Collided Fate: Book 1

By zlinkdlr

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This is a world of Angels and Demon. These beings harness incredible power. We human have learned to control... More

Info of Main Character
Chapter 1: Fake Loser
Chapter 2: Aegis and Asurmaru
Chapter 3: The Ceremony
Chapter 5: Angel Slayer
Chapter 6: Hellos and Goodbyes
Chapter 7: A New Promise
Chapter 8: Campfire Mark
Chapter 9: The New Triserenaga and His Fate
Chapter 10: School Again
Chapter 11: The Old Ones Weapon
Chapter 12: Tippleton
Chapter 13: Trapped Angel
Chapter 14: Nolan
Chapter 15: Chains Of Fate
Chapter 16: Astral Beings from Within
Chapter 17: Fusion and the Shadow Merchant
Chapter 18: New Swords
Chapter 19: A Trap
Chapter 20: Milfar
Chapter 21: New Clothes and Infiltration
Chapter 22: New Skabelse
Chapter 23: Belphagor
Chapter 24: Return
Chapter 25: Daughter of the Previous Triserenaga
Chapter 26: Suspicion
Chapter 27: Nolan's Assistance
Chapter 28: An Ashery Plan
Chapter 29: Mari the Goddess of Dreams and Uriel the Archangel
Chapter 30: A Clue to the Sky Temple
Chapter 31: Cora
Chapter 32: Black Mask
Chapter 33: Spar
Chapter 34: Phantom
Chapter 35: Barbados
Chapter 36: Oizys
Chapter 37: Cathedral Second Floor
Chapter 38: Cathedral First Floor
Chapter 39: Giant Boar
Chapter 40: Ansel and Evangeline
Chapter 41: Stroll
Chapter 42: A Way To The Mansion
Chapter 43: Under The Teary Eyed Moon
Chapter 44: After Effects Of The Teary Eyed Moon
Chapter 45: Mansion In The Woods
Chapter 46: Another Trap
Chapter 47: Nightmare Part 1
Chapter 48: Nightmare Part 2
Chapter 49: Chains Of The Gods
Chapter 50: Misguided
Chapter 51: After Effects
Chapter 52: A Visit

Chapter 4: Holy Knight

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By zlinkdlr

People's hair and eye colors change due to the contract they have formed. Based on the color, it represents the Arts you can learn. Not for everyone though. My hair and eyes stayed the same but it changes depending on whether I use Aegis's or Asurmaru's power. I never really payed much attention to it though, so I don't know what color they change to. No one told me, except for the fact that it changes. The princess moved her head to look at all of us.

"Some of you may have heard, but we are currently in war with Zuanu. Things have turned for the worst and we are in desperate need of more soldiers," She announced, "We will have some of you be moved up to the front lines and some will be stationed at different cities to hold them down if the front falls."

"Now then," The princess held up her arms towards us. "In the name of my father, James Millenia, the King of  Millenia, those in front of me will become Holy Knights. Now stand."

We all slowly rose up, hearing cheers around us, but they were immediatly hused again as the Princess raised her hand.

"Everyone else will become knights and will be split into groups to fight in the war. The new Holy Knights in front of me, will be your leader in these new platoons. Now, newly appointed Holy Knights will receive gifts from the royal family, provided by father. In hopes you will serve our kingdom valiantly." She pointed over to where people were coming from with clothes, horses, and raw ores.

There was one horse that caught my eye and stood out from the rest. It was a light brown horse with a black mane. Unlike every other horse, there was no rider. The man holding the reins of the horse looked at me. He walked up to me and handed me the reins. I noticed the horse immediatley glare at me when I grabbed them. I wanted to stare at it back, but the man started to talk and I turned my attention to him.

"This one here listens only to the one he trusts. He is a free spirit but if you were to call for him he'd come faster than you think. He'll trust anyone the master trusts. Of course he'll have his say. If you ain't the one, good luck sir," He chuckled.

He handed me a gold and white colored clothing and chain mail that was under the cloths, it was surprisingly light. I felt a strange aura from the ores, which reminded me of something in class when we were talking about ores with a unique power. I led the horse to a nearby stable and left him with the stableboy as I went over to a room in the ceremony site where I could change .

This is seems similiar to the style of the Old Ones, I thought to myself.

I put on the coat, something hit my chest when I put it on, there was an inside pocket with something sticking out. There was a book placed inside, I took it out, on the cover was the contract symbol. I flipped open the book and inside was my name. I flipped to the next page, it was blank, there wasn't anything written on the pages, no words, scriptures, not even a picture. I wiped the page with my right hand, as if it reacted to my action, the page glimmered brightly and words began to appear. The first word was Angel, underneath a list of Arts appeared. The Arts were categorized by the different types of Arts, Oratalasis(Illusion), Mertphitan(Arnemant), Unkamorta(Unique), Biorkoltina(Physical Body Improvment), Ruinirdeleste(Sealing), Ketimesterin(Healing), Physiolenoe(Alternations of surroundings). From the different types it was sorted by class, Rook, Intermidiate, Royal, Demigod, Divine, and Eternal. There was 6 pages of it.

Huh. Interesting. This is pretty handy for me, I told myself.

I flipped past the pages until there was a blank page, I put my left hand over the page. The same thing happened again, except instead of Angel, the word Demon took its place. There was different Arts and Spells as well. It was the same length as the Angel one. I realized that I should be going back so I closed the book and set it aside.

I checked the other pockets. There was a pouch in one of my pockets for some reason. I strapped the pouch around my waist. I opened the pouch and treid to put one of the ores inside. The pouch expanded to the side of the ore and it slipped inside. I put the rest that was given to me inside of it, the pouch returned to it's original size and it's weight was the same as if there was nothing in it. I ran back to the arena. Everyone who has been appointed a holy knight has already beaten me there. I kneeled before the princess along with the other Holy Knights beside me.

"Is this everyone? Good, I am sure you all have heard the rumors of once you become a Holy Knight you will recive a single wish, correct?" We all nodded.

"I am sorry to disappoint, but that's a rumor we made up to get more people to try and become Holy Knights." She said.

Well I guess it was only a rumor, I'll have to figure something else out for now, I told myself.

"Becuase of this, there is no reason to listen to what I have to say now, not after what I have said and I have no right to ask anything of you right now." The princess got on her knees, she was crying.

"Please help me. I need to ask one of you here to kill the Angel Slayer. Please!" Her tears hit the floor.

I noticed Keandra looking at me, I sensed an aura of anxity around her. The room went quiet and you could only hear the princesss crying and the sound of her tears hitting the ground.

Still haven't changed huh?

"Please." I stood up and walked to the princess.

I kneeled down and lifted her head and gave her a smile.

"A princess shouldn't be like this. You must stand and act strong for your kingdom. You're an example to your people." I stood up straight and put my hand over my chest.

"Princess, allow me to do this, let me take on this task." The princess wiped her tears and stood up.

Keandra put her hand on my shoulder.

"Asher please don't do this, you know what the Angel Slayer is capable of. He defeated an entire army on his own." I turned around to face her. Keandra was the one who was crying now.

"You still worry too much don't you just like always." I smiled, "Don't you trust me?"

Keandra nodded.

"Then don't worry. I'll give a small portion of my strength to SkyLark. If I am in danger I'll be drawing power from him and Skylark will return to his puplike state. I'll leave if I am in that situation." I held my hand infront of Skylark's face.

I transferred some of Aegis's and Asurmaru's power along with a little bit of my own in him. Skylark became a fully grown wolf and grew as tall as I was.

"Protect her for me will you?" I whispered in his ear.

He nodded and walked over to Keandra's side.

"Asher, correct? Please follow me." Spoke the princess.

"She doesn't seem to remember me. Well I guess that's for the best," I said to myself.

I turned around and followed.

"Everyone else head to the battlefield, there are men outside who shall give you your first assigments and the soliders you shall be leading into battle," The princess ordered.

We entered an empty room with a single window. I closed the door behind me as the princess looked out the window. I noticed there was a faint glow around the Princess.

"The Angel Slayer has captured the King along with me and my sisters," She stopped looking at the window and faced me then bowed, "I beg of you please save my family."

"I have been wanting to take this Angel Slayer down myself for a while now. He has something I want, I'll add saving you guys to the list, so don't worry I'll save you guys without a doubt." I gave her a thumbs up as she raised her head.

"Thank you I'll make sure that father will pay you handsomely." I shook my head.

"Keep the money. I only desire what the Angel Slayer has on him. Just tell me where Slayer's lair is." The princess nodded and pointed at the window.

"Head south from here up past the mountains and you should see a forest that is a maze. Should be few hours to take to reach if you can navigate the maze. There should be a cave entrance hidden by an illusion Art, we are in there." She disappeared.

"So that's Princess Angel's Ortalasis Art: Wandering Soul"

I walked up to the window and saw a mountain in the distance. I turned around and left the room. I looked for the horse that was given to me. When I found him in a stable he had glared at me and I glared back. I kept my eyes on him as I moved to his side. I mounted him and the horse stopped looking at me. I waited for a while but nothing happened.

"Hey, you mind if I call you Storm?" I asked him.

He didn't throw me off of his back or anything. He just snorted.

"I am going to take that as a yes, if you don't mind" I rubbed my hand on his neck.

I gently squeezed Storms stomach with my legs for him to start running. He immediatly took off and Storm was faster than any horse than I have ever rode on before that I was caught off guard. Without me telling Storm anything, he was already heading to the south entrance of the village. On my way I stopped and bought a cloak to hide my face. I countinued heading towards the south entrance. As soon as we reached the south entrance I took off the glove on my left hand and placed it inside of my pouch. Storm managed to make it over te mountain quickly and I was able to see a forest. I got lucky and passed through an Illusion art by coincidence and managed to find the enterance to a cave. I pulled back Storm's reins, and hid in the trees.

"You're free to do what you want. Just come back when I call for you," I whispered to him.

I leaped off Storm and landed on top of a tree branch. I examined the cave. There were two goblins patroling each end of the cave. I looked up at the sky. 2 Screechers. I was always disgusted by them. They had circular heads with no eyes or mouth. Tiny pieces of them would fall off of them and disintegrate and then regenerate back onto them. They made sounds like horns. I never understood why they called them Screechers. I summoned my weapon and made it into a bow and arrows

I nocked an arrow on the bow string and aimed at one of the Screechers. I released it and it hit the Screechers head. The Screecher cried out in pain. I nocked another arrow and aimed it at the other one. I released it and I hit it's head again. They both gently floated down and disintegrate completely. I heard something from behind and quickly turned around and nocked another arrow. I followed the sound. Left, right, below. The rustling came in that order. I fired the arrow. Something appeared out of nowhere and punched me in the stomach. I lost my balance and fell of the tree branch.

Dang it. I only nicked it in the arm, I told myself.

I got up from my fall and picked up my bow. I changed it back into it's greatsword form. I held it out in preparation of an attack.

"Come out and face me." I called out.

The sound of rustling from the branches came from infront of me. They grew louder and louder. A very tall figure appeared infront of me. He was hidden by the shadows. It was about 20 feet tall. It's weapon looked like a Haliade but based on it's size it would be considered and Double-edged sword. He stepped into the moonlight. He was muscular and blue skinned. He was wearing boots and wearing a loin cloth and a bronze helmet that completely hid his face. I took step back to keep some distance.

"You're a Zuniton aren't you." I said.

"Are we afraid little human. I thought you would've looked stronger since you manage to get through the maze with ease." He laughed as he took a step foward.

"Well it was only a fluke," I thought to myself as I shook my head.

"I am going to give you one chance. A warning to stay out of my way." The Zuniton smacked his knees.

"You warn me? No human it should be me to warn you not to go any further." I sensed fear from his words.

"I'm sorry but I won't be leaving anytime soon. I'll kill you and then kill the Angel Slayer." The Zuniton threw his blade at me.

I dodged it and dodged it again when it came back.

"Bold words for something so small. Alas I have to give you credit for even wanting to fight. Very well I shall indulge you." He gestured his sword into challenging me to a duel.

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