
By Katies_Girl

7.1K 412 27

Sid-er-eus ~ Latin Heavenly; Starry; Star-like Stars are holes in the universe; the light of heaven coming fr... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four

Chapter Thirty Eight

84 6 0
By Katies_Girl

"I don't suppose you two bozo's let the coaches know you're out of the game?"

The door whining open after I knock for the umpteenth time, I send the squirrely man a tight-lipped smile "I take it you know why I'm here Chuck."

"Yes...", Chuck shrinks back behind the wooden door inside his home "And you're not supposed to be here- it's not- it's not how the story goes."

"Then I'll make this simple for you", raising my hand to lean against the fly screen, I recognize "You know where Dean is. You know where Sam is. I need you to tell me the closest location of the closest brother." Watching Chuck flick his gaze to the sky I follow it and an understanding falls over me. The Angels have zipped his lips on the entire matter. They know the epilogue as well as Chuck and they don't want any spoilers given. My hands-on the locked screen door, I plead "Come on Chuck. Help me out here."

"It doesn't matter anymore", Chuck defeatedly apologizing "I'm sorry. There's no more we can do." That doesn't leave a good taste in my mouth. As if he can see the cogs of panic turning in my mind, Chuck mutters "Don't blame yourself. The three of you couldn't have stopped this. Not against forces this cataclysmic-"

"Cataclysmic my ass."

Peering around Chuck when he staggers away from the front door my gaze widens at the sight of Dean and Castiel storming into the hallway entrance. Leaning against the shabby flyscreen door, I huff "And where the hell did you two jet off to?"

"There was no jet", Castiel diminishes the notion before Dean can beat him to the answer "And that location is classified-"

"Point is they locked me in a bedroom and now I'm out", Dean squashes the trepidation floating around us, unlocking the flyscreen for me "Good to see you had the same idea as I."

"I came, I saw, I forgot what I was doing, retraced my steps, got lost", my gaze gingery falling to our Chuck, I despondently sigh "Now I have no idea what the fuck is going on."

"Lilith is the final seal", Dean grabs Chuck and hauling him up by the zips of his jacket "And we need you to tell us where Sam is before he breaks it."

"I- I- well you- I mean-"

"Now Chuck!"

"St Mary's!"

Shaking my head, I try to grasp "What is that? A convent?"

"Yeah", Chuck anxiously flickers his apprehensive gaze between our trio "But you guys aren't apart of this story."

"Yeah", my attention is drawn back to Castiel. The Angel exchanges a strange assertive look with me that I've never seen on him before "We're making this up as we go." Curiously I tilt my head towards Castiel. Something has shifted in his allegiances. To rock his faith.

Just as the thought flickers by it vanishes in the bright light shining on through the shabby windows of Chuck's grubby hermit home. Quietly, I speculate "I don't suppose you two bozo's let the coaches know you're out of the game?"

As Chuck begins fretting over his shaking house, Dean shifts closer to me "What gave us away?"

Frequencies picking up around the room, Castiel yells over the deafening sound "It's the Archangel!" Castiel's hand reaching to sturdily grasp my shoulder, Castiel stresses "I'll hold them off! I'll hold them all off! Just stop Sam!"

Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, the deafening sound ceases and I'm shrouded in a dim dark cathedral. Amongst the silence we've been plunged into, I mutter amazed "That was a hectic thirty seconds." Out boots thudding down the corridor, I let my gaze linger admirable for a moment on the stained glass windows "You want to catch me up on where Castiel took you?"

"I'm not even sure", Dean sharply pushes me as we take a turn, quickly storming around in search of Sam "But to simplify it the Apocalypse begins if Sam kills Lilith- the last Seal- and the Angels are letting it happen."

"So all that crap about them being on or side was just a bunch of lines?"

"Like I said- simplified."

My questions are cut short when we round another corner. Narrowing my gaze I witness Sam throw his hand and pin Lilith against a white limestone coffin. Her gasp echoes down to us. As if Ruby had a sixth sense I watch her turn her head back to us with a menacing grin. She's got Sam right where she wants him. One last seal and the Apocalypse is released onto Earth. The beginning of the end and Ruby's pulled all of our damn strings. "No", I fling myself forwards as Ruby raises her hand, the large wooden doors swinging shut. Sprinting past the bodies I all but fling myself against the wooden doors but to no avail. I'm ricocheted off like a bouncing coin. "Sam!" I yell as Dean and I begin caving our hands violently against the cathedral door, "SAM!"

"SAMMY!" Dean's voice melds with mine, both of us desperate to get Sam to stop before it's too late "SAM!"

Stepping back I run my hands through my hair. It's Demon held. There's no way our brute human strength is just going to shove it open. Sprinting back down the corridor I skid to a halt before I stumble into a glass case. My gaze set on a mace-like artifact I mentally apologize to any historical society. Yanking out my iron dagger I send it plunging through the glass with a shattering smash. Snatching out the mace I all but throw it at Dean who's waiting expectantly. As he begins slamming it violently against the wooden doors to bust them in I sheath my iron dagger and instead pull out the Demon blade. If we get through you bet your ass Ruby isn't coming out.

With a final forceful slam, the large doors burst right inside. Without the care, I blindly shove past Dean as my gaze narrows down on Ruby. Stepping away from Sam, Ruby's soft expression turns hard "You're too late."

Clenching my jaw, I spit "I really don't care." Dodging The punch she swings at me I wrap my hand around her throat, clamping down and slamming Ruby against one of the marble pillars. With a flip of the blade, I plunge the ruined metal straight through her ribs and deep into Ruby's chest. Ruby's violent gaze falters and her scratching hands fall from my grip around her neck. Never once to I let my gaze leave hers, twisting the buried blade tighter into Ruby's chest to deepen the blow. Drive home the last image of an Alexander finishing her... and I live for every second. It's only when I feel Ruby completely lax into me that I throw her body to the marble with a forceful thump.

Blood dripping from my dagger my gaze travels across the floor, up Sam to meet his teary eyes. Dean's arm on his brother he watches me carefully. Green-eyed gaze flickering warily between me and the bloodied blade I clutch furiously. Suddenly the ground beneath my feet shakes and I stagger to regain my footing. In a beam of light from Lilith's blood, my gaze widens at the sight of the opening portal. This really was it. The broken Seal. Barley above the sound of the whining light does I hear Sam croak "He's coming."

Suddenly I'm encased in the metallic whine of an Angel as the beam of light continues to grow. As it burns bright so does the sound. Hands over my ears I push them against my skull as hard as I can manage to block the sound out. Yet it's no use and I begin to painfully groan. Squinting my eyes shut I duck my hands into my legs as if it could even help. The sound only gets louder and I become more desperate to block it out.

Then it's gone.

Replaced by the gentle music of... of an airplane announcement.

Opening my eyes I shrink my allocated seat on the fully charged airplane of passengers. Quietly, Dean murmurs "Anyone gonna own up to this?"

"Yeah sure", I cynically, mutter back to him beside the window seat "Didn't I tell you? I can jump us through time and space and into flying planes." Not appreciating my sharp-tongued sarcasm, Dean anxiously averts his gaze out the window. Clutching the armrest tightly. The very picture of a nervous flyer. Tilting my gaze to the left I took Sam up and down as he stares around the cabin. Carefully analyzing for any points of contact. My shaky nervous breathes matching Sam's, I beg "Please tell me another Demon was with you in that Cathedral."

Adamantly shaking his head, Sam mutters just as quietly "No."

Silently I shift to gaze around the cabin filled with passengers. Everyone is seemingly oblivious to our sudden appearance. What the hell could have the juice to pull something like this off? As the thought crosses my mind I briefly stare after the smiling flight attendant to where her colleague chirps "Folks quick word from the flight deck. We're passing over Ilchester, then Elliot City, on our initial descent into Baltimore-"

"Ilchester?" Dean mutters harshly to us, clearing fretting more on the outside versus my inner turmoil "Weren't we just there?" Side eyeing Sam for the answer, he hesitates to agree. Returning my gaze out the window past Dean I find myself wondering how in God's name we got up here. Suddenly the bright light that had enveloped us from the convent erupts brightly into the sky. The pilot swerving in a flurrying of curses over the intercom I quickly grip the armrests as the flight takes a swift steep nosedive. The shock wave hits the flight and I feel the plane tilt and turn off-kilter. One of the flight assistance griping a passenger's seat as her legs go airborne mid-flight.

My breathing becoming shallow I struggle to breathe as we continue to steeply dive for land. Something I have no control over. Something covering my lips I frighteningly reach to smack it away only for a hand to hold tightly t mine over the fabric. The oxygen mask. My panicked gaze snaps to Dean as he hastily yanks the elastic band around my head. Before he even does his. Smacking his hands away I quickly fix it and let him do his. Breathing in a small sharp burst my hand searches for Dean's and I close my eyes to try and focus on breathing. My senses were completely enveloped by the high-pitched screech that has returned and the steady diving plane that might just end my life.

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