Tahani's Reality (Urban)

By UrbanDynasty089

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Tahani Lowars is a seventeen year old innocent teenager grown up in a conservative religious household. Bouje... More

|Look Out|
|Run Ya Mouth|
|Fighting For Your Life|
|How TF|
|Gotten Worse|
|Sand Castles|
|Home Is The Same But I'm Not|
|Drinks & Molly|
|Stuck On My Mind|
|Love The Way You Lie|
|Remember Me|
|Fill In The Blanks|
|Mama Hates For Things To Change|
|Distance Is Better For the Heart|
|New Lives|
|There's Always A Tahani|
|Holla If You Need Me|
|A Real Friend Would Never|
|Dead In An Instant|
|In Denial|
|The Night We Met|
|Regret Is A New Thing|
|I Wish We Never|
|Imported Pt1|
|Imported Pt2|
|Honesty Set Me Free|
|Introducing Suhdel|
|Revenge For Who I Love|
|Missing My Family Like Crazy|
|Hiding Secrets|
|You Blessed Me|
|All Your Fault|
|Broken Up|
|Baby Momma Favoritsm|
|Marry Me|
|Jealousy Looks Bad On You|

|Dinner Table Talk|

958 58 52
By UrbanDynasty089

•Miguel Garcia•

I walked in the field of roses that my mom planted. Making my way all the way to the back where my older fourteen year old brother is hidden crying. "H-he's going to find me." He sobs.

I look over my shoulder a force of habit. Fear creeping up my eleven year old back that he's behind me. "Maybe if you keep hiding he won't."

"Ronica snuck out to see her boyfriend again, I-I was supposed to watch to make sure she didn't but I....I was playing the game and got distracted." He tries his best to explain but he's crying really hard.

I look out in the distance before glancing back at my older brother. "Go to the store. I'll tell dad I was supposed to stand watch."

Rico instantly shakes his head. "No I'm your big brother I can't let you."

Just looking at him I could tell he can't handle another beating. He's holding onto his rib as if it's broken, his arms are covered in purple bruises, he has a black eye. He's been out of school for weeks and none of these are even close to healing fully yet.

I decide to man up at that young age. "Go." I repeat.

"Ricardo!" Both our heads snap in the direction of the distance far away from us. We can see our fathers tall frame marching towards us. Though we're so small he can't see us.

I shove him whispering. "Run!" He does exactly that his eyes widening in fear as he talks off in a different direction in the field.

Suddenly I'm being yanked by the arm. That one grip alone leaving it aching. I wince closing my eyes tightly as he speaks aggressively into my face. "Where is Ricardo?" He questions.

I shake my head. "H-he told me to watch after Ronica while he went to the store. I looked away and she....s-she-" though I'm afraid of what he's going to do to me and how badly it's going to hurt I'm more afraid of what another beating to Rico would do to him. The last thing I want is for my brother to be even more hurt or worse.

He punches me across the face. One of those strong manly punches that causes my ears to ring and me to almost go unconscious. He delivers multiple punches and kicks to my stomach. At first I scream, call for my moms help but as usual she doesn't help us. I scream until suddenly I'm emotionless taking each hit numbly. My body jerking being the only sign of the pain I'm in. And I stare up out of the roses and thorns I'm laying in and up at the sun. The only calmness being that I thought this would be the last time.

Little did I know that was just the beginning of me taking abuse for my brother and sister.

Serg tries to pass me a blunt but I shake my head watching as Ronica comes stumbling down the stairs damn near breaking her neck on the way down. "Fuck!" She yells dramatically.

I just look at her nonchalantly while Sergio stands up from the couch walking over to help her up. "Thank you Serg." Her voice is raspy and she looks like shit. Mostly because she's hung over.

She lets go of his hand walking towards the kitchen, meanwhile Sergio's eyes follow in her direction. Not in a lustful way but in something much more. Me being me I mind my business continue to play COD and stare at my huge flat screen. "She stayed over last night?" He asks me still looking in her direction as he walks back over towards the couch.

I nod. "Yep. She was shit faced drunk last night so I had to search every club to find her." I tell him honestly.

Sergio shakes his head sympathy on his face. "She's really lucky she got a brother like you. You look out for her. And in the end God gone look out for you because of it." He says seriously while patting me on the back.

I smack my lips. "God don't look out for niggas like us. We're killers. We the last mothafuckas he checkin' for."

He touches his cross chain around his neck lifting it up. "Better thank the heavens. Cause you right we is killers and some fucked up individuals. But we ain't died yet and we owe that shit to him."

I look over at my best friend who is like a brother to me. I never understood his take on religion. He believes in God, goes to church every Sunday, prays, and wears a cross around his neck. But he's also the same nigga who'd shoot somebody house up even if it's filled with their love ones and elders. But me I just can't see it, the vision, the faith. Then again how could I? Yeah we're both cut from too fucked up cloths but let's just say mine was so fucked up most days I couldn't see at all. Eyes too swollen to even blink. And that's something I believe no amount of faith can take away.

"You think church would help Veronica? Maybe that might help her." He suggests his voice low so she won't hear.

I glance at him finding his statement suspect. "Serg my sister is a fuckin' addict. Even rehab wouldn't help her." 

"I'm just saying maybe-" I grow frustrated finding this conversation stressful I lean over cutting him off as I take the blunt from his hand.

"Look man I get that you in love with my sister or whatever but let that shit go. Trust me she ain't what you need. All you'd be is a second mothafucka searching clubs to find her." I give him the honest truth.

I watch as his face falls and he says nothing. I know that Sergio has had feelings for my sister ever since he met her. He met her before all that shit went down that led to her being like this. And for some reason even after he sees how fucked up she is he still wants her. I just don't want Sergio stuck doing what I've been doing my whole life.

Saving this family.

"What Tahani say?" He changes the subject.

I think back to a couple nights ago, the image of her at the club and the neon lights flashing down on her filling my mind. "She ain't say much. She called me crazy and stormed out. Haven't talked to her since."

Tahani wasn't like most girls, she's easily tempered, sassy, flirtatious yet standoffish. It's like she's a different person every second. Each one intriguing me in some way. I can see what it is about her that had that Taj nigga wrapped around her finger. But see me? I ain't never been in love, never chased no female no simped over one. This entire plan is a business move so that my family will never have to work again. That's why I ditched that whole get close then bring up the marriage idea and just came out and said it. The sooner the better in my eyes.

"Look man I know you doing this for us and for our family," he speaks like he's apart of it because basically he is. "But I don't know about this. I mean you saw that girl record. You read the shit she been through."

"We done done worse to people who been through worse." I remind him.

As if on cue the girl walks into my house rubbing her protruding belly with a donut in her hand. She takes a seat on the couch shooting me a flirtatious wave. A mug forms on my lips. "Get off that." I tell her rudely.

"Nigga you know damn well if I wasn't pregnant with this baby you'd hit." She states pretending to come off as confident.

Me and Serg shoot eachother a look before laughing. "Fuck outta here," I say causing her smile to drop. "I don't fuck bitches who set niggas up. Nor pregnant hoes."

She smacks her lips crossing her arms over her chest. "First off don't forget I'm the one who gave you the idea in the first fucking place."

I look up feeling that irritation grow as the twins walk in side by side taking a seat beside her. "Do any of y'all mothafuckas knock?" I question.

"We supposed to meet up on weekends remember? So how's it been going?" The twin sister questions.

I scrunch my face up. "It's going that's how it's going."

Her brother laughs. "Don't get all secretive on us."

Whole time me and Sergio find not a damn things funny. See now this all started when I was out of town in Mexico at one of my families local clubs. A chunky girl strolls in throwing margaritas back like her life depended on it. Tears streaming down her face and her stomach all poked out. See I didn't know if it looked like that because she's just fat, because she's been drinking, or what the fuck was going on. But when she stumbled into my section I'd found out when my security tried to manhandle her that she's pregnant. The shorty goes by Jesse. Now Jesse starts ranting and ranting about how there's this ain't shit nigga from Harlem. How he got so much money and he's fucking this girl who is the niece of Naomi Lowars. She's talking about how she's pregnant by him and he don't want shit to do with her. Saying if she got the chance she'd do anything in her power to have both of them dead.

I don't know if it was the music, something in the air, or the light bulb popping up over my head but a idea filled my mind instantly. I thought to myself what if I was in Torin's shoes. I wouldn't be chasing Jesse ass when I'd be set just by being with Tahani. Then I thought to myself what if I was with Tahani. What if I got with her and was able to take her family for every dime they got. It'd be the biggest lick in the history of them.

Then she starts rambling on about how she overheard Joey Torin's right hand man ranting in his office to his folks about how he wasn't getting paid as much and he just wished he could run the company alone. So I teamed up with Jesse and we got into Joey's head, and Joey was the one who called Torin that night to have him set up. We knew shit wouldn't be easy so we had to come up with a game plan to make her join the company quicker. We had to lie. I broke into her house and placed that number in one of her closets hoping she'd find the shit. And by fate she did. I found the twins who I've known for a minute because of business and told them they'd get a profit in all this if they pretend they knew him. Tia & Tio.

And that's how the story goes. There you have it, well all lied, we all followed a script and story, and we're all pretending to be something we're not.

"Where Joey?" I question.

Tia shrugs. "He said he wasn't in the mood to come today."

"Well fuck him then," Jesse laughs and shrugs. "We knew how this shit is supposed to end. And let's just say splitting it five ways is already enough. If we cut Joey in then it's six."

I shake my head instantly. "First off I haven't even spoken to Tahani. This shit might take longer than we expected." I respond honestly.

Sergio sits there quietly continuing to smoke his blunt. Only time he speaks up is after I say that. "She ain't no regular ass female. She don't trust Mulo."

"Why would she? Maybe she listening to her intuition." I say to my brother.

"Fuck intuition. We killed Taj for this shit, last thing I want on my mental is that my baby is fatherless all for nothing." Jesse's words cause me to scrunch my face up.

"Bitch you don't give a fuck about that baby. Not when you throwing shots back like it's not tomorrow." I snap at her.

"Bitch who you callin' a bitch?" She jumps up as if she's gone hit me while Tia & Tio just watch with amusement written on their faces.

"Aye look I suggest you back the fuck up," all of a sudden Ronica enters the conversation. "I ain't got no issue fightin' a pregnant bitch who gettin slick at the mouth." Regardless of how hungover my sister is she's always been the type that whether drunk, high, sober, hungover it doesn't matter when it's time to defend her little brother she's right there and ready.

Jesse smacks her lips. "Veronica ain't no body worried about you."

Ronica steps into her face clutching her gun before dropping it into my lap. "Bitch you should be," she warns her. "Better ask about me."

I sigh standing up I step in between them. "Jesse you a hothead. Ight? And trust me my family is the last people you wanna be beefed with. You better cool it and cool it soon. Cause next time I ain't stopping her." And just like that I watch fear flicker in her eyes.

She attempts to cover it up by mugging me. "Whatever." She walks off making sure to have all her belongings as she storms out.

"Woah," Tia laughs. "Way to clear a room."

Everything goes quiet for a minute. All of us just sitting there and Ronica eventually going back upstairs to the guest room. "Ya know you got your work cut out for you? The shit Tahani been through ain't no joke."

"Yeah I heard around that ole dude SJ who died? Ya know the one from Fifth Ave? He straight up used to bash that girl head in. He did her so fucked up that she started losing weight and shit. Shit I even heard he used to smack her up at red lights." Tia gossips.

Just like that a memory flashes into my mind.

"Ronica this shit not smart. Ight? What happens when dad finds out what you do? He takes that shit out on me." My sixteen year old self reminds her.

"You know your dads favorite." She looks over at me while adding some concealer to her black eye.

I shake my head. "I'm the only one who doesn't cry or flinch. That's the only reason why." I mumble.

"Please. Just one more time, I took a hit today. I promise this will be the last time." She begs. I stare at my big sister seeing how dumb in love she wants. Her main focus being on seeing her boyfriend and not what would happen if I walk into that house without her.

"Damn right I ain't doin' this shit no more." I say honestly.

"Yeah yeah." Little did I know that the promise I'd kept would lead to my sister being the way she is in the future.

I take a deep breath getting ready to step out. She grabs my arm. "I'm sorry Mulo. I know that this isn't easy. It's just something different about you, you can handle it. You shouldn't have to but you can."

I cringe at how she explains it. I snatch away from her anger boiling inside of me as I walk towards our home. When I make it inside I see that my dad is sitting with his three friends he's always with. I attempt to brush past them without being seen. Heading towards my room. "Where's your sister?!" He calls after me.

I continue walking ignoring him. "You act like you don't fuckin' hear me?" I pause in my tracks knowing there's nothing he hates more than being ignored.

"Com'on pops. Not this shit today, she left to go hang with Greg. I told her not to but she didn't listen." I explain.

"First off watch ya fuckin' mouth when you speakin' to me. Secondly fuck your mean she didn't listen? Big sister or not you are the man. YOU. How the fuck did she manage to not listen?" With each step he gets closer and closer towards me.

My back is against the wall and before I know it I can feel an ash being put out on my head. I wince placing my hand over the burn by my hair line. "Now are you hearing me?!"

Before I knew it I lost it for the first time since he ever laid I hand on me I raise my hand to him punching him across the face. He stumbles back trying to gather his thoughts. I don't wait on him to instead I deliver punches to his stomach. My surprise he eats those sending blow after blow to my chest. We're now in the bathroom and I shove him back causing his back to hit the sinks. The entire sink breaking in half and water flying everywhere.

"Ahh!" He shrieks holding onto his back as falls to the ground. He holds his left hand up in defense as if telling me to stop but I ignore him. Seeing red I punch on him until my hands are covered in his blood.

"Stop it! Stop it!" My moms scream fills my ears. I'm yanked back and as soon as I turn towards her I feel a sting to my cheek.

She slapped me.

Before I know it I'm snapping out of it and picking up my phone. "What are you doing?" Tia asks and I ignore her sending a text to Tahani.

•Tahani Lowars•

I stare down at the screen feeling Joey look over my shoulder. "You should go." He says surprising me.

I raise an eyebrow. First off the man told me that he wants to me to be in an arranged marriage with him. And if he's done his research on me which I'd suppose he has then he'd know that Taj just died. What in the fuck would make him think I'd be interested? And what would drinks or smoking together change that?

And another thing.....why would Joey think it's a good idea? He's known to be protective and like another Taj when it comes to me. So why would be up and agree right now?

"Maybe I'll ask my aunt-"

"Naomi put you in charge. You can't always run to her." His words start to sink in and I realize that he's actually right. I can't always run to her.

In this situation I try to think about what Taj would do. Then again I'm nothing like Taj. Should I go? Before I know it I'm ignoring that little voice in the back of my head telling me to stay at the office or go home and instead I'm standing up walking out of the office as I text him back.

"So what kind of club is this?" I question eyeing it curiously. The smell of weed fills my nose, everyone is either drinking, smoking, or popping pills. Music fills my ear and it seems as if everyone is moving freely to their own beat.

"The kind where people do this." He motions around us.

"And what kind of person are you?" I eye him trying to draw my gaze away from him but it's like I can't. The more I look at him the more familiar he looks almost like I know him. Not seen him but know him.

"The kind that profits off of people doing this." He laughs and I join him. The first time I've actually laughed in a minute.

"It's all bullshit ya know, same shit. That's what all you businessmen do. Everybody comes here let off steam and y'all take advantage of that." I say with a shrug.

He needs in agreement. "Shit far as I'm concerned they're grown. If they didn't want to be taking advantage of maybe they should've bought a bottle and cried in the shower."

His words sink in and I realize how non sympathetic he seems. "I guess." I reply leaning back I look around. My eyes landing back on him only when I see him pull out pre rolled blunt. "That's ya plan? Get me high and drunk so I agree?" I question.

Mulo shakes his head. "Being drunk reveals peoples inner thoughts. If you really don't want to do it me getting you drunk would only lessen my chances."

"True true." I laugh watching as he pulls out pre rolled blunts. He passes them to me then motions for me to follow him. We're both led in the direction of a dark hallway towards private rooms.

When we make it inside I pass him the blunt and take a seat on the leather couch. "Ya know I know you did your research about me. And coincidentally I did mine about you..." he trails sparking up one of the blunts.

I laugh. "Cool. Find what you were looking for?" I wait for a answer but it doesn't come. I sit up slightly waiting for it meanwhile he's damn near high.

"You have a history of a lot of men. You honestly think I'd want to be arranged married with someone with so much baggage for the fun of it?" He questions.

Suddenly I feel the urge to drink. I smirk leaning over I grab fur bottle of liquor mixed with some type of juice and pure it into the glass. Flashbacks quickly make their way into my mind and I remember not to ever take a drink from anyone unless I'm the first to open it. I place it back down reaching over I snatch the blunt from his hand hitting it. "Yeah there was Keoni the guy who raped me, SJ, oh yeah and Taj....can't forget about him." I sort of whisper the last part.

He opens his mouth to speak but I speak before he can. "You see I'm not scared to admit the people from the past or my past. You need me. I don't need you. Please remember that next time you do research on me."

Mulo raises his hands in defense. "Aye I wasn't trying to disrespect you or be funny."

"You were," I laugh. "Technically calling me a hoe when you said yourself you did you research on me so you know my history. Enough to know I only have three bodies and one of them forced themself on me-"

"It wasn't like that-"

"I know exactly what it was like. You saying that shows a lot about your character. A whole lot." I find myself growing frustrated.

He shrugs. "You're right. My character is fucked up, I done been known to be ruthless, cruel, and not have sympathy. I'll admit it."

He takes the blunt back hitting it. "Wow good for you." I laugh.

Mulo smirks. "Shit most men can't admit how they truly is but shit I can."

I feel myself getting high. "So...since you did your research what you think?" I ask curiously.

"About what?" I focus on the way his moist lips wrap around the blunt and how he closes his eyes for a second before opening them looking in a deep haze as he exhales.

"About me."

His eyes fall on me. "I thought you was strong, to lose a nigga you really loved. And be right in the office ready to take over where he left off? After everything you been through? That's some real shit:" he says honestly.

I open my mouth to speak but before I can someone is bussing through the door. "Little brother." Suddenly Mulo looks irritated. I watch as a girl who looks a couple years older than us stumbles in.

She's pretty. She has light brown skin, wavy hair that's a mess around her face, her eyes are low and her face looks a little sweaty as if she's drunk or on something, her lips are plump and even and her facial features and eyes resemble Mulo. "Aren't you going to introduce me?" She places her hands on her hips almost stumbling in the process.

He sighs touching the bridge of his nose. "Tahani this is my older sister Veronica, Ronica this is Tahani."

She walks towards me touching my hair. "You are so beautiful Tahani. Nice to uh....to uh....meet you." She Damn near falls onto me she's laughing so hard and I can't help but grow uncomfortable barely knowing what's she's laughing at. At this point it's obvious that's she's got more than alcohol in her system.

"Ronica go." His voice is stern as if he's talking to a child.


"Go. Now." He demands. She doesn't argue with him this time but instead just stands there narrowing her eyes at him. His shoulders are tense, he doesn't look afraid of his sister but he does look....worried. Of what? I don't know.

Veronica sits up straight a look of pure hatred in her eyes as she stares down at her brother. And everything is silent. I look back and forth between the two. It's as if their having their own private conversation within their minds that nobody else can hear. Suddenly she gives him a lazy smile. "See you at home little brother." And with that she walks towards the door whipping it open she walks out shooting me one last glance.

I let out a awkward laugh and he just shakes his head picking up a bottle he takes it to the head. "What's her deal? Was she like....on something?" I question hesitantly.

Mulo's eyes shoot towards me. "Tahani it's a family history secret type of thing. I know you understand being related to Naomi and all."

I nod. "I understand Miguel," I call him by his government. "But I also understand that you want me to marry you," I can't help but let a laugh leave my lips. "So get to talking."

"You for real?"


Miguel Garcia•

I thought things over a hundred times in my head within seconds. I'd technically just met Tahani. If I'm serious about this whole plan I have to get her to trust me. And to that that'd mean I'd have to trust her.

I sigh running a hand down my face. "You know how every family got some type of trauma they bury? That nobody talks about?" I question.

She nods for me to continue. "Well my sister she uh," I clear my throat mentally trying to prepare myself to tell her something I've never told anyone. "Let's just say our pops not the most...understanding person.  And Ronica she uh, she had this boyfriend. Only person I've ever known to not be scared of the outcome of getting close to our family. Only thing was my dad hated his ass. And let's just say one day her boyfriend tried to runaway with her and shit hit the fan. And he died. Veronica ain't been the same since."

Okay maybe I sugarcoated it, left some shit out, and didn't tell her the most important details. But in my defense if I told her the full truth it'd be like me opening up to her. And I ain't never in my life opened up to nobody.

Tahani just shakes her head reaching for the second blunt she grabs a lighter. "Damn and she's been an addict since?"

"It started with small stuff. First she started smoking weed everyday, then drinking, then popping pills and drinking. Then drinking lean and snorting those pills. Now she just is how she is." I shrug honestly.

She shakes her head a look of sympathy flashing in her eyes then disappearing. "That's unfortunate. Well...." She trails. "You told me something personal. I guess I'll go to that family dinner with you."

I lick my lips leaning back my eyes roam her body. I have her right where I want her.

•Tahani Lowars•

"Nice to meet you. I'm Marcia Mulo's mom." She introduces herself to me. Reaching her hand across the beautiful long dinner table. Decorated in golden things.

I glance down at her wrist and I see a large purple bruise. She immediately realizes and she snatched her hand back. "Nice to meet you I'm-"

"Tahani Lowars." Mulo's dad Markison finishes for me. "Of course we know who you are."

"Of course we do." Ronica mocks in a dry tone picking at her food. She looks more sober than usual but there are still bags under her eyes. She probably wishes she was doing something else right now.

"Nice to meet you in Rico. I'm the older brother." He introduces himself. I notice how both Mulo and Rico have their fathers features and more melanin than Ronica. Her genes are taken more after her mother.

"He has two twins but their at a sleepover tonight." Marcia explains.

I nod understanding. "How old are they?" I make conversation with his family my eyes occasionally glancing over towards him every now and then. I hate to admit it but he looks good. His smooth skin on display and every tattoo showing since he's only wearing a white tee and some grey sweat shorts.

I lick my lips before realizing that for the hundredth time tonight his dad won't take his eyes off me. The middle aged man is practically burning a hole into me, damn near fucking me with his eyes. I know his wife notices it, shit I know everyone does but nobody acknowledges it. It lowkey starts to piss me off. "So what do you think about marrying my son?" Markison interrupts without no disregard to the fact that we were all just talking.

I look over at Mulo who expression is unreadable. "What would you think of your daughter married a strange man for business?"

"Long as the business profits my family I honestly wouldn't give a shit." His response makes me frown. "Not to mention my son ain't ugly, & he's wealthy. I wouldn't see a reason why you wouldn't want to."

I expect his wife to step in but she doesn't. Instead Mulo does. "Pops."

"I don't care if he was the finest man on Earth or the richest man on Earth. I've sat in a room with men that have twice the size of his pockets. Money and looks don't determine what I do and who I do it with. My morals and intuition does. And right now this all seems a little sketchy." I say truthfully & bluntly.

A snicker erupts from Ronica's lips. She has a glass in her hand filled with liquor and I think it's all just dawned on us that throughout this dinner she's been silent and getting drunk. "I mean she is kinda right," she laughs hysterically. "A mob tries to get in an arranged marriage with a girl from a multibillion dollar company that we've never even met till now. Does soon sus."

"Can you be normal for one second? Damn." Mulo cusses at her. I sit back silently watching as his face turns red. He snatches the glass from her hand and she tried to get it back the both of them standing up staring at eachother with hate in their eyes.

"We have company calm down you two." Marcia demands but it's as if they don't hear her.

"What you embarrassed of me little brother?"

"Why wouldn't I be? You're a drunk, an addict, and you literally ruin everything."

"I ruin everything? I ruin everything?!" She steps back and I can see the shock on her face. "This shit is already ruined. You think this is a good idea? That you're doing this for us? This shit is going to bite you in the ass and you know it because-"

"Shut the fuck up! Both of you!" Markison yells at his grown children.

Ronica laughs and I can see her eyes watering as she snatches the bottle of liquor storming off. For some reason this particular moment tugs at my heart strings. I feel for her only because I feel that I am her. She lost someone she loved just like I did, she's an alcoholic just like I was. And judging by this situation everyone in her life is more worried about how she makes her family "look" than her actual health.

I stand up going after her. I hear Mulo calling my name but I ignore him. When I make it outside I see her pacing the side walk. "Hey you okay?" I call out.

"You don't know shit okay?! You don't know shit so just get the fuck on!" She snaps at me.

Before I know it I'm snatching the bottle out of her hand and throwing it to the ground. It shatters and I watch as a look of shock appears on her face. She's never had anyone stand up to her like this. I point my finger in her face. "I know that you're a drunk. That you are wasting your life away and you need help."

She shakes her head staring up at the sky tears fall down her cheek. "You don't know okay. You just don't know how fucked up this family is," her eyes drift down to me. "You shouldn't be here. Trust me you should run."


She pulls her shirt down a little exposing the name Greg written in ink. "Did you hear about this?"

"Yeah he was uh....murdered right?"

"You know who killed him?" She turns so that her back is away from me. Her shoulders moving every now and then and I know she's crying. "I did."

My eyes widen. That was the last thing I expected. I just stayed silent listening as she explained what happened. "Greg reminds me of you, he was strong. Like back there when you stuck up to my dad, you and him are the only two people besides Mulo who will stick up to him. I mean Greg would always tell me about how we'd get away from here someday. I thought he was joking but he wasn't. On the day of my graduation afterwards we ran to my place and packed as many clothes as we could each carry. We ran and all I heard was a gunshot. He was shot in the back of his leg. He fell to the ground his screams so loud I can still remember them. So here I am screaming and crying. Looking back as my mom, dad, and two brothers stand there. Gun in my dads hand. And you know what he did next? He shot me in my shoulder. I was so scared my body was shaking, I loved and still love Greg with everything in me but I was a teenager. Fear is a crazy thing...." She pauses shaking her head finally looking back at me. Her blood shot eyes meeting mine.

"What happened next?" I ask curiously.

She sniffles. "My pops put the gun to my head, my heart was beating out of my chest. He said 'Kill him or I'll kill you' those six little words changed my entire life. I knew he wasn't playing I had a bullet in my shoulder or prove it. It was either me or him. Me or him." She repeats.

"You killed him?" I question in disbelief.

Ronica kicks around the glass that's on the ground. "I did," she pauses before speaking again. She points at the large home. "That's who we are. We're selfish bastards who fuck over eachother and fuck over others even worst. If you know what's good for you Tahani I promise you...."

"You'd stay away."

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