Stolen moments

By amourpierce

13.6K 1.6K 73

Betrayed by a friend,life made a living hell by an ex-lover,follow Leah as she fights for her life,love and h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 19(A)
Chapter 19(B)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Not an update
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Note an update but very important
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 28(B)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Part B
Chapter 1(B)
Chapter 2(B)
Chapter 3(B)
Chapter 4(B)
Chapter 5(B)
Chapter 6(B)
Chapter 7(B)
Chapter 8(B)
Chapter 9(B)
Chapter 10(B)
Chapter 11 (B)
Chapter 12(B)
Chapter 13(B)
Chapter 14(B)
Chapter 15(B)
Chapter 16(B)
Chapter 17(B)
Important note:
Chapter 18(B)
Chapter 19(B)
Chapter 20(B)
Chapter 21(B)
Chapter 22(B)
Chapter 23(B)
Chapter 24(B)
Chapter 25(B)
Chapter 26(B)
Chapter 27(B)
Chapter 28(B)
Chapter 29(B)
Chapter 30(B)
Chapter 31(B)
Chapter 32(B)
Chapter 34(B)
Chapter 35(B)
Chapter 36(B)
Chapter 37(B)
Chapter 38(B)
Chapter 39(B)
Chapter 40(B)
Chapter 41 (B)
Chapter 42(B)
Chapter 43(B)
Chapter 44(B)
Chapter 45(B)
Important Notice

Chapter 33(B)

72 13 2
By amourpierce

Silently we moved my little belongings and stuffs into the new apartment, putting the boxes and bags on the floor before arranging and sorting everything out.

I moved into my apartment officially today, Alfredo is giving me an helping hand. The heavy stuffs like furniture, electronic gadgets have been moved in and set up already.

"Where should I put this?" He asked again, carelessly holding a vase which was quite expensive.

"Careful!" I quickly hold unto it before it slips away from his hand, placing it on its rightful place which was beside the oval shaped golden rimmed mirror in the living room. "It's a gift from Katherine and she will kill me if it gets broken"

"How come I never got a vase as a gift from her?" He mused as he goes through the rest.

"Maybe because you are too roguish for a delicate thing like a vase" I teased.

"Mean... " I chuckle at his words as I take the set of delicate looking plates I got from mother to my kitchen.

You must be wondering why we call her Katherine, she doesn't like it when we call her grandma, in fact she was the one who had us call her by her name, she said calling her grandma makes her feel old. What is with old people being scared of aging?

David loves the term grandpa though, in fact he adores it.


"Yeah!" He answered from one of the rooms in the apartment.

"I need your help here!" Seconds later, he came out as I told him to help me in hanging one of the portraits because I couldn't reach it, his arms flexed from under the white tee shirt as he does it with ease.

"Is that all?" He smirks due to my short stature.

"Yes.. Thank you so much"

I said as we both walked into the kitchen, i brought out a can of soda from the fridge. The first thing I did was to stock my kitchen with food when I got here this morning.

"Thank you for helping me, are you sure this is not interfering with work?" he shrugs as I took a sip of my opened soda.

"Am the boss Leah and dad knows am here so he is filling up for me today. Speaking of dad... He is not happy with the way you moved out" I sigh.

"Him and mum uhn?" He nods.

"He believes you still need adequate security and protection"

"From what?" He shrugs "they are getting married very soon, i don't want to be in the house when they do the dirty" he chuckled "Am serious, moreover... I need my personal space"

"Then stay with me in my condo, there is a lot of space there" he cajoled again.

"Why do I have a feeling that you and dad don't want me out of sight?, you are beginning to sound overprotective"

"We don't want anything happening to you" he defended.

"Nothing will happen to me here, this building has enough security"

"Am only sure of that if you are still living in the estate or you live with me in my condo" he persisted.

"Says the guy who sneaks around with his sister's best friend" I said with a smirk appearing on my face as I see a faint blush appear on his cheeks but he is quick to look away.

It happened two days ago when I went to drop some files for him, dad sent me on the errand that early morning so he was not expecting me. When I got in, i bump into Rosalia who was coming out of his room as she buttoned her shirt and tried to tame her sex hair.

It must have been a wild night.

My suspicion was confirmed when Alfredo stepped out only in his briefs.

I try not to laugh when I remembered their expression, it was so priceless.

Am going to wait though, for them to tell me what is going on.

"When last have you spoken Claire?"

"I don't know, it's been really long"

"Well... I invited her for the wedding"

"What?! Why?" He asked both in anger and confusion.

"Because the only man she knows as a father is getting married so she deserves that respect, Alfredo.. She has been your sister for over twenty years.. You can't just shut her off like that because of her mother sins"

"I know I shouldn't be reacting to her in an horrible way but she left me no choice, we grew apart as soon as we became teenagers, as soon as she started turning to her mother"

"I have sent her the invitation card" he groans into his hands using them to cover his face as he shakes his head "do you know she was in a abusive relationship?"

This caught his attention as he take away his hand from his face, his eyes filled with outright confusion.


"Rosalia and I walked in on her being pummelled by a guy who she claims to be her boyfriend, not before sending me a text message asking help. "

"When did this happen?" He asked looking shocked.

"Weeks ago... You don't know?" He shakes his head "Rosalia didn't tell you? She gave the guy a restraining order"

"That bad!?  And no one told me!"

"She wants it done privately" I bit my lip swearing for letting out too much.

"Why the hell was he given a restraining order?, he should be arrested and prosecuted" he fumes.

"Claire does not want the drama" I said keeping it simple praying he will stop asking questions.
I tap my index finger against the top of the half filled can of soda.

"You never told me what happened to you" I stop the tapping looking at him.

"I didn't have the courage too" I said truthfully.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked cautiously, gauging my facial expression.

"What is there to talk about? "

"You can tell me anything"

I paused before taking a sip from my soda, letting it wet my throat which has turned dry.

"I don't know how to say it... Whenever the incident comes to my mind, i try blocking it out"

"You mean you pretend like it never happened?"

"Yes, i try to block it out, that it was just a nightmare" I try imagining that I never called him that day, i never fought with Hunter, in fact i never went to his house but instead I was in the comfort of my room, but it was all imagination.

"And did it work?"

"No... I had to relive it every night, it made me realize it was real. From the bloodied sheets to the smell of alcohol, i know it was real" I hear him sigh heavily. I push my hair out of my face showing him my scar "I got this scar from him when he was throwing me around.. It made me know it was very real"

I watched as he clenched the edge of the marble top of the shiny kitchen island, his grip was so tight that I fear that he will break it and hurt himself.

"How did you feel?" He seems to force the question out.

"Honestly... I thought I was gonna die that night. The fear, pain, disgust and agony of what was happening to me was present that night. He had this wild and feral look on his face that night. He had this anger and hate in his eyes which was not directed to me but someone else.. I thought he was going to get rid of me after he was through with me but he didn't"

"He didn't? What did he do after he committed the crime?"

"He did a funny thing.. He asked for my forgiveness and professed his undying love for me" I took a big gulp of my soda trying to calm my nerves because it was like I was reliving that night again. "He was back to that guy I know"

"I learnt he was your best friend" I nodded. "Then why did he do it?" He said more like asking himself.

"I don't know... " I shrugged at the same question I had in mind " I learnt you guys had a video of it"

"Yeah... Yeah. An anonymous source sent it to Hunter as a Christmas gift, do you want to see it?" I raised an eyebrow at his stupid question "of course you don't "

We sat in silence for a while.

"You should have him prosecuted" I shake my head vehemently.


"Why? You have the resources, you have the money. You have a fucking tape against him!"

"I don't want to go through that process again Alfredo, let sleeping dogs lie" I pleaded.

"So you are just going to let them win! Don't give up easily sister! Don't accept defeat " he begs but I have made up my mind.


And that two letter words ended the whole conversation.


Sitting in the dark SUV are two grown up men at the back while the driver pays attention to the road as he drives. Two sleek black cars leads the way as the other three follows from behind leaving the black SUV in the middle.

The first man looks annoyed with the other one who has a look of indifference on his face. They were having a hot conversation.

"I can't believe you tricked me all the way from Italy to this!" He snaps.

"I didn't trick you fratello, you agreed to come on your own free will" his deep voice resonates through the room.

"But I didn't know it was for this!" He snaps brushing his dark mane from his eyes. "Does Don know about this?"

"Of course... " he smirks "he gave me his blessings"

Jared let out a sigh, shaking his head as he stares out at the streets of New York from the car. He is not scared of going out on a deadly, bloody mission but he is really scared of what his friend is trying to do.

He has gotten out of hand.

Picking up the magazine in front of him, he stared at the beautiful girl-no woman on the front page. She as blossomed into a beautiful, enticing woman. Caressing the picture of the woman with piercing blue eyes he will never forget, he whispered those words his friend is dreading to hear.

"Am back my love"

It is been a while....

Guess who is back...

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