The Curtis sister imagines...

By outsiders_thingz

243K 2.1K 893

Go check out the first book! Here I will be continuing more imagines and little stories of the Curtis sister... More

Request page 
(Lazy sundays and football )
(grudges & fights) pt.1
(Grudges & fights) pt.2
(Protective brother)
(Grudges & fights) pt.3
(rumble/Socs gone to far)
(At the drive-in)
(drunk at Buck's)
(fight) pt.1?
Fights pt.2
(road trip)
(arrested) pt.1
(Arrested) pt.2
(Arrested) pt.3
(greaser party)
(Soda comfort)
(fed up) pt.1
(Fed up) pt.2
(Fed up) pt.3
(Fed up) pt.4
A/N (ideas?)
(dating my sister)
(Secret hook up)
(ignoring the gang)
(Running away)
(Running away) pt.2
Curtis brothers (caught)
(night talks with Soda)
(sweet Dally)
(More night talks)
(More night talks)
(double dates with Darry)
Curtis sister X Dal (late night drives)
(Brother & boyfriend problems)
(Brother & boyfreind problems) part. 2
(Brother & boyfriend problems) pt.3
(My superman)
(Fights) pt.2
(never the same)
(panic attack)
(alone time & mischief)
(socs) pt.2
(brothers & fights)
("I did..")
(dates & spies)
(better things to come)
(rumble clean ups)
(asthema attack)
(rainy days)
Curtis sister ("soc")
(pregnancy test?)
(Pregnancy test) pt.2
(Pregnancy test) pt.3
(secrets & scares)
(Unravelling secrets)
(Flashbacks & search parties)
(late nights & early mornings)
(forgotten scolarships & old memories)
(Feelings hurt & apologies)
(Moving days)
(Defeated days & football games)
(Not eating)
("I've gotcha")
(Abusive boyfriend)
(Parties & hangovers)
(Scares & relief)
(Regretful actions)
A/N! (Please read!)

(Secret hook up) pt.2

2.6K 20 10
By outsiders_thingz


Y/n's POV
All my brothers were asleep. Now was the perfect chance to go to Buck's. Dal was probably waiting for me. I quietly slipped my shoes on as I walked over to my window. I tried to open it, but it seemed budged. Damn it! I thought. I forgot Darry had given the windows a new seal over the other day.

I huffed. I really wanted to see Dal tonight. Just the thought made my hear race. Fuck it.

I tip toed my way out into the hallway, trying not to wake my brothers. My heart was racing, and this time not because of the thought of Dal, but because of these wooden, old floor boards that never stop creaking. You never know when they'll make a sound.

Soda's POV
"Soda?..Soda!?" I heard as I squinted my eyes open to find Pony shaking me awake.

"What is it, Pones? Another nightmare?" I ask as I sit up, rubbing my eyes tiredly.

"No..I heard a creak! Like someone was walking outside!" He says, clearly freaked out "what if it's a robber, Soda!?" He panics.

"Relax, buddy. Come on, let's go check it out" I grab his hand as we walked out into the hallway. Nothing.

"Where'd your hear it, Pony?" I sighed, looking back at him hiding behind me.

"Living room" he whispered. I doubted it was a robber. These floors creak all the time for no reason.

When we stepped into the living room, there was nobody...But we both immediately noticed the front door opened a crack. We both shared the same look. "Go get Darry!" I whisper yelled. He did as he was told, running to get Darry.

I jumped onto the couch, looking out the window to see if someone was outside. What I saw shocked me like nothing had ever before. Y/n. Walking down the road.

By now, Darry and Pony were both out here. "Soda, what's going on?" Darry asked as he came closer.

"Shhh!" Was all I said as I motioned them to come over here and look out the window. They did.

"Is that?.." Pony trialed off as we watched Y/n walk down the rest of the street. "Y/n. Yep" I said.

"Come on" Darry grabbed his jacket and motioned us to follow out the door. We did, even though all we were wearing were sweats and a t-shirt, along with slipping out shoes on quickly.

"There she goes!" Pony pointed out as we kept following behind her. I didn't know what in gods name she was doing, but I'm sure as shit gonna find out.

Y/n's POV
I walked and walked, feeling something strange but brushed it off. I had slipped though the front door, leaving it open a crack so I didn't make much noise when I came back. I wasn't even worried about that, I was to excited to see Dal.

I finally made it to where I could see Bucks from the distance. That's where the butterflies started. I had told Dal to meet me outside this time.

Soda's POV
We kept following her, careful of her not to see us. "Where the heck does she think she's going!?" Darry whisper yelled.

"Beats me" I shrug.

"What are we doing at Buck's?" Pony asked, making us come to realization where we were.
We all shared the same confused look. Then it hit me..Dal stays it can't be!

Y/n's POV
I walked closer to bucks as I saw Dal smoking a cancer stick, waiting for me on the steps. He smirked and stood when he saw me. My stomach did twirls.

"Hey, Doll" he greeted as he took my cheeks in his hands and kissed me passionately. "Hey, Dal" I said after he broke the kiss.

"Ready?" He asked as he started to guide me inside. Suddenly, we were stoped by a voice. A voice I immediately recognized.

"Hey! Winston!" Soda yelled as he and my other brothers also came strolling over. How the fuck did they know I was here!?

"Guys..what are you.." I trailed off.

"What the hell is this?" Darry asked sternly. Dal for once, looked a little frightened.

"Look, man"-"shut up, Dallas!" Pony cut him off. I've never heard Pony like this before. Honestly, it frightened me a little.

"You think you can just touch all over our little sister like that? Then sneak around about it?...huh, Winston!?" Soda yelled the last part. I could tell he was beyond pissed. I don't blame him. I feel like absolute shit now.

Once he saw Dal had no words, he took us all by surprise as he fist collided with Dal's jaw. I gasped as I jumped a little back.

Soda tackled Dal to the ground as he started throwing punches. "Soda! Stop!" I yelled.

Before Soda could do anymore damage, Darry had came and ripped him off of Dal. "Calm down, Soda. I'm angry to. But he's not worth it" Darry spoke as he held Soda back. Soda looked the most angry I've ever seen him. It scared me, this kind of Soda is the kind of Soda that was rare to witness.

"Your lucky, Winston" Darry hissed as he pulled Soda away. "Come on, we're leaving" he said sternly, mostly looking at me.

I looked back and gave Dal a 'I'm sorry' look. I didn't think he could see me, he was on the ground as he held his stomach where Soda had gave him a hard kick.

Damn it I thought as I walked back home, following my brothers. Now their gonna want to know everything.

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