After Everything 1

By Idiazel

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Unedited* After Everything isn't like other love stories that you've read before. Yeah it's true when people... More

Chapter 1 "End of..."
Chapter 2 "New life "
Chapter 3 "College"
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 34

25 11 8
By Idiazel

Song for this chapter: Lolo Zouaï - Desert 🥀

Always and Forever... always and forever, no matter what.
Bryan! Come back to me!
I love you...

"Mr. White? Mr. White can you hear me?"  I hear someone say, distracting me from my dream as I slowly open my eyes.
I feel weak and every part of my body hurts.

"Welcome back Mr. White. How are you feeling?" The doctor says to me when I finally realize that I'm in the hospital.

"Like hell.
How long have I been here?" I ask him as I try to move my body a little.

"You've been here for almost two weeks." The doctor replies.

"That's a really long time."

"For a person at your condition... I'm surprised that you're still alive. That you returned to life after your heart stopped beating.
I haven't experienced something like that in years." The doctor explains.

"Thank you very much doctor for saving my life." I say to him.

"Oh please... don't thank me. You should thank the young lady that brought you back to life again after we all gave up.
She fought very hard for you to get back.
I've never seen someone like her. She must love you very much." The doctor says as if it was a secret.

"Is she still here? Is Mia here? Where is she?" I ask the doctor excited while I try to get off of the bed to go outside to surprise her.
However, the doctor stops me because I'm to weak to go outside. I can't walk.

"Actually, the young lady is no longer here I'm afraid. 
I think she had an emergency or something." The doctor answers.

"Please doctor, I have to know where she is.
I need to see her."

"I'm sorry Mr. White. She hasn't come back to see you since that day you came to the hospital." The doctor explains.

"What do you mean she hasn't been here since that day?" I ask the doctor.
This can't be happening.

"Mr. White... the only thing I know is that someone was waiting for her outside the whole time she was here and that she left a letter for you at the secretary. That's all."

This just doesn't make sense. Why would she leave me a letter?
She wouldn't leave me like that.
No, she wouldn't do that to me.
It doesn't make sense but maybe she has explained something in the letter.

"Dr. Jackson?"

"Yes, Mr. White?"

"I would like to have the letter the young lady left for me and all my private stuff please." I say to the doctor.

"I'll ask one of the nurses to bring them to you but you're not allowed to get out of the hospital at least for two other days you know that don't you?" The doctor says as he leaves the room after checking me out one last time.

After a few minutes, one of the nurses opens the door and enters with a piece of paper holding in her hands and a small bag that I suppose is the one where my clothes and my other things are.

"Here you go, Mr. White." The nurse says as she hands me the letter.

"I'll leave your other stuff here if you need anything." She says smiling then leaves closing the door behind.

"Thanks." I reply simply as I start to unwrap the letters envelope.

Duhh... I feel nervous.. I don't know what is written in the letter but my heart is racing to find out but I don't know what to do. I'm scared and my palms are sweating. I've never been so scared in my entire life because I don't know what I'm going to read inside of it.

The letter almost drops from my hands but I hold it tightly then I slowly open it to see her name written on the front page.
I just stare at her name written with elegance unable to read further.

After a few seconds, I put all my shit together and I start reading it.

Dear love of my life,

I never thought that one day I'll be sitting at a table writing a letter for you while you're laying on the bed fighting death.
I loved you with everything I had and somehow I know you loved me too. If not? That's okay.

"What is all this? What is she trying to say? She isn't trying to break up with me right?"

I want to call her but I don't know what to say to her yet. Can she still love me?
I mean, we've been together for so long and we've shared so many amazing moments together. There were times when she was really mad at me but that doesn't mean she wants to break up right?

"Come on, Bryan." I say to myself then I start reading it again.

When I finish reading it I stare at her name for a few seconds then I toss it to the ground.

"What is all this bullshit? She can't just leave me like that without explaining to me why first. It's not that easy." I say as I slowly manage to get up to get dressed then I grab my phone to call Liam and luckily for me the battery it's not dead.


"Hey. What's up? Do you know where my car is?" I ask him as soon as he answers.

"What?" He asks confused.

"My car. Do you know where it is?" I ask him again.

"Your... your car is in the hospital parking lot. I brought it there.
And the keys are also in your jacket's pocket.

"Okay, thanks man." I say then I hang up the phone.

When I'm all dressed up I open the door slowly to look if someone is there so I can sneak out.

After l leave the hospital building I take my phone to call Mia but it says that her number doesn't exist.
What the fuck? She has changed her number too.
I can't believe this. There's definitely something going on here and I have to find out what.

"Bryan? You're awake?" Damian says when he answers after I call him for the second time after Mia didn't answer.

"Is this how you fix things?" I ask him furiously.

"What things?"

"Listen! I told you that I couldn't lie to her anymore about what happened and you told me that you were going to fix it before she gets her memory back and you just made things even worse.
What did you tell her!?"

"I didn't tell her anything. My mom did and since then she has been acting weird."

"She has been acting weird. She has changed her fucking phone number.
Not to mention the breakup letter." I explain to him.

"Breakup letter?" He asks surprised.

"Yeah but let's just forget about it and tell me where can I find her."

"She's at the university today. She had to go to take an final exam or something like that."

"Okay then. I'll find a way to talk to her at school."

"Okay." He replies simply.

As I'm about to hang up the phone he says:


"Don't mess things up this time. Okay?"

"Okay." I reply simply then I hang up.

When I arrive at the university I decide to call Harper to ask if she has seen Mia today but as I'm about to dial her number my eyes lock with hers.
She's sitting behind our tree with a book in her lap looking gorgeous as always in those black pants and that white sweater.

"There you are. I've been trying to reach you from the moment I woke up." I say to her smiling a little but she doesn't even move a muscle or her face to smile back or something. She just looks away.

" everything okay?"

"Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?" I ask her as I slowly sit on the ground next to her.

"There's nothing wrong." She replies simply without even looking at me.

"Okay, but can you at least look at me while you're speaking." I say to her as I try to take her hand in mine but she pulls away and stands up.

"Baby...? Why are you acting like this?
You know that you can tell me everything don't you?" I say to her as I try to get up from the ground but my chest is hurting like hell and I can feel the wound opening a bit and that it started bleeding a little but I don't have time for this.

"Can you please leave me alone?! We broke up and there's nothing to talk about." She replies coldly.

"No we didn't! You did."

"Please Bryan... don't make things more difficult than they are. Just admit it that we don't work together." She says irritated.

"Oh come on... you can't be serious about this after everything we've been through together." I say smiling nervously as I look into her eyes trying to find some explanations but she looks... determined, about the words she said. She didn't even blink a little.

"Can you at least tell me what changed your mind?!" I ask her as she starts to walk away from me but I grab her arm.

"Let go of me Bryan. You're hurting me." She says.

"Not until you tell me what's going on."

"You want to know the reason?
You are the reason behind everything. Okay! You are the reason that everything bad that has happened to me because you're a liar, a manipulator and a motherfucking drug dealer!" She says shouting and I just look at her eyes unable to say a word.

"And your loyalty to me... your precious loyalty." She says chuckling as she rolls her eyes.

"That sucks even more than your fucked up life and that's why no one will probably love you." She says smiling catching me completely off guard.
Who is she? I don't know her anymore. What has she done to the girl I once loved? Where is she because she would never say those words not to me, but to no one.

"I hate myself that I once liked you but that's it. I just liked you and I only used you to distract myself from all those things I had gone through. I never loved you." She says.

"You're lying." I say.

"Believe it or not that's not my problem." She replies.

"If that was true why would you save my life!? Why would you say that you will always love me!? Huh?" I ask her.

"I did it because I felt guilty."

"That's... that's enough! I don't want to hear any more of these craps. You said what you wanted to say..." I manage to say in a low voice.

"Honey is everything okay?" A young tall guy with brown hair and arms full of tattoos says while coming towards us.

Honey? I mean I understand that she doesn't like me anymore and she said she didn't even loved me but I can't believe that she has already replaced me with someone else. No. She wouldn't go this low.

"Yeah baby. Everything's okay. I was just about to call you to pick me up." She replies smiling at him surprising me once again.

"Is he one of your college friends?" He asks her.

My head is pounding while I try to understand what the fuck is going on.

"Yeah, he's an old friend of mine but we're not friends anymore." She says.

"Hi. I'm Armando. Mia's fiancé" The tall boy says as he extends his hand for me to shake it.

"I'm... I'm just gonna leave." I say while I look at Mia's eyes once again then I shove my hands in my jacket pockets as I start walking away from them as fast as I can because if I stay there for a couple of minutes I'm going to do something that I'll regret for the rest of my life.

I want to forget everything because being rejected this way hurts like hell, especially when that person is Mia.
But let's just forget about the rejection because the fact that she said she didn't even loved me and that she only used me as a distraction and that she has also found someone else that is also her fiancé... that really hurts.
And the fact that I was so blind to see this just drives me crazy.
I mean how could I be so stupid? How didn't I noticed that before?

"Well, well well... look who showed up after all this time." Someone says from behind me.
When I turn around I see a girl with red long hair smiling at me.

"Sasha?" I ask her surprised.

"Duh." She answers leaning to me for a hug.

"Where have you been all this time?
Wait... don't tell me that now you're in a relationship your girlfriend doesn't want you to meet other girls." She says chuckling.

"You know that no one can make me do things that I don't want to. It's just that I've been busy... agh..." I groan in pain.

"Omg Bryan you're bleeding. What happened to you?" Sasha says terrified.

"This is nothing compared to what I'm feeling right now. And that blood... that blood you're seeing ... that's not actual blood but it's the poison that has been infecting my heart and mind for all this time.
So you better let it bleed out of me once and for all." I say to her.  

"Bryan what are you saying? You have to go to the hospital to get that checked out because you're not okay." Sasha says worried.

"Agh... I feel a little tired."

"Come on let's get you to the hospital." Sasha says helping me.

"No not the hospital. I just got out of it."

"What do you mean you just got out of it? How did they even let you out in this condition?" She asks.

"They didn't. I sneaked out." I say smiling a little.

"You're crazy you know that don't you?" She says as she opens my cars door for me to enter, then, when I'm all set she starts driving.

"We're going to my place." Sasha says to me as she tries to call someone.

"Hey baby! How are you?
I'm good too but I need you to send me a doctor to my house because a friend of mine is wounded and he doesn't want to go to the hospital. Can you do that for me?"

"Okay. Thank you very much baby.
I love you. Bye." She says then hangs up the phone.

"Since when did you get in this kind of relationship?" I ask her.

"When you can do it I can do it to." She replies proudly.

"Fair enough... I just hope that yours doesn't end up like mine. I say while she parks the car in front of her house.


Hey guys I'm back 🙃🙃👋🏻👋🏻
I really missed you guys and I hope that everyone is okay and that is having a wonderful time too.
Anyway back to Bryan and Mia 🙁🙁 what do you think about everything that is happening? Do you think that Mia is doing the right thing?
Vote and comment because I really want to know everyone's opinions on everything. 🥰🥰🥰
Love you all!❤️❤️❤️xoxo

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