Liebestraum (Kurama X OC)

By Arielle1850

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During the Dark Tournament a mysterious girl appears with a rare and potentially dangerous gifting. At first... More

Chapter 01: A Prima Vista (Or, quite literally, at first sight)
Chapter 02: A Due (Or, a musical direction meaning "for two")
Chapter 03: Consolation (Or, the act of offering comfort to someone)
Chapter 04: Nocturne (Or, a piece of music of a nocturnal mood)
Chapter 05: Accent (Or, a momentary emphasis on a particular melodic detail)
Chapter 06: Hohe Liebe (Or, the first movement)
Chapter 07: Cambiare (Or, to change)
Chapter 08: Harmony (Or, the sounding of two complimenting notes)
Chapter 09: Anima (Or, played with feeling)
Chapter 10: Un Sosprio (Or, literally, a sigh)
Chapter 11: Dolente (Or, played with plaintive emotion)
Chapter 13: Etude (Or, a composition intended to improve aspects of technique)
Chapter 14: Prelude (Or, a musical introduction to subsequent movements)
Chapter 15: Dissonance (Or, the feeling of stability in relation to tension)
Chapter 16: Fermata (Or, to stop, pause, and hold)
Chapter 17: Poco a Poco (Or, little by little)
Chapter 18: Seliger Tod (Or, the second movement)
Chapter 19: En Dehors (Or, a directive to make the melody stand out)
Chapter 20: A Serenade (Or, a performance delivered in honor of someone)
Chapter 21: Liebestraum
Chapter 22: Dolore (Or, with an emotion of pain and distress)
Chapter 23: Ecstasy of Gold (Or, in a trance)
Chapter 24: Dreams of Love
Chapter 25: Avec (Or, free and unrestrained)
Chapter 26: Solo (Or, a section of music played by a single performer)
Chapter 27: Legato (Or, a group of notes that are joined up instead of separate)
Chapter 28: Affrettando (Or, hurrying and pressing onward)
Chapter 29: Loop (Or, a section of music that can be repeated indefinitely)
Chapter 30: Coda (Or, a section of music indicating the end is approaching)
Chapter 31: Prima Volta (Or literally, the first time)
Chapter 32: O Lieb, so Lang du Lieben Kannst (Or, the final movement)
An Afterward from the Author
The sequel is here!

Chapter 12: Modulation (Or, the process of changing from one key to another)

205 19 0
By Arielle1850

The next couple weeks went by quickly as Asuka adjusted to school life. As she suspected, her and Kenji had much in common. His gloominess began to lift the more time she spent with him, and he even conceded to her request and tried out the classical music club. Her and Kurama continued to spend multiple weeknights studying together, and she sometimes saw him on the weekends with the Spirit Detective Squad.

Her heart felt settled, like she'd longed for this type of existence but was never given the chance. Asuka wished the normalcy could continue, but she sensed something dark coming on the horizon, and it prompted her to schedule a time to visit Genkai. There was a teacher in-service day on Friday, which meant a long weekend.

"Would you like me to accompany you?" Kurama asked as they walked side-by-side down the street toward her apartment.

"That's kind of you, but no. I called Kuwabara and he's going to come to Genkai's with me."

Kurama turned toward her and tilted his head. "Kuwabara?"

Asuka smiled. "It's been awhile since he's seen Yukina."

"Ah," Kurama said, understanding. "I am sure he is grateful for the opportunity to see her. Well, if you find you need anything, or Genkai is being...unreasonable, please do not hesitate to phone me."

"I really appreciate that. I am...nervous, but I need to gain control over my powers and understand them better. I want to be helpful during the next big fight."

A bird chirped overhead which made Asuka think of a piano piece she'd been practicing. A weekend certainly wouldn't be enough to master her powers, but if she could gain some confidence it would go a long way.

"Do you have any plans for the weekend?" she asked.

Kurama placed his hands in his pockets. "Nothing too exciting. My mother's boyfriend is coming down from Sapporo, but I will be busy with studying and helping Yusuke to see much of him."

"I didn't realize your mother was seeing someone."

"She's been seeing him for a few months," Kurama said with a small smile. "They met when his company was scouting for new partners."

"How do you feel about him?"

"Well," Kurama paused. "At first I felt hesitant. As you know, I am very protective of my mother. But he is a good man and cares for her. If their relationship progresses as I suspect it will, he will propose."

"I'm sure you did a lot of checking up on him."


As they reached the door of her apartment Asuka felt her throat close up. "So, does that mean you'll be...?" She couldn't bring herself to say "moving".

"Hmmm? Oh, not to worry," he said understanding. "Part of his first trip to Tokyo was to broker a merger. Once it's complete he will relocate here permanently. It will benefit his company and remove a sizable portion of his competition."

"What does he do?" Asuka asked while punching in her apartment code.

"Investments and stock trading. The merger will set his company up to begin exploring foreign markets."

"I see," Asuka said. Once, while they were at a cafe studying, Kurama had grabbed a local newspaper and had read through the investments columns. He explained to her that his mother had given him a small sum to invest with when he showed interest in her work a few years ago, and he'd been "doing well" with trading ever since. Though, for you, "doing well" means you've made a considerable sum for yourself.

"Maybe that will give you some common ground?"

"Perhaps." Kurama's emerald eyes regarded her with a warm expression, and Asuka realized she would miss seeing him this weekend.

"Thanks for walking home with me. I hope you can keep Yusuke out of trouble while Kuwabara and I are gone."

"Which may prove more difficult than fighting Karasu," he chuckled.

-* ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ *-

The next morning Asuka met Kuwabara at the Shinkansen station which was closest to their respective apartments. Standing on the crowded platform, Asuka looked around until she saw a tall, and not so delinquent looking Kuwabara round the corner. He had a backpack and what looked like a large picnic basket in his arms, overflowing with food.

"Yooo Asuka!" He struggled wave.

"Kuwabara!" Asuka waved back. "What...what is all this?"

Kuwabara grinned. "I am going to take Miss Yukina on a picnic. Last time I was at Genkai's I found a waterfall and I'm going to take her there for the perfect afternoon."

"You certainly bought a lot of food," Asuka laughed.

"Yeah," he said sheepish. "Anything for miss Yukina!"

Asuka chuckled, but then dropped her smile upon inspecting the food. "Kuwabara...I, I hate to tell you this, but Yukina won't eat most of what you've bought."

"Huh?!" he gaped.

"You've mostly bought meat by-products, but Yukina is a vegan."

Kuwabara stared at her blankly.

"Yukina doesn't eat anything that comes from an animal."

He blinked, then understanding crept over his face. "No mackerel Onigiri?!"

"I'm sorry, but no."

"Wh..." he dug around the basket, "what about this?"

"She won't eat cheese either."

Kuwabara slapped his free hand over his eyes and slumped. "I almost ruined everything with Miss Yukina!"

Asuka put a hand on Kuwabara's arm. "Don't worry! It's not really something she talks about. You know how she is. Let's get some new food for your picnic."

"I spent all my extra money on this stuff," he lamented.

Asuka grinned. "Well, good thing I haven't bought my lunch yet. I'll buy the food for your picnic and in return you can give me what you can't use in here."

Kuwabara lifted his shoulders and smiled. "Okay. Only the best for Miss Yukina!"

"Got it."

Once Kuwabara and Asuka perused the station market until they found the perfect food for the picnic, they headed up to the train platform and boarded.

"You wanna sit by the window or the isle?" Kuwabara gestured.

"Window for me please," Asuka said sliding in.

Kuwabara fumbled with his overflowing picnic basket as he tried to get his backpack off. Asuka reached over and pulled it off for him so he could sit.

"Thanks," he said getting comfortable in his seat.

After the train departed Asuka settled in and watched the buildings speed by until the landscape morphed into countryside. Her thoughts eventually turned toward her powers and all she'd learned about them. It was crucial to explain everything to Genkai.

That's the only way she'll be able to help me.

Asuka felt a nudge.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?" Kuwabara asked.

"My training this weekend, and everything I've learned about my abilities. I feel like the more information I give Genkai, the better she'll be able to help me."

"Don't worry," Kuwabara said. "If anyone can help you it's ole' Grandma. She had to train Urameshi and he's stupid."

Asuka laughed then covered her mouth to stifle the sound so she wouldn't disturb the other passengers. Kuwabara grinned in response, and he elbowed her again. Asuka shook her head at Kuwabara's teasing.

Kuwabara glanced at her then said, "so Kurama called me last night."

"Oh? About what?"

"You. He gave me a lecture about keeping you safe, and to call him if ole' Grandma was pushing you too hard. He was worried about your migraines, and other stuff." Kuwabara crossed his arms. "As if I don't know how to look out for a friend," he huffed.

Asuka chuckled. "That's kind of him though."

"Seems you've come a-ways from the tournament," Kuwabara eyed.

"Yeah, it's nice to be friends."

Kuwabara murmured something under his breath, but she couldn't hear what he said over a train announcement.

"Guess we'll be there in an hour," she said.

-* ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ *-

Even getting to Genkai's is a feat.

After they'd reached to train stop, it was still another 30 minute bus ride to the edge of Genkai's property, and then another 30 minutes to reach her house. The mountain air was cooler than Tokyo, and fresh. Asuka breathed deeply as she smelt the forest and heard the birds signing. This place was almost like a piece of heaven.

"Asuka! Kuwabara!" Yukina's kind voice rang out.

Kuwabara's eyes lit up as soon as he followed Yukina's voice up to the outside of Genkai's house. "Misss Yuuukkkiinnnaaa!" He sang, while practically skipping to the front door.

Asuka grinned and followed. When she arrived at the house door, Yukina greeted her with a big hug. "It's so good to see you Asuka. I can't wait to hear all about how you're doing."

"I've missed you, Yukina."

Yukina smiled, then turned her attention upward. "Kuwabara! I'm so glad to see you too!" she said sweetly.

"You—you—you are?" he asked, turning ten shades of red.

"Of course! And I see you've brought a lot of food."

"It's for a picnic," Kuwabara said, out of breath. "Don't worry I got lots of stuff you can eat! I mean would like to eat! I mean, I know you don't like fish and cheese and..."

"Thank you Kuwabara," Yukina said continuing to smile. "I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun."

He rubbed the back of his head. "Would...would you like to go now?"

"Of course," she clasped her hands. "It's a beautiful day."

Kuwabara grinned. "Follow me!"

Yukina glanced at Asuka in a silent farewell before trying to reach for Kuwabara's overflowing picnic basket. "I can carry something for you."

"No, no, no," Kuwabara said readjusting the basket. "I can manage."

"I don't want you to overexert yourself," Yukina's voice began fading as they walked into the woods.

Kuwabara's laugh also began to fade. "You're so kind Miss Yukina thank you but I wouldn't want you to...."

Asuka found herself alone, and it gave her a moment to look up at Genkai's giant, wood-beamed house. It was at least 200 years old, and whoever built it must've been a wealthy feudal lord. Houses like these were becoming rare in Japan, as they were often torn down to make way for new construction. Asuka was glad to see this one had stood the test of time. A light wind tickled the chimes hanging from the porch. There was no sign of Genkai anywhere.

Maybe she's waiting for me somewhere in the house?

Asuka slipped off her shoes and stepped onto the house platform. The wood creaked in the best way as she reverently made her way through the hallway, peaking into each room to search for Genkai. The light filtered through the house and the shoji walls, casting shadows of plants outside. I'm empty, the house seemed to say.

Perhaps she is in the back.

Asuka retrieved her shoes from the front porch and walked around the outskirts of the house. She heard the trickling of a pond and guessed Genkai might be meditating. She was right. Genkai sat on her knees near the serenity of a koi fish pond with her eyes closed.

"There you are," Genkai said without opening her eyes.

Asuka got in the same posture and closed her eyes. She had so many questions, but they would keep.

I have to trust in my master's training. She will begin instructing me when I'm ready.

She began to time her breathing to the flow of the wind. In the distance were wooden chimes, the rustle of the trees and the sound of animals scurrying by. Asuka could feel the bustle of Tokyo and the anxiety she felt melt away. There was only nature. Even the cramping of her legs could not stop her from feeling serenity.

"How old do you think you are, Asuka?" Genkai asked at last.

When Asuka opened her eyes, she was startled to find dusk was settling over the land. It took her awhile to find her voice.

"I was discussing this with Kurama a few weeks ago. I think, or we think, I'm old. Very old."

Genkai turned her head and focused her large eyes on Asuka. "Yes, I would agree. Older than even I."

Asuka shivered. "Why do you think that?"

"Well for starters," Genkai said sitting cross-legged. "No teenager I know could sit that long without complaining."

Asuka laughed. She stretched out her muscles briefly before also sitting cross-legged. "I needed that stillness. All of the stress of the past few weeks, for now at least, is gone."

"Good. That was the point. Now, tell me everything you know about your powers and some of what you suspect."

She nodded, and recounted every detail she could think of to Genkai. She told Genkai her suspicion that the amount of ki she output related directly to the strength of her vision. She told Genaki how she rescued Yukina, and also recounted what happened at the Dark Tournament finals.

"It was scary, Genkai. It felt like my ki was resonating with whatever was happening inside the stadium. My headache was so strong it felt like I was going to burst, and so I fled. I had this feeling that if I were to stay, I would be dangerous to myself, or to everyone around."


"I," she bowed her head, "I've tried to forgive myself for not being able to help my friends. I know they don't begrudge me, but still. And lately I've had an ominous feeling, like something dark is on the horizon. I don't want to feel useless like that again."

For a while Genkai said nothing. She simply stared at Asuka, as if she were absorbing everything Asuka had said. Evening had long since turned into night, and Asuka's stomach growled.

"It sounds like you know exactly what your limitations are, and I think you understand how to improve yourself as well," she said at last. "What you need, is somewhere quiet, and someone to watch over you while you fortify your mental strength, give you guidance, and have someone who can pull you back if you go too far."

Asuka sighed.

"It's getting late,"Genkai said swatting a mosquito. Her aim was precise without looking and it reminded Asuka just how well trained Genkai really was. "You are hungry. We will begin in earnest tomorrow."

Genkai stood up, and as if on cue Yukina slid the wooden door open. She was wearing an apron and holding a spoon. Kuwabara's head popped out and he had a grin plastered on his face.


"We've made dinner," Yukina said. "Tofu hot pot!"

Asuka regarded her friends. Kuwabara looked like he was having the best day of his life, which was probably true. His cheeks were a dusty red and Yukina looked happier than Asuka ever saw her at the tournament.

Kuwabara loves her, Asuka realized. It's not just a crush.

Yukina was harder to read, but judging from her happiness, it seemed like she reciprocated on some level. Had he spoken to her? Or were their feelings understood, but never said?

"It sounds delicious," Asuka smiled.

"Miss Yukina is so good at cooking," Kuwabara gushed as Asuka and Genkai made their way inside.

"You did well too Kuwabara," Yukina said graciously. "And I wouldn't have cut those vegetables as fast as you did."

Her compliment caused Kuwabara to flush more than he was. It made Asuka joyous to see her friend so stupidly in love, but it panged her heart. She longed for that kind of connection, starved for it even. That feeling she'd been alone for longer than anyone had any right to be returned, and she inhaled sharply.

"Something wrong?" Yukina asked.

Asuka returned to the present and noticed all her friends had seated themselves at the low table, while she remained standing. She sat down and forced her lips to turn upright.

"No. I'm just, grateful to have friends, is all. Sometimes I get this feeling that I was alone for a long time."

Yukina reached over and her chilled hand covered Asuka's. "I know what you mean. It's good to not be alone."

Kuwabara grinned. "Neither of you are alone. Now let's eat! I'm starving!"

Dinner proceeded with mirth. Kuwabara, being the extroverted one of the group, told stories of he and Yusuke before Yukina and Asuka met them. Genkai eventually joined in, ragging on the boys and how difficult they were during their training.

"Aww come on ole' Grandma," Kuwbara whined. "We weren't that bad!"

"Yes you were," Genkai maintained.

Yukina giggled, which made Kuwbara smile. He helped himself to another bowl of hot pot.

"I will say," Genkai said, "Both of you are the most talented students I have ever trained. But don't expect to hear any more compliments from me."

Fruit was served after dinner and the evening ambiance of crickets and animals stilled. Asuka helped with the dishes and the girls excused themselves to their room. Genkai's house was old and large with plenty of space for Asuka to have her own room, but Yukina insisted Asuka sleep in hers. When they were cuddled on their futons Yukina sighed, holding back tears.

"I'm so happy Asuka, and I feel so safe."

Asuka reached out for her friends hand and clasped it, understanding the burden Yukina carried for so many years. "Did you have fun with Kuwabara today?"

"Yes. For being a fighter he's so gentle, and kind. I always look forward to his visits."

Yukina offered no more than that, and Asuka wondered if the feelings she had for Kuwabara were so strong it made discourse hard, or if romantic love was a difficult concept for a yokai to understand- even one as gentle as Yukina. Asuka respected her friend's boundaries and asked no further questions. Whatever was going on in Yukina's heart, it was all good things, and she had plenty of time. Kuwabara was young, and it seemed Yukina was young too.

"How are you getting settled in Tokyo?" Yukina asked, changing the subject.

"It's wonderful. So far, the only negative is living by myself. I love my times of quiet, but like I said before, I think my life was lonely before I forgot who I was. It can give me anxiety."

"I know what you mean. But I live with Genkai so I'm not completely alone."

Asuka turned over on her futon and stared at the ceiling. "We think I'm old, Yukina. Kurama seems to think so as well. I wonder what I was doing all that time."

"You'd be a yokai then, right?"

"It's the most logical conclusion. Why I was on the run and why dangerous enemies were trying to kill me. I don't feel like a yokai, if that makes sense, but maybe that's because my ki is not Yoki."

Yukina was quiet for a moment. "If you were a yoaki who changed their ki, that would make you dangerous, and desirable. There's a barrier between this world and the Makai, and those who are strong cannot cross through it. But someone with a different kind of ki could slip through, I think."

"I hadn't considered that."

Asuka's eyes were heavy, and she was struggling to stay awake. Tomorrow was going to be a long and intense day.

"Asuka, just remember something," Yukina's voice was soft. "No matter your past, or who you used to be, you are still you. Your past is important, but it doesn't define you. You don't need it to live in the present."

Tears slipped out from under Asuka's lashes. "Thank you, friend," she whispered before snuggling further into the futon.

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