The Earl's Young Bride and Th...

By SueHart2

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Life's controversy is overcome by understanding and conquered by love. Two couples. First, there is Lord Benn... More

Copyright Page
Chapter One: The Contract
Chapter Two: Discovery
Chapter Three: All About Vivian
Chapter Four: Discovery
Chapter Five: Messages of Hope
Chapter Six: Promising Start
Chapter Seven: Courtship and Games
Chapter Eight: The Unexpected
Chapter Nine: What's Proper?
Chapter Ten: Love of Music
Chapter Eleven: Concerns and Determination
Chapter Twelve: Questions and Digging for Answers
Chapter Thirteen: Sex Education
Chapter Fourteen: Shocking Conversations
Chapter Fifteen: Temptations Stranglehold
Chapter Sixteen: The Lure of Temptation
Chapter Seventeen: A Day of Decisiveness
Chapter Eighteen: Understanding
Chapter Nineteen: Nothing is Perfect
Chapter Twenty: A Ring of Promise
Chapter Twenty-One: The Little Chapel
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Celebration
Chapter Twenty-Three: Intimate Innocence
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Morning After
Chapter Twenty-Five: Redirection
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Upper Hand
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Barriers
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Explosive Feelings
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Decisions
Chapter Thirty: An Inebriated Plan
Chapter Thirty-One: Her Heartfelt Apology
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Unexpected Seduction
Chapter Thirty-Three: A Long Day of Travel
Chapter Thirty-Four: Happiness Redefined
Chapter Thirty-Five: Plans Made
Chapter Thirty-Six: Advantages of a Rushed Marriage
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Surprises that please or shock
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Facing What Comes
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Unexpected Help
Chapter Forty: Thieves and Surprises
Chapter Forty-One: The Grand Apology
Chapter Forty-Two: Time for Each Other
Chapter Forty-Three: Examining Truth
Chapter Forty-Four: Back to Maywood Manor
Chapter Forty-Five: Righting what's Wrong
Chapter Forty-Six: Recovering What was Stolen
Chapter Forty-Seven: Good News and Trouble
Chapter Forty-Eight: Back with Charlotte
Chapter Forty-Nine: More Arrivals
Chapter Fifty: Recovery of Stolen Goods
Chapter Fifty-One: Found Evidence
Chapter Fifty-Two: The Baroness
Chapter Fifty-Four: The Trip Home

Chapter Fifty-Three: Maywood Jail

343 38 14
By SueHart2

Four men, dressed in fine clothing, riding into town with a prison wagon following brought people outside to observe the sight. Some waved, and a boy raced into the street to get a closer look at the prisoner riding inside.

The parade stopped in front of the Magistrates jailhouse, and Peterson stepped through the door. The barristers dismounted first while the two Bobbies remained on the wagon with the prisoner.

Dalton and George approached Peterson. "We are investigating a case. I am Barrister Hudson, and this is Barrister Hollis." Dalton pulled out his official badge to prove his standing. "I need to see your records over the past six months."

Peterson's eyes grew wide. "It's a quiet area. There's not much to see."

"You have surely arrested someone since you have held the office," Hollis stated.

"What I have is filed inside the file cabinet."

Dalton waved his arm towards the door. "Lead the way."

When he saw Reginald and Radley dismount and follow them inside, Peterson asked, "What are they doing here?"

"Do you know them?"

"Yes. The young one is the Viscount of Maywood."

"Excellent. Then you know that he is the Lord Advocate in Maywood. He is here because Lord Milton was caught buying stolen goods that belonged to Lord the Viscount. Is your jail empty?"

"It is not. I arrested a man last night for breaking into a house."

"Did you recover what was stolen?"

"He had nothing on him, your lordship."

Dalton nodded. "Then you caught him inside the property?"

"No, he was on the porch... what does this matter?" Peterson said with the beginning of anger for being questioned.

"I will be using your jail to lock up our prisoner while we look over your paperwork." He pulled the warrant from his pocket and handed it to him. "Without any evidence of breaking and entering the premises, and only being caught standing on the porch, the man inside could have knocked and awaited someone to answer. What proof do you have of his foul play?"

"I saw the front window smashed and him standing by the door."

"At best, that is circumstantial evidence." He turned to Hollis. "Would you agree that this case should be thrown out?"

"I would, your lordship."

"Good. It is settled. By my order, I throw this case out for lack of evidence. Release the prisoner." Dalton said as he tried to go inside the jailhouse.

Peterson didn't move. His face was red with anger. "But he was there," he almost shouted.

"You cannot argue for you have no proof. In court, I would find you in contempt. Now get out of my way."

Radley came forward and shoved Peterson into the jailhouse so hard that he landed on his butt. "When a barrister tells you to do something, you do it. Now do what you're told or I'll stick you in that jail."

Dalton moved inside. "Thank you, milord. Please help me out and release that prisoner. The keys are sitting on the desk." Hollis picked them up instead and unlocked the door.

Hollis looked at the prisoner, who had been badly beaten. He had a black eye, a split lip, and he sat in the corner holding his rib. Hollis walked inside and offered his hand. "I will do you no harm. What is your name?"

The prisoner took his hand and Hollis helped him to stand. "I'm Tomas Brown. Most call me Tom."

"Please, come out of the cell."

Tom didn't hesitate. He left the cell but kept his distance from Peterson.

"Please take a seat. I know you wish to leave, but first, I have a few questions. I am Barrister Hollis. Tell me how you receive your injuries."

He pointed at Peterson. "When I tried to explain that I was there to feed the dog, he dragged me here anyway saying I was caught breaking into my friend's house. I have been feeding David's dog while he is visiting his sister."

"Was the window broken?"

"He threw a rock at me and missed. It hit the window."

"Are there any witnesses to this act?"

"Missus Jeffries, his neighbor next door was sitting on her porch. She saw it. We'd been talking before I went to feed the dog and let him out in the backyard. When I told the magistrate this, he hit my jaw and knocked me down. The whole town is afraid of him. Before he threw me in this cell, he socked me in the side."

"That's just the evidence I need," Dalton said as he stepped forward. "Hollis, go with Mr. Brown and get a statement from Missus Jeffries. On your way out, will you please send Winston inside?"

"He's lying to get away with what he did!" Peterson shouted.

Dalton calmly told him, "We shall hear from the witness. If what you say is true, there is no need to worry."

"Then you can come and find me. I'm going home." Peterson started to leave, and Radley stepped in his way.

"Sit down or I will make you. I'm a fine pugilist. I've studied it for years at Jacksons. I'm sure you've heard of that establishment." Radley watched him go to the desk and sit down.

Winston stepped inside just in time to hear Radley's statement. "May I be of help, Milord?"

"Yes, you can lock Peterson up in that cell. I have enough to hold him for now."

"Yes, your lordship." Winston motioned him forward, and Radley backed out of the way.

"You can't do that! You have nothing on me."

"I have reasonable suspicion. After we speak with the witness, if she doesn't confer you will be released. But then, we have other reasons for arresting you."

Dalton told Radley, "This is working out quite well." After he watched Winston close the door, he told him, "Shall we put Lord Milton in there with him?"

"Right away."

Winston left to get him, and Radley stood by the door to the jail. "It does no good to have a magistrate who is worse than a thief." The man only frowned.

Hollis came back inside alone. "I have the witness's signature. I also told Mr. Brown he could go home."

"Excellent work, George." Dalton saw Radley open the cell as Winston and Hawkins brought Lord Milton inside. Once the door was locked, Dalton told him, "Shall we take a walk? I believe we have a house to look at for evidence."

Before they left, he told Winston, "I will leave it to you and Hawkins to load the paperwork for transportation. I saw some twine on top of the cabinet. I'll bring a shirt or something to wrap it in." Dalton explained.

"Aye, your lordship. Do you need the location of the place you are looking for?"

"I will find it, Winston. Thank you." He moved towards the door.

Radley started to come but paused asking, "Father? Do you wish to join us?"

He had been leaning against the wall fanning his face with a stack of papers. "Radley, I believe I shall go in search of getting us all something to drink and perhaps some food. We missed lunch."

"A sound idea, Father. The café is on this side of the street just past the barbershop. Ask for Matilda and she will take care of you."

His eyebrow hiked and his son winked before he left with Dalton.

An hour later, they left the magistrate's house. They left the evidence they found because it was too much to carry. The man proved to be more of a pirate than most of those Dalton had tried in court. They had found a box of money inside a wardrobe. More than either man had expected.

To make a record of it, Dalton wrote down where he found the evidence. It included the missing silverware. However, the money they found in a box left them wondering if that was bribery money.

Radley signed it as a witness. The Bobbies would also witness it when they picked it up.

"This has been a prosperous day. Two thieves were caught, stolen goods recovered, and a falsely accused man released. Yes, this has been a good day. We will load up the prisoners and evidence and be on our way back in time for dinner."

"When I asked for your help, I never dreamed it would open such doors. Your power is amazing to witness."

"I only wield the office of the court, Radley. That is the seat of power. Hollis is just learning what his responsibilities will be. However, his help has quickened the process. He also hides his enthusiasm quite well by keeping silent. That's a good trait to have ruling the bench."

As they approached the jail, Reginald stood in the doorway eating a chicken leg.

"You're just in time. There is plenty left. Your friend, Matilda was quite wonderful. She sent a basket filled with all kinds of delicious goodness and then said she'd get the basket later." Reginald moved from the doorway to let them inside.

"Matilda said to thank you, Barrister Hudson. She requested that you find an honest man to take over the job. For months, he's extorted money from her to keep her place safe, and then he threatened bodily harm if she didn't pay him. She wrote the facts down and signed it so you would have another charge against him."

"Did she say how much she paid him?"

"No. I didn't think to ask. Is that important?" Reginald asked.

"We uncovered quite a bit of cash at the magistrate's home. After his trial, she will be repaid."

Reginald dropped the bone in the trash and ripped the napkin from his neck. "I will go and collect that information from her."

"Take Winston with you as a witness."

Hearing his name, Winston stopped eating and quickly wiped his hands. He joined Reginald, and they left.

"Lewis and Bogsley told me how bad the magistrate was, but nothing like this was mentioned. Quint suggested the man needed to be investigated. He has been in Maywood since he left my manor. He worked at the general and heard rumors. That's why I knew my house had to work as a jail until Peterson could be investigated.

"It's strange how my house being robbed helped so many people. I doubt we would have learned all of this otherwise."

Dalton went to the desk and moved a cloth back to see what food was in there. "You would be surprised how often something like that happens. If the events between Ben and Vivian hadn't happened, they wouldn't have thought to marry so quickly. I wouldn't have been called then, and we wouldn't have met. Nor would you have met the lovely Charlotte and married her. That marriage brought you here to discover Talbot's thievery. What he did, revealed Lord Milton's sins and the magistrate's evil deeds."

He picked up a piece of chicken and shoved the basket towards Radley. "The world spins and secrets are brought out. I've seen the power of the elite fold because of their weakness to temptation. Money doesn't always protect the guilty."

I love to write about villains. Peterson sure fit, didn't he? We are plagued with them today.

It's also fun to have Radley as a threat. Tough guys are so sexy. LOL

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, I'm close to wrapping this book up. Let me hear from you and please, remember to vote.

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