Part 2
Chapter 49: Chains Of The Gods
Chapter 50: Misguided
Chapter 51: After Effects
Chapter 52: A Visit

Chapter 28: An Ashery Plan

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By zlinkdlr

We both laughed and met back up with everyone. I put my sword away, Nolan did the same.

"Are we all good to go?" Everyone nodded.

I mounted Storm and started heading west. Nightfall came. Me and Nolan went out hunting, while Julie and everyone else gathered some firewood. Once everything was done, I studied Seth's hook and wire. Nolan sat down next to me.

"What is that?" I showed it to him.

"I got it from the last god I fought. He was able to move around pretty quickly and pull you towards him with it." I said.

"Try using it." I shrugged and got ready.

I followed the same motion as Seth did and the hook latched onto a tree in front of me. Nothing happened. I pulled my arm slightly back and I was pulled towards the tree. The hook came off the tree as soon as I got close. I was able to stop myself from hitting the tree. I walked back to Nolan.

"Can I try?" he asked. I nodded and handed the hook and wire to him.

He copied me but he failed a few times but it gave me an idea.

"Hey you mind if I can see that again?" I asked.

He gave it back. I threw a bunch of coins around the place.

"Why did you throw money away like that?!" I laughed.

"It's not money. It's...something...I don't know what exactly it is." I opened up multiple doors and shot the hook through them.

It hit a tree behind me. I pulled my arm back and went through all the doors and came face to face with a tree. I swung around the tree and landed on top of a branch.

"It worked." I jumped back down on the ground.

I pulled out my gun and fired a bullet into the same one I went in. A large hole appeared in the tree behind me.

"Cool what else can I do." My mind started going crazy, Nolan put his hands on my shoulder.

"Okay Asher that's enough. You'll destroy this place with a fate ball if you keep going." I listened to him since that sounded like a good idea.

"Fate ball. You mean...that's a lot better name than the one I thought of. Mind if I use that?" Nolan nodded.

"Sure. Just as long as you don't blow up the area." I sighed and picked up all the coins before they grew into the ground.

After I finished I took some food, then jumped onto a tree branch and lied down. I noticed Nolan talking to Julie and Aegis. Asurmaru was sleeping with Skylark watching over her. I decided to go to sleep as well. I watched people get burned alive and chained then drowned that night. I hated how they would turn to my direction, seconds before dying. It felt like at that moment they could see me. I woke up in a cold sweat. I calmed myself down before heading down. Nolan was already up.

"Your eyes are puffy. What was it this time?" He asked.

"Burning and drowning." I looked at Nolan.

"I think they can see me moments before they die." I sighed.

"Anyways why are you up so early, Nolan?" He looked at me disappointingly.

"Thanks Nolan." He smiled.

"No problem." I looked up at the sky.

"It's a beautiful day." I stretched.

"We got some leftover food from yesterday if you want some." I nodded and ate with him. He raised up my sleeves.

"When?" I asked.

"When you jumped up to the tree branch like always. So are these marks a bad thing?" I put my hand on my shoulder and rolled my neck, then looked at my food.

"A good thing. I can carry as many Angels and Demons as I want. Or at least I can hold at least a good amount of them." I rolled both of my sleeves up.

"As I get form more, my contracts will grow up my arm. When it stops entirely I do not know." I rolled my sleeves back down.

"Hey Asher can you do me a favor?" Nolan asked.

"Sure." I got a bad feeling from this.

"It's a bit cold can you make a fire." I lifted his hand.

"You have a demon contract." I let go of his wrist.

"Please?" he begged.

"Fine." I groaned.

I held out my hand and made a flame. Nolan smiled and dived at me. He started rubbing my ears.

"So fluffy." I put out the flame and kicked him in the gut.

"So that was what you true intention after all! If that was what you wanted why not do it to Asurmaru." I thought about it for a second.

"No, she defiantly would've burned you then freeze you, then throw you into the depths of the earth, or hell." Nolan started laughing and I couldn't help myself from laughing as well.

I heard Skylark's voice and turned around. Julie's arms were wrapped around Skylark.

"Help me!" whispered Skylark.

"What's wrong?" I whispered back.

"Sorry to interrupt your bonding time but she grabbed me and I can't get free!" He hissed.

Nolan walked over and put his hands together.

"Rest in peace." He walked away.

"Get back here!" Skylark looked at me.

"You won't leave me to die will you? I am choking here." I sighed and bent down.

I gently grabbed Julie's wrist and moved it. Julie moved into an even harder position to free Skylark.

"How did you even get into this position? You were next to Asurmaru the night before." I asked.

"I don't know I was sleeping on my own, then I am here now." I finally was able to free Skylark by launching him to the sky.

In that same moment Julie grabbed me and pulled me towards her. She wrapped her arms around me and locked her legs. I tried to break free but her grip was stronger than what I thought. Julie's eyes twitched.

"Well I am going to die." Her eyes opened slowly.

"Hello." I said nervously. Julie's face went red, then she screamed and punched me in the face.

Julie pointed her blade at me.

"Wait! Wait!" I begged.

She reluctantly pulled her blade back the more I explained everything. Skylark landed between us. Julie then apologized to me and Skylark.

Nolan came back.

"Oh you guys made it out alive. I knew you could do it." He held gave us a thumbs up.

"No thanks to you." growled Skylark.

I did my best not to laugh. I looked over at Aegis and Asurmaru who were still sleeping.

"How are they still asleep? I almost went deaf from Julie's scream, then again I was right next to her but still." I felt a furious rage behind me and moved my head to the side and Julie's fist was next to me.

"Sorry." I apologized.

We waited for Aegis and Asurmaru to wake up.

"Hey how will we even find these gods?" Nolan asked.

"No idea really. The last two times was purely by chance really. All I know is that there is one westwards." I shrugged.

"So we'll leave it by chance again?" Julie sighed.

"Sounds like a very Ashery plan." joked Nolan.

"Yeah I guess it is but we don't really have any way to really tracked them down as of now." Aegis and Asurmaru finally woke up.

"You two amazed me today." They looked at me confused. I didn't bother explaining.

"So if we have no idea how to find a god, will we just have to search the entire area?" I looked at Nolan then back a Julie.

"Have you ever been to the kingdom of Suane? Or at least know how it works." Julie shook her head.

Me and Nolan sighed.

"So how should we break it to her? You want to start then I'll go." I asked Nolan.

He shrugged.

"Well for starters, Suane works a bit different from Millennia and Milfar, like there kings, Suane still has a king of course." Nolan tapped my shoulder.

"Although the king is simply a public image. They still live as a king and announce orders and new laws but there is a group telling what orders the king has to give." I added.

"So who's giving the orders then?" Me and Nolan played a quick game or rock, paper, scissors. I won.

"So this might be a bit weird but the student council of a certain school is actually running the place." I tapped Nolan.

"We already know which school thanks to Asher and his father but we can't say it out loud." I nodded.

"So then do you guys think it's in that group?" We shook our heads.

"Well maybe but it will have to be an imposter." Nolan got up and mounted Dagger.

"Well let's go shall we?" I got up and called Storm.

We managed to reach the next town and we dismounted our horses. I felt like we forgot to tell Julie something. We walked in through the gates and everyone's eyes were pointed at us. "What am I forgetting about this place?" I looked at Nolan who was looking at me. We both shrugged. A bunch of kids that looked familiar started calling our names.

"That's it!" Me and Nolan said in unison.

"What's going on?" Julie said hiding behind us.

"You're supposed be a Triserenaga but its fine. We spent most of our time in this place when my father traveled. So we ended up getting to know everyone like Yedda." I carried two kids on my arms and another rode on my shoulders.

"You guys got bigger since the last time I say you all." The kid on my shoulder started pulling my hair.

Their parents came and picked them up. After we greeted everyone they returned to the daily lives. I sighed and rest my arm on my blade. I spotted some unfamiliar head into an alley. Nolan seemed to notice it as well.

"Julie stay here a second." Me and Nolan moved over to the same alley with our hands on swords hilts.

We watched and followed them man. We ended up surrounding him.

"Who are you?" Nolan asked.

"I should be the one asking you two that!"

A familiar woman walked up to us.

"Asher? Nolan? Did my husband do something wrong." asked the woman.

"Huh?" We removed our hands from our swords.

"Sorry miss we didn't recognize him so we thought he was up to something strange." I explained.

"Its fine he moved her with me after we got married two weeks ago. So I guess he was about to get lost again." The woman slapped the man in the back and laughed.

"Again we are sorry." Me and Nolan bowed.

"Its fine you were just worried." Reassured the man.

"Anyways congratulations on your marriage." We watched them leave.

"So were they lying or telling the truth?" asked Nolan.

"Nope they were telling the truth and if they were gods they probably would've attacked me without hesitation." I answered.

We walked back to everyone.

"So what exactly happened?" asked Aegis.

"Nothing really much." I sighed.

"Anyways let's split and look around the village. This place isn't that big so we'll meet back here at sunset." Me, Nolan, and Skylark took the west side of the village.

Aegis, Asurmaru, and Julie took the east.

"Are they going to be okay?" asked Nolan.

"If you're worried about Julie, she will be fine. She has Aegis and Asurmaru with her and she is strong. If it's the other one then I don't know." I answered.

I heard someone yelling.

"Stop!" Over and over again.

A girl with black hair in a ponytail and blood-red eyes, came out of the crowd. She looked about 12 and had a scared expression on her face.

"Help me!" She yelled at me.

Two guards came through the crowd. The girl hid behind me.

"Please help me!" She begged.

Her presence, it's faint and familiar, but this little girl, she is a god.

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