The Earl's Young Bride and Th...

By SueHart2

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Life's controversy is overcome by understanding and conquered by love. Two couples. First, there is Lord Benn... More

Copyright Page
Chapter One: The Contract
Chapter Two: Discovery
Chapter Three: All About Vivian
Chapter Four: Discovery
Chapter Five: Messages of Hope
Chapter Six: Promising Start
Chapter Seven: Courtship and Games
Chapter Eight: The Unexpected
Chapter Nine: What's Proper?
Chapter Ten: Love of Music
Chapter Eleven: Concerns and Determination
Chapter Twelve: Questions and Digging for Answers
Chapter Thirteen: Sex Education
Chapter Fourteen: Shocking Conversations
Chapter Fifteen: Temptations Stranglehold
Chapter Sixteen: The Lure of Temptation
Chapter Seventeen: A Day of Decisiveness
Chapter Eighteen: Understanding
Chapter Nineteen: Nothing is Perfect
Chapter Twenty: A Ring of Promise
Chapter Twenty-One: The Little Chapel
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Celebration
Chapter Twenty-Three: Intimate Innocence
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Morning After
Chapter Twenty-Five: Redirection
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Upper Hand
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Barriers
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Explosive Feelings
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Decisions
Chapter Thirty: An Inebriated Plan
Chapter Thirty-One: Her Heartfelt Apology
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Unexpected Seduction
Chapter Thirty-Three: A Long Day of Travel
Chapter Thirty-Four: Happiness Redefined
Chapter Thirty-Five: Plans Made
Chapter Thirty-Six: Advantages of a Rushed Marriage
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Surprises that please or shock
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Facing What Comes
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Unexpected Help
Chapter Forty: Thieves and Surprises
Chapter Forty-One: The Grand Apology
Chapter Forty-Two: Time for Each Other
Chapter Forty-Three: Examining Truth
Chapter Forty-Four: Back to Maywood Manor
Chapter Forty-Five: Righting what's Wrong
Chapter Forty-Six: Recovering What was Stolen
Chapter Forty-Seven: Good News and Trouble
Chapter Forty-Eight: Back with Charlotte
Chapter Fifty: Recovery of Stolen Goods
Chapter Fifty-One: Found Evidence
Chapter Fifty-Two: The Baroness
Chapter Fifty-Three: Maywood Jail
Chapter Fifty-Four: The Trip Home

Chapter Forty-Nine: More Arrivals

323 44 13
By SueHart2

The sky was lit with color from the setting sun when a traveling carriage pulled onto the Maywood Manor grounds. A prison wagon followed with three uniformed Bobbies on horseback riding alongside. Each driver had a Bobbie riding on top beside them. When the vehicles stopped in front of the mansion, the Bobbie on the carriage climbed down and opened the door.

Quint looked out the window and then hurried to inform Master Radley that Barrister Hudson had arrived. Radley stood and grabbed his jacket, donning it as he rushed to the front door.

Quint opened the door and watched Barrister Hudson alight from the carriage, but then another man also stepped down. Together, they walked towards the front door. The carriage and prison wagon waited while the four Bobbies on horseback dismounted.

The added guests had him calling for one of the maids. He ordered more rooms be prepared for guests, five in the servants wing. She rushed away to do so as Radley arrived in time to hear Quint take care of the matter.

Radley stepped through the door onto the front steps to greet his guests.

"That is not a short trip, Dalton. Ben and Vivian only arrived two hours ago." Instead of bowing, he offered his hand. "I am very grateful you have taken the time to come. There is much to tell you."

He smiled as he accepted Radley's hand. "Your message, and Ben's additional voice of urgency, sounded as if this area needed investigation. This is Barrister George Hollis. He is new to the bench, and he requested to join me."

"You are most welcome, Barrister Hollis." Radley glanced at Quint who waited to take their hats.

"Thank you. I am new to the bench so I wished to observe the investigation. I hope I am not putting you out."

"Not at all. I assure you, we have plenty of room. Please, come in." They stepped inside and Quint stepped forward to take their coats as well. "Before we meet the prisoners locked in my dungeon, allow me to offer you a repast."

Dalton laughed at the joke, but George looked quite surprised. "Since when are you calling your basement a dungeon?"

"Since I was robbed and my men made it a cell. The only thing it lacks is torturing devices. The darkness it has." Radley led them to his office. "Please, make yourself comfortable, gentlemen. I'm sure Quint, my butler, has seen to having refreshments served.

Radley waited for the men to sit before he spoke. "There are three new prisoners." At their surprise, he took a seat behind his desk. "My tenant, Bogsley, went to check his traps, since we were hunting, and he came upon these men spying on the house..." he continued to tell what happened when a maid appeared with a tea cart and pastries. "Ah, here it is. Mind you, we shall eat dinner shortly. Ben has lent me quite a few of his servants until I collect all of mine. My man, Quint, is seeing to that inconvenience."

After they were served, Radley began telling the events that had taken place since his arrival to the manor with Charlotte. He included how Lewis had helped by tracking Talbot down.

When they finished having tea, Dalton requested to speak to Quint and the maids who had dealt with Talbot.

Radley offered him the seat at his desk with a wave of his arm. "My office is yours, Dalton. I'll inform Quint you wish to speak with him and the maids." He closed the door behind him and spoke with Quint, who stood in the hall. As soon as Quint left to collect the maids, Radley took the stairs two at a time as he climbed to the second floor. Dalton's interview gave him enough time to see Charlotte.

He found her and Vivian comparing the jewels with the gowns she had brought for the party at her father's estate. When she spotted Radley, she dropped what she was doing and hurried into his arms.

"I heard carriages arriving. Has Dalton arrived?" He nodded and kissed her cheek. "Why are you not with him? Did you sneak away just to see me?"

"Yes, but I can't stay. He's speaking to the staff concerning Talbot. I wish we could have longer."

She cupped his chin and kissed him. "We will have time tonight."

"Yes, we definitely will." He rubbed the palm of his hand against her back loving the feel of her in his arms.

Vivian stood watching her brother and the intimacy embarrassed her. "Perhaps I should go find Ben and give you some time alone now."

"I cannot stay, Vivian, though I am grateful for your offer. Dalton has come to help, and I shan't detain his work for selfish reasons. You two continue enjoying what you are doing. I'll return if my services are not required." He paused when he remembered, "Dalton has brought another barrister with him. I will introduce you before dinner. His name is George Hollis. Together, they should have this problem settled in a couple of days."

"We are most fortunate," Charlotte told him. "We will see you later."

He glanced at the pile of clothes spread over the bed. "It appears that you will need a maid to help with your gowns. I'll send one up shortly." He kissed Charlotte once again and walked from the room.

Because he found his office empty, instead of speaking with the maids, he went in search of his father at the stables. The driver of the prison wagon stood at the entry, and he stepped in Radley's way when he started to enter.

"Please wait, Milord. The honorable barristers are questioning the events." The Bobbie known as opened the door and stepped inside, grabbing their attention, he announced, "The Viscount of Maywood requests entrance, your honor."

Dalton waved his hand to grant him permission. When Radley entered he was grinning. "If I am not needed, I will be pleased to spend time with my bride."

Dalton laughed. "I'm sure you would. We are hearing about your midnight raid to obtain your stolen horses. Bogsley and Lewis have also answered my endless questions. You are most fortunate to have the help of these two men. The fact that you have a spy from our military is quite auspicious. Bogsley shared how he stumbled upon the men sent by Lord Milton." He shook his head with amazement.

"The same is to be said for Lewis and his wife. Their care of me is beyond any expectations. Without these men, the house would have remained gutted and I would not know who had done this to me. I am in their debt," Radley said with sincerity.

"He fails to mention he has been generous in his reward," Lewis mentioned with austerity.

"As he should have," Reginald said with pride.

By the time they returned to the house, the Bobbie trailing the Barristers was told to bring Talbot to the Viscount's office. Dalton turned to Radley and asked, "I wish to have your man Quint and Lewis to listen to what Talbot has to say. The door should remain open for them to do so. This will give you gentlemen time to be with Vivian and Charlotte."

Dalton gripped Radley's shoulder and told him, "When I saw her at Ben's wedding, I saw the interest you two shared. But I was surprised to receive news that you had already married. My congratulations."

Radley gave him a nod, and then Dalton's demeanor changed becoming quite serious. "What items have not been returned to you? Your father mentioned you sent payment for the staff because Talbot failed to pay them. He also mentioned damages and missing art."

He pulled the list from his pocket that Quint had given him concerning missing items, and handed them to Dalton. "Quint is very thorough. The paintings have complete descriptions. The money was that of three months wages to the house staff and the farmers for farm implements. Speak to Bogsley, Lewis, and Harris for the exact amount."

"Don't you know?"

"My records are in London. I only have an estimate. We shall return to the city in a few weeks. I shall gather such information and see that you have it before the trial is set."

Dalton agreed. "You may want to gather your men to listen at the doors. They shall bring Talbot soon."

"As you wish. He hurried from the room and found Quint, who was always nearby for Radley's convenience. "The door was open, did you hear?"

Quint bowed his head in acknowledgment. "I shall bring Lewis and Bogsley."

"Where's Lord Caldwell?"

"He and his countess are visiting the conservatory with the Viscountess. Shall I sent someone to fetch them, Milord?"

"Thank you, Quint. That will not be necessary." He hurried towards the back entrance. He was happy that he had another stolen moment to spend with Charlotte.

Radley had never felt loneliness before. But now that Charlotte was in his life, he had so much more. Whenever he walked into the room, she greeted him with enthusiasm and affection. What man wouldn't love that? She also brought out his protective instincts. The truth was that it made him feel more of a man.

He saw her and whistled. She turned around, and his heart swelled with joy when she began running towards him.

Thank you for reading another chapter. Hope you enjoy it, but it's actually in two parts or it would be way too long. I'll post the next chapter soon. It would have sounded rushed if I had jumped too quickly into the investigation and ended it too. Plus, I wanted a little sweetness too with these newly weds.

Take care all, and please, Remember to Vote.

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